Six Immortal Path

Chapter 398 Weifeng 2

The three brothers of the mud Buddha are deeply planted, and the boss understands the method of harmony, and the people protected by the golden light are inviolable.

The second brother understands the method of killing, which is extremely powerful and destroys heaven and earth.

Lao San understands the method of compassion, but flesh and white bones, as long as there is a trace of breath, he can save you!

It's really unparalleled when the three of them unite. If there are any defects, it is probably the master's method of harmony, which can only protect one person at a time.

And now the person he protects is the Black Buddha!

In the face of the stormy situation of heaven and earth, the black Buddha is steady, which is the golden credit of the boss!

Everyone in the underworld stared at this scene, and they didn't expect this to happen at all.

Black Buddha smiled ferociously in the stormy situation of heaven and earth, and finally condensed his power completely, and then shouted: "Dead!"

The Lord's face immediately changed, and he didn't care about any face. He turned around and ran away! Beishan Yinshen is not a fool, and immediately followed.

The two fled in a hurry. Just as they were about to approach Qiankun Mountain, there was a sharp sound like broken glass behind them.


A huge and unimaginable force cut through the sky, tore the space into a hundred-foot-long gap, and brazenly attacked the underworld!

The underworld gritted his teeth. Although this power is not as strong as heaven and earth, he can't beat this penetrating power for another 10,000 years of practice! Regardless of the power in the body that has run out, it almost squeezed out such a trace of power and formed a different dimension space behind him.

It was this crazy time that saved the life of the Mingzhu and Beishan Yinshen. Although this alien space only slightly blocked the attack of the black Buddha, then in this gap, they recaptured the Qiankun Mountain!

Then the force that pierced the space and hit the outer wall of the space where Qiankun Mountain was located, shaking the mountain inside, but there was still not much harm.

Black Buddha's full blow is as powerful as this!

In fact, the underworld was not so embarrassed, but he underestimated the three brothers of the mud fetus Buddha and looked at himself too high. He thought that with 80% of his strength, he could stop the Black Buddha for a while, but he was beaten like this.

When the black Buddha saw the other party hiding in another space, he jumped up, and his thousand-foot-high body suddenly jumped and stamped on the dark earth, stepping on a huge hole in the earth.

"Children of the Underworld! The timid is like a chicken. If you have the ability, come out and fight with me again! Or release the halberd brothers, and I will consider giving you my life!"

The Lord's face was green in Qiankun Mountain. If he hadn't had only 80% of his strength, it wouldn't have been like this.

There is no expected noise in Qiankun Mountain at this moment, only endless silence. The strength of the Black Buddha is beyond their imagination, and finally the momentum of heaven and earth called to the underworld did not shake the other party at all, which gave them a great impact.

The underworld snorted coldly: " Arrange the sound insulation boundary, ignore the reckless man of the Eastern Buddha Kingdom to do anything, and wait patiently for a month, the two puppets in the alchemy will come out of the customs!"

Thinking of the painting halberd and Xikengyin in the soul purg prison, the underworld became full of confidence for no reason. He seemed to forget that the purgoul prison was only his momentary idea. Whether it can succeed or not is another matter. If it fails, the painting halberd and Xikengyin will be specially dealt with, and burned so that there is no scum left!

The soul prison is indeed worth looking forward to, but the most important thing is to restore the strength in the body.

The Lord is not stupid and will not place all his hopes on a soul prison. So he quickly sat down cross-legged and recovered.

Black Buddha waited anxiously outside and scolded countless times, but there was no response.

"It seems that the master's child is ready to be a shrinking turtle." Black Buddha said helplessly.

The little fat Buddha was a little impatient: "What about the painting brother?" He raised his chubby face and looked up at the thousand-foot-high black Buddha.

The black Buddha replied viciously, "Wait a minute. I don't know the life and death of the halberd brothers. Sooner or later, the group of people in the underworld will come out!" Catch them then and ask about the situation! The Blood Prison Tower always wants to appear in the world. It's impossible for them not to come out. If they really don't come out... I'll block them here for the rest of my life!"

The five people waited for about seven days and went out to promote the great 'great scene' of the underworld.

"Buddha! All the people in the six worlds have been notified for three days!"

Black Buddha sneered: "I want to make the underworld no longer have a foothold this time! If you guess correctly, the six worlds will definitely send someone to investigate the situation in the next three days. Do you scold me? Do you see the open space in front of you? That's Qiankun Mountain is here. You scold them! If you don't greet the eighteen generations of the Nether Heavenly Ancestors, I won't be polite to you!"

Forty thousand Buddhas have received the favor of painting halberd. On that day, 900,000 immortal troops attacked on the human island. If it hadn't been for him, there would have been only Black Buddha left in the Eastern Buddha Kingdom. Therefore, this group of people are grateful for the painting halberd.

With the order of the Black Buddha, what they scolded was a joy, not to mention the 18 generations of ancestors of the Netherworld, and even the magic weapon in their hands were greeted!

Although the practitioner of the underworld in Qiankun Mountain does not know what the Eastern Buddhas are doing outside, just by his mouth shape, he can also see that the other party is greeting his family.

Although they have already abandoned their mortal feelings, they were pointed at by 40,000 people at one time, and this feeling made several people immediately storm away!

The underworld was meditate with his eyes closed. Seeing that something was wrong, he suddenly opened his eyes and raised his hand. Several people who took the lead in rushing out were beaten into a pool of mud.

"Those who disobey orders, die!"

The inside of Qiankun Mountain suddenly calmed down. In fact, this group of people knew that they could not be chaotic at this time. They just had a fever. The thunderous means of the Lord calmed them down in an instant, and no one was noisy anymore.

The mountains of Qiankun are extremely quiet, invisible and upset, and everyone simply closed their eyes and meditated.

And on the Black Buddha's side, 40,000 Buddhas scolded for a whole day and didn't see anything in the dark sky. Now they are all impatient.

The black Buddha was also annoyed: "A group of fucking old turtles in the dark sky are timid like something." With that, he lowered his head and thought about it. After a moment, he suddenly remembered something. He suddenly looked up and said murderously, "The underworld is so big. There must be someone who has not fled into Qiankun Mountain and found it!" Kill it!"

The greedy Buddha sneered: "Listen to the boss!"

After that, for seven days, the whole underworld blood flowed into a river.

This scene was seen by the heaven, the magic world and the root heaven. Even if you no longer have the strength to participate in the battle for the Blood Prison Tower, people have come to the demon world.

And behind everyone, an old monk with white eyebrows with eyebrows up to his cheeks sighed and hesitated to tell the guys in the Pure Land.

Everyone has their own thoughts and knows it a month later.

The people of the Eastern Buddha Kingdom have been coming to the Underworld for a whole month. In this month, except after the underworld Lord came out once, they have never seen him come out of Qiankun Mountain. In this month, 40,000 Buddhists killed 10,000 practitioners who had not had time to hide in Qiankun Mountain, and their blood splashed near Qiankun Mountain. The head has been built into a small mountain.

After killing this 10,000 people, the Buddhas of the Eastern Buddha Kingdom found that they could no longer find anyone, so they madly made trouble in the underworld sky. The whole underworld sky was smoky and smoky. At this time, the already desolate underworld could no longer be described as desolation - completely miserable!

The three-day people who came to see the excitement of the six world were ready to leave. The Netherworld's face had been lost and pooped in front of their door, and they didn't even dare to show up.

The Eastern Buddha Kingdom has an advantage, and the spies from the heavenly world and the Mora world are immersed in discussing something. It seems that the Eastern Buddha Kingdom has suffered such a blow before, but now it is still so strong, which makes them a little uneasy.

The people who came to Yuan Tiansi had already called home, and no one knew what they were thinking.

The weak demon world and the representatives of the demon world are that we have had a hard time, so when you have a hard time, I will keep your bad appearance in my eyes and keep it.

And the white-browed old monk in the Pure Land looked down at the underworld and the earth. The light flowed in his eyes, as if he could see through the devastated land. His eyes turned to the depths of the earth, in the vast sea of fire in unknown space, where two villains were struggling.

The old monk looked at it for a long time and suddenly put his hands together and muttered, "Amitabha, the donor must survive this!"