Spirit Ruins

Chapter 299 Extermination

Lin Xiao used the power of ice marrow beads to start the ice sculpture array on Xuanbing Square. All the ice sculptures came alive and rushed to more than a dozen invading monks according to some mysterious trajectory.

For a while, the Jindan monks fell into the encirclement of ice sculptures and fought hard. All kinds of magic weapons flew all over the sky, and the battle was very fierce.

Yan Dongxie stood on the periphery of the square and was also secretly shocked to see that Lin Xiao could control the ice sculpture to attack those Jindan monks.

Naturally, Yan Dongxie will not pay attention to the life and death of those monks. His goal is Lin Xiao.

While Lin Xiao was distracted from manipulating the array and dealing with those monks, Yan Dongxie quietly retreated a few steps, and then carefully observed the flaws of the array in the square and was ready to give Lin Xiao's thunder.

The power of the ice sculpture array is extraordinary, coupled with Lin Xiao and ice marrow beads sitting in the array, which maximizes the power of this large array. The sky is full of ice sculptures flying. Although more than a dozen monks are strong, they fight separately and have not formed effective cooperation at all. It won't take long, although they can't be killed. Hundreds of ice sculptures, but several monks also fell into the array.

The monks saw that there were still many ice sculptures, as if they were endless, and their mana had gradually dried up. They finally felt a moment of fear, and then they didn't know who would take the lead. The monks began to retreat one after another and wanted to escape from here.

However, Lin Xiao's murderous heart has risen at this moment, and naturally will not let them leave alive. Lin Xiao raised his right hand, and seven flying swords flew out of his sleeves and turned into seven swords. The seven swords turned into twenty-one dragons. These dragons wandered outside the square one after another and saw any monks breaking out. He immediately intercepted them and forced the monks back to the phalanx again.

Those monks could not break through and finally began to panic. Some people loudly begged Lin Xiao for mercy, but Lin Xiao turned a deaf ear and continued to control the ice sculptures on the square to annihilate the monks.

The highest cultivation of these Jindan monks is only in the middle of Jindan, and most of them have already spent a lot of magic power in the battle between the ice lake and giant monsters, and some of them are injured. At this moment, they finally can't stand it. Many monks are knocked down by the desperate ice sculpture and are suddenly torn to pieces by the violent ice sculpture beast. This fell.

Although the ice sculpture array is powerful, it is not invincible. Every time a Jindan monk is killed, several ice sculptures are destroyed. When the last Jindan monk was swallowed by an ice wolf after a scream, after falling, there was only a pool of shocking blood left in the square. , a pile of ice sculpture wrecks, and a few ice wolves.

At the same time, Yan Dongxie finally took action!

As soon as he came up, he sacrificed his Taoist treasure 'Falling God Square'. The huge golden archway fell from the air, and countless runes were oppressed by Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao seemed to have expected Yan Dongxie's action for a long time. He suddenly sacrificed the Qingming Mirror, and countless blood-red runes flew out of the Qingming Mirror in an instant, intertwined into a huge bloody lotus flower in mid-air!

The lotus contains violent and destructive power, which is exactly the 'Xuanhuo Red Lotus'!

Luoshenfang fell above the Xuanhuo red lotus, and countless runes rushed down and wrapped the red lotus in it. Lin Xiao sneered, his mind moved, and his whole body poured spiritual power into the Qingming mirror. After shrinking a few times, the red lotus exploded!


A violent explosion sounded, a shock wave swept across a kilometer, and the Xuanbing Square was full of cracks in an instant.

The black fire red lotus turned into a huge fireball with a diameter of 100 meters, instantly avoiding all the runes on the Falling God Square!

At the same time, countless flame dragons flew out of the place where the Xuanhuo Red Lotus exploded. At the same time, the fire dragon was heavily entangled in the Luoshenfang, and the fierce firepower contained in the fire dragon even melted the Luoshenfang a little!

Yan Dongxie was connected with Luoshenfang. Luoshenfang was damaged, and even he spewed out a mouthful of blood. Obviously, he was seriously injured!

Seeing that Lin Xiao could actually defeat his fallen godfang in one blow, Yan Dong was shocked and pointed to Lin Xiao and shouted, "You also have a Taoist weapon!"

Lin Xiao sneered and did not respond to Yan Dongxie, but continued to inject spiritual power into the Qingming Mirror. Under the control of the Qingming Mirror, the dozen fire dragons violently pulled Luo Shenfang and tried to pull it back to the ground from a high altitude.

When Yan Dongxie saw that Lin Xiao actually wanted to seize his Luoshenfang, he couldn't help but be shocked and angry. Although he was seriously injured, he still had the power to fight. Yan Dongxie suddenly pinched a formula and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood formed a mysterious rune in front of him, and then flew to the Luoshenfang with a sw. Go, and instantly go into the golden archway.

After the golden archway absorbed the blood charm, a golden light suddenly burst out. At the same time, the colorful runes flying out of the archway instantly merged into one and combined into a huge bloody ancient text - "kill"!

Lin Xiao raised his eyes and looked at the huge killing word, and suddenly felt bad. He never expected that Yan Dongxie could force out a Taoist weapon with Jin Dan's cultivation. In this matter, his whole body was shrouded by the killing word, and the huge pressure from the killing word made him unable to move at all!

Seeing that the killing word was about to fall, Lin Xiao suddenly crossed his heart, suddenly blocked the Qingming Mirror in his hand on top of his head, and then injected all the mana of his whole body into the Qingming Mirror!

