Spirit Ruins

Chapter 206 Fighting at Sea

Seeing the sea dragonfly's body gradually approaching, Lao Huang's eyes also turned red. He suddenly rushed to the first officer, pushed the first officer away, grabbed the rudder of the ship, and shouted, "Beast, come on!" With that, he suddenly turned the rudder and swung away with the momentum of the sea water turned over, just avoiding the blow of the sea dragonfly.

Lao Huang's boating skill was amazing. Everyone was stunned, and then forgot that he was in danger and shouted for it.

Lao Huang simply took off his linen clothes, revealing the strong muscles inside. He stared and blew his beard angrily, "What the fuck are you doing there!" Go and install crossbows for me. Damn it, I don't believe I can't shoot this beast!

Everyone was aroused by Lao Huang and ran to prepare for the crossbow. At this time, the second wave of attacks of Haijiao came again!

It is absolutely difficult for people who are not at the scene to believe that there are people in the world who have such a wonderful boating skill. Every time the long tail of the sea dragonfly sweeps to the "Breaking Wave", Lao Huang can always take advantage of the sea dragonfly's overturned waves to avoid its blow, dialing four taels of thousands of catties, and exerting the ingenuity of boating to the extreme.

Every time the sea dragonfly stopped and prepared for the second wave of attack, the sailors on the ship worked together to launch the twelve giant "wind crossbows" installed on the ship to the snake body.

In addition to conventional crossbows, there are also some special crossbows on the Breaking Wave. The ends of these crossbows are filled with gunpowder, hit the hard snake, and then exploded. Ren Haijiao's body is like hard iron, and it is also bloody and bloody by the crossbow, which is unbearable.

The sea dragonfly suffered pain, which aroused the hidden fierceness and slapped the hull desperately, but was dodged by the "Breaking Wave" every time. Finally, I don't know if the sea dragonfly is tired. It stops, slowly sinks into the sea and disappears.

"Haha, damn it, it must be afraid that our ship will be strong and hide!" Some of the crew laughed. Suddenly, someone found a long dark shadow directly below the "Breaking Wave" -

"God! It ran under our boat!"

Lao Huang shouted, "Cunning sea dragonfly! If you want to overturn us from below, you can fucking hold the boat!"

As soon as his voice fell, the huge snake body suddenly hit the "Breaking Wave" from directly below. The snake's body exerted strength, and the hull was suddenly thrown away from the sea! The snake's head on the other side of the sea dragonfly suddenly turned directly above the "Breaking Wave", and a blood basin as big as the bow rushed to the Breaking Wave!

The corners of Lao Huang's mouth showed a sneer, "Huh! It's not that easy to die!"

He shouted, "Brothers, open the wings!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two bone wings on both sides of the "Breaking Wave" suddenly stretched out with an open area more than twice the hull. With the power of the sea breeze, they suddenly flew far away, and then steadily fell back to the sea, and the sea dragon flew empty again.

"Master, well done!" A scort around him praised it. Lao Huang's face turned black and looked at the sea dragonfly staring at a boatman in the distance.

At this time, the first mate ran over and said, "The owner, the bone wings can't stand the weight of the hull, and one has been broken!"

Lao Huang smiled bitterly and said, "Fuck, as expected, this bone wing can only be used once or twice. It was originally intended to be used in typhoon weather, but I didn't expect it to be damaged here!"

The escort just now looked pale, "So, what should I do? Let it top one more time..."

After he finished speaking, Lao Huang shouted, "Move all the 'Wind God' to the stern, raise the sails, and set sail at full speed!"

The "Breaking Wave" followed the wind direction and galloped on the sea at full speed. The sea dragonfly behind it chased after it, and the huge snake sank and floated in the sea behind. It has always kept a distance of less than five hulls from the Breaking Waves.

At first, the sea dragonfly was scared by the suddenly stretched wings of the "Breaking Wave" and did not dare to move. It was not until the hull suddenly turned around and fled that the sea dragonfly suddenly realized and suddenly caught up with it. However, when it was about to meet the origin, the stern suddenly sent out of the crossbows, and the arrows were like meteors, which suddenly smashed the snake head of the sea dragon.

The sea dragonfly has strong vitality. Unexpectedly, it is not dead, but it also slows down due to pain and dares not go too far forward, so a boat and a snake chased all the way on the sea.

However, the sea dragon was born with magical power, and there was no sign of stopping, and the "Breaking Wave" could not maintain a high speed with the power of the sail alone. It had to rely on everyone to take turns to paddle, but the manpower was limited after all, and the speed of the ship gradually slowed down soon.

The first mate also lost his composure at this time. "The ship owner, the brothers can't scratch, and there are not many crossbows left. If it goes on..."

Lao Huang had nothing to do. He looked up to the sky and sighed, "Is it true that God wants to take us all?"

At this moment, Cai Bo, a silent sailor who had been standing by the rudder, suddenly shouted, "Lord, turn the rudder quickly!" Let's go back and kill the sea dragonfly again!"

The first mate standing next to Cai Bo grabbed him and said, "Are you stupid? That's a sea dragonfly. It's not enough for our ship to plug its teeth!"

Cai Bo shouted, "No! I don't want everyone to go back to death! I think it's still possible for us to kill this sea dragonfly!"

