Spirit Ruins

Chapter 338 Yin and Yang

Han Wei was relieved when she heard the words. She quickly asked them, "What's wrong with Brother Lin? How did he become like this?"

Ghost Hunting and Bingling also knew nothing about it. Just now, Lin Xiao was still seriously injured and was angry all over in an instant. As soon as they came out, they didn't know what was going on in Lin Xiao's body.

At this time, Qingyuan urged Kunyuan Dan furnace to float above Lin Xiao. After carefully checking Lin Xiao's situation, he shouted, "No! He was devoured by the fiery elixir he had just eaten!"

Han Wei was shocked when she heard the words, "How can this be? Didn't Ruochen just say that taking this elixir can cure Brother Lin?"

Qingyuan shook his head and said, "The fire elixir is a congenital elixir of up to seven grades. The medicinal power is very fierce and domineering. Even if Lin Xiao eats food without injury, he can't easily digest the medicinal power contained in the elixir. What's more, in the case of his serious injury, he can't take the initiative to disintegration at this moment. The medicinal power has begun to abuse his body and destroy his body. If it is not treated early and channeled the medicinal power, I'm afraid it will leave a future problem!"

Ghost Hunter and Bingling both know that Qingyuan is an alchemist. Since he is so sure, it is true that Lin Xiao was devoured by the fire elixir. At the time of anxiety, the ghost hunter said anun anignantly: "I didn't expect that Ruochen to be scheming and used that fire elixir to harm the master. I'm going to fight with him!"

Qingyuan stopped the ghost hunt who was eager to find Ruochen to settle accounts, and then said, "Not to mention that you will die if you go there. This fiery elixir alone is not available to ordinary people. If Ruochen really wants your master's life, why waste a seven-grade elixir? If you kill him directly, will you end it?"

"So, I guess the man didn't really want to use the fire elixir to kill Lin Xiao, but he didn't expect that a fire elixir would almost kill Lin Xiao."

Bingling suddenly said, "I think Qingyuan is reasonable. Maybe the other party's cultivation is too high, so he underestimates the harm of the fire elixir to the owner."

Ghost Hunt said in a muffled voice, "In this case, what should we do now? Are we just watching our master burned to death by this fire elixir?

Bingling suddenly looked at Qingyuan, "Since you know the master's symptoms, there must be a way to save people's lives, right?"

Qingyuan curled his lips when he heard the words, "Huh, this guy always squeezes me. Why should I save him?"

Bing Ling's anger suddenly turned cold when he heard the words, "If you don't save him, I will destroy your soul first!"

Qingyuan glanced at Bingling, "Are you scaring me? Let me tell you, the Kunyuan Dan furnace I have sent is made from the body of a real person. If you have the ability to damage this furnace, I will listen to you, how about it?

Seeing that the two of them quarreled in a blink of an eye, Ghost Hunter finally couldn't stand it and hurriedly shouted, "The master is about to die. Why are you two quarreling?"

After he said, he pointed to Qingyuan and said, "Qingyuan, since you were brought out of Shennong Island by your master, the master has finally treated you well. He not only gives you the magic formula, but also gives you all the spiritual plants of a medicine garden. Do you want to avenge yourself now and die?"

Qingyuan snorted coldly, "What's treating me well? What I got didn't get from a deal with Lin Xiao? I didn't take advantage of him at all. Instead, I was labored by him many times. In a word, if I don't have enough compensation, I don't plan to save him.

Ghost Hunting was also annoyed by Qingyuan's attitude. He was about to scold Qingyuan. Suddenly, Han Wei said, "Don't you want compensation? Then I will give you all the spiritual plants in this spiritual garden. Are you willing to save Brother Lin?

Qingyuan's face suddenly smiled when he heard the words. He nodded hurriedly and said, "Of course, but this spiritual garden belongs to that terrible guy. Can you give it to me?"

Han Wei nodded and said, "Yes! I will deal with that person. Tell me how to save Brother Lin first!"

Qingyuan smiled and said, "Well, for the sake of the spiritual garden, I will save Lin Xiao. If I want to save Lin Xiao, I have to use the extremely cold things to relieve the fire poison left by the fire elixir on his body. During those years on Shennong Island, I once refined two 'yin soul pills' with cold attributes in the Kunyuan Dan furnace. You give Let him eat it down!"

After Qingyuan finished speaking, two dark elixir flew out of the Kunyuan elixir furnace. There was a cold breath around the elixir. Don't enter.

Bingling was not afraid of the chill around the yin elixir. He took the elixir and fed it to Lin Xiao.

Sure enough, after taking two yin elixirs, the flame on Lin Xiao's body gradually went out, and his face gradually began to return to normal.

Several people were relieved to see this, and Qingyuan was even more proud. When he was about to boast, suddenly a heat wave broke out inside Lin Xiao's body, and his body instantly turned red, like a cooked shrimp!

"How could this happen!?" Han Wei stared at Lin Xiao in a daze with an unbelievable face.

