glazed tile

Chapter 64 Accident

Such not to mention that Yao was disgized by his daughter-in-law. Since then, he was discouraged and began to take care of himself. He didn't say that Xiangyuan attempted to kill Shen Coral. He listened to his mother and only locked her in the room, but did not dare to eat and wear short. At this time, Shen Coral was neither as rebellious and ignorant as he was at the beginning, nor did he always want to revenge after that. Her heart seemed to be dead wood and ashes. Since she had nowhere to go, she only offered a Guanyin statue in her room and recited the Buddha all day long, as if it didn't exist to her family.

In the imperial city, the emperor will never recover, but he held on with all his strength and did not want to show timidity in front of the Eight Princes. And the eighth prince, the emperor smiled bitterly when he thought of him. Such a timid thing, since he was shocked by himself, dared not come to him again. He thought it was really ridiculous and didn't feel like asking himself, was he crazy in the past? Otherwise, how could you think of passing the throne to him?

Now, although the Eighth Prince still holds the government, he has no military power in his hands, and the emperor is still relieved. He couldn't help but think of his other son. He heard that he managed the calyx well. In such a poor place, now the people live in peace and strengthen their strength a lot. The county guard who ran away has been beheaded, and the emperor did not intend to send another one there. He thought, otherwise Lao Jiu would have to practice with calyx first.

If his self-righteous father's heart is known by Xue Zhen and Shen Xuanji, I'm afraid it's just a sneer.

Although the emperor is sober, he is still selfish, which has been engraved in his bone marrow. He forgot that a son who had been ignored by him since he was a child and a daughter-in-law who had been made difficult by him in every way would not be grateful to them in any case because he was merciful to them at the end of his end. In particular, the essence of this compassion is just a correction after betting on the wrong treasure. In a word, it is still for himself.

Everything has consequences and reasons. If he thinks about the Empress Dowager who died because of his absurdity, if he thinks about the desperate spring that died because of his faintness, perhaps, a little apology will flash in his heart. In that way, even if Xue Zhen and Shen Xuanji did not treat him as he expected in the future, he would not be too frustrated.

In a blink of an eye, this is another winter, which is the first winter that Xue Zhen and Shen Xuanji spent in Qiyi. Qiyi is located in the north, and it is much colder than Qiongjiang in winter. Shen Xuanji is fine with everything else, but she can't be very afraid of the cold in winter. When she lived in Wanping and Qiongjiang, everyone knew her problem. Her mother, whether it was Wei Li, Mrs. Ye Dongyu and Xue Zhen, would remember to put a few more charcoal basins in her room as soon as winter came. The firewood and charcoal of Qiyi are limited. Although Ji Bochuan was impressed that she took out her dowry to buy food for the people and was willing to send her own firewood charcoal to supplement, Shen Xuanji refused.

"For good, I brought all the big sweaters when I came, but I wasware of the cold weather and no charcoal. Sure enough, I expected it." Lan Qing was a little proud, but as soon as she touched Shen Xuanji's cold hand, she was a little sad, "When has the princess suffered such a crime?"

Shen Xuanji was quite peaceful, "At this time, not to mention that I was not the only one who was frozen."

Mama Hua poured a Tang woman for Shen Xuanji and came up and stuffed it into her hand. "What the princess said was that in such a cold weather, the prince and General Ji watched the soldiers practice, and they were also frozen."

"Isn't those soldiers colder?" Lan Qing never thought about this question and asked curiously.

Mother Hua smiled, "They have been moving, and they are men and strong-blooded. However, on that day, I saw that the older one was fine. There were a few younger people, and their hands were still frozen. The prince was worried that their hands were rotten. When they held the gun, the blood stuck to their heads and could tear off a layer of human skin alive, so he hurriedly asked them to practice.

Shen Xuanji sighed, "It's all pitiful. M Mother told the kitchen that the ginger soup should not be broken this winter, and it needs to be thicker."

Mother Hua was about to leave when Shen Xuanji stopped her again, "How is Lan Zhen recently? Biluo and Yutao helped with the kitchen, but she still refused to leave the room. I heard that she was frightened when the assassin came that day and asked Lang Zhong to have a look. No one came back to me. Are you all right now?

M Mother Hua sighed, "It's not a big deal. It's the prince who doesn't call the princess back and forth, so the princess doesn't have to care about her."

Shen Xuanji didn't listen to what she said and said strangely, "How did Mother say that? I am the head mother of the Nine Kings Mansion. Although the prince is in charge, I should make it clear about the inner courtyard. Even if a cat and dog have something to do, I have to know, not to mention a big living person?" She looked at Mother Hua, "Don't you think I hate her in my heart and wish she died early?"

M Mother Hua hurriedly knelt down and said, "I dare not. I know that the princess is kind-hearted, so I won't think so."

