Spirit Ruins

Chapter 268 Iron Surface

After Lin Xiao left the 'Foubuter Tower', he secretly killed a ghost in a black robe, put it on his black robe, and then pretended to be a ghost soldier with the assistance of ghost hunting, followed a group of ghost soldiers who went out to patrol and left Wuyun City from the main gate.

However, not long after Lin Xiao left Wuyun City, his group of ghost soldiers who went out to patrol met a ghost cavalry regiment.

The cavalry regiment had about a dozen riders and passed by the patrolling ghost soldiers.

However, when the two sides were about to separate, a tall ghost servant led by the cavalry regiment with a layer of iron cast masks suddenly turned his head, stared at Lin Xiao, who was following the end of the ghost soldiers, and suddenly shouted, " Stop! Who the hell are you? How dare you mix in our army?"

The ghost servant spoke human language, and obviously recognized Lin Xiao's alien identity!

Hearing the words without thinking, Lin Xiao immediately rose into the air and flew into the sky.

When all the ghost soldiers were shocked, the ghost servant snorted coldly and suddenly grabbed a spear from the side of the mount, then turned into a bloody light and chased down in the direction of Lin Xiao's escape.

After a incense, Lin Xiao drove the seven flying swords of the sword wheel, turned into a sword wing behind him, quickly crossed the sky, and flew away from the fog cloud city.

Behind Lin Xiao, there was a tall ghost servant covered with an iron cast mask chasing Lin Xiao, emitting layers of bloody light on his body, full of murderous spirit.

Lin Xiao accelerated several times, but he could not get rid of the pursuit of the ghost servant, so he lowered his heart and lowered his light in a valley.

After Lin Xiao stabilized his figure and waved his hands, the seven flying swords of the Tianjian wheel flew in all directions, and then disappeared around the valley.

At the same time, the iron-faced ghost servant also landed in the valley with blood light.

After pressing the escape light, the iron-faced ghost servant held a spear and pointed to Lin Xiao and shouted, "Who are you? Is it the spy of the human race to sneak into my cloud city?

Lin Xiao snorted coldly and lifted his black robe behind him.

After seeing Lin Xiao's true face, the ghost servant said coldly, "It turned out to be a spy of the human race!"

Lin Xiao sneered, "If you dare to come after me alone, you are brave. You should be a senior general of the ghost clan, right?"

The iron-faced ghost general snorted coldly, "I'm Wei Ning, the head of the cavalry regiment under the throne of the pale ghost. Since I met you, you can die!"

Before the iron-faced ghost finished his words, he suddenly threw the spear in his hand at Lin Xiaofei with all his strength!

The spear rotated rapidly and shot at Lin Xiao. Because the speed was too fast, the spear even ignited a red firelight on the tip of the spear during friction with the air!

Lin Xiao's pupils shrank, and then suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed the spear.

Lin Xiao started the 'true spirit exercise formula', and his skin turned into a bright gold color. Lin Xiao reached out and felt that the spear was spinning at high speed was immediately caught by Lin Xiao, and the rotation of the spear immediately stopped.

Seeing that Lin Xiao could actually grab the spear he threw with his right with his bare hands, Wei Ning pinched the formula, and the spear took the initiative like a spirit snake, and then suddenly exploded away, turning into a hurricane, wrapping the whole valley in it.

The hurricane contains countless white silk threads. Once the flowers and rocks in the valley are hit by the white silk thread, they are immediately shattered and no longer exist.

It wasn't long before the whole valley was destroyed by the hurricane.

At the same time, Wei Ning's voice sounded from all directions, "Taste the power of my 'Eight Wastes and Destroyer'!"

Lin Xiao is in a big array, like a leaf of duckweed in the storm, as if there is a danger of being swallowed up at any time.

However, Lin Xiao's eyes were always firm. Suddenly, he pinched the sword formula, and suddenly there were bursts of dragons in the four directions of the valley!

Then in the hurricane, seven different colored stegosauruses suddenly circled, and each flying dragon shot countless swords, which completely tore the hurricane.

Soon, the circling hurricane was suddenly dispersed, and the eight wildernesses were destroyed.

Weining was shocked when he saw that his array was so easily defeated by the sword array ambushed by the other party. He knew that the other party was not easy, so he waved, and the scattered hurricanes suddenly shrank back, reappeared into a spear, and then flew into Wei Ning's hands.

Weining took back the spear and no longer dared to fight. He immediately rose into the air and wanted to leave.

However, how could Lin Xiao let him leave so easily? Lin Xiao waved to the seven sword dragons in the sky, and the seven sword dragons immediately closed together in the air, forming a huge trap, blocking Wei Ning's way.

Wei Ning saw that he could not escape, so he immediately turned his head, held a spear, and stabbed Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao flicked his right index finger, and a little purple fireworks shot out of his fingers and flew towards Wei Ning.

Wei Ning's blood gushed out and formed a huge bloody ghost in front of him. The ghost opened his mouth and swallowed the purple fireworks.

Then the ghost's face suddenly showed a painful look, and then the bloody ghost's head suddenly showed a purple all over his body. A purple fireworks emerged from the ghost's body in an instant, and then there was a violent explosion in an instant. The purple fireworks dispersed and instantly turned into a purple fire!

