Spirit Ruins

Chapter 252 Xi Jianglin

"Tiandao Palace? Jincheng? Why did he stay here? In these two months, isn't it our Lingxu Palace to be responsible for guarding Kunlun Mountain City, and the rest of the sect monks withdrew from the mountain city to rest?

Huo Yuanchun asked with a frown.

Yuan Yu quickly explained: "Originally, it was like this. Just a few days ago, the monks of Tiandao Palace and other sects began to withdraw from the mountain city in batches. However, two days ago, the ghosts suddenly attacked the 'Xianglin'. The number of front troops in our Lingxu Palace was too small, and they could not resist for a while, so Tiandao Palace and several others did not The monks of the sect who had time to withdraw stayed and helped us defend the city.

Then, Yuan Yu urged: "The first seat of fire, at this moment, the battle of 'Shu Jianglin' is tight, and please send troops to support me as soon as possible!"

Huo Yuanchun nodded, "Since the war is tight, let's not just talk about it here!"

After saying that, he turned his head and said to Song Zuixian behind him, "Brother Song, since the elder of Jincheng has invited us, you and I will go together to negotiate with the Jincheng elder to defend the city. Yuan Yu, you will lead the remaining reinforcements and go straight to 'Xianlin' to support! Since you are familiar with the battle situation, the matter of commanding the reinforcements is temporarily entrusted to you. Lingkong, you will be the deputy of Yuan Yu!"

Yu Yuan Yu and Ling Kong quickly nodded and agreed.

Song Zuixian said hesitantly, "It's a matter of great importance to rescue 'Xu Jianglin'. Is it a little inappropriate to give it to these young disciples like this? Why don't you let me go with them?"

Huo Yuanchun shook his head and said, "Brother Song, have you forgotten why we brought so many young disciples out this time? Isn't it to give them more experience? Now is a good opportunity to temper them. If we intervene, how dare they let go? In this way, isn't it against the original intention of you and me and the chief elders?

Hearing Huo Yuanchun's words, Song Zuixian had to nod and no objection.

So, Huo Yuanchun and Song Zuixian left first, entered Kunlun Mountain City, and went to look for Jincheng.

The five spiritual boats in the Lingxu Palace, under the leadership of Yuan Yu, turned around in place and had no time to enter the Kunlun Mountain City, so they flew directly to the 'Xiang Forest' a hundred miles away from the mountain city!

At the beginning, everyone was a little puzzled by the temporary turnaround of Lingzhou, but after a while, Yuan Yu summoned the elders and true disciples on each Lingzhou through the air, and issued the order to immediately go to 'Xu Jianglin' for support.

Soon, Yuan Yu's order reached the ears of each monk on the five spiritual boats.

The monks, who were still a little idle, immediately became nervous. Thinking that they were about to enter the battlefield and directly face the legendary ghost soldiers like ants, the recruits were all worried. The veterans who had been to the battlefield immediately prepared various combat weapons and runes and other auxiliary combat tools, quietly meditated and recovered. Spiritual power to prepare for the upcoming war.

After a period of time, the roar of war drums and countless screams played during the battle between the human and ghost armies came to everyone in the spiritual boat.

In a moment, the whole battlefield of 'Shu Jianglin' will be displayed in front of everyone.

'Shulin' is actually a huge dense forest stretching for thousands of miles. The outer terrain of the dense forest gradually decreases, forming a certain slope. On the high slope outside the dense forest, the monks of Kunlun Secret Land build defensive towers along the terrain. There are countless ways carved on the towers. The array is constantly releasing waves of light arrows with five elements, shooting into the approaching ghost army camp in the distance!

The ordinary ghost soldiers are composed of a black skeleton soldier who has never been enlightened. These skeletons move slowly and have low defense. Every time the five elements of light arrows fall into the ghost army, there is an instant explosion, instantly turning the ghost soldiers within ten meters around them into powder.

However, although the power of the ghost soldiers on the opposite side is not amazing, the number is very large, and there are black spots everywhere. Everyone on the spiritual boat looked down as if they saw a pile of black ants.

At this time, the biggest difference between ghost soldiers and human monks began to appear. These ghost soldiers themselves are emotionless, tireless and never afraid. Even if every light arrow can kill many ghost soldiers, these ghost soldiers do seem to ignore the threat of light arrows and still move forward steadily and slowly. Attack.

The power of the array tower alone can't completely stop a large number of ghost soldiers. At this moment, some array towers have been extinguished due to excessive consumption, and no light arrows have been shot out. The monks responsible for guarding the array tower behind the array tower have flown in and out one after another, rushing to the front battlefield to kill the enemy, so as to repair the array tower for the rear monks. Buy time.

There are a large number of ghost soldiers attacking the tower in front of the tower, and behind the tower, beyond the large traps and guardian array set by the Kunlun monks in front of the 'Shu Jianglin', ghost air arms have also invaded in the depths of the 'Shu Jianglin'.

The depths of the 'Shu Jianglin' was originally a dense forest, but now it has been burned by the paint-black fire spit out by the mouths of several four-winged bone birds flying up and down in the air, and the dense forest was soon burned out several huge scorched open spaces by the fire.

In order to prevent bone birds from destroying the dense forest, two Jindan monks soared into the dense forest, driving magic weapons to fight with those four-wing giant birds that kept spewing fire.

The war is in full force. Lin Xiao is now standing on the deck of the Purple Gate Lingzhou, looking far away, looking over a large number of ghost soldiers and projecting on the place where the ghost army is located.