At the same time, Lin Xiao's mind moved, and the ice marrow beads also turned into a blue ice curtain, wrapping himself tightly. The remaining ice wolves on the Xuanbing Square also soared up and rushed to the killing word!

A few blood light shot around the killing word, which instantly melted the ice wolves into a pool of ice water, and then the killing word slowly landed down and slowly approached Lin Xiao!

The curtain wall of the outermost ice marrow beads began to break before the word killing was approaching. Just when the word killing completely fell, a dazzling cyan light spear suddenly shot out of the Qingming mirror. The cyan light spear directly penetrated the huge killing word, completely defeated the killing word, and then the light spear disappeared in mid-air. Lost, in a blink of an eye, it shot out of the void again and directly penetrated Yan Dongxie's chest in the distance!

Yan Dong Xie was unwilling to hold the cyan light spear on his chest. The light spear was stained with Yan Dong Xie's blood, and then the blue light gradually dissipated, and the light spear gradually disappeared, leaving only the huge void in Yan Dong Xie's chest to show the existence of the light spear.

As the light spear disappeared, Yan Dong's evil eyes gradually faded, and finally closed his eyes, fell from the air and fell.

The cyan light spear just now completely shattered Yan Dong's evil golden elixir and cut off his vitality.

Lin Xiao was also shocked by this scene and couldn't speak. After a moment, he suddenly recalled that the light spear seemed to have seen Qingyi used in the Snake Valley of the State of Chu a long time ago, as if it was called 'the spear of divine punishment', which was an extremely horrible magic power.

Did Qingyi finally wake up from his deep sleep?

Lin Xiaoyi was excited and hurriedly summoned the Qingmingjing back. Regardless of floating in mid-air and falling into the divine square, he said eagerly to the Qingmingjing: "Qingyi, have you woken up? Did you release the spear of divine punishment just now?

There was silence, and there was no response from Qingyi in the Qingming Mirror.

Could it be that after releasing a spear of divine punishment, Qingyi fell asleep again because of the excessive power of the source?

Lin Xiao was suspicious, but he couldn't get an answer, so he had to sigh and put away the Qingming Mirror.

In fact, Lin Xiao guessed that he was right. Just now, Lin Xiao was on the verge of danger. Qingming Mirror awakened Qingyi, the mirror spirit that had been sleeping. Seeing that the situation was critical, Qingyi could not care about his serious injury and tried to urge the only original power to send out a divine punishment spear. Although it relieved Lin Xiao's crisis, it was As a cause, she fell asleep again, and the sleeping time was extended again.

After Lin Xiao put away the Qingming mirror, he suddenly waved to the Luoshen Square above his head. Luoshen Square lost its master's control and shrank into a palm-sized golden charm in mid-air and fell into Lin Xiao's hands.

Lin Xiao carefully looked at the golden charm printed with an archway in his hand, and his heart was suddenly clear, but it turned out that the so-called Luoshenfang Taoist treasure of Yandong evil was just a spiritual Taoist charm, which contained the power of the Luoshenfang body, not a real Taoist treasure.

However, this golden charm is a little higher than the Lingtian Taoist charm that Lin Xiao got from Yu Hongcheng, which contains the power of the 'Heavenly Hammer'. It is an eight-grade Lingtian Taoist charm, and it has been used a lot more times.

Thinking that he almost died under this treasure, Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel lingering. First, he stabilized his mood, then turned over and put away the golden rune. It is planned to be used after sacrifice in the future.

At this moment, a esce suddenly flew out from behind the Xuanbing Palace and fell in front of Lin Xiao.

The light dissipated, revealing Ji Yao's figure.

Ji Yao first glanced around. After seeing the corpses all over the ground, she couldn't help but be shocked. She covered her mouth and shouted, " Elder Lin, you killed these dozen Jindan monks alone?"

Lin Xiao shook his head, "To be precise, I killed it with the help of the terrain here, but unfortunately this magic circle in the square has also been completely destroyed."

Seeing Lin Xiao's unconcerned appearance, she remembered that Lin Xiao killed more than a dozen Jindan monks in a short time. The cruel methods made Ji Yao suddenly feel a little cold, but she did not show it on the surface, but smiled bitterly and said nothing more.

At this time, Lin Xiao suddenly asked, "By the way, Elder Ji, what did you find behind the Xuanbing Palace? Why did you come out so soon?"

Ji Yao replied, "In fact, the back of Xuanbing Palace is not as full of treasures as we imagined, but just a few empty halls. I searched several halls and didn't find anything of great value, but I found a secret room in a main hall."

"Oh, what treasures are collected in the secret room?" Lin Xiao asked with interest.

Ji Yao shook her head and smiled bitterly, "That secret room needs a key to open. If it is forcibly opened by external forces, the secret room will explode by itself."

Lin Xiaoqi said, "And such things, how did you know that the secret room would explode?"

Ji Yao replied, "There are several ice wall maps around the secret room, recording the creation of the secret room, which also involves another big secret, but there is no detailed description of the matter outside. I'm afraid that only by entering the secret room can you know what the secret is."

Lin Xiao was a little moved when he heard the words, but then sighed, "It's a pity that there is no key. Not to mention that secret, we can't even enter the secret room, and I'm afraid we will return empty-handed."

Ji Yao smiled and said, "Who said that there is no key? Isn't the key in your hand?"