Sixties gold powder

Chapter 7 Mind

"No." Su Yu turned his head slightly, gently avoided Changping's fingers and said, "How did you get in?" He asked with some doubts.

Changping did not answer his question, but asked himself, "Have you always lived here?" Without waiting for the boy to answer, seeing the clothes around him, Changping felt that there was no need to ask. He just blinked his eyes cunningly and said, "Do you want to escape?"

"Escape?" Su Yu looked surprised.

"They treat you like this. Have you never thought about leaving?" Changping looked at his surprised appearance and asked curiously.

Su Yu nodded, looked at Changping and raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why did you escape?" He narrowed his eyes and said, "Just because of that?" He looked at the dilapidated room with some sarcastism and said, "I will eventually get my things."

Changping narrowed his eyes. Although the child in front of him was less than ten years old, Changping saw firmness and the inevitable determination in his eyes. Therefore, he no longer said such stupid words as escape. Changping climbed onto the small bed, his two little feet hanging in the air, looking very leisurely. He sighed comfortably and said, "You haven't told me why you are here yet?"

Speaking of this, Su Yu looked a little dim in his eyes, but he said toughly, "You don't have to worry about it."

Changping didn't care about the stall, but Anu bulged his mouth angrily. Looking at Su Yu wanting to speak, but Changping didn't dare to open his mouth, he had to grit his teeth and endure for a while. Changping reached out and patted her arm with some funny and said, "Anu, go to the yard to pick some longan and come back."

"..." Anu was stunned and said, "Okay, I'm going now." With that, he ran out upside down, and now he is not afraid of being discovered? Changping has a feeling of a black line, which is why she keeps letting Anu follow her. She may not be smart, but she can't be unfaithful.

"Are you angry?" Su Yu asked softly and peeked at her expression.

Changping shook his head and said, "No." With that, he kicked his legs and narrowed his eyes and said, "If you don't say it, you can probably guess it."

"Oh?" Su Yu raised his eyebrows and asked with interest, "Trick it."

Changping looked at him with some fun and said, "You can also know from what you just said that your status in Su's mansion should be extremely high." Changping habitually narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Yu and said, "Although I don't know, I have heard my mother mention that now Mrs. Su is not the original wife, but a continuation. In this way, the status of the original son in this house is a little embarrassing." Thinking of this, the master of the Su family must be very dissatisfied with his original wife. Otherwise, he would not have allowed his former wife's son to die like this.

Su Yu was silent for a moment, and then nodded and said, "You're right. That demon girl hurt my mother and bullied me when I was young. In the future, I will definitely let her know the price to pay for such a behavior."

Changping nodded and said, "That's good." With that, he jumped down and said, "I should go."

"..." Su Yu was stunned for a moment, as if she was not used to her jumping way of speaking, but she still nodded well and didn't say anything. She didn't care about the little girl's appearance.

Changping sighed, what an unlovely child. What can you do if you say something nice?!

Changping said and walked out with his skirt. When he walked to the door, he stopped and turned to look at Su Yu and said, "I will come to see you when I have time."

Su Yu bent the corners of his mouth and said, "It's up to you."

The child bent the corners of his mouth and smiled silently. This child was really interesting. In such an environment, it is rare that he has not developed a timid and self-pity. He just lacks an opportunity, but she is curious about how much he will do if she is given this child a chance to learn.

For this, Changping is looking forward to it, just like a cultivation game.

After coming out, Changping saw Anu grabbing one hand on the branch and was crumbling, and he couldn't go up and down. Changping's smiling face stiffened. Shi Shiran walked to the tree, raised his little face behind his hands and looked at her and said, "What are you doing? Huh?" With that, he narrowed his eyes and said, "It's really stupid. Can you make yourself like this by picking a longan?"

"Little...Miss..." The little girl twitched the corners of her mouth and said flatteringly, "Can you find someone to get me down?"

"Jump down by yourself." Changping had a black face and said speechlessly, "Are you tired with your arms like this?"

"I... I'm afraid..." The little girl pouted.

"How did you get up?" Changping asked with great interest. Looking at the branch she stepped on, it was very weak. I really don't know if she has a long brain. She dares to step on it like this!

"I... I was very happy to see the growth over there, so I didn't pay attention to it..." The little girl muttered.

Changping shook his head and looked around. They sneaked over, which was not good for people to find out. Although it was secluded and few people came here, it did not mean that no one would come. Thinking like this, Changping said, "You jump down and I'll follow you."