Weining was shocked and hurriedly operated the ghost power in his body to resist the fire. However, he saw the sound of fire, opening his wings and spewing out a purple fire, drowning Wei Ning in.

The purple fire emitted an amazing high temperature. Before Wei Ning could scream, he was instantly burned into ashes by the purple fire.

However, in such a high-temperature fireworks, there was still an item that was not burned, but fell from Wei Ning.

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his right hand and sucked the thing into his hand.

I saw that the thing was a blue bronze mask painted with mysterious ghosts, which was the mask Wei Ning had been wearing on his face before.

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment and didn't know how to deal with this mask. At this time, a surprise cry of ghost hunting suddenly sounded in his mind, "Master, can you give me the whole mask?"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, "Do you recognize the origin of this mask?"

Ghost Hunter denied, "No, I don't know the origin of this mask, but I feel a very obscure ghost power fluctuation from this mask, as if the predecessor of this mask used to be a very powerful ghost weapon, but I don't know what happened to evolve into this appearance."

"This mask has been hit hard and is not as powerful as before, but I am confident that I can gradually repair it."

After hearing this, Lin Xiao said lightly, "Since it is a ghost magic weapon, I will give it to you."

Then Lin Xiao's right hand flashed, and the mask disappeared in the palm of his right hand and was included in the reincarnation blood pupil by Lin Xiao.

After the ghost hunt got the bronze mask, he was very happy first, and then silently studied alone with the mask.

After Lin Xiao solved Wei Ning, he made a move with his right hand, and the seven sword dragons hovering high in the sky restored the body of the flying sword in turn and flew back to him.

After putting away the Tianjian wheel, Lin Xiao identified the direction, then flew away from the valley and flew back in the direction of 'Xu Jianglin'.


After two days and two nights, Lin Xiao finally found the road to 'Xianglin' after losing his direction several times, and then returned to the periphery of 'Xianglin'.

However, what Lin Xiao didn't expect was that at this moment, Xu Jianglin had already been controlled by the ghost army, but the defenders of Lingxu Palace had withdrawn from this place and recalled all the monks to Kunlun Mountain City.

However, it turned out that during Lin Xiao was trapped in the blood pool, after the Heavenly Evil Ghost King used the blood sacrifice to get the position of Shura's heart, he immediately ordered Li Luo and Youlan to return to the front line.

Moreover, under the order of the Heavenly Evil Ghost King, the whole army of the ghost army belonging to the Heavenly Evil Ghost King was dispatched, and nearly ten ghost soldiers from the ghost camp came out. Wherever they went, there was no grass.

Under the crazy attack of a large number of ghost soldiers, the monks of the Lingxu Palace in the 'Xianglin' finally couldn't resist, and the defense line was finally broken, and they were once again controlled by the ghost army.

After breaking through the 'Shu Jianglin', the ghost army did not stay as before, but continued to start and go straight to Kunlun Mountain City!

After losing the natural barrier of 'Xianglin', the monks of Lingxu Palace could no longer resist the human sea tactics of the ghost army and retreated steadily. In the end, after Huo Yuanchun and Song Zuixian held an emergency military meeting, they finally decided to summon all the monks back to Kunlun Mountain City, hoping to rely on the defense power of the mountain city. The ghost army blocked it.

According to the idea of Huo Yuanchun and Song Zuixian, the original task of Lingxu Palace was to guard Kunlun Mountain City for two months to prevent the mountain city from being lost. Now Lingxu Palace has been sticking to the city for more than a month, and there is still more than half a month left. As long as everyone guards the mountain city, it can be regarded as completing the task of Kunlun Fairy Pavilion.

Next, other sects will naturally send reinforcements to take over the battle. At that time, there will be no need for the people of Lingxu Palace to continue to worry about it.

However, to the expectation of the monks of Lingxu Palace, unlike the previous 'small fight', this time the ghosts were out of the nest, and the offensive seemed particularly fierce. Those ghost soldiers completely attacked Kunlun Mountain City one after another.

The monks of Lingxu Palace stayed in the mountain city for three days before finally blocked the first wave of attacks of the ghost clan. By the time the monks withdrew from the wall, they were already exhausted and had no strength to walk.

At the same time, in the army of the ghost army, Li Luo and Youlan and the soulless man in black robe who can't see clearly are whispering about the heart of Shura.

Only heard the soulless said firmly, "Lord Li Luo, please be sure to take down the Kunlun Mountain City in a short time!"

After the attack on Kunlun Mountain City in the past few days, Li Luo has learned the powerful power of the moth array of Kunlun Mountain City. As he was heartbroken for the loss of his subordinates, he asked in a low voice, "Soulless, are you sure that the thing the king wants is really in Kunlun Mountain City?"

Wuhun definitely nodded and said, "Yes, my master has figured out the location of that thing through secret methods. I have been able to roughly determine the location of that thing is in Kunlun Mountain City, but my feeling of that thing can only last for a short period of time. If the two adults can't do it for a short time. If I capture Kunlun Mountain City, then I may lose my sense of that thing, and it will be difficult to find that thing again.

Youlan nodded when she heard the words, and there was a trace of relief on her face. "No wonder the king asked us to attack Kunlun Mountain City with all its strength. It turned out that it was because we found the whereabouts of that thing."

Li Luo also said in a low voice, "In this case, after my army adjusts a little, we will immediately launch a second wave of attack on Kunlun Mountain City!"