Spirit Ruins

Chapter 318 Invitation

"23,000 crystal stones! Are you crazy?" The woman was shocked when she heard the words and shouted.

Lin Xiao's face darkened, "Do you think your life is not worthy of this price?" He then looked at Pang Shanhou and sneered, "Pang Shanhou, don't you think you are of your extraordinary status? Why, can't you even take out 20,000 crystals?"

Pang Shanhou was furious, and a red tide surged up on his face. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll give you 20,000 crystals, but wait and see, I will never let you go in the future!"

Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction, "This is the demeanor that a marquis should have. Don't worry, as long as you let people bring the crystals over, I will let you go. As for your revenge in the future, if you think there are too many crystals to give them to me, I won't object."

The three people were angry when they heard the words, but there was nothing they could do.

Finally, the three discussed with Lin Xiao and sent an entourage of Pang Shanhou to return to Pang Shanhou's residence in Tianshang City to get crystals.

Half a day later, the bald attendant came late. He gave Lin Xiao a storage ring full of crystals. Lin Xiao clicked a little bit and found that the number of crystals contained in it was not much, and then he lifted the ban on Pang Shanhou.

Although Pang Shanhou and the three returned their spiritual power, they knew that they were not Lin Xiao's opponents, so they did not dare to act rashly. They could only watch him leave.

Lin Xiao returned to Tianshang City and went to Tianshang Tower as soon as possible to pay off the arrears of the black market and successfully picked up Han Wei.

Han Wei regained her freedom, and the fear and grievance accumulated for many days suddenly broke out. She immediately cried on the street. Lin Xiao at least persuaded Han Wei, took her to an inn, and opened a guest room for her.

The two entered the guest room. After Lin Xiao and Han Wei regained their composure, they asked her who had kidnapped her and auctioned her to the black market.

Han Wei cried and continued to tell her what happened.

However, it turned out that after saying goodbye to Lin Xiao on the Purple Spirit Boat that day, Han Wei went south alone. After that, she met a young male monk in a city. The male monk invited Han Wei to travel with him in Lingnan. Han Wei had no doubt about him, and the man's beautiful and elegant appearance, so she readily agreed.

However, what Han Wei didn't expect was that a few days later, after accidentally learning that Han Wei was a rare 'spiritual body', the male practitioner actually moved his bad intentions and banned her when Han Wei was not paying attention, and then sold her to the black market as a furnace tripod...

"Fortunately, Brother Lin, you received the message I sent and arrived in time, otherwise I would have been..."

Han Wei burst into tears when she said this. Lin Xiao patted her on the shoulder, comforted her for a few words, and then asked fiercely, "Who is the person who kidnapped you?"

Han Wei shook her head and said, "He calls himself Ji Cheng. He seems to be from Tianjimen Ji's family."

Ji Cheng!

Lin Xiao was shocked when he heard the words, and then asked Han Wei to describe the man's appearance based on his memory.

Seeing the portrait drawn by Han Wei, Lin Xiao said coldly, "It's really him!"

Han Wei was shocked when she heard the words, "Brother Lin recognizes this person?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "This person's original name is not Ji Cheng, but Ji Tianming. He is the leader of the generation after Tianji Palace. At the beginning, Xie Qinghou and I once fought with this person. This person is cunning and vicious."

Han Wei said with lingering heart, "I also said that since that man came from such a sect as Tianji Palace, he should be honest. I didn't expect to be able to do such a thing."

Lin Xiao comforted and said, "Well, don't think too much about the past. Everyone knows that you have a 'spiritual body' and is no longer suitable for staying outside for a long time. You can rest here for one night, and I will personally send you back to Baihua Valley tomorrow."

Han Wei was a little reluctant to hear the words, but at this time she was already disgusted by the people outside, so she had to obediently listen to Lin Xiao's arrangement.

After Lin Xiao told Han Wei to have a good rest, he left Han Wei's room and went to his guest room next door.

However, when Lin Xiao opened the door, he suddenly found that someone was already waiting for him in the room.

This person is not someone else, but Qingfeng himself.

Seeing Qingfeng, Lin Xiao looked a little surprised. He smiled and said, " Elder Qingfeng, what wind blew you here?"

Qingfeng also smiled and said, "Lin Daoyou, I just made a lot of crystals for you. Can't you come and ask for a cup of tea?"

Lin Xiao naturally would not believe that Qingfeng just came to ask for tea. In his heart, Qingfeng was very likely to come here to ask for a commission for help.

So Lin Xiao smiled bitterly and said, "Elder Qingfeng, you must know my situation. Although the dragon blood fruit brought me 100,000 crystals, one of my old friends turned into an auctioned furnace tripod for no reason. In order to redeem her back, the auctioned crystals have long been spent by me, but now they are gone. There are extra crystals to thank you.

Qingfeng was stunned when he heard the words, and then said strangely, "That woman who was auctioned is actually your old friend?"

He then smiled and said, "Oh, Lin Daoyou, I think you misunderstood what I meant when I came to you. I didn't come to ask you for crystals. I just have a great benefit and want to share it with you."

Lin Xiao said strangely, "Benefits? What's the benefit?"

