Spirit Ruins

Chapter 349 Battlefield

Shortly after entering the light gate, Lin Xiao, who was transmitting, suddenly felt a huge space fluctuation force wrapping himself, as if to tear him apart!

He tried his best to resist the power of space, but fortunately he was not crushed by the unpredictable force.

However, after a competition, Lin Xiao also exhausted the essence in his body, and then his eyes were black, and he suddenly fell into a coma. His body did not enter the whirlpool of time and space around him, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Su Qiang, who entered the light gate with Lin Xiao, also found the strange situation on Lin Xiao. She tried her best to get close to Lin Xiao, but was rejected by the space power around Lin Xiao and couldn't get close to half at all.

When Lin Xiao finally fell into the whirlpool of time and space, Su Qiang opened her mouth and shouted Lin Xiao's name. However, at this time, Lin Xiao had fallen into a coma and could not hear Su Qiang's shouting at all.


I don't know how long it took. When Lin Xiao was stimulated to wake up by the severe pain on his body, there was a sound of fighting that gradually changed from weak to deafening in his ear.

Lin Xiao opened his eyes and shook his eyes, but found that he was floating in a black sea. His body was floating with the dark sea. This sea was full of black sea, with a strong smell, which was disgusting.

And around Lin Xiao, there are huge black warships. On the warships, there are rows of monks in black armor. These monks' military appearance is neat, and everyone exudes a sense of murder.

At this moment, the monks on the warship are fighting with a group of sea monsters.

The number of these siren is amazing, occupying a dense sea in the distance and confronting the warships.

Lin Xiao looked at it from afar. His eyesight was amazing. He noticed that those black sea demons were humanoid, but their physique was nearly twice as tall as ordinary people. These sea monsters were covered with black scales, black horns on their foreheads, and a long black tail was dragged behind them.

Although the number of sea monsters is less than those black armored monks on the warship, the combat effectiveness of the sea monster is very amazing. One sea monster can resist the siege of three black armored monks. The sound of fighting on the battlefield is shocking, and the black armored monks on the rear warships take turns to rush to the dense sea monster group in the front sea!

Although the sea monster's personal strength is far superior to those black armor monks, the black armor monks are well trained, cooperate with each other, and are assisted by various magic weapons and battle arrays. As the war situation progresses, the monks actually began to gain the upper hand.

Lin Xiao floated in the distant sea and couldn't move all over. He could only watch the battle between the monk and the sea monster, but he could not intervene in the battle.

The battle lasted from noon to evening, and nearly hundreds of monks died in this tragic war. The broken warship fell to the black sea with the bodies of the black armored monks and slowly drifted by Lin Xiao.

Strangely, the buoyancy of the black sea was so amazing that it floated the bodies of those monks and the wreckage of warships above the sea without sinking.

And on the other side, the loss of the sea monster is also very huge. Although the number of sea monsters killed in battle is not as large as that of monks, the sea monster base is already small. After killing many powerful sea monsters in a row, the sea monster tribe finally can't bear such a loss.

In the group of sea demons, a sea demon leader with a physique far superior to the ordinary sea demons around him, and a sea demon leader with black inverts on his back suddenly rose into the air, and then looked up to the sky and roared.

After hearing the long roar of the leader, the rest of the sea monsters made a reluctant shrill sound one after another, but these shrills were directly ignored by the sea monster leader. When the sea monster leader made a long roar again, the other sea monsters who had dared to question the leader before did not dare to make a sound again.

Then, under the leadership of the sea monster leader, the black sea demon group began to retreat slowly, and finally completely left the sea area and disappeared into the vast black sea.

In this battle, the sea monster also left more than 40 sea demon corpses on the battlefield.

Strangely, the body after the death of the sea monster did not float on the sea like the human monks, but sank directly into the sea. The monks on the warship quickly salvaged the sea demon's body from the warship, and finally barely netted more than a dozen bodies, but the rest of the bodies disappeared.

After the siren retreated, a warm cheer suddenly broke out on the battlefield that had been killed. The monks in black armor cheered and celebrated each other on the deck of the warship, with happy smiles on their faces.

After the monks celebrated with each other, a big man in gold armor and beard on a huge black warship suddenly came out and said to everyone: "Guys, this invasion of the Black Jiao clan is the credit of everyone present. When we return to the empty island, everyone will be rewarded! Our island owner also said that he would reward you for three days and three nights after going back, and everyone will not be drunk!"

"Great! Long live the owner of Wang Island!"

"I'm going to drink for three days and three nights this time. Damn, I'm exhausted these days!"

"That is, I don't know what's wrong with these black dragonflies recently. They come to attack the island every once in a while, and the frequency has become more frequent recently..."

