Sixties gold powder

Chapter 82 Xiangxiao

A happy smile flashed on the third aunt's face. Her son always knew that he was distressed. Anyway, his son should be superior, not so humble.

"All right, let's see what's in your hurry." The third aunt smiled, touched her son's hair and whispered, "Mother is angry."

Ji Nan looked at his mother and laughed, and smiled gently. He secretly looked at his mother's face, and looked at her mood today as sad as before. Then he asked hesitantly, "Mom... What has happened to you recently?"

"No." The third aunt shook her head with a smile, signaling him not to worry too much.

Ji Nan looked at his mother and didn't want to say anything more, so he changed the topic and said, "Mother, you also talk more about your sister. It's really not good to hold a scripture all day long at this young age." He frowned and nodded with a smile when he saw his mother. He said, "It's not good for my sister to be seen in this way."

"Ye, my mother knows." The third aunt just responded softly and didn't say much. Looking at Ji Nan's eyes full of love, anyway, this is her son. After all these years, she has never been so persistent about anything, but his son is different. He should be the precious porcelain, not the cheap rubble.

This night, Ji Nan was very happy. In his mind, his mother and sister were his last concern. In this cold mansion of the Yun family, it was his mother and sister who gave him the courage and motivation to go out. Without them, maybe he would be a dispensable son in the Yun family, get some dividends every year, and eventually become a A dlaw.

When he told his mother these things, his mother told him to do what he wanted to do. She was proud of his son, which made him excited. The support of his family was his greatest motivation.

If today's Jinan is the happiest child in the world, how does he feel when facing the cold bodies of his mother and sister?

Changping doesn't know, she can't imagine it. She knew that the third aunt and Changjing were in the low position in Ji Nan's mind. He asked himself to take care of them, didn't he?

What happened was so unprepared. It has been half a month, and you can faintly see the tall towers of Shengjing. This day, you plan to leave for Beijing. If it is fast, you can enter the city before dark. No one expected that something happened to your third aunt at this time.

She saw the relieved expression on her mother's face, but her heart became heavier and heavier. The expression on Ji Nan's face made her worried. His face was pale, and his eyes were as calm as an unpredictable lake, without a trace of waves.

Changping pulled his sleeve, and his eyes were a little unbearable. Last night, she saw his conversation with his third aunt, and also saw the joy and gentleness in his look.

Ji Nan did not respond, but stared straight at the two cold bodies.

Changping knew that he was just a little unacceptable and slowly walked towards the two bodies. His mother seemed to want to hold her, but looking at the look on her face, she slowly put down her hand. Changping didn't know what he was thinking. Isn't the death of her third aunt exactly what she wanted?

It's just that she doesn't understand why that woman took Changjing to the road of no return?

Changjing, she is just a poor girl... Her life has just begun and has been destroyed by her mother...

Changping's eyes are a little sour. The girl lying on the little wood** has a pale face and has long lost its temperature. This is the girl she finally snatched back from death. After all, she can't resist the play of fate...

Dad's look was also a little ugly. Changping looked a little worried. Dad had always been soft-hearted, let alone his wife and children. Changping walked over, secretly took Dad's hand and raised his head, and gently shouted, "Dad..." Her eyes were a little watery, looking pitiful.

"..." Yun Huazhuo touched his daughter's forehead and whispered, "Let's go." With that, he left first. Changping left with his father and couldn't help looking back, but he saw Ji Nan's painful and determined eyes. Changping was shocked and quickly turned his head to leave with his father.

The official seemed to be very difficult and walked forward with a bitter face, "Master Yun~~ The subordinates dare not say anything more about things in the house, but... this... the time set by the emperor..."

Changping stared and shouted angrily, "Are you blinded your dog's eyes?"

"Ping'er!" Yun Huazhuo's face turned red. Although the official position is not high, he is not an upbred child to say, "You are a girl!"

Changping pouted aggrievedly and looked at Yun Huazhuo and said, "My sister's bones are not cold. Are we leaving like this?"

