Sixties gold powder

Chapter 63 Cell

Ji Yuan looked at Liu Aniu's expression, which didn't seem to be fake. He looked at Zhao Xiaosi again. Liu Aniu first untied Zhao Xiaosi. Zhao Xiaosi hurriedly untied Ji Yuan and whispered, "Let's get out of here first." With that, he looked at Liu Aniu and said, "Brother Niu, will you leave with us?"

"Yes, Brother Niu, let's leave with us." Ji Yuan also advised that Liu Aniu did not look like a bad guy, but he was very honest. If his so-called master knew that he had let him go, he might have done something.

"But... Master said..." Liu Aniu wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Zhao Xiaosi: "Brother Niu, don't say so much. Do you think the young master can walk out of the North Street in this way?"

Liu Aniu took another look at this thin and tender little bag, but he agreed with Zhao Xiaosi's words. This is really the fat meat that Huazi likes to do. After thinking about it for a moment, Liu Aniu resolutely decided to send Zhao Xiaosi and the others to a safe place.

"Brother Niu, there should be someone guarding outside." Zhao Xiaosi asked softly, "We definitely can't get out like this."

"Don't worry, Xiao Si." Liu Aniu grinned, looked at them and smiled, moving away the dry branches piled up on the side of the firewood house. There was a cellar below. "This yard was originally left by my parents."

"But why did it become the industry of the lion dance class later?" Zhao Xiaosi didn't know this. He thought they were orphans like himself, but he didn't expect Liu Aniu to be native of Yongfu Lane, Shuocheng.

"Master taught me how to dance lions." Liu Aniu grabbed his hair and said with a smile, "A Niu likes lion dance."

The era understood that the emotional family was relying on this ancestral house that occupied his family. This big man was too easy to deceive. He would suddenly forget that this big man was also a member of his abicide, and there was only Sensen's sympathy for him in his heart.

"Little Four~~ That man is really a villain! Everything that occupies people's ancestral houses has been done!" Ji Yuan held his little hand and was very angry. In his opinion, this Niu was obviously cheated!

"Young master, the class leader of that season was very powerful. I heard that the family used to be very rich, but later he fell down and had nowhere to go. He was exiled on the North Street, and later this lion dance class was established." Zhao Xiaosi was very clear about these curves, "Young master, please slow down."

"Don't call me the young master all the time." Jiyuan complained with some dissatisfaction, "We are also in trouble now, and we should be compatible with brothers." His fingers held Zhao Xiaosi's hand tightly. The road to the cellar was a little bumpy and uneven, and the era was a little stumbling.

"Ha ha, Xiao Si is very grateful to be named by the young master." Zhao Xiaosi smiled. He knew his status and naturally did not dare to call such a noble person's name.

"I said I could." Ji Yuan pulled Zhao Xiaosi's finger dissatisfiedly and said, "Just call me Yuan'er."

The two spoke in a low voice, and Ji Yuan's heart gradually became less afraid, "Xiao Si, when can we go out?"

"It's almost there." Liu Aniu turned his head and interrupted, "This leads to an orchard on the outskirts of North Street. I heard from my father that this was a tunnel dug down during the war, but it saved our family's name at the beginning."

"Do the owners of that season know this?" Jiyuan thought about it and asked. If the Ji team leader also knew this tunnel, they might be able to find that they were missing after dawn, and they would naturally come up.

"A Niu didn't tell them." Liu Aniu hurriedly said, "In the past, his father told A Niu that no one could tell this place except his relatives."

"Yeah?" Ji Yuan blinked and looked at him puzzledly, "Then why did you bring us here?"

"Well, Xiao Si is a younger brother, not an outsider." A Niu took it for granted.

The era couldn't help complaining. Xiao Si is the younger brother, and the master of the season is still the master. Why didn't he see him so good to the master? Er, of course, fortunately, he is not so sincere to his brother.

I don't know how long I stumbled in this cellar. When I saw the bright light at the exit, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I want to find my sister as soon as possible." Ji Yuan had a small face and looked at Zhao Xiaosi and said seriously, "Xiao Si, my sister must be worried!"

"Well, I will go back to the young master." Zhao Xiaosi gently patted the back of the era and said softly, "Don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid." Ji Yuan said sullenly, "I'm just a little worried about my sister."

Zhao Xiaosi didn't say much, just looked at Liu Aniu and said, "Brother Niu, where are we going now?"

"Just go through this orchard." A Niu walked into a small hut in the garden. A moment later, he pulled out a ox cart, but there was no animal pulling the cart. "Little master, there is still a long distance from the gate. You can get in the car first."

The Epoch looked at the ox cart, looked at Ah Niu, and said, "But there is no horse here."

"It's okay, A Niu is pushing you away." With that, Zhao Xiaosi climbed into the car first, and Ji Yuan also sat up with the help of Zhao Xiaosi.

"Little master, here you are." Zhao Xiaosi didn't know how to take out a thick cloth handkerchief from there. Although the fabric was not as good as the ordinary era, it came out without any psychological burden. He touched his tender little face, and his cheeks were a little painful with some rough touch.

Although Jiyuan didn't say much, Zhao Xiaosi frowned silently, took the veil, took the cowhide bag from the carriage, tore off a small piece of cloth from his only satin underwear, and gently wiped the mud on Jiyuan's face.

The era obediently raised his little face and let Zhao Xiaosi take care of it. After sorting it out, the era rubbed Zhao Xiaosi's cheeks.

When Ji Yuan wanted to dare to go to the gate, Changping took Su Yu to touch the Liu family in Yongfu Lane. It was just a small family. The small yard was neat and neat. A set of lion dance equipment was still in the courtyard at will. Changping looked at Su Yu and nodded. It was probably here.

Saying that the two jumped down from the eaves lightly. At this time, the yard had already fallen into silence. The left-behind man also leaned on the door pier and dozed off. It was much simpler than expected. Changping put down his worries and was not a powerful person. Since they had abduction of his brother, I'm afraid they just wanted to Just get something from the Yun family.