Sixties gold powder

Chapter 68 Imperial Power

This period seemed incredible for Changping. In the backyard, which should not have been calm, she lived a peaceful life. She knew that all the pressure and all the questions were blocked by He Ziwen, and she only stayed quietly in her Tinglan courtyard.

No need to do anything, no need to think about anything, it seems to return to the youthful period, but the heart is no longer as naive as before. Now her relationship with He Ziwen seems to be more in line with the newlyweds in Changping's mind, which is the most affectionate.

Perhaps this is also the closest period for them in so many years.

"Cousin, what's bothering you?" On this day, Changping entered the door and happened to see He Ziwen rubbing the corners of his eyebrows impatiently. He seemed to be very worried. He couldn't help asking, "But what happened?"

"Don't worry." He Ziwen took her hand and kissed her eyebrows soothingly and said, "As long as you are fine in the house, I will be relieved."

Changping knew that he didn't want to say more, so he pressed the words with interest and said, "Cousin, are you free tomorrow?"

"What?" He Ziwen raised his eyebrows, pulled her into his arms and sat down, and said, "What's the matter?"

"These days, my concubine has always felt panicked and wanted to go home to see her father." Changping squeezed his lips and looked at him worriedly and said, "I don't think anything bad has happened." He sighed and lowered his eyes sadly.

"A few days ago, I saw my brother-in-law, but I talked about my father-in-law, and it was not inappropriate to look at him." He Ziwen sat back with his hands on the soft couch. Seeing that she was still a little depressed, he rubbed his eyebrows and said, "In the past few days, Beijing is strictly prohibited. Ordinary people are at home. I'm afraid of causing trouble, but it's not easy to move around."

Changping answered disappointedly and said, "I don't know what's going on with my father." He sighed and looked at He Ziwen and said, "The courtyard is located in the suburbs of Beijing. What should I do if something happens?"

"Don't worry." He Ziwen patted her palm and said, "You can wait for a few days." His voice was lowered and he said, "I'm afraid the old saint has been here for a few days. You can wait and take you there when you have time."

Changping couldn't help it, so she had to press the anxiety in her heart and nodded. He Ziwen said that she understood that now at the critical juncture of the alternation of the upright throne, the battle between the three princes and the four princes has tended to be white-hot. It can be said that whoever controls the capital now is the final winner.

After the second court, He Ziwen never returned home. The whole He house was panicked, and even the sound of walking was a little lighter, afraid of touching anyone's mold. Changping felt a little restless and couldn't help turning around, but his heart was extremely irritable.

The door was closed, and she might hear the crackling sound of fighting. Changping was very scared. She thought, did she open the door outside the house and see the bodies everywhere? Hefu is not a particularly good location in Beijing, some to the west, and the northwest is Bingmasi.

The aunt looked very anxious. She quickly came to Tinglan Courtyard, looked at Changping sitting there quietly, and said directly, "Bang, let's go to the middle courtyard together so that we can take care of each other."

"Aunt?!" Changping was shocked. He quickly stood up, quickly greeted him, held his aunt's arm and said, "Why is aunt here? I'm very panicked now."

"Well, who said no." My aunt sighed and said, "My Ziwen has been in the palace for two days, but now there is no news. How can I not worry about it?"

Changping squeezed his lips and understood that his worries were not only for his cousin, but also for his father. Now that his cousin is in the palace, as long as he doesn't do the first bird, nothing will happen, but his father is different. According to reason, his father should be safe at this moment. He has been confiscated, and all his family wealth should not be confiscated. There is something, but now the soldiers everywhere outside are very chaotic and always restless.

"Auntie, rest assured. My cousin is safe and nothing will happen." Changping looked at his aunt's impatient face and quickly comforted her.

"Well, I hope I'm too careful." Aunt sighed, took Changping's hand and said, "Oh, Ping girl, brother, they are really thanks to you." My aunt frowned and sighed, "The century-old foundation of the Yun family..."

Changping's nose is sour. Although her aunt has already congratulated her family, she is also supported by the Yun family. Now at least she has a son who is an official, and she... is much more difficult after all.

Doting? This illusory thing is not clear, but she is still grateful to He Ziwen for her maintenance at this time.

When the first ray of sunshine rose in the morning, the death knell also struck the walls everywhere in Beijing, and the heavy and quaint bells rang over the imperial city.

