Sixties gold powder

Chapter 31 Compromise

Changping's choice was a compromise in her own opinion, a compromise on time. She herself was a little confused. When she made such a decision, she was a little worried but relieved for the first time. Such a strange feeling made her look a little silent.

seems to have become a kind of redemption. The green betrayal made her deny herself and others' loyalty to herself. Now she chooses to forgive, which seems to get her out of the strange circle and get a new life. It seems that she has completely come out of the shadow of betrayal.

The baby's body is not serious. Although his body is a little weak, he is well raised by green. Changping looked at the little guy who was no longer crying, gently pinched her cheek, softly, really a cute guy.

It is said that children are the embodiment of angels, which is true at all. Usually, she always feels that the hard time passes unconsciously when she teases the child. "This child is really clever."

"Yes." Anu smiled and shook a rattle drum, "Is it true that you don't even cry for a long time?" With that, he laughed again, "I haven't seen such a clever child before."

"Ha ha, if you have a child in the future, you may be so well-behaved." Changping couldn't help joking, "You were also very clever when you were a child." How did you think about the simple look and feel cute? Thinking about Changping, he laughed.

Anu rolled her eyes angrily and said, "Miss, this is bad. I'm three years older than Miss. How can I know how I was when I was a child?"

"You don't understand~~" Changping smiled and blinked his eyes and said, "You have been placed by my mother since you were a child. How can I not know." Saying plausible words, Changping began to fool in a good mood.

"Grandma, the fourth aunt is here." A little girl in the courtyard said loudly, "It's said that she has something to see grandma."

Changping raised his eyebrows. What did Ziwu do here at this moment? There was also a strange color in Luyi's eyes, and she said with a little embarrassed: "Miss, since you have something to do, I'll go first..."

"It's okay." Changping frowned and then said to Fanghui, "Go, invite the fourth aunt to come in." With that, he sat on the main seat and motionless. He picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip.

"My concubine said good to the big/grandmother." Ziwu didn't look much surprised when she saw the green, but just saluted lightly. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the woman who came in and said with a smile, "Sister, sit here." He pointed to the seat on the right and said, "My sister came to my side at this time, but it's a little inappropriate."

"Big/Grandma..." Ziwu hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and knelt down directly, and said, "Please give me some advice!"

"Teaching?" Changping looked at her with a little fun and said with a smile, "What did my sister say? I'm just a rejected woman. How can I teach her?" Changping's voice was a little soft, and the words with a smile made Ziwu's face a little pale, but after a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "Although the maidservant was pointed to the young master, but..." Ziwu took a deep breath, "Grandma also saw it. I was just unconvinced."

"Oh? Unconvinced?" Changping looked at her with a smile and said, "So why did my sister come to me?"

"Today's event is an opportunity for grandma." Ziwu's eyes were bright and firm. Her long and flat eyes flashed, and she only heard her say, "Once, I thought that as long as I became the young master's aunt and had the young master's child, then I had nothing to ask for."

"However, I have been in the house for many years." Ziwu looked a little low, "If it hadn't been for the big/grandmother's care, there would have been no slave today."

It's not enough to smile. She knows more than she thought. For example, her family should at least show some sincerity if she wants her to help her.

"Big/Grandma doesn't know anything." Ziwu gritted his teeth and finally said, "Ziwu is originally a native of Beijing, which is not as happy. There are parents and brothers in the slave's family, but..." While talking, there were some tears in Ziwu's eyes, "The Shen family looked for someone to smash the bean workshop and injured the slave's father."

Changping knew that she did not lie, but she also concealed it, but this was enough. Because of Ziwu's servant's bed, Shen Ran took action against Ziwu's family and wanted her to retreat. She forced Ziwu step by step, which made Ziwu now have to turn to her.


Changping made a worried look on his face and said, "It's really an atmosphere. This Shen is really arrogant." Looking at her appearance, Chang Ping said regretfully, "It's just that I've arrived in such a field, and there's really nothing I can do."

Ziwu was stunned for a moment and knelt down directly and kowtowed and said, "If grandma has any orders, I will not look back."

Changping smiled and said, "Go back." Ziwu's eyes flashed with joy. After a hurried salute, he said, "Excuse me." Then he left in a hurry.

She was very smart and nodded secretly.

