Six Immortal Path

Chapter 362 Tomb of Life

The power contained in this undercurrent is beyond imagination.

With the words of the body, the painting halberd can't resist at all. Although his body is also strong, the power contained in the undercurrent is stronger!

At the beginning, you can still resist and float up with all your strength. After a period of time, he can only follow the flow.

In this undercurrent, the painting halberd was turned upside down, and the consciousness was blurred.

Suddenly, a strong suction came from below, and the head hit an unusually hard object, and then fainted in front of his eyes.


When he woke up, it was dark and there was no light.

He put his hands on the ground and wanted to get up, but his hand touched a cold oval object, which was extremely shining, and there were pits in three or twos, but it was too fragile, and there were no sharp fragments with a little force.

The painting halberd has become a paste head, thinking, is it porcelain?

After slowly waking up, in the darkness, he quickly groped his whole body and found that he was completely fine, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Turned his head and looked at the place, only to find that there was nothing but darkness.

Reaching out, even the divine consciousness lost its direction here - as soon as the divine consciousness was released out of the body, it was lost by this darkness and could not explore other things.

In the dark, he groped around like a blind man and remembered that he could no longer touch anything except fragile objects and wet Ruan's land.

groping around in this darkness, I don't know where to go now.

"Where is this? At the bottom of the sea of blood? He is a little unbelievabl.

Is the bottom of the blood sea such a place? What about Qin Tianhe?

"Predecessor Qin Tianhe!? Are you there?" The halberd shouted loudly, but surprisingly, his mouth grew up, but there was no sound coming out. Perhaps, he didn't know whether he didn't make a sound or his ears were deaf!

In order to verify this, he slapped him.

There was no unexpected sound, and there was only silence left...

The painting halberd forcibly settled his mind. It's not terrible to be deaf. What's terrible is whether he is blind or not? So it's dark all around?

He was not sure that although the divine consciousness could not be released from the body, internal vision was the basic skill of all monks.

Under the internal vision, it was found that there was indeed no problem with the body, whether it was the eyes, ears, nose and throat, or other parts - except for a scratch on the head.

Are the five senses stripped? That's what the painting halberd thought of.

I sucked my nose, but smelled a rotten smell. It seemed that only the sight and hearing were peeled off.

This is a big deal! The words of vision and hearing being glassed, coupled with the fact that the divine consciousness here cannot be released, it is even more difficult for him to escape from this place.

"He's mother, there's nothing I can do." The painting halberd said to himself.

"Senior Qin Tianhe!" He shouted at the top of his voice. Although he didn't know how loud he was, judging from the vibration of the vocal cords and the degree of pain in his throat, it must be a shocking howling.

His idea is very simple. He is likely to involve himself in the undercurrent of this place and involve Qin Tianhe. Qin Tianhe is very strong and may not be stripped of his five senses.

While shouting the name of Qin Tianhe, he carefully groped around.

The feeling of stepping on something is constantly coming from the bottom of the boots. Most of them are columnar objects, most of which are as crisp as porcelain, and they gently break a large area with one foot.

At first, the painting halberd still wanted to avoid, but he found that there were too many things on the ground, dense, and no matter how he stepped on it, he could step on a large area, and finally he had to give up.

In the case of being unable to see anything and hear any sound, I carefully explored the tea kung fus forward. After stepping on countless fragile items, the painting halberd finally found something wrong!

These things he crushed are obviously skeletons!

Even if his vision is deprived, the rotten smell that keeps hitting his nose has made him understand what is crushed under his feet!

There are skeletons all over the ground!

And according to the degree of breaking as soon as you step on them, these people have died for a long time...

The vision and hearing are stripped off, and the picture can't be seen around, but the picture simulated in the bottom of the heart alone is shocking enough!

The slightly wet land is covered with a thin layer of grass buds, and above the grass buds, there is a handful of broken skeletons...

Suddenly, a chill came behind.

Turn around in a hurry and punched behind him! Although the power in his body cannot be used here, his body is not vegetarian.

But this punch hit a piece of soft things, and the other party touched his fist and quietly floated away.

The painting halberd only felt that his fist was cold, as if he had attacked a piece of ice for ten thousand years... What's more horrible is that his fists are not only cold, but also wrapped around this frightening gloomy ghost!

"Who is it!" He shouted.

There was no movement around, or because he was deprived of his hearing, he could not hear any movement at all!

Maybe the soft and cold thing is standing not far in front of him, maybe... right in front of you!

There was a chill in Huaji's heart. To be honest, he was not afraid, but when he couldn't see anything, maybe there was a ferocious monster facing you face to face. What would you do?

That's how he is now.

He hurriedly punched out, but it was empty.

I don't know if I'm a little neurotic, but a strong sense of uneasiness gushed out from the bottom of my heart.

Where the hell is this? Suddenly, there was a cold touch from his right arm. He frowned and quickly punched to the right, but as expected, he hit empty.

Touched the cold area on my right arm, but I touched the sticky ** in one hand and put it under my nose to smell it. It was blood!

A small opening was cut on the right arm! Blood is gushing out of it!

Tear up the clothes on the body and groped to bandage the wound.

