Six Immortal Path

Chapter 376 Go to the root

The painting halberd did not disturb any more. After all, the old monk Huineng flew to the Pure Land. It is still a question whether he can successfully convince the Buddhas who survived the Pure Land.

After returning to Dizang Mountain, the painting halberd was not idle, and turned around and went up to Caoxi Mountain. After the last time the aura of heaven and earth of Ghost Island was completely absorbed by myself, these days have recovered.

He no longer restrained the Yuanli Nebula and opened up to absorb the aura of heaven and earth on the evil island.

After a cup of tea, the aura of heaven and earth on the evil island was sucked out.

The halberd pats the stomach, and the Yuanli Nebula seems to never have enough to eat. No matter how much aura of heaven and earth is absorbed, it can't fill the bottomless hole inside.

And he had an amazing discovery that the more aura he absorbed, the more mustard space he originally had in his body gradually merged with the Yuanli Nebula, making this nebula look more and more real.

However, this has no impact on his strength.

He also had to give up. Anyway, when the mustard space first met the Eastern Buddha Kingdom, it was shattered, and now it is good to merge with the Yuanli Nebula.

Absorbed all the aura of heaven and earth on the evil island, which attracted a burst of exclamation from the disciples of Buddhism.

The halberd opened his mouth and turned back to the sea of blood.

He has to take advantage of the quiet before the storm to quickly improve his strength, otherwise it will be too late to cry when the real battle begins.

Forget it.

It is difficult to make progress in the cultivation of heaven. All he has to do now is to familiarize himself with the wonders of the fourth heaven.

The way from the third to the fourth is not just a simple strengthening. More importantly, he has changed a lot.

For example, after Murong Xiaoyu mastered the fourth heavenly path, he can directly control the power of the starry sky and directly use the power of the starry sky to form a star array, which is almost the same as the three-day array of the six worlds - after all, most of the arrays are evolved from the stars in the sky. No matter how they change, they can find the original shape from the stars all over the sky. .

This means that as long as Murong Xiaoyu thinks, he can use the power of the starry sky to condense any array - of course, if the body can support such a large amount of Tiandao.

After reaching the third level, Tiandao seems to have no side effects on the surface, but in fact, this is not the case.

There is no perfect spell in the world, even the way of heaven.

If Tiandao is used more, the body will be more or less traumatized... These traumas are not formed by themselves, but have space to produce... This feeling is like being rejected by heaven and earth.

And the stronger the strength of Tiandao, the clearer it is to understand this point.

This is the current situation. He has to exert the greatest power that his heavenly way can exert within the range he can withstand.

This point needs to be explored slowly.

Sitting cross-legged by the blood sea and staring at the blood-red ocean, he was beating a drum in his heart. He did not know how strong the heavenly way was, because since he realized the third heavenly way, he had never exerted all his strength. First, ordinary people don't need the way of heaven at all; second, the power is too strong, and the way of heaven has no effect at all. That's why it has been stranded.

He tried and wanted to exert the way of heaven with all his strength. As a result, his body received a strong backlog of power. This powerful pressure tried to send him out of this world!

He hurriedly collected Tiandao and carefully examined his body. Fortunately, he dispersed Tiandao quickly, otherwise he didn't know what he would suffer - he just exerted Tiandao with all his strength for a moment, and his body surface cracked many cracks, and trace of blood penetrated from it. Although this is not even a scratch for him, he also found out a little - if he exerts the heavenly way with all his strength, he will definitely be rejected by this space!

This is undoubtedly what the halberd doesn't want.

Later, he slowly exerted the heavenly way and quietly added strength little by little. As a result, when he finally exerted 80% of the heavenly way, he could barely resist it.

"Eighty-day power?" The painter said to himself, "That's okay."

Indeed, 80% of the power of heaven is enough to deal with many things. For example, the last massacre of 900,000 troops in the fairyland, but only took out less than 50% of the power of heaven and slaughtered 900,000 troops in the fairyland.

And the power of heaven? It's absolutely enough for him to walk sideways!

The wonderful use of the four-fold heavenly way is not only that, but the main reason why there is a fundamental gap between the four-fold heavenly way and the three heavenly way is the use of the heavenly way.

After mastering the four heavenly paths, there are many things you can do. In the past, the heavenly way could only cut off the power of the five elements, but now it can also cut off the power that does not belong to the five elements. But he is not proficient in this power, which is very difficult.

This kind of power is only slowly skilled, but it can't be rushed.

The halberd did not panic to master these forces, as long as he explored slowly in the battle. After all, the enemies he met rarely mastered the power that did not belong to the five elements, and the only Eastern Earth Buddha Kingdom that jumped out of the five elements in heaven and earth was his own Peng Youpu. Due to his mother Fang Yulu, Gentian would never treat him. Do it.

After thinking about it, it is better to continue to incorporate the aura of heaven and earth and improve the power in the Yuanli Nebula faster.

Although the Yuan Force Nebula has rarely been used recently, it is only used by the infinite power, and many mysterious places in it are not used. But this does not mean that the Yuanli Nebula has become useless after mastering the four heavenly paths.

Among other things, the Yuanli Nebula can be transformed into a black hole, which is enough for most people to drink a pot.

He can't fight alone by heaven, and heaven is not omnipotent.

After thinking about it, it will take ten days and a half months for the aura of heaven and earth of the evil island to fully recover. Where can we absorb the aura of heaven and earth?

Fairy world? The fairyland is an excellent choice, but as expected, the fairyland has been divided by Tiandao, Shura Island and the underworld. Don't you want to die?

The Eastern Buddha Kingdom is a good place to go, but it suddenly absorbed all the aura of heaven and earth of the Eastern Buddha Kingdom. What about a group of Buddhas in the Eastern Buddha Kingdom?

Magic World? Forget it in the demon world.

After thinking about it, you can't go to the two worlds of demons and demons. After all, the two worlds have just been defeated, and the situation is unknown. It is estimated that the situation of the Pure Land is not much better. Moreover, the old monk of Huineng is still doing 'big things' there, and it is not easy to disturb you.

Tiandao and Shura Island are inside the enemy, and they may cause some riots. And I don't even know where the entrance of the underworld is...

The painting has been thinking about it for a while, and it seems that it can only go back to the root of the day.

The root is too difficult to be full of aura. The six worlds are invincible for three days. The aura is almost infinite. No matter how you absorb it, you can't attract the attention of others. More importantly, people in the sky don't need the aura of heaven and earth at all. Instead of wasting it like this, it's better to give it to him.

made up his mind, and the halberd turned over and flew out of the passage from the evil island to the root of the sky.

When he touched the jade pendant around his neck, his mood was a little heavier. The problem that Murong Xiaoyu was Aunt Xue's child has been lingering in his heart, and the woman in black was actually a grandmother, which was even more difficult for him to accept.

Shake his head and threw aside these emotions. He opened the entrance to the root of the sky. A light flashed, and he was already standing in the root of the sky.