glazed tile

Chapter 67 Sinking

In the middle of winter, there is heavy snow, and Qiongjiang, the capital of Dayun, is a pink and jade-carved scene. From afar, you can see that the red wall of the imperial city is dim in the snow, and the yellow and green glazed tiles are also covered with snowflakes, and the original color can hardly be seen. Only the corner of the eaves still extends to the distant sky, and the mocking wind sitting in the corners of the eaves is also so ancient.

The red gate of the "Yuantai Hall" is open, and the temperature in the hall is almost as low as outside the hall, but the palace people just lowered their heads to do their own things without saying a word.

The emperor sat on the dragon chair in the palace around the black fox. He seemed to be watching and closing his eyes to refresh himself, and a gust of wind swept the snow in, and pieces of snow fell on his face and hair, almost the same as his pale face and snow-white temples.

Finally, a small palace man boldly came up and gently whispered in the emperor's ear, "Your Majesty, it's snowing again. Why don't you close the door of the palace, or help you go to the bedroom to rest?"

The emperor opened his eyes slightly, shook his head, waved his hand to the small palace man, and motioned him to go down.

"The emperor's dragon body has not healed, if the wind blows again..." The small palace people were still waiting to persuade, but the emperor said in a low voice, "I want to see it."

His voice was hoarse and rough, like a broken drum, beating in the cold wind, out of tune.

Look, what are you looking at? He himself doesn't know what he has seen, what he can see and what he can see in the future after being the emperor for decades, the supreme of the world and the master of the world?

As far as he can see, it is just a snow-covered imperial city. The snowflakes are extremely clean, covering up the filth in the imperial city and can't be seen. And the blood stains, rumors, jealousies and traps in those corners really exist, and the snow is still extremely clear.

Why couldn't he see it before? Maybe the Empress Dowager is right. He is indeed not a Mingjun, but now, isn't it too late to talk about that?

Although he is clear, his heart is blind. If he is like this for a lifetime, that is, others will suffer, but why does God have to let him wake himself up when he has stepped into the coffin with one foot? Is this what Lao Jiu's daughter-in-law said, retribution?

The emperor suddenly sat up and remembered one thing. Qiongjiang is so cold this year. Qiongyi is located in the north. How will Lao Jiu and the others spend the winter?

Unfortunately, he thought that there would not be more than half a piece of charcoal in Shen Xuanji's room in Shenxuan's house. What's more, the emperor just thought about it and was soon interrupted by his sudden violent cough.

He coughed down and curled up on the dragon chair like a shrimp. No palace people came up to caress his back, and no one hurriedly held the water. They still lowered their heads to do their own things, as if their bodies were not covered with snowflakes, just like the emperor, who did not exist at all.

He finally recovered. As soon as he raised his head to ask someone to pour a cup of tea, he saw the Eighth Prince standing quietly in front of him.

The emperor was shocked, and his pupils suddenly tightened, as if he saw a poisonous snake spitting a letter.

"Why are you here? Who asked you to come in? How dare you enter the palace without my will?" The emperor tried his best to scold, but his voice now sounded no louder than a few mosquitoes, so it was more fierce.

The Eighth Prince is wearing a silver fox today, his face is calm, and he looks much more handsome than usual.

In fact, he is also good-looking. In those years, Li Guifei favored the six palaces, not only because of her fierce methods. This harem is a forging furnace. No matter what kind of person comes in, there are only two end games, one is to die and the other is to become stronger. Which woman who can enter the palace is not delicate and gentle, at least she looks. But after entering the palace, if the heart is still soft, there is only one way to die. They are all pink generals, and they have never been soft in their decision to kill, but she is beautiful and has more opportunities to use fierce means than others.

The Eighth Prince inherited the appearance of the Noble Concubine Li, but when his beautiful eyebrows were placed on the man's face, he looked feminine. Although he is handsome, he doesn't look as heroic as Xue Zhen, which is the reason.

"Don't you go out yet?" The emperor's chest began to feel strange salty. He gritted his teeth and didn't want the Eighth Prince to see him spitting blood, but the Eighth Prince still stood leisurely, staring at him and refused to go out.

"Get out!" The emperor patted the emerald handrail of the dragon chair, and finally leaked a few traces of blood from his teeth.

His lips and teeth were bloody and his eyes were wide open in anger, but the Eighth Prince was not frightened by this ferocious face, but covered his lips with his sleeves and laughed out, "My father is now scolding me like Lao Jiu!"

He smiled and seemed to have encountered some great joy. "Father is like this. As long as people refuse to follow your wishes, you will curse lightly, and more seriously, you will be punished with a cane." The corners of his lips raised, and there was no smile in his eyes. Instead, he burst into tears, "Or, kill her."

