Spirit Ruins

Chapter 329 Wonderland

Half an hour later, Lin Xiao finally came to the outside of the minefield.

The shining fairy mountain is wrapped in heavy thunder clouds and can't get close to half a step.

At this time, dozens of Jindan monks have gathered outside Xianshan. Lin Xiao noticed that there were nearly 60 monks entering the Guangmen, but now there are only more than 50 monks gathered here. That is to say, more than ten monks have disappeared since entering the Guangmen.

Thinking of the scene of being chased by the nine-head bird just now, Lin Xiao thought that the missing monks were afraid that they were already auspicious.

However, Lin Xiao did not find Han Wei's trace in the crowd, and he did not find Han Wei here through Wanli Fu, so he was a little relieved and thought that Han Wei finally listened to her and did not come in.

Seeing Lin Xiao coming, five monks suddenly came out of the crowd and surrounded Lin Xiaotuan.

"Kid, I just asked you for help, but you ran away alone. Now we have met you. We have to settle this account!"

The five people shouted and seemed to be ready to take action against Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao snorted coldly and secretly ran the 'true spiritual exercise formula'. He wanted to be a few guys who didn't open their eyes. If they really did something to himself, he didn't mind wasting them.

But at this moment, suddenly there was the roar of fierce beasts in the distance. The Jindan present couldn't help but change their faces, and they didn't know who shouted, "The tide of beasts is coming!" Everyone, disperse!"

The monks who gathered together suddenly scattered away.

The five monks stared at Lin Xiao fiercely and fled for their lives.

Lin Xiao turned around and only saw a thick smoke rolling behind him, among which countless birds and beasts were rushing towards here, and some of them were as fierce as powerful as the previous nine-head bird.

When Lin Xiao saw this, he also hurriedly drove away and ran away to the distance.

Those fierce beasts came to Lei's overseas enclosure and saw the appearance of Xianshan. Several powerful monks unexpectedly bumped into the Thunder Sea regardless of the thunder and lightning encirclemented by Lei's overseas.

Following those fierce beasts, countless monsters rushed into the sea of thunder, like soldiers who looked at death.

The Jindan monks who watched in the distance couldn't help but be shocked to see those fierce beasts rushing into the sea of tears regardless of their lives. What is strange in their hearts is that what is hidden in the Fairy Mountain that can make these fierce beasts break in at the risk of their lives?

There is no doubt that as soon as some less powerful fierce beasts entered the thunder sea, they were instantly turned into flying ash by the violent power of thunder and lightning, but those powerful fierce beasts moved forward little by little with the help of other monsters.

Seeing that a black leopard demon with the strongest strength and as huge as a bull is about to cross the sea of thunder and enter Xianshan Mountain, a golden lightning suddenly shot out on the top of Xianshan Mountain!

The golden lightning crossed the void and hit the black panther beast crossing the sea of thunder in the blink of an eye. The black panther roared and was instantly hit into coke by the golden lightning.

When everyone saw this scene in the distance, they couldn't help but be frightened. They didn't expect that there was such a strong prohibition on Xianshan. If everyone entered rashly, not to mention whether they could pass through the thunder sea smoothly, even if they crossed the thunder sea, they would die under the bombardment of Jin Lei.

Lin Xiao landed and came to the white jade steps. He looked up and could faintly see that at the end of the white jade steps, there was a golden plaque hanging on the palace, with the three big words 'Xuanying Hall'.

Just staring at the three big words for a moment, Lin Xiao felt dizzy. He hurriedly withdrew his eyes and dared not look again.

Lin Xiao hesitated for a moment, but finally gained the upper hand in his curiosity about Xuanying Hall, so he took a step and stepped on the white jade ladder.

However, as soon as he stepped on the first step, Lin Xiao felt that a huge force appeared out of thin air and pressed down his body fiercely!

In an instant, Lin Xiao felt that he was crushed by a boulder!

Lin Xiao tried to take a few more steps forward. Before taking more steps, the weight on his body was one point more. After walking more than a dozen steps, Lin Xiao's weight had made him very uncomfortable.

Lin Xiao had to retreat and look up at the thousands of ladders. He couldn't help thinking that if he wanted to climb these thousands of steps, what a powerful physical force it would take to pass smoothly?

Lin Xiao thought for a moment, and then decided to give up the plan of climbing the white jade ladder and take a detour to the top of the mountain.

However, as soon as he left the white jade ladder and wanted to climb to the top of the mountain from the side, the thunderball above the Xuanying Hall instantly started and shot several golden thunders at Lin Xiao one after another!

Fortunately, Lin Xiao reacted quickly and hurriedly returned to the range of the white jade ladder to escape the bombardment of those golden thunders.

Strangely, when Lin Xiao returned to the white jade ladder, the thunderball returned to calm, as if he had not found Lin Xiao's existence.

When Lin Xiaozheng was thinking, a noisy voice suddenly came from behind him. Looking back, he saw that more than 20 Jindan monks had also passed through the thunder sea and entered Xianshan Mountain.

The remaining Jindan monks outside were unable to cross the Thunder Sea.

One of the more than 20 people was one of the five monks who had been in trouble with Lin Xiao before. When he saw Lin Xiao still here, his eyes suddenly became a little unkind.

Lin Xiao felt the hostility of the man, so he looked at him and said coldly, "Why, do Taoist friends still want to settle accounts with me? But at this time, your companions are not here. If you are sure that you can beat me, just take action.

There was a trace of anger on the man's face, but he was reminded by Lin Xiao's words. When Lin Xiao defeated Jin Yi in the later period of Jin Dan on the golden scale shuttle, this person was also present. He knew Lin Xiao's strength. If the other four guys were also there, he would naturally not be afraid of Lin Xiao, but now He was alone, but he never dared to fight alone with Lin Xiao.

So the man smiled bitterly and said, "Lin Daoyou misunderstood. I just want to go up the mountain to have a look. I don't mean to be embarrassed with my Taoist friends. The other Taoist friends were really angry, so they didn't have a good attitude towards Lin Daoyou. I have also persuaded them many times. I hope Lin Daoyou won't be surprised.

In one sentence, he cleared up his relationship with the other four accomplices and pushed the previous trouble for Lin Xiao to others.

The monks around suddenly despised the man when they heard the words. However, when he said this, Lin Xiao could not trouble him again, so he just snorted coldly, and the matter turned over.

As soon as everyone entered the interior of Xianshan Mountain, they were very excited to see the huge palace on the top of the mountain. Some monks were a little anxious and directly crossed Lin Xiao and ran towards the top of the mountain, but they encountered the same situation as Lin Xiao on the white jade ladder and had to retreat.

Some monks also wanted to take a detour, but were stopped by Lin Xiao. After learning that the detour would be attacked by the golden thunderball, the monks' faces suddenly showed a difficult look.

I didn't expect that this place would be arranged under such a strange and powerful prohibition. How can it pass smoothly?