Qingfeng suddenly whispered, "Have you ever heard of Penglai Xianshan?"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then nodded slowly: "I once vaguely saw the description of Penglai Fairy Mountain from the classical books. It is said that Penglai Fairy Mountain is an divine mountain flying from the sky. It is located in the depths of the wind. The mountain contains rich species and resources, but at the same time it is also full of powerful prohibitions. Ordinary people can't get close at all.

"However, thousands of years ago, a huge natural disaster occurred around Xianshan. When the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the huge tsunami swallowed up the whole Xianshan. Since then, Xianshan has lost its trace and no longer exists in the world."

Lin Xiao said the information he got from the ancient books in one breath, and then said strangely, "Why did Elder Qingfeng suddenly mention Penglai Xianshan? Could it be... The great benefit you mentioned is related to this fairy mountain?

Qingfeng nodded, "Yes, the benefits I want to give you are exactly related to Penglai. Do you know that at the previous black market auction, the last final auction was the chart of the area where Penglai Xianshan is located!"

Lin Xiao was shocked to hear the words. He left the auction venue halfway, but unexpectedly missed a big play.

Lin Xiao hurriedly asked, "Since Penglai Chart has appeared, it is a little more sure to find Xianshan, which has been missing for a long time, but this Chart will inevitably attract many parties to compete, right? I don't know who will fall in the end?"

Qingfeng smiled and said, "Penglai Haitu was finally bought by a rich merchant who crushed multiple baby monks with a lot of money, and the rich merchant was officially Luo Zhongyang, the owner of the city."

Lin Xiaoqi said, "The owner of Los Angeles tried his best to make the black market auction be held in Tianshang City. At the end of the auction, he competed with other monks for charts. What he did was really suspicious... Could it be that the owner of Los Angeles originally blindly showed goodwill to the black market business alliance, which was originally to pave the way for the smooth purchase of this chart?

Qingfeng laughed and said, "Lin Daoyou, you are really smart. Yes, the owner of Los Angeles has indeed coveted the sea map for a long time, and has made a very detailed plan for this."

"Now that the charts have arrived, it's time to proceed with the next plan, so I came to you and want to invite you to join our plan."

Lin Xiaoqi said, "What are you inviting me to do?"

"Go to sea with us and look for the Penglai Fairy Mountain that has been lost for thousands of years." Qingfeng said in a low voice.

Lin Xiao took a cold breath when he heard the words, "The owner of Los Angeles is such a big hand. Does he want to take the whole Penglai Fairy Mountain for himself? However, I'm afraid it's not enough to find Xianshan alone, right? The trace of Xianshan has disappeared for a long time, and the Penglai sea map left over from the world may not be correct..."

Qingfeng waved his hand and interrupted Lin Xiao, "You don't have to worry about these. The owner of Los Angeles has been planning to find Penglai Xianshan for a long time, and he has also found a lot of powerful monks. He can sail in a month or two. I don't know if Lin Daoyou is interested in following us?"

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment, and then said, "I don't know what benefits I can get if I join you?"

"If you can successfully find the trace of Xianshan, everyone who participates in this plan will be rewarded with 100,000 pieces of crystals!" Qingfeng said in a low voice.

Lin Xiao's body was shocked. He never expected that Tianshang City would be so rich that he could pay such a big price for a illusory fairy mountain.

"What if I can't find Xianshan?" Lin Xiao hesitated and asked again.

Qingfeng stretched out two fingers, "Even if you can't find it, as long as everyone has done their best, no one will get compensation from 23,000 crystals."

Lin Xiao was even more moved when he heard the words, but he still said calmly, "This matter is of great importance. Let me think about it again!"

Qingfeng nodded and did not force Lin Xiao to agree to this matter immediately. He stood up and said, "I'll give you three days to consider it. If you agree to join us, you can go straight to my residence in Dongcheng District to find me."

Qingfeng said and left. Lin Xiao sent Qingfeng away. When he returned to the room, the door next door suddenly opened. Han Wei came out with wide eyes and asked, "Brother Lin, are you going to find that Xianshan?"

Lin Xiao didn't expect that his conversation with Qingfeng had already been eavesdropped by Han Wei next door. He shook his head and said, "I haven't decided yet. I always have a vague feeling that those 100,000 crystals may not be so easy to make."

Han Wei said, "Brother Lin, what are you afraid of? Didn't the old man say that? At that time, a large number of monks will accompany us to sea together. It is rare to have this opportunity to find the legendary fairy mountain. Brother Lin, you have to grasp it!"

Lin Xiao stared at the words, "What did you just say? We? What do you mean?

Han Wei smiled and said, "I want to go to sea with you."

Lin Xiao shook his head quickly and said, "That won't work. You are now the target of public criticism. Everyone's eyes are staring at you. It's too dangerous to go to sea with me."

"I don't care. Anyway, I will never go back to Baihua Valley at this time. If you don't go, I'll go alone!"

Han Wei closed the door with a bang. Lin Xiao smiled bitterly and sighed slightly in her heart, wondering if this little girl had been too stimulated. Why was she sad and unruly for a moment and changed so much?