Shen Xuanji smiled and said, "It's not necessarily a good-hearted person, but I don't want unrelated people to wait for something to happen to my family, not to mention that I have no hatred for her. It's not that I pretend to be benevolent and righteous, and the prince doesn't like her. She has nothing to do with me at all. Why should I be a poisonous woman for nothing? What's wrong with her?"

M Mother Hua was ashamed to say it for half a day before saying, "The princess didn't know anything. After she was frightened that day, she had a minor labor!"

Shen Xuanji was drinking a sip of tea, spitting out, and asked with Lan Qing in unison, "Whose?"

Mother Hua waved her hand repeatedly, "No, it's not the prince's!"

Shen Xuanji said andly, "Naturally I know, whose is that? Sure enough, the door of this family is not strict, and everything is coming out one after another!"

Seeing that she was angry, Mother Hua quickly replied, "She refused to say that I tortured the little maid she served. The girl couldn't help beating her and said that it was a groom in the house. The prince had driven the man away two days ago."

Shen Xuanji was calm and looked at Mother Hua and smiled, "M Mother is really loyal to the prince."

M Mother Hua complained in her heart, "The princess should be considerate of the prince's painstaking efforts. The prince is afraid that these dirty things will stain your ears!"

Shen Xuanji was actually dissatisfied with Xue Zhen hiding it from her and Mother Hua also hiding it from her, but she thought that the two seemed to be all good intentions, and she couldn't say anything to blame. Especially Xue Zhen, she went out early and returned late these days, but she still took into account her mood. Thinking of this, she felt a little ashamed and moved.

From the beginning, he was not as good as one-tenth of what he treated her.

Shen Xuanji cleared her throat and said to Mother Hua, "Forget it this time. Let's not do it again." She didn't ask, "Since there is someone in her heart, why don't you send her to the reunion?" It was not because she didn't expect it, but because she was a person in the palace and was chosen by Princess Li herself. It was inevitable that there were some tricks. Even if not, in any case, it is better to arrest her in front of her than to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

When Mother Hua saw that Shen Xuanji was no longer angry, she was relieved and went to the kitchen to send a message. Shen Xuanji sat for a while and felt that the recent events were really complicated, and the dangerous aftermath had not yet passed. It was reasonable that she should try her best to come up with advice for Xue Zhen and discuss with him carefully when he got home, but...

Shen Xuanji yawned and said to Lan Qing with tears, "I'm so sleepy!"

Lan Qing laughed, "Princess, it hasn't been an hour to get up!"

Shen Xuanji blushed, "I know, but I'm still very sleepy!" As she spoke, her eyelids fell down.

Lan Qing had no choice but to hold her to sleep. Suddenly, she had an inspiration and grabbed Shen Xuanji's shoulder and woke her up. "Princess, you, you won't be..."

Shen Xuanji was shaken by her and calculated in her mind. It seemed that the little days had not come this month, because she had not been very punctual, so she didn't take it seriously. She frowned, "No way?" If you are pregnant at this time, you really don't know how to be happy and worried.

"Call a man to have a look!" Lan Qing didn't know Shen Xuanji's thoughts, and his eyes were shining with joy. Shen Xuanji thought for a moment, but he still felt that he could rest assured with a letter, so he nodded.

For a while, someone was sent to invite Li Langzhong, who has the best medical skills. Lan Qing and Qingying put down Shen Xuanji's bed tent, and Mother Hua put a handkerchief on her wrist. Li Langzhong closed his eyes for a moment, opened his eyes and stood up, arched his hand and said, "Congratulations to the princess, the Empress is really happy! The month is still young, and please take good care of it. The little man is going to prescribe a few fetal medicine, and the house is bothered to send someone to take the medicine with me!"

Shen Xuanji thanked Li Langzhong in a low voice behind the tent, and the three of them were already crazy with joy. Lan Qing made his own decision and gave Li Lang a small golden brom, and Qing Zhen also went to get the medicine in person.

They were so busy that Shen Xuanji sat in the quilt, but he didn't know whether to be happy or worried. She and Xue Zhen have been married for more than two years, and it's not that they don't want to have a child, but now, their future is still uncertain. At this time, the child's arrival is nothing more than a heavy tie.

She reached out and touched her very flat lower abdomen and said to herself, "He is also disobedient, just like your mother!" When she said this, she thought about Xue Zhen and added, "It's exactly the same as your father!" After saying that, he couldn't hold back and laughed quietly.

It was already dark when Xue Zhen returned home. He was frozen outside for a day and couldn't wait to plunge into his wife's warm bedroom. Shen Xuanji also looked forward to him for a full day. Seeing him coming, he quickly opened the quilt and said, "Warm your hands!"

Xue Yu stretched out his cold hand to ice Shen Xuanji's face, and Shen Xuanji hid with a smile. Xue Zhen saw her hiding and put his hand into her neck more and more unrelentingly. I only heard a loud shout, like a Thunderbolt falling down in the clear sky, "Your Majesty! What are you going to do? The little son is frozen, and the old slave can't rely on it!"