Spirit Ruins

Chapter 232 Old Enmity

After killing the ghost tiger, Lin Xiao continued to go deep into Wuyun City. Since then, he has been unimpeded all the way and has never encountered powerful ghosts again. It's mostly some ghost soldiers blocking the way.

Lin Xiao rushed all the way, but the surroundings seemed to be more and more gloomy and quiet, and there was a faint feeling of something wrong in Lin Xiao's heart.

When he walked to a street, the surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet, and there was not even a trace of wind, as if Lin Xiao suddenly stepped into a completely isolated space!

"Who is the evil? Get out of here!"

Lin Xiao shouted loudly and pinched a magic formula at will in his right hand, and an emerald green light appeared at his fingertips.

This rune is exactly the four-grade 'Xuanguang treasure charm' - 'clear heart and break the delusional charm', which has the effect of breaking the false confusion.

Now that Lin Xiao's cultivation has entered the middle of the golden elixir, the understanding of the 'Heavenly Rune Palace's infinite jade charm record' is more detailed, and several 'mysterious treasure charms' recorded in the 'record' can now be displayed casually.

Lin Xiao printed the emerald green light charm in front of him. The light charm suddenly turned blue, emitting a faint blue light, shining the space within ten feet around Lin Xiao into a green color!

Wherever the green light came, the surrounding scene seemed to be melted, and it began to slowly disappear. After a moment, the environment in front of Lin Xiao suddenly changed, and the street just now disappeared. He was actually in an attic.

The attic was dark, but a moment later, two green flames suddenly lit 100 meters away from Lin Xiao, and then there was a sound of footsteps.

The two flames shook back and forth with the sound of footsteps, and it didn't take long to come to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiaorun injected his eyes spiritually and looked forward. At a glance, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"Is it you?"

In front of Lin Xiao, there stood a person who was described as a little obscene, with thin cheeks and a waxy face. A middle-aged man with a sparse goat beard on his chin.

The two blue fires burst out from the man's pupils and were illuminated by the two flames. The man's face was also pale green, which looked very scary.

Hearing Lin Xiao's surprised cry, the middle-aged man looked up at Lin Xiao and seemed to be very surprised to see Lin Xiao here.

After a while, the middle-aged man calmed down and sneered at Lin Xiao, "Okay, the enemy's road is narrow. I didn't expect you and me to see you again."

Lin Xiao also sneered and said, "You have a big life, Wang Laowu. I didn't expect that you could still live well after seeing you for many years. I thought you had already died after being taken away by Mr. Qingsong.

"Oh, I forgot that since you can still survive after being robbed, it means that you have succeeded, so I don't know if I should continue to call you Wang Laowu or Qingsong better now?"

The middle-aged man standing in front of Lin Xiao was Wang Laowu himself, who hid in the Wuyun Mountains after being taken away by Qingsong that day!

Wang Laowu snorted coldly when he heard the words: "Qing Song Laoer was on the verge of death long before he took the house, and his soul was on the verge of destruction. How could he be the opponent of my soul? Naturally, I swallowed his Jin Danxiu for it!"

Lin Xiao looked at Wang Laowu for a while, and then sneered, "Hey, I didn't expect that you not only couldn't die, but you could also cultivate your cultivation in the middle of Jindan. What a strange thing! What kind of adventure do you have again?"

Lin Xiao said this, and he suddenly felt the strong ghost power emanating from Wang Laowu and couldn't help screaming, "Huh? No, your spiritual power, how can this be possible that you actually modified the ghost practice?

Wang Laowu grinned and said, "The boy Lin has good eyesight and can actually see that I'm practicing ghost practice. It seems that you have been doing well over the years. Tut-tut, you have actually become a Jindan monk. Your boy is really blessed!"

When Wang Laowu said this, his tone became gloomy, "Unfortunately, I'm afraid your boy's luck is coming to an end. You people who break into the Wuyun City are destined to sleep here today and become members of our ghost clan!"

Lin Xiao's face changed when he heard the words, "Wang Laowu, what do you mean? Ghosts? We? Have you already..."

Wang Laowu laughed, and the laughter was full of arrogance and sadness. "You're right. I have already accepted Lord Liluo's ghostly and become a complete ghost clan!"

Lin Xiao was stunned when he heard the words, "Why do you have to do this..."

He didn't finish his words, and was interrupted by Wang Laowu: "I was robbed by Qingsong Laoer that day. Although I almost survived, the foundation of my mony was completely destroyed!" If I don't do this, I can only live below Jindan for the rest of my life. How can I be willing to ask?"

When he said this, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Lin Xiao. "The reason why I made today's appearance like a ghost is that in the final analysis, it's all thanks to you, Mr. Lin. If you hadn't taken advantage of the fire behind your back, seized the treasures on me, and caused my deeds to be discovered by the old ghost of Qingsong, how could I fall into This field today?"

"I have been tortured by my inner hatred day and night, but I can't leave here to find your revenge because of Lord Li Luo's order to station here!"

"Since you automatically delivered it to your door today, please die!"

After saying that, Wang Laowu shouted and suddenly rushed to Lin Xiaofei. His speed was as fast as lightning. In an instant, he came to Lin Xiao, stretched out one right hand, and suddenly patted Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiaoyi was not afraid. She clenched her fist in her right hand and hit Wang Laowu's right hand fiercely!