The national mourning, a heavy and depressing atmosphere enveloped the whole imperial city. Changping is just a small boss's surname. Now there are heavy soldiers everywhere at the city gate, and it is impossible to enter and leave the city.

He Ziwen only came back in a hurry on that day and left in a hurry. He didn't even say much. He just told her not to go out. After the national mourning, the new emperor ascended the throne, but now the dust has already settled. The four princes' yellow robes are added. With the support of King Lin'an, he is ultimately better than his brother. .

Throughout the day, Changping couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and became thinner and thinner. She always slept very lightly, and a little movement could wake her up, which made her look haggard.

The new emperor ascended the throne and paid the most attention to filial piety. On this day, Changping just got up, but saw Anu hurried in and bit his lower lip before saying, "Miss, the old lady asked someone to send a message saying that she would invite her over."

"Have you said anything?" The big eyes of the long plain look bigger and deeper because of the thinness. They look dark and dark. There seems to be nothing in their eyes, and they really look a little oozing.

"The girl who came over didn't say much." Anu frowned and squeezed his lips, "Miss, I'm afraid I'm not well-intentioned when I look at the old lady."

"Be careful." Changping stared at the girl. Now that the new emperor is filial, the old lady has passed on her grandson's daughter-in-law. If she is said to have no good intentions, I'm afraid she can't achieve anything good. But now she is not afraid of anything. Her reputation has long been gone. Except for He Ziwen, her family is also gone. What is she afraid of?

Changping simply cleaned up and looked at the thin face in the mirror, which was still as beautiful, but there was nothing in his eyes. Changping wiped some rouge to prevent himself from looking so haggard. After cleaning up, he took the two maids towards him. Go to the old lady's yard.

The old lady looked very energetic, with a red face and a smile. After seeing Changping coming, her face instantly restrained her smile and frowned directly and said, "Now that the new emperor is filial, since you are still the daughter-in-law of the He family, you can come and greet her with a few aunts in the future." The old lady looked at Changping and said, "You are Brother Wen's wife. There are no rules like this. You still have to learn more from your second grandmother in the future."

"Second grandma?" Changping was stunned for a moment and didn't know why, what's wrong with this second grandmother?

"Shen." The old lady narrowed her eyes and her voice was sinking and said, "Shen has known Brother Wen since she was a child. She has also served Brother Wen for so many years and is pregnant with her eldest son. Now she is usually an ordinary wife. Do you have any problem with her?" Although the last sentence was asked to Changping, it was just to inform her. She didn't refuse so ignorantly and said, "This should be what Shen should have." Changping's dark eyes looked at Shen Ran and finally said nothing more.

"Very good." The old lady nodded, looked at Changping contemptuously and said, "As a woman, you read scriptures for Brother Wen every day. Isn't it better to pray for blessings than anything else?"

There is nothing wrong with Changping.

Shen Ran smiled and said, "Old lady, you don't have to say more. If you are tired of these many rules, if you talk like that in front of your father-in-law in the future, isn't it the old lady's?"

Changping didn't frown, but she didn't hear it, because she knew that no matter what she said, the old lady would think she would do what Shen Ran said. Now I'm afraid that in her old man's eyes, she is the fox who seduced her obedient grandson.

It's better not to say anything.

The old lady has said for a long time, but Changping is not as sharp as before. Now she is like a wooden man. When you say yours, she responds to her, and you can't make any mistakes. She is so angry that she waved directly and said, "Go and read more scriptures in the Buddhist hall."

"Yes." Changping got up, saluted regularly, and left.

But Shen Ran said that she turned around and left without looking at her like this. Her heart hated it. The red nails dyed by cardamom were clenched fiercely, and the two nails were broken in unison. She didn't seem to see them. She held the two nails in her hand, clenched her lower lip, and showed a smile on her face. .

When Changping returned to the courtyard, he sat on the couch in a daze. He always remembered that when he was a child, when he was with his father, the scenes seemed to be endless, always flashing in front of him, and sometimes when he thought about it, he burst into tears.

Once again, Changping was pulled back to his mind by Anu and touched the tears on his face. Changping was a little stunned. He suddenly stood up with a grim look and said directly to Anu, "No, I can't wait. There must be something wrong with my father!"

"What?!" Anu frowned in surprise and said, "But miss, we can't get out of the city now." In the past few days, all four gates in Beijing are closed, and it is not so easy to get out of the city.