Everyone on the ship turned their eyes to Cai Bo. Cai Bo calmly analyzed, "Everyone has seen that although the sea dragonfly is huge and hard, our crossbow can still hurt it. It's just that its skin is too thick to hurt the point.

He took a deep breath and said his plan, "I remember that there are still some gunpowder to make crossbows on our ship. As long as we immediately turn back and send a few crew members who are not afraid of death when we pass by the sea dragonfly, take a sharp knife and climb up to the snake, as long as we bury the gunpowder in the body of the sea dragonfly... ....”

It was the first time that everyone heard such a lifeless plan. Suddenly, they were stunned, and no one responded to Cai Bo.

Cai Bo said urgently, "Instead of waiting to die like this, why not take a risk?"

There was still a period of silence. Although Cai Bo's plan sounds feasible, everyone is not stupid. Anyone can think that even if they can kill the sea dragonfly, the crew members who ventured to climb up the sea dragonfly body will definitely die. Who wants to die like this?

Suddenly, Lao Huang's loud laughter sounded on the boat, "Okay, OK, OK! What a hero!"

Lao Huang patted Cai Bo on the shoulder fiercely, suddenly sank his face and looked around. "Cai Bo has just boarded the ship. This is the first time he has sailed with us, and he has been so bravely!" Even a stinky boy has such courage. Are our old guys on the "Breaking Wave" all bastards who can only be greedy and afraid of death?

Everyone was stimulated by him, and they felt that their blood suddenly rushed to their foreheads and loudly scrambled to be the death squad to kill the sea dragonfly. For a moment, the people on the ship was full of voices...

"Turn the rudder!" At the order of Lao Huang, the first mate and others worked together to pull the huge rudder to the end. The "Breaking Wave" drew a huge arc and rushed back. The sea dragon did not expect that the "Breaking Wave" would suddenly turn around and couldn't stop the momentum. Seeing that it was about to collide with the hull, the "Breaking Wave" suddenly avoided the snake's head and suddenly circled to the sea. The side of the body.

The ship was dressed in a short shirt and carried an oil paper bag full of gunpowder. The six crew members who were ready to go did not hesitate to seize the opportunity of this line, suddenly crossed the snake, stabbed the snake with a sharp cone, and stabilized their bodies.

Cai Bo watched the six people's every move on the boat, and his palms were sweating. He was also beg to be a daredevil, but Lao Huang insisted on holding him on the boat.

The hull suddenly left the sea dragonfly. Suddenly gone.

Haijiao noticed that someone climbed on his body and shook his body violently. One or two people were unstable and were suddenly thrown down, and the screams drowned in the waves of the sea. But the remaining four people were nailed to the sea dragonfly and did not move at all.

Seeing that the rest of the "bugs" were still tenacious to climb on themselves, the sea dragonfly was furious, suddenly sank into the sea, and turned over again. The people on the "Breaking Wave" only saw the sea dragon rolling in the sea from afar, praying silently for their brothers.

After a long time, a violent explosion suddenly occurred on the huge snake neck of the sea dragonfly! With a 'bang', half of the snake's neck was blown up!

A burst of cheers suddenly broke out on the ship!

At this time, the "rumbling" sound sounded, and the rest of the snake's body were successively blown up by strong gunpowder, and even the skeleton leaked out. The sea dragonfly couldn't help rolling in pain, and the sea water was stained red by its blood. Gradually, the sea dragonfly's struggle became weaker and weaker, so that it finally moved.

Not long after the death of the sea dragonfly, Lao Huang sent out to search for the surviving brothers and also came back. In order not to prevent the oil paper bag full of explosives from being thrown down by the sea dragonfly, the six brothers blocked the hole that had been bombarded before on the snake that placed the explosive bag with their bodies. He was buried with the sea dragonfly.

When Lao Huang and other sailors were sad to see their brothers buried at the bottom of the sea, a few escorts cheered and fought with each other to celebrate their salvation.

However, in the midst of the noise, someone suddenly shouted in horror, "Oh, my God! A lot of sea dragons and sea dragons have come swimming!"

Lao Huang and others immediately ran to the starboard and looked at it, and suddenly fell into the ice cellar.

I saw the rough waves rolling on the sea. Countless black sea dragonfly's body surged over from all directions, and then ate the body of the dead sea dragonfly like an explosion. The huge sea dragonfly suddenly left only a pile of skeletons...

Someone on the boat couldn't help squatting on the boat and vomiting. Isn't the scene in front of him more than purgatory?

Suddenly, someone on the boat shouted with a crying voice full of despair, "We are dead this time!"

Sure enough, after eating the dead sea dragonfly, the dense sea dragons suddenly turned their eyes on the "Breaking Wave". Slowly surround them in the core and slowly shrink the encirclement...

Lao Huang's voice was cold, "Drive the 'Fengshen crossbow', how many arrows are left, shoot them all out!"

He is ready to fight to the end!

Hai Jiao suddenly launched an attack! The gunners were about to shoot the last crossbow arrow, and suddenly a large area of colorful sword light rushed down like light and shadow!

The hiss of mourning suddenly came one after another. The sea dragons looked up at the sky in horror, but were pierced by the endless sword light. Every time the sword light passed through, the snake's head was instantly exploded with a bang.

The black tide-like sea dragonfly flew back in panic, and some simply sank into the bottom of the sea and went deep like crazy. There were only countless snake corpses floating on the sea.

The people on the ship looked up in surprise and joy, thinking about who saved them.