I walked out of the house, looked at the rising moon, and smiled flatly. They deserved all this. They just thought about the glory of the Yun family. What can they do? The old lady is confused. Are you, He Ziwen also confused? Is she the kind of person who admits bullying?

Sitting calmly on the soft collapse, dressed in red, dressed in a very exquisite style.

Shen Ran came in, and there was some strong unwillingness in her eyes. She smiled flatly and also motioned her to sit down.

"Why?" Shen Ran's eyes were a little crazy. He looked at her and said, "He is innocent! You are forcing him to do this!"

Changping shook his head and looked at her eyes full of irony, "What about you?" Changping did not stand up, but whispered, "What did you do?" Changping tilted his head and said, "Are you worth it for a man?"

"It's worth it." Shen Ran didn't even think about it and said directly, "You obviously don't like him. Why did you rob him with me?" There was a strong silence in Shen Ran's eyes, "I hate you." What she said was straightforward, but Changping had nothing to say. Yes, how much of her current situation is also the result of her own fault.

"He has become your demon." He turned his eyes flatly and said, "For him, you are almost not like yourself."

"You will never understand what he means to me." Shen Ran said with a blank face, and then looked at Changping's eyes, which were calm and complicated. After all, he said, "Save him..."

Changping frowned and looked at Shen Ran. No one could understand her surprise at this moment. This woman hated her. She knew better than anyone else. She did have a reason to hate herself. "Are you begging me?"

"Yes...please..." There were violent fluctuations in Shen Ran's eyes. Changping couldn't bear to look directly and turned his eyes away. "I don't have that much ability."

"Oh." Shen Ran sneered, looked at Changping and said, "You are just a pathetic person." She stood up and looked at her condescendingly, with a little arrogant eyes, "I sympathize with you." With that, Shen Ran looked at her coldly and turned around and left.

Changping blinked his eyes and sighed again.

"You heard it all." Changping suddenly whispered and raised his head with a little wry smile, "Isn't it touching?" He Ziwen didn't look on his face. He just looked at Shen Ran's back and left, with some pain in his eyes. "I'm sorry for her."

"So you gave her everything you could give her?" Chang calmly looked at him and hesitated for a moment and asked, "Do you hate me?" She suddenly wanted to know what the other person thought after she had been suffering for so many years. Is it the same suffering as herself? Maybe it's not too much to say that she caused the pain of the three of them.

When she lamented the sadness of her fate, did the other two have the same lament?

"Hehe, don't think so much." He Ziwen smiled and rubbed her hair. "It's my fault that I can't rely on you to cause such a situation today." He Ziwen's voice was faint, a little emotional, and a little confused.

Changping suddenly felt hot in his eyes, as if something was going to break through her and rush out. Changping rubbed his eyes and whispered, "Cousin..."

"The third aunt... is also her own fault." He Ziwen gritted his teeth and finally said, "It's just that she is just a woman after all. She should be more and more." He looked at Changping and said, "Go back. Grandma has exempted you from punishment." With that, he handed his hand to her. Changping looked at the finger in front of him, gently put his finger on it, nodded and said, "Okay."

Actually, she wants to say, or, let's divorce. Since it's all such pain, it's not a good thing to leave.

It's just that she can't.

If he is retired to return to the Yun family at this time, then if his father puts it by his side and wants to get rid of the assets of the Yun family, won't he return to the Yun family again? Recently, his father will leave Shengjing from time to time. Changping can see the seriousness of the situation from behind this, otherwise his father will not act like avoiding.

And He Ziwen's incident should not have been so serious. Although Changping couldn't explain it clearly, he could feel that He Ziwen was inevitably involved, which made her a little worried.

From this matter, the royal battle for direct generation is more cruel than she imagined, but she has been thinking about the favor in the backyard all day long.

Changping did not return to Tinglan Courtyard, but chose Pinzhuxuan to live in. This place is not as luxurious as Tinglan Courtyard. It is quiet and quiet. Changping looked at the lush bamboo and nodded calmly to Anu and said, "It's packed up. Let's live here in the future. "

"But Tinglanyuan..." Fanghui is still a little dissatisfied. Obviously, this place is not as good as Tinglanyuan. Now that her daughter has been exempted from punishment, she will naturally return to Tinglanyuan. What's going on in Zhuxuan?