The halberd took two deep breaths and forcibly calmed down - don't panic now! What's more, although Yuanli can't be used, he still has the third heavenly way!

He sneered in his heart and quietly used the heavenly way, making the fluctuations of the heavenly way thinly cover the surface of the body.

The heavenly way is the third, which can be used unlimitedly without any side effects. Although it is not very useful to deal with strong people like Murong Xiaoyu, it is extremely useful at this time.

Sure enough, after applying the heavenly way to protect himself, the cold, grim smell of ghosts disappeared.

The painting halberd continued to grope forward, silently calculating the time of his walking.

Knowing that an hour has passed, there is still no change in this place. The touch from the sole of the boots is still a skeleton, and the rotten smell in the nose has not weakened or enhanced at all.

The ghost that attacked himself before did not appear again.

The painting halberd gradually became irritable, and the deprivation of vision and hearing was not very pleasant. Coupled with the gloomy and quiet atmosphere around it, it was even more uncomfortable.

Just as he was irritable, there was a sudden change around him.

The temperature was unbearably low, and a chill came from the ground, and the painting halberd couldn't help shivering. It seemed that he suddenly entered a piece of ice and snow, and the temperature was so low that his hands and feet were not very flexible.

And these chills are not that simple...

The cold air suddenly emerged from the soles of his feet. Even if he covered the power of heaven over his whole body, he could not resist the invasion of this cold air.

These cold airs are like the bodies of tarbias, which actually broke through the defense of heaven and drilled straight into the community!

The painting halberd was shocked that Tiandao was not unable to resist these cold air. On the contrary, the power of Tiandao easily resolved the invasion of the cold air... However, the large number of cold air made people palpitate, and the source gushed out from the ground endlessly. The previously arranged heavenly road was corrupted in an instant, and they took advantage of this opportunity to quickly drill into it. In your own body.

The painting halberd dares to neglect, quickly condenses the power of heaven again, firmly protects the body, eliminates the cold air that is constantly biting the skin, and then resists the invasion of foreign cold air!

He never imagined that such a thing would happen, because there is no power that is huge enough to offset the way of heaven!

"What the hell is this place!?" I couldn't help shouting, and the sound was loud and loud beyond imagination.

The cold air continued to invade, but in the end it was isolated by the more powerful way of heaven.

As soon as he shouted this, he felt something was wrong.

I thought about it carefully for a while, but I didn't find anything wrong. It took me a long time to pat my forehead and my hearing came back!

But why hasn't the vision come back yet?! It's still dark all around. Is it possible that my vision has not been glassed?

As soon as his idea came into being, a weak and dry voice came from the front: "Lord, this is the underworld. Please keep your voice down so as not to disturb the rest of the deceased."

The heart of the halberd suddenly jumped and looked around, but it was still dark: "Who! Come out!"

The other party was silent. At this time, the cold air from the soles of his feet gradually dissipated, until the cold air completely dissipated, and there was a crisp sound in the boundless darkness.

The halberd looked up in surprise and saw a Buddha bead emitting green light falling to the ground from mid-air.

As the Buddha beads landed, the surroundings suddenly lit up, not dawn! Instead, countless skeletons on the ground lit up!

The surface of these scattered skeletons on the ground emits a dim light. Although the light is dim, it is enough to illuminate everything around.

The painting halberd looked around and saw that this place was indeed an untouchable white bone wilderness, and the white skeleton covered the whole earth! In front of him, an old monk who was as dry as a corpse was staring at himself with turbid eyes.

The old monk's two snow-white eyebrows were so long that they were about to reach his chin.

The halberd took two steps back vigilantly and looked at the other party carefully. In the dim light emitted by the skeletons around him, the old monk was more like a tragic demon.

The two sides are silent.

For a long time, the old monk said first: "Did the donor come down from the predera?"

The painting halberd is silent. Before he can figure out the details of the other party, opening his mouth will only reveal his weaknesses, not to mention that the other party does not look simple.

The dim light around set off the old monk's dry face, which was particularly scary.

The old monk stared at the painting halberd and suddenly laughed for a long time. This smile was worse than crying: "Lord, the old monk knows who you are."

The painting halberd was shocked, thought about it, and asked tentatively, "Who am I?"

The old monk put his hands together and saluted: "Fang Tian."

When he heard the name, he frowned. How did the other party know his real name? Except for the people of Gentian, even Feng'er doesn't know their real name! Who is this old monk? He said that this is the underworld, but he has never heard of the contact between the source and the people in the underworld!

"Who are you!" The painting halberd said harshly, since he knows his identity, this old monk is not simple!

"It's just an old monk guarding the grave in the dark sky. The donor doesn't need to be nervous. There will be no danger here." The old monk said 'harmony', but unfortunately, a piece of dryness like a dead body makes people unable to see the pleasant taste of color.

But the painting halberd still saw that the old monk did not seem to be malicious, at least not after knowing his identity, but he still maintained sufficient vigilance - because a while ago, he also came up with an idea to help the people of Dongtu Buddha kill 40,000 troops in the Underworld!

This is almost a quarter of the strength of the whole underworld!