"Who said that?" Yun Huazhuo sighed, touched her hair, and whispered, "Is Dad such an unintentional person?" Yun Huazhuo patted her hand and said, "Find a good place in Beijing to bury the two." After saying this, Yun Huazhuo bowed and left to handle it. Chang Ping's heart was depressed. After all, the third aunt and the Yun family's ancestral hall could not tolerate them. It turned out that his father knew everything.

Changping looked at her father's expressionless expression, but she didn't dare to say anything. She couldn't blame anything. In such a society, her father has done a good job.

The sky was always gloomy, as if the sky had seen the death of these two people. Dad gradually cared about Ji Nan as Changping thought.

The third aunt exchanged the death of herself and Changjing for her father's kindness. She is worthy of being with her father for more than ten years. She knows that if she is still alive, her children will have more no status in the Yun family and more despised. Although some things can be hidden for a while, they can't be hidden for a lifetime.

However, if he uses two lives to atone for his sins, with his father's kindness, even if he doesn't like Ji Nan, he will help him with his guilt, but cultivate him. Ji Nan's genealogy is recorded in the name of his mother, then he will not have a disgraceful biological mother and will not be scoffed by the court because of his status as a concubine. Laughing.

Changping figured out the cause of her third aunt's death in an instant, but she would rather never know about it. What on earth did she do to see Changjing? She is also her own daughter!

Since that day, no one has mentioned the third aunt and the third lady in the house, as if they had never appeared. Changping knew in his heart that this was not a glorious thing. Maybe his mother said something, and then they stopped.

The two lives disappeared like this, and everyone's face seemed to be used to it, which made Changping very uncomfortable. The irritability in his heart seemed to drown her, and he became more and more silent.

Time always slips away inadvertently. When Changping adjusted his mentality, they had been in Beijing for half a month. A serious illness made her appear more and more petite, but her eyes became bigger.

"Miss~~ It's a good day today. Would you like to go out for a walk?"

"Cough, that's good." Changping covered his mouth and coughed gently and walked out slowly with the help of green. The sun was a little dazzling. Changping narrowed his eyes and slowly opened them after a moment. From the shadow of the trees, through the crossed leaves, some mottled sunlight shone down. The good weather made people drowsy.

There is a rockery on the edge of her yard. It is said that the living water drawn from the mountain stream was designed by her father. Changping likes to sit under the peach tree, lie on a rocking chair, and listen to the sound of running water with his eyes closed.

Green had already put the rocking chair under the tree, and slowly walked over with the help of green Qi. He smelled the fragrance of peach blossoms. Changping's mood rarely got better. He folded a peach blossom and put it under his nose and smelled it gently. The faint fragrance lingered at the tip of his nose and squinted at the sun under the shadow of the tree. Such a look was not It's very dazzling, but it's a little sour because of looking at it for a long time.

"Miss~~ Spring has started a few days ago. I heard that when the young master came out of the examination room, he looked fine." Lvyi looked at Changping's sullen appearance and said, "There are really many princes who have been carried out of the examination room." With that, he smiled and tried to amuse her. Changping squeezed his lips and smiled, but did not answer.

The third sister was buried in a peach blossom forest in the back mountain of Shengjing. This is the place chosen by Changping. The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the scenery is very pleasant. Her identity can't enter the ancestral hall of the Yun family. Changping also hopes that the place where the third sister was buried is also a beautiful place like her.

"You said that his cousin has come out of the examination room?" Changping turned his head and asked softly. This may be the first time she has been interested in her words in such a day. Lvyi was so excited to hear her that she didn't know how to react. Instead, Lvqi nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, miss~~ It's been many days. I'm afraid the imperial list will come down in a few days."

"That's it." Changping tilted his head and muttered softly. After the spring, I'm afraid Shengjing will also be lively. "Mother's place..."

"Miss, my wife said earlier that the Le girl in the uncle's house and the eldest girl of the He family have handed in the post."

Changping was stunned for a moment and gently hooked the corners of his mouth. It turned out that they had also been in Shengjing. For a long time, they were still staying in Shuocheng. It seemed that the identity of his father was not low in Shengjing. Changping was gradually relieved. If his father was really looked down upon because of his identity as a merchant, then he was not homeless. I'm afraid I won't let Wei Qingzhu hand over the post.