Only behind the dense and endless skeleton ghost soldiers are lined up with the main troops of the ghost clan's attack on the 'Shenlin'. These main forces did not move, waiting for the fighters after the skeleton ghost soldiers in front completely destroyed the defense towers of the human monks.

In front of the main force of the ghosts is a row of dozens of huge 'copper bull ghosts'. The copper bull ghosts are like rhinoceros, with sharp horns, and their skin and flesh are as hard as steel, reflecting a layer of metal luster. Their eyes are burning with blue ghost fire. A dozen huge copper bull ghosts are lined up in a row, just forming the front barrier of the ghosts behind them. .

The copper bull ghost has a grumpy temper and is forced to move by the blood-red ghost skeleton soldiers on his body, but his feet stamped on the ground from time to time, making bursts of roars, and white smoke spewing from his mouth and nose from time to time.

The skeleton soldiers on the copper bull ghost are different from those black skeleton ghost soldiers who are acting as pioneers and fighting fiercely with the human race. They not only show a blood-red color all over, but also much taller than ordinary skeleton soldiers, which is obviously belonging to high-level ghost soldiers.

After that, there is the cavalry army of the ghost clan. These ghost cavalry, together with the tall mounts under them, are wrapped in thick iron armor, so that people can't see the true face of the ghost cavalry and the real body of the mounts under them.

The ghost cavalry has hundreds of horses, with awe-inspiring armor, holding spears, tomahawks, knives and other bone weapons. There are faint ghost patterns flowing on the weapons, constantly emitting strong blood in the cracks of the cavalry armor, and the mounts under them make a shocking sound of ghost crying and howling from time to time.

Unlike the bloodthirsty mounts under their bodies, the cavalry looked very calm and motionless, holding weapons, like an iron sculpture. However, the blood emerging from their bodies vaguely gathered together and turned into countless fragmented hell scenes in mid-air, which was shocking.

The moment he saw those ghost cavalry, Lin Xiao's pupils shrank and vaguely felt that this cavalry might become the winner and loser of this battle.

Behind the cavalry, there are several rows of winged ghost air forces, including those four-winged birds, and there are about 30 ghosts that can take off. Each one is very difficult to deal with, which can be seen from the fact that the two Jindan monks in the 'Jianglin' can't fight off a few four-winged birds in a moment.

Under those empty ghosts, there are ten different types of chariots. The chariots are all cast with white bones and huge in size.

Above each chariot stands a ghost servant comparable to that of the Golden Dan monk.

While seeing the ten ghost servants with different looks, Lin Xiaochang took a breath, and ten ghost attendants went out, indicating that the ghost clan has made up their mind this time and willing to use the power of a complete ghost camp to completely capture 'Xu Jianglin'!

Lin Xiao still remembers that Lingkong once said that the army sent by the ghost clan to attack Kunlun Mountain City this time was only the military strength of more than a dozen ghost camps. This attack on 'Xu Jianglin' has used a ghost camp, indicating that this ghost army is bound to win 'Xianglin'!

"Ten ghost waiters! On such a large scale, this is not a scattered soldier of the ghost clan, but a regular army of the ghost clan!" An elder beside Lin Xiao took a look at the battlefield, his face turned pale, and quickly made a judgment.

The rest of the people also nodded with a pale face, and then they really realized why Yuan Yu would let everyone come here to support. After all, the regular army of the ghost clan is fundamentally different from the scattered soldiers who used to attack the ghost clan only tentatively attack 'Yu Jianglin' in terms of combat effectiveness and quantity!

When everyone was secretly shocked, the two Jindan monks in the 'Shulin' finally worked hard to kill a four-winged bird and repelled all the remaining skull birds, and then immediately flew towards the five spiritual boats.

When the two Jindan monks approached, Lin Xiao and others saw that one of them was an old man and the other was a middle-aged man. Looking at their costumes, they were both elders in the Lingxu Palace!

One of the middle-aged people is Lin Xiao's 'old knowledge' - Yanhai, the late elder of Jindan who was once forced out of the Purple Gate by Lin Xiao!

And another old man is a somewhat eye-catching Jindan mid-term monk. Looking at his clothes, he should be the elder of Jinmen.

Yuan Yu took a step forward at this time and said to the two Jindan elders, "The two elders have worked hard. I have brought the reinforcements. You two can go down and rest for a moment. After the ghosts launch a general attack, the two elders will continue to contribute."

Yan Hai nodded with the old man and said nothing. Obviously, there was a fierce battle just now, and the two of them also had some losses. At this moment, their faces were a little pale.

At this time, Yuan Yu turned to Lin Xiao and others behind him and said, "Some of you have met with the two elders for the first time, so let me introduce you."

He pointed to Yan Hai and said, "This is Elder Yan, who is..."

Before he finished speaking, an elder of Zimen behind Lin Xiao suddenly said sarcastically, "The original leader does not need to introduce. Elder Yan was one of the members of our Zimen Presbyterian Church before. Who knows?"

Some Purple Gate monks suddenly laughed when they heard this.

Hearing the laughter, Yan Hai's face suddenly turned red. He looked at the sarcastic Zimen elder, and then turned his resentful eyes back to Lin Xiao, and then said coldly, "Yan is not talented. Now he is the elder of the Precept Hall, and he has nothing to do with Zimen! If anyone will be compared with Zimen in the future, don't blame me for being rude!"