"When the Empress Dowager was alive, she said that you were not a good emperor. I see, she was a big mistake." The eighth prince's smile gradually became cold. "The emperor's fierceness, you have learned very well!"

"Why did my father ask me to go? Now that you are seriously ill, it is the time for the minister to serve the soup with his own hands at the bedside!" The eighth prince moved slightly, straightened his back, and ordered the servants he brought, "Help the emperor back to his bedroom and serve him well. If you come out and suffer a little wind, carefully your heads."

The emperor wanted to struggle, but his withered body was the opponent of those young and strong servants. He could only be carried back to the bedroom and scolded all the way.

The eighth prince didn't seem to hear his father's vicious curses. The emperor left and he was still standing still. The door was still open, the snow was still falling, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. The snowflakes were wrapped around him and fell on his fox fur clothes, turning into crystal water droplets in an instant.

The Eighth Prince slowly stepped forward and first reached out to touch the dragon chair, with the residual warmth on the emperor's body. He raised his hand, gently brushed away the invisible dust, carefully lifted his skirt, turned around and sat on it.

Although the palace people did not look up, their bodies seemed to be stiff, but it was only for a moment, and then they continued to do what seemed to be endless.

The Eighth Prince sat on the dragon chair of Yuantai Hall, first laughed low, and then suddenly burst into laughter. The laughter was as cold as a night owl, echoing in the imperial city for a long time.

Qiongjiang has snowed heavily for several days in a row, and the snow next to the road has not melted for a long time. The weather is cold, and people in the city don't want to go out. Within a few days, the whole city became cold and silent.

When Huo Qiyu went out, it was just before dawn. He rode on the official road one by one. The official road is usually broad, but it has been almost filled with snow these days. Although it was cleaned in time, the snow also accumulated last night.

He was dressed in the official uniform of the leader of "Jin Wuwei" and only wore a wind and snow cloak with a fox collar outside, which made him more and more like a crane, and his original unspily facial features also became handsome and cold.

He went all the way to the imperial city and subconsciously rubbed a small gold thread hydrangea hanging on his sword.

He stole this hydrangea. And its original owner should have arrived in a relatively safe place, which is the best.

Huiyi shook his head and drove out these chaotic thoughts that would make him vulnerable. He held his head high and instigated the horse off his seat to run.

The door of the imperial city is tightly closed. Usually, "Jin Wuwei" will line up here to wait for Huo Qiyu to lead them to the palace to inspect together. Today, he is only greeted by an empty and lonely snow and a closed palace gate hidden in the wind and snow.

Huo Qiyu held the reed of the horse vigilantly. At this time, he saw the door of the Zhuse Palace slowly open, and one person came out on a handsome and extraordinary big Wan horse. He is dressed in fox Qiu and has a gentle smile on his face. He is not the Eighth Prince, but who will it be?

" Commander Huo," he said with a smile, "The emperor suffered a cold yesterday and did not disturb people into the palace. After today, the inspection of this palace will be avoided!"

Huo Qiyu raised his eyebrows and said, "'Jin Wuwei' is only under the jurisdiction of your majesty. Even if you want to avoid the inspection of the palace, you still need your majesty's clear decree." He sat on the horse and looked around, "What's more, what about my subordinates?"

The eighth prince laughed and said, "Master Huo, I am the father and son of the emperor. Can't I still do it?"

Huiyu also smiled, "From ancient times to the present, there is no way to pretend to be an edict!"

The Eighth Prince was choked. He didn't expect Huo Qiyue to be so tired that he couldn't think of any words to counterattack for a moment.

At this time, I saw that the snow in the distance was stirred by the horses' hoofs. Although the sound of the hoofs gathered from all directions, they gathered together not far from the imperial gate. The rows of soldiers dressed as soldiers were all thin and plagiaris, wearing the same black official uniforms and embroidered with a one-legged golden black on their chest. However, they are all soldiers under the command of Huo Qiyu.

I saw a leading Le Ma stop, as if he had not seen the Eighth Prince. He only said to Huo Qiyu, "My subordinates received the imperial edict early this morning, saying that he would be exempted from the palace inspection after today. My subordinates felt strange and went to ask Lao Qi to ask, and only to know that he had also received this order."

The officer surnamed Qi also caught up, "When we met, we went to the leader's office to ask about the details. Who knew that the humanitarian leader of the mansion still went out on time and did not receive any order. We were afraid that someone would fish in troubled waters and falsely pass the imperial edict, so we gathered our brothers to have a look.

Huo Qiyu smiled faintly and said, "You are too worried. With you so fine, who can be unfavorable to me?"

He turned his face to the Eighth Prince, "Your Majesty, don't you?"

The Eighth Prince also smiled, but the smile, like engraved on his face, was even worse than crying.