While the monks were talking about it, the golden armored man said, "Okay, let's start cleaning up the battlefield. In addition to the bodies of those black dragon demons to be brought back to the trapped island for research, please salvage the remains of our dead brothers, and we will take them back to the trapped island for burial!"

Under the order of the golden armored man, all the monks answered in unison, "Yes! Commander Peng!"

Soon, the monks on the warship began to collect the remains of the monks floating on the black sea.

Suddenly, a monk found Lin Xiao floating on the sea and immediately shouted, " Commander Peng! There is an outside monk here!"

When Commander Peng heard this, he immediately took several attendants into the air and came to Lin Xiao's side.

At this time, Lin Xiao had been salvaged to a warship by several black armored monks. Several monks surrounded him. Peng led the onlookers, and then walked to Lin Xiao and asked, "Who are you?" Why does it appear within the sea area of our trapped island?

Lin Xiao's spiritual power had been exhausted because he wanted to fight against the space storm. At this moment, he didn't even have the strength to stand up, so he had to lie on the ground and said slowly, "I came in from the floating world. Is this the 'secret land of Guangcheng'?"

"Sky floating world?" The monks around looked at each other and didn't seem to hear much about the name of this interface.

Only Commander Peng's face changed greatly and stared at Lin Xiao, and his tone began to become harsh. "Let me ask you, is the world outside the 'secret land of gods and demons'?"

Lin Xiao nodded, but asked puzzledly, "The secret land of gods and demons? Isn't this a secret place?"

Commander Peng said slowly, "After so many years, the original Guangcheng secret place is no longer what it used to be. The people we live in the secret world are used to calling this world 'the secret place of gods and demons'."

Commander Peng then asked again, "Let me ask you, didn't the battle between the 'God King's Tower' and the 'Heaven and Demon Abyss' have already destroyed the space passages into the 'secret land of gods and demons'? How did you get here from the outside world?

Lin Xiao couldn't understand what the 'God King Tower' and 'Heavenly Demon Abys' said by Commander Peng were, but vaguely guessed that these two places should be the names of the two major forces, but it turned out that the reason why the Guangcheng immortal orders in the outside world disappeared one after another was that the expedition between the two major forces destroyed the space to enter this place. Node-related!

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment and finally told him how he entered this place.

Commander Peng nodded when he heard the words, "So it is. No wonder you encounter a space-time storm. The passage into the 'secret land of gods and demons' has long been destroyed. You are lucky to forcibly use Guangcheng immortals to enter this place without being killed by broken space cracks on the spot."

When Lin Xiao heard the words, she immediately began to worry about Su Qiang. She entered Guangcheng Xianmen with herself, but she was afraid that her situation was not very good.

So Lin Xiao hurriedly reached into his arms and wanted to take out the 'Qiankun Move' token and transmit himself to Su Qiang's side.

However, to Lin Xiao's surprise, no matter how he urged the token, the token did not respond at all!

How could this happen?

Lin Xiao thought hard for a moment and can only come to two conclusions. The reason why the token cannot stimulate the effect is either that there is something wrong with Su Qiang, or the distance between the two is too far to be transmitted by air.

Lin Xiao stretched out his right hand again, pinched a few magic formulas with his fingers, and used Huangjitian's performance to deduce it. The hexagrams he got showed that Su Qiang was not in danger of his life for the time being, but Lin Xiao wanted to figure it further, but found that he could no longer calculate anything.

It seems that Su Qiang should have been transmitted to a place far away from her, so that the moving token could not work.

Commander Peng looked at Lin Xiao's action coldly. When Lin Xiao finished his work, he slowly said, "Are you looking for the whereabouts of another companion?"

Lin Xiao saw that Commander Peng had recognized his intention and did not hide it. Instead, he said, "Yes, I transmitted it with my companions, but now I have lost her trace. I can't find her by using the universe movement order. I don't know where Commander Peng knows where the people who are transmitted into this 'secret land of gods and demons' are usually transmitted. Did you go inside?

Follow the customs when you enter the countryside. People here call the secret place Guangcheng secret land of gods and demons, and Lin Xiao also said so.

Commander Peng explained: "The secret land of gods and demons has set up several large entrances, and the monks coming in from the outside world will be transported to somewhere, depending on what kind of skills you practice. According to the past practice here, if you are a monk who practices magic skills, ten * will be transmitted to the 'Heavenly Demon Abyss'. As for other monks, it is more likely to be transmitted to the 'God King's Tower'.

"Of course, the space nodes entering the secret land of gods and demons have been destroyed, and the possibility of being transmitted to other places is not ruled out. Taoist friend, didn't you just encounter a space storm and get involved in our empty island? You should know that we were trapped on the empty island, but there was no secret entrance node at all.