glazed tile

Chapter 2 Entering the Palace

The spring scenery is bright, the sky over the imperial city is clear, the white clouds flow slowly, and the sun is very warm. It sprinkles on the flowers and trees in front of the "Yuantai Hall", which makes the green leaves and tender stamens faintly shine, which is extremely pleasant.

It was the time to relax in the afternoon. The emperor was served by the palace people to change his court uniform, wearing only a moon-white regular suit, leaning on the soft couch near the window, holding a volume of books in his hand, and flipping absently.

"Your Majesty, the imperial concubine is still kneeling outside. I thought that the day is also big, and the Empress is delicate..." The eunuch who spoke was 367 years old, with a white face and a flattering smile on his face. A pair of eyes were very flexible. Looking at the emperor's face, he gradually lowered his voice.

"If she wants to kneel, let her kneel." The emperor paused and reached for the tea cup on the table beside the couch. The eunuch hurriedly caught up, handed the tea cup to the emperor's hand, and still smiled and said, "What the emperor said."

After half a cup of tea, the scroll in the emperor's hand turned over more and more urgently. The eunuch stood up and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but did not speak, silently counted "one, two, three..."

Sure enough, before counting hundreds, he heard the emperor say loudly, "Xiao Quanzi, ask her to come in!"

Xiao Quanzi suppressed his smile, answered the sound, and ran out of the hall.

"So, the emperor is still soft-hearted?" Although the "Shou'an Hall" in the northeast of the imperial city is inferior to the "Jian Hall", it is far more rich. After the curtain of the triple white and bright southern beads, there is an old woman with beads crooked on the beautiful hibiscus couch, who is the empress dowager of this dynasty.

Take a closer look. Although she is over a year old, her temples are already white, but a face is well maintained, her cheeks are ruddy, and there are only a few sparse wrinkles. Compared with ordinary old women, she is much younger and beautiful.

The Empress Dowager stood a woman in a long coat of brown dark gold, about 40 people, with a long face, black buns, and only a long hairpin with silver tortoise. She looked very energetic. Hearing the Empress Dowager's question, she only smiled, "The emperor is kind and soft-hearted for a moment."

"Hmm, you are a charming bitch, and you are used to confusing the Lord." The Empress Dowager patted the big welcome pillow under her, "The emperor just valued her!"

The middle-aged woman lowered her head and said to herself, "The virtuous concubine is valued by you. Isn't she still early? This Princess Li has always been unnoying with you. Isn't she going all the way up? The emperor has no legitimate son. Although the prince has not been established, only the eight kings of Li Guifei are favored and overshadowed other brothers.

The Empress Dowager, an old spirit, knew what the woman was thinking. She sneered and asked, "When will the children of the Shen family enter the palace?"

"If you go back to the Empress Dowager's mother, you will be in the 'jiao tai dian' tomorrow." Although the woman did not look up, she felt the two sharp eyes of the Empress Dowager and replied respectfully.

The Empress Dowager nodded thoughtfully, "Find out the plain cloud satin and give it to those children. It's pitiful."


At the same time, the noble concubine Li, who had always not been seen by the empress dowager, was kneeling in front of the emperor, crying with pear blossoms and rain.

"Your Majesty, my concubine is guilty!" Li Guifei changed her usual brilliance. She only wore plain clothes and did not apply fat powder. Her long hair was only pinned with an ebony hairpin, and there was no hairpin ring, but it showed a different style.

She has been in the palace for20 years, still has a slender figure, a beautiful face like jade flowers, and no trace of fine lines on the corners of her eyes and lips, which is indeed worthy of the title of the title.

When the emperor saw the beauty on the pillow crying so sadly, his heart had long been soaked in spring water. Any thunderous anger had already been thrown out of the sky, but his face was still stiff, "It's good that you know it's wrong."

The Noble Concubine Li took a few steps forward and kowtowed her head. "I know my concubine's fault. I am willing to wear clothes and hair, live in the cold palace for a long, and atone for my brother's sins. I only ask the emperor to look at the six kings, pity my concubine and widow's mother, and spare his life!"

"Hit!" The emperor brushed his sleeves, but saw the noble concubine Li timidly dragging his cuffs, with a pitiful and lovely face, and a pair of star eyes were blurred, looking at him. He softened his heart again and slowed down his tone, "How can the matter of delaying the military opportunity be small? General Shen and his wife died in the country, and I always have to make an order to the Duke of An, otherwise why should I complain about honor?

Li Guifei's eyes turned around, took a deep breath, and said with a strong smile, "What the emperor said is that it's my concubine's eyes." She raised a satin silk handkerchief and gently wiped the corners of her eyes, as if she was holding back tears. "Well, since he did something wrong, he went to receive the punishment."

With that, he raised his tears of eyes and looked at the emperor affectionately, "If the emperor is embarrassed for that immomentable thing, the concubine will die a hundred times, and he can't redeem her sins."

This word is full of endless feelings. The emperor's heart swung, stretched out his hand to pull up the noble concubine Li, and stopped talking, but sighed for a long time.