The little girl waved her hand with a pale face and said, "This can't be done!"

"There's so much nonsense." Changping urged her to jump down quickly. Just then, the boy came out and saw their appearance and said, "You jump down, I'll follow you." With that, he stood beside Changping and pulled her back, which then said to Anu.

Anu squeezed his lips and looked at Changping as soon as he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes and jumped down.

Su Yu narrowly grabbed her and staggered. Changping hurriedly helped the red Anu up and said to the boy when she was fine, "How are you?"

"It's okay." Su Yu smiled and coughed softly.

Changping saw that his face was a little pale and knew that he was still sick, so he said, "Have you suffered from the cold?"

"It's just some minor problems, which is not worth mentioning." Su Yu lightly exposed the topic and said, "You guys leave quickly."

Changping nodded and climbed from the tree neatly. Anu did not dare to waste more time. He blushed at Su Yufu and followed his young lady to climb the tree.

Changping sat on the wall and waved his hand to Su Yu with a smile, "If you want to come out to play, come to me from here."

"I will." Su Yu smiled.

Changping just turned over and jumped down. His toes were a little painful. Changping looked at the wall and wondered if he should ask his father to find a few nursing homes to teach him some skills? She once saw a guard's toes jump on the branch easily. At that time, she was very surprised and specially called those people to interrogate them.

"Anu, hurry up." Changping frowned and said, "Let Dad find a martial arts master when you go back, and you can also practice with me."

"Ah?" Anu said with a bitter face, "Miss, shall I forget it?" With that, he ran a few steps quickly and came to Changping's side and begged, "Miss, you also know me. It's okay for me to embroider flowers, but it's too difficult for me to take that gun stick or something."

"Hmm, is it difficult?" Changping hummed, "What are the promising ways to embroider? Will you go to be an embroidered woman in the future?

"Is it possible to learn martial arts and become a nursing home?" Anu lowered his head and muttered.

Changping knew what she was whispering about when she looked at her. He sighed, "It's good for you to learn martial arts, understand." With that, he raised his tiptoe on her head angrily and said, "How many people have no chance to learn! Now that I have given you this opportunity for nothing, you still don't know how to seize it. It's really... Really..."

"What is it really?" When Anu saw that her young lady was so angry that she couldn't speak, she smiled secretly and came forward to deliberately ask, "What is it really?"

"It's really a rotten wood that can't be carved!" Changping stared at her and turned around and walked away, secretly saying that the little girl was really getting bigger and smaller.

"Oh, who do I think this is?" Only a strange sound came from the front.

Changping pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, "It turned out to be the eldest brother and the second sister."

"Where did the eldest sister come back from? Tut, look at this dress~~" He said, curled his lips and turned around the long flat, "How can it be so dirty? It looks like a little beggar." With that, he laughed twice and took down a leaf on Changping's head and said, "Big sister, is this a hole?"

"Big brother's words are not reasonable." The second sister covered her mouth with a small white feather fragrant wood fan and smiled, "Only beasts in the world can drill holes. How can the eldest sister do such an unident thing?"

"Young master, second girl, how can you talk like this!" Anu stood up angrily and said, "Thanks to our girl, we even called you a big brother. This is not a little demeanor as a brother."

"What are you?" Yun Jiqing frowned and said, "When was it my turn to interrupt?"

"Brother, why do you have the same experience as this slave? You have lowered your identity for nothing." Changzhi said with a smile.

Changping saw a faint curvature of the mouth of the people coming from afar, reached out to block Anu, looked at the two of them and whispered, "I don't know. When did the Yun family even the son of a concubine become so arrogant?" As soon as this sentence came out, their faces became difficult to look, and their faces were innocent and cute with a long smile: "The concubine is just a slave who can't stand on the stage. The maidservant is a slave. Even if she climbs the master's bed, she can't change anything. You should know what you should do and what you shouldn't do. If you want to Something you shouldn't have thought about..." Changping's eyes turned around and walked to the middle of them and whispered, "Maybe they won't understand how they died one day. Isn't it too cowardly?"

"You!" Yun Jiqing wanted to wave his hand.

Changping squinted his eyes and even leaned forward and said in a more contemptuous voice, "Try it if you have the ability?"

Yun Jiqing clenched his open hand tightly and said fiercely, "How long do you think you can be arrogant?"