glazed tile

Chapter 29 Pool Fish

Since Xiluo left, Cerro has been unhappy all day long. What did Aunt Sai ask him to do? He should not be so sharp. Ami and Adou were big and quietly reported to Aunt Sai, "My brother must be like this because Sister Yingluo is not here!"

When Cerro heard it, he stared at them with copper bell-like eyes and a tiger face. "What are you talking about? You want to be beaten!"

Ami and Adou knew that they were reluctant to beat them at all. They were not only not afraid, but also hid behind Aunt Sai with a smile.

Aunt Sai didn't smile and gave her eldest son a sharp look, "Don't fight this idea."

Sero suffocated, and his temper also came up, "Why? Just because Miss Yingluo is a foreigner, do you look down on her?

When Aunt Sai saw him so reckless and impulsive, she smiled bitterly, "Does your mother dare to look down on her? Look at her style, and you will know that she must come from a good background. I'm afraid that people like us are as cheap as ants in other people's eyes!"

Cero doesn't understand, "Mom, why do you say that? Miss Yingluo is not so arrogant!"

Aunt Sai looked helplessly at her stupid son. She couldn't stand in this crampy kitchen, but her mind was still as simple as a child.

"Silly child, her pride is not on her face, but in her heart." Seeing that Cerro was at a loss, Aunt Sai cruelly decided to break his unrealistic fantasy. "You just think that she has a noble temperament and treats your brothers and sisters well. It's really a big mistake to be close to us from the bottom of your heart."

"How can a woman like her spend her life in this small oak town and won't marry an ordinary man like you as his wife. Don't think about it anymore. After the New Year, my mother will find a matchmaker for you to marry back and live a good life!"

Cello was confused by what she said and stood on the ground without saying anything for a long time. After reacting, he suddenly shook his head violently, "No! I don't want it! I just like her, and I don't want any other girls!"

Seeing that he was so stubborn, Aunt Sai was so angry that she chopped the kitchen knife in her hand on the chopping board, "You don't want it too!" I'm your mother, and it's not your turn to decide your own marriage! You said you like her. Have you ever seen her really look? She didn't even show you her face. Why do you say you like her?

Cero was stunned, but his mother was indeed right. He couldn't accept it for a moment, shouted and ran out.

Ami and Adou didn't know that a joke between them actually caused their mother and brother to quarrel. When they saw their brother run out, their eyes turned red and almost cried.

Uncle Sai came in from outside and was almost knocked down by his son, "You bastard, where are you going to eat?"

He was about to chase him, but he heard Aunt Sai shouting aggressively in the kitchen, "Don't go! It's up to him!"

Uncle Sai was afraid of his wife, so he had to come back sadly, picked up Ami and Adou, and returned to the room to set the table, while trying to ask what his wife and son were angry about.

Sero heard his father's shout, but he didn't stop. He ran all the way to a small forest on the outskirts of the city. This forest is lush in spring and summer, but now there are only dead branches and leaves, which is more and more desolate. He was depressed, and he was even more sad to see such a scene.

In fact, he also knows that the girl doesn't like herself at all. She looked gentle to herself, but in fact, she was polite with a slight alienation, and she couldn't see any intention of him.

But he has liked her for a long time. As early as when she first arrived in Liyi, he had just opened the courtyard door that morning. What he saw was her light figure, wearing a simple green dress and talking to him with his back to the magic doctor. Although the style of the skirt is ordinary, I don't know why it looks much better on her than on others. Her back is straight and her waist is soft, and her skirt does not move when she walks. Unlike those women on the street, her feet are rustling when she walks, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Her voice was also beautiful, low and soft, and not loud when she smiled, but it was as crisp as wind bells beating each other under the eaves, and like spring stream flowing through the mountains and rocks, leaping with sparkling crystal light.

He looked at her almost stunned, or she heard something behind her and turned around and nodded slightly to him, "Morning."

He didn't know why she always wore a veil, but the veil did not damage her beauty at all, but added an inexplicable mysterious charm.

Since she came, he tried his best to perform in front of her every day, either helping the hospital carry water or chop wood. Although it was only at the cost of her polite thanks and professor Ami and Adou reading and writing, he still felt very happy.

At least he did something for her.

He also wanted to read poetry with her as shown in the play, but he didn't even know a few big characters and only had a lot of strength. When she was teaching her younger brother and sister to read, he could only watch and listen to her read those poems that he didn't understand. Seeing the happy light flashing in her eyes, he felt himself Everything you have done is worth it.

He has always felt that he was just looking at her. It would be better if he could help her when she needed it. Just like the strange person he met in the hospital, he was keenly aware of something wrong. At that moment, he was almost ecstatic that he had unconsciously cultivated some tacit understanding between the two of them. Hearing the flaws in her words, he didn't have time to go home to explain. He ran all the way like a clockwork. Despite the dark and slippery road, he ran straight to the "Weijiajun" camp to report to the magic doctor.

It's a pity that he took a trip, but since that time, he obviously felt that there had been a small change in Yingluo's attitude towards him, seemed to be more familiar with him, and sometimes joked with him. On the contrary, he couldn't let go and always offered her as a fairy bodhisattva, feeling that she could only be seen from afar and could not be profaned.

However, his heart is really happy. He thought that his efforts had been rewarded, and he always felt that sincerity was the best. In his beautiful dream, he would one day accept him and love him as much as he loved her.

But Aunt Sai's words, like a ruthless hand, pulled him out of the gentle countryside.

You don't deserve her at all. She comes from an extraordinary background and has an elegant temperament. What are you? It's just a reckless descendant in a small border town. Even if she marries you, what ability can you make her live a good life?

Aunt Sai's subtexts are nothing more than these. Cerro's mind was chaotic, like a hundred people fighting in it. He had a splitting headache and sat on the ground with his head in his hand.

I don't know how long it took, his thoughts gradually calmed down. When he woke up, he could feel a burst of cold wind in the woods. He warmed up and suffered the cold wind, and only felt that his limbs and bones were faintly painful, which was a sign of illness.

Cerro was not in a good mood. He stood up with an old tree beside him and struggled to walk home. As soon as I looked up, I saw a burst of black smoke rising in the distance. The fire was in the direction of my home.

He was shocked and sweated, and his feet were still a little staggering, but he couldn't wait to take two steps. He stuffed his head and hurried home, and his heart pounded wildly. He could hardly imagine what he would do in the future if his parents and siblings had a good or something?!

He finally ran to the alley where he lived and saw everyone come out to put out the fire. When he saw him coming, his eyes were very strange. He couldn't care about this and pushed everyone away and ran in. He was adjacent to the hospital. It was the deepest part of the alley and a dead end. If there was really anything, he couldn't even escape.

He panicked and suddenly caught a glimpse of two people and sneaked out in the chaos.

Saero appeared, "stop! Who are you?"

When the two saw that they were seen through, a fierce light flashed in their eyes, stretched out their hands and took them out their arms, throwing two round things at him and the residents of the street.

Just hearing a loud noise, Cerro didn't know anything.