Bingling stepped in front of Qingyuan, stared at him, and said coldly, "Didn't you say that the yin soul elixir can save the Lord? Why is the situation more serious now than before!?"

Qingyuan also looked at Lin Xiao in a daze, frowned, and muttered repeatedly, "Impossible. How can this be? Obviously, the yin elixir can remove fire poison..."

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and shouted, "I know! Although the Yinpo elixir removed the fire poison outside Lin Xiao's body, it caused the resistance of the fire poison, and instead forced the internal fire in Lin Xiao's body out! That's why the situation is more serious!"

When Bingling heard the words, he immediately spread out his palm to Qingyuan, "Take out a few more gloomy elixir!"

Qingyuan said angrily, "Do you think Yinpo elixir is an elixir sold at street stalls? I only have these two, but no matter how many yin elixirs there are, it has no effect on Lin Xiao at this time. He is now the inner fire attack heart, and the fire poison is fierce, which can no longer be removed by external things such as elixir.

The ghost hunter shouted, "Then what should I do! Qingyuan, I can warn you that if something really happens to your master, I will never let you go!"

"Me too. Although we can't do anything about Kunyuan Dan Furnace for the time being, we can seal you and make your life worse than death."

The ice spirit rarely responded to the ghost hunt.

Han Wei also pleaded bitterly: "Please, you must save Brother Lin. Brother Lin has become like this for me. If he has any shortcomings, I will also..."

Qingyuan was very upset. He could not think of any other way for a while. However, when he saw Han Wei sobbing, a lightning suddenly crossed his mind. He shouted, "Yes, I have a way!"

Bingling, Ghost Hunting and Han Wei all looked at Qingyuan, and their faces were full of anxiety.

Qingyuan hurriedly said, "Although external things can't dispel the internal fire on Lin Xiao's body, yin and yang are inherently compatible with each other. If you want to get rid of internal fire, you only need to use the natural inner yin body, combine with it, and blend with yin and yang to save Lin Xiao."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Han Wei. Qingyuan didn't say the rest of the words, but Han Wei already understood, and she couldn't help blushing.

Ghost Hunting and Bingling are still half-integrated. Ghost Hunting scratched his head and asked puzzledly, "Even if you make sense, where will we find what kind of natural endoyin you said for a moment?"

Qingyuan laughed and said, "Do you still need to look for it? Isn't Miss Han Wei the most suitable inner vagina? Don't forget that we heard people say that she was a 'spiritual body' at the auction!"

Bingling and ghost hunting suddenly realized, but Bingling frowned and asked, "But even if Miss Han is what kind of 'spiritual body', how can she achieve the effect of the blending of yin and yang you said and save thejiu zhu?"

Qingyuan couldn't help but glance at Bingling, as if he didn't want to talk to him more.

At this time, Han Wei's face was already red and almost dripping blood. She bit her lips and secretly looked at Lin Xiao, who was in a coma. There was a trace of hesitation in her eyes, but when she heard Lin Xiaoyue's urgent breathing and his frown in pain from time to time because of the internal fire, Han Wei finally I still made up my mind.

I only heard Han Wei whisper in a slight voice, "Can you leave for a while?"

Qingyuan knew that Han Wei had made a decision, so he said to Bingling and Ghost Hunt, "Take me out of here quickly. I'll go outside to find out."

Ghosthun said dissatisfiedly, "The master is about to die. You are still in the mood to leave at this time. Believe it or not, I will slap you!"

Qingyuan glanced at Guihun, "If you don't want to save your master, you can stay. For the last time, if you want to save your master, take me away now."

The ghost hunt was about to be angry, but the ice spirit said, "Ghost hunt, listen to him, let's go."

Ghost Hunter was stunned when he heard the words and thought why Bingling was the same. He raised his head and suddenly saw that Qingyuan and Bingling both had a heavy face. Suddenly, if he felt it, so he looked up at Han Wei, who was staring at Lin Xiao. At that moment, he seemed to understand something.

So, the ghost hunt nodded, and Bingling carried the Kunyuan Dan furnace one left and one right, left the spiritual garden, and walked out of the mountain stone cracks.

After Bingling and the three left, Han Wei stretched out her right hand, gently stroked Lin Xiao's cheek, and then whispered in a voice so low that only she could hear her, "Although I know that there is no possibility of staying with you, Brother Lin, do you know that I really like you and want to stay with you all the time. By the side."

"Although I can't be a woman who will accompany you all my life, Vier is also satisfied with being able to have a moment of warmth with you."

After she finished speaking, she waved her left hand gently, and a blue light flew out of her fingertips, and then formed a 100-meter-wide light mask around Han Wei and Lin Xiao, hiding their bodies in it.

If you look carefully from the outside of the light mask, you can faintly see the two figures in it, but you can't see the whole picture clearly.

And in the light mask, Han Wei's hands were gently removing the black gauze on her body one by one. After a moment, she had already revealed the dazzlingly beautiful virgin body like white jade gel.

Han Wei**'s shoulders trembled slightly in the air, and then she held Lin Xiao in her arms and slowly leaned against his body...