glazed tile

Chapter 17 Change the Sky (Combined)

Before Shen Xuanji took action, the eighth prince was under house arrest by Xue Zhen. Shen Xuanji didn't know it and called Shuangchi beside Xue Zhen to ask, and then he knew the clue: It turned out that it was the Eighth Prince You who fought against the trapped beasts and gathered several of his confidants and wanted to make a big deal on Xue Zhen's birth. Who knew that someone was unwilling to take his family to die with him halfway, and even quietly told Xue his plan. zhen The Eighth Prince has always loved and benefited the hearts of small favors. Only at the critical moment did he know that the icing on the cake will always be just a foil. Loyalty cannot last long without sincerity.

Shen Xuanji listened to Shuangchi's words and smiled coldly, "It's a fool like him that can come up with such a bad idea. The ninth prince came back under the name of the secret call of the emperor. Isn't he exposing his unfilial nature to the world by doing so now?

"What's more, even if it comes to the origin, the prince's mother is a palace person around the empress dowager, and her family also has an official position, which is not inferior to his mother's family." Shen Xuanji said it right. Xue Zhen's mother's family has indeed been defeated, but Li Guifei is a civilian daughter from the root, and her brother has committed a capital crime. The cause of her own death is not a secret. The Eighth Prince chose such a method to attack Xue Zhen, which shows that her spirit has been completely abnormal.

"That day, the maidservant heard that the eighth princess had returned to her mother's house. The Duke of Ning asked her and the eighth prince to leave. She cried and refused to obey. Now she is also locked in the house and is not allowed to come out!" Lan Qing poured a cup of tea for Shen Xuanji while whispering in her ear.

"She is affectionate and righteous, but it's a pity that it's really bad to meet such a father and such a husband." Shen Xuanji's sigh is not pretentious. She is a noble woman with beautiful clothes and food. However, her fate is all tied to her father and husband. Most of the time, they are just tools for her father's family to invite favors. On the surface, they married with the titles of "wife", "Princess" and "concubine". In fact, No one cares whether you are happy or not. What's more, without a biological child, he had to watch her husband pull people into the room one by one, which is also known as to pass on the family. At this time, the noble wife did not dare to say a word. She had to hold on her smiling face and busy her husband, otherwise she would fall into the name of "jealous and virtuous".

These women are just beautiful women wrapped in silk and satin. Compared with them, Shen Xuanji really feels that she is too lucky.

But when Xue Zhen became emperor, his harem could not be empty for a long time. At that time, what should he do...

When Shen Xuanji was worried about choosing a concubine for Xue Zhen in the future, Xue Zhen also came to the side hall where he was under house arrest. This side hall was ordered by the emperor when he entered the palace that day. Now he also uses it to trap people. It has to be said that feng shui take turns and has its own reasons to complain.

The Eighth Prince was "invited" into the palace directly from the royal palace by "Jin Wuwei". He was only wearing a regular dress and didn't even have time to comb his hair. Jin Wuwei" people are intimately loyal to Huo Qiyu. Although the Eighth Prince designed to frame Huo Qiyu, they have also seen him as unpleasant for a long time. How can they be polite and say "please"? In fact, it is no different from "catching".

Xue Zhen was furious this time. He really didn't mean to kill the Eighth Prince. He just wanted to circle him up and raise him for decades until he was old and sick and his soul returned to heaven. After all, Xue Zhen is not an emperor like Li Shimin and Cao Pi. He can't do things like killing his brother.

However, the eighth prince refused to give up like this, which was really a sign of asking for death. Xue Zhen was forced by him to remember several unexpected experiences on the way back to Beijing. He really couldn't hold back the evil breath in his chest and ignored the obstruction of Shuangchi, so he came to ask him what was going on and ask him why Why be so aggressive?

He came to the side hall where the Eighth Prince was located, opened the door and saw the Eighth Prince sitting alone in a chair and looking out of the window. His face was calm and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He saw Xue Zhen come in and glanced at him faintly, "Are you happy to see me like this now?"