This dynasty has been founded for more than 100 years, and has gone through the beginning of Thailand and the second emperors of Wenchu. Today, it is the peak of spring and autumn. Under the kings, there is no fixed number of nine princes, twelve emperors, 27 uncles and viscounts.

The Wei family of the Duke of Anguo Mansion is a founding father and a great mansion. The Shen sisters were placed in the "Linlang Pavilion" near the left of the main house "Xianxi Hall" where the old lady of Anguo Gongfu lived.

Because Shen Yulang was young and only followed a wet nurse, he was personally taken care of by Mrs. Ye and stayed in the Bisha cabinet behind the main room.

Mr. Fang Chen and Mr. Yun are foreign men and live in the outer courtyard.

Because they left in a hurry, the sister and brother of the Shen family only brought one useful person. In addition to assigning people according to the routine of the elder brother and sister of Anguo Mansion, Mrs. Ye also assigned four second-class maids around her to the four sisters and brothers to serve and take care of them.

"Girl, the old lady is here." Lan Qing is the maid pointed to by the old lady Shen Xuanji. Although she is not as old as Mei Qing beside Yulang, she is generally stable and peaceful.

Shen Xuanji quickly stood up and rushed to the door. Mrs. Ye, dressed in a bamboo leaf green cloud-patterned home coat, holding the hand of the big maid Qingzhen, had entered the hanging flower door.

"Grandma, it's cool in the courtyard. If you have something to ask your granddaughter to come over and order it." Shen Xuanji held Mrs. Ye's other hand and said a little annoy.

Mrs Ye looked at her and smiled without saying anything. Their grandparents and grandchildren walked into the house together.

Shen Xuanji knew that Mrs. Ye had something to say. When the big maid around her was served tea, she nodded gently to her.

Chunjiao took out all the maids in the room, and only the greens kept them.

"I can't enter the palace without calling. Tomorrow, your uncle has to send your brothers and sisters outside the palace gate, and then it's all up to you." Mrs. Ye is actually not old. Her appearance is very similar to Mrs. Shen Wei Li, but a pair of eyes are like a cold river under the moon, shining with clear waves. She seems to be used to this world, and nothing can hide anything from her.

When Shen Xuanji heard her grandmother's words, her eyes turned red, and the injustice, pain and grievance in her heart gushed out.

These days, she is so weak that she only feels that she has a lot of thoughts. She doesn't even have time to cry for her younger siblings, the fine soft silver money brought by counting, thorough etiquette, and perfunctory relatives. Coral, the concubine in the west wing, cried all day long. She listened to the whimper and felt quite envious.

She did not come to visit her grandparents, but her parents died and brought her siblings to survive. She didn't have time to be vulnerable.

The decree was made seven days ago, but it was not until Mrs. Ye said it so clearly that she suddenly realized that all this had been settled. Shen Xuanji had lived for 15 years and has been a fatherless orphan since then.

At this point, she couldn't help leaning against Mrs. Ye's arms and cried out with a "wow".

Mrs Ye's tears also fell like a broken pearl. She hugged Shen Xuanji tighter, gently stroked her back, and muttered, "Cry, wipe away your tears. In the future, it will still grow..."

The next morning, Zhennan General Shen Mingyuan's orphan sister and four brothers rode in the car. The current Duke of Anguo and the second master Wei Han took several familymen and rode a horse all the way to the "Shenwumen".

There were palace people waiting before the "Shenwu Gate". Wei Han got off the horse, and the family behind him handed over a kit. He took it and handed it to the eunuch. He said with a smile, "Good adult, these children have entered the palace for the first time. Please take good care of them."

"The prince is too polite. Isn't that a matter for slaves?" The eunuch weighed the weight of the kit and felt very satisfied. He immediately smiled blindly, "Don't worry, the Empress Dowager will not treat the virtuous concubine's family!"

Wei Han said a few polite words with a smile before turning his face and said to Shen Xuanji, "Big girl, you are the eldest sister. You should be more cautious and don't bump into the nobles."

"Yes." Shen Xuanji was slightly blessed and took his brothers and sisters to bid farewell to his uncle, and then followed the eunuch into the palace.

People who grew up in Qiongjiang are rarely shocked by the majestic momentum of the imperial city. The red bricks and yellow tiles, high eaves flying corners, Qionglou Yuyuan, painted beams, set against the spring purple and blue clear sky, high and condensed.

Shen Xuanji is not in the mood to see the scenery.

She held Yulang in her hand. He was born to be cute since he was a child, so he got this nickname. Although he is wearing a plain suit and a braid with soft hair on his head, he is still like a fat doll in the New Year's painting, only his eyes are red and swollen.

"Sister, I can't walk."

Yulang has been spoiled since he was a child. The corridor from the palace gate to the inner palace is not short. With his short fat legs, he has been struggling to drag and stretch out his arms to Shen Xuanji for a hug.

Shen Xuanji frowned slightly. She also had the intention to hold her weak brother, but in the palace, the rules could not be wrong. A little carelessness was a great disaster to kill the clan.

She was about to shake her head and suddenly heard a man's voice, "It's just a milk doll. What can you hug him? Who else can't choose your rule?