The fists and claws made a slight muffled sound. Wang Laowu was suddenly knocked out by Lin Xiao and stepped back several steps on the ground to stabilize his body.

Wang Laowu's right hand was painful and cracked, and he couldn't help but be shocked. He thought that his 'Xuanyou ghost body' had been practicing hard for many years could not withstand the power of the other party's blow. How strong should Lin Xiao's body be?

Lin Xiao was also secretly shocked. He had just used the physical power of the 'true spirit forging formula', but he could not smash Wang Laowu's right hand, indicating that the other party's physical cultivation was not weak.

After testing, both sides knew that the other party had good physical cultivation. Wang Laowu knew that he might suffer losses if he fought with the flesh, so he turned around and planned to compete with Lin Xiao.

Thinking of this, Wang Laowu suddenly offered a black Xuanfan from the storage ring, and then sneered, "Lin boy, taste my 'hund ghosts and fire flag'!"

After speaking, he suddenly unfolded the black flag. The black flag became bigger in the wind, and a hundred ghosts bitten on the face of the flag. Then, Wang Laowu played a magic formula for the black flag. Hundreds of fierce ghosts on the black flag suddenly stopped biting each other, turned their heads and looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was also a little hairy when he was stared at by the bloody eyes of hundreds of fierce ghosts.

At this moment, Wang Laowu shouted at the black flag, "Go! Eat him!"

After hearing Wang Laowu's cry, hundreds of fierce ghosts suddenly roared inhumanly and flew out of the flag face. A black phosphorus fire burned on their bodies and rushed to Lin Xiao!

Although each of these fierce ghosts has only the cultivation of ghost soldiers, the ghost power on their bodies is much stronger than that of ordinary ghost soldiers, and they are good at the method of joint attack. They suddenly wrapped Lin Xiao in them and made a creepy ghost roar!

Those ghost roars seem to have the magic of demagogic people. When Lin Xiao heard those voices, he actually had short-term trance symptoms!

Fortunately, Lin Xiao's divine power was very powerful and soon regained consciousness.

In fact, Lin Xiao has not stopped practicing the 'divine relic' spell in the space node for so many years. In these years, the power of Lin Xiao's divine consciousness has increased at a great speed, and the divine consciousness in the sea has not only returned to the original level, but even reached the level of the second divine relic that is about to condense. Duan!

After ruling out the ghost roar from the sea, Lin Xiao snorted coldly, sacrificed the heavenly sword wheel again, formed a circle of swords around his body, and began to strangle those fierce ghosts.

Seeing that Lin Xiao was not affected by the ghost roar, Wang Laowu, who had been standing in the distance, darkened his face, gritted his teeth, and moved his body. His real body turned into five virtual shadows and mixed into hundreds of fierce ghosts. He gradually approached Lin Xiao and wanted to give Lin Xiao a fatal blow through a sneak attack!

Wang Laowu's real body is divided into five, which is called 'Five Ghost Phantom Dun'. This escape can transform into four other realistic illusions that are exactly like himself outside the body, making it difficult to identify where the real body is and can't be prevented.

While dealing with those fierce ghosts, Lin Xiao did not forget to pay attention and has been observing Wang Laowu's actions.

After seeing Wang Laowu's escape skill and sneaking into those fierce ghosts, Lin Xiao sneered, and his eyes suddenly showed the 'wang qi' magic power of 'Tianzi Wang Qi' and looked around.

Now that Lin Xiao's strength has increased greatly, his eye magic power is also on the higher level. After the 'wangqi' magic power is used, things within a few hundred meters around him have changed, and the operation of the spiritual trajectory is hidden in Lin Xiao's eyes, which is delicate and there is nowhere to hide.

Lin Xiao quickly found Wang Laowu's real body according to the unusual changes in the spiritual power around him, but he did not move, pretending not to find Wang Laowu's deeds at all, and was dedicated to dealing with those fierce ghosts.

Wang Laowu thought he had a plan. First, he urged an illusion to attack Lin Xiao in his mind. Lin Xiao roared that he believed it was true, and then urged a sword wheel sword spirit and launched an attack on Wang Laowu with all his strength!

Wang Laowu's real body saw that Lin Xiao's attention was completely attracted by his illusion, so he sneered, raised his whole body's magic, and used his escape. Suddenly, he came behind Lin Xiao, formed a huge ghost claw in his right hand, and grabbed Lin Xiao's heavenly spirit cover fiercely!

Wang Laowu thought that he could kill Lin Xiao, but before he was happy for a long time, Lin Xiao suddenly stopped attacking the illusion and immediately turned around and sneered at Wang Laowu!

When Wang Laowu saw Lin Xiao's smile, he suddenly felt bad, but at this moment, he was already attacking Lin Xiao with all his strength and had no room to retreat!

Lin Xiao suddenly stretched out his right hand, grabbed a sharp golden sword spirit in the seven sword spirit of the heavenly sword wheel, launched the 'true spirit forging formula' and the giant rhinoceros pattern, and raised the strength of his body to the extreme. At the same time, the purple light in his pupils flashed endlessly, exerted the magic power of 'wang' to the extreme, and instantly found Wang Laowu's 'ghost' all over his body. The weakest 'dead gas' was located, and then he waved his sword fiercely at Wang Laowu's dead position!

Lin Xiao had been planning for a long time, so this series of actions was unimped. Wang Laowu was cut in half an instant without even having time to scream!