Xue Zhen was originally a little amiable to him, but he was also driven back by this sentence, "Now, do you still think I made you what you are today?"

The Eighth Prince smiled disdainfully, "If you hadn't married the granddaughter of the Wei family, how could you have achieved today?"

Xue Zhen smiled angrily, "Your two princesses are the legitimate daughters of the Duke of the State. I'm afraid it's unfair to say so, isn't it?"

The Eighth Prince glanced at him, "My father obviously hates you very much. If you hadn't secretly flattered him, how could he have left a secret order against me?"

"That's because of your ambition. Even if you are the biological son of the previous emperor, you should not make the purpose of ascending the throne so obvious." Xue Zhen was helpless. The Eighth Prince has completely drilled into the horns. I'm afraid that in his opinion, the world can't afford to him, and what he has done is not wrong.

I don't know where this sentence touched the pain of the Eighth Prince. He suddenly stood up, and Shuangchi was shocked. He quickly fit in front of Xue Zhen, afraid that he would be unfavorable to his master.

The Eighth Prince was shocked by his behavior. It seemed that there was no such person around him...

Xue Zhen patted Shuangchi on the shoulder and motioned him not to worry, "Go outside and wait for me. It's okay here. Don't worry, you don't have to tell the princess that you know."

Shuangchi was still waiting to say something. Xue Zhen's expression insisted, so he had to answer "Yes" and walked out of the hall step by step. He was still worried. He pricked up his ears and listened to the movement inside. As long as Xue Zhen shouted, he was ready to go in and become the savior.

The voice of the Eighth Prince was a little excited, "My father likes me in his heart, and he also intended me to ascend the throne. In this case, what does it matter if it's earlier or later? I'm not young anymore. My father ascended the throne at my age. Why can't I?

Xue Zhen looked at him helplessly, "Because the previous emperor was at the peak of spring and autumn, how could you not even know such a simple truth? Even if you become the emperor and your son is crowned prince, do you want him to look forward to your death every day? The food and clothing in your palace are better than in the palace. How can the first emperor not be afraid of you? What do you think the royal family is? Is it the father and son filial piety of the common people on the street?

"Born in the royal family, the man above the throne of Kowloon is the emperor, and the father is just an embellishment." Xue Zhen said coldly that he understood this truth as early as he was a child, but the Eighth Prince never knew it. He and Li Guifei are the same. It's really stupid to think that if they get the emperor's love, they can turn over the rain.

Love is the most insignificant kind of human emotions. Take Xue Zhen and Shen Xuanji as an example. If they are not because of the honor and disgrace along the way, the joys and sorrows along the way, resist the wind and frost together, and bathe the spring together, then the humble love at the beginning may be as early as these stormy years. It's gone.

Xue Zhen looked at the stunned Eighth Prince and suddenly felt that he was very pitiful. Princess Li taught him how to fight and how to kill people, but did not tell him that he had gone the wrong way at the beginning.

The eighth prince sat in a chair depressively. He still couldn't figure it out, but Xue Zhen didn't seem to be willing to give him extra time to figure it out.

Vicious and stupid people are the most dangerous kind of people around them. They are completely like run-out wild horses. They don't look at the road or listen to the training. They just run wildly and destroy everything in front of them with great destructive power.

Xue Zhen finally looked at him with pity, "The Eighth Princess will definitely be taken care of in the Duke of Ning. Your son, I will send him to the fiefdom in the past few days. You don't have to worry any more."

Although he felt that the Eighth Prince may not care about this, no matter what the reason, it is very appropriate to inform his family's arrangements before he dies.

Sure enough, the Eighth Prince still looked at him in a stunned manner, as if he had not recovered. Xue Zhen shook his head, said nothing more, and turned around and walked out.

A person has been so confused all his life until the moment of death, I don't know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate.