glazed tile

Chapter 34 Accidents

Wei Xi was shocked when he saw the ruined face. She stepped forward a few steps, raised her hand, stroked the scar with a slight trembling, and suddenly her eyes turned red, "What's wrong with you?"

Yiluo and I haven't seen her for many years. At this time, the pain in her eyes was very sincere, and her eyes were not stained with tears. She took Wei Xi's hand, shook it gently, and turned her head to comfort her, "Nothing, it's all over."

Wei Xi did not let go and insisted on asking what was going on. She is already a rare beauty. Her aunt, sister and sister-in-law in the family are all one in a hundred, but Shen Yu, even in the flowery mansion of Anguo, is also unique. She still remembers that when she didn't come out of the cabinet, several sisters sat around Mrs. Ye's "xuanxi Hall" and was so quiet that she often sat on the low couch under the window with a roll of books. She sat under her grandmother's knees and looked at it from afar. She only felt that her side face was particularly quiet and beautiful in the gentle sunlight, and the soft arc was her long. The long and slightly upturned eyelashes complement each other, and there is a small depression on the delicate nose, and the fresh lips are pink, shining brightly.

At that time, her whole body was like a gorgeous brush lady. Although she is also beautiful, on the slender and white drawing paper, she seemed to have been dragged by someone.

Yingluo couldn't be entangled by her, and finally told the long-lost cousin how he was earned by Wei Jie from Wei's house, how Wei Jie tried to bully him, how he decided to destroy himself and jump off a building, but was rescued by Huo Qiyu, who fell from the sky.

Wei Xi listened to the beginning and finally and patted the table angrily, "Scum! I think of Wei's loyalty, how can there be such a shameless thing as him!"

Yingluo smiled bitterly and said in his heart that Wei Xi still didn't know how Wei Jie could lead to Wei Wei, who was wronged, and taught him to suffer more than a year in prison. She knew that the Weixi brothers and sisters had a very good relationship since childhood, and the Anguo Mansion would not tell her about such a thing, so she would not talk too much.

"Okay," Yingluo saw that Wei Xi was still angry and quickly changed the topic. "Don't talk about my old things. We haven't seen each other for so many years. How are you doing?"

She lowered her voice and approached Wei Xi, "Your Highness, why..."

Listening to her question, Wei Xi unnaturally straightened his back. Yun was warm and sharp, and quickly retreated with the palace people and guarded him closely outside so that Wei Xi could rest assured to talk to Yingluo.

Sure enough, Wei Xi smiled sadly until there were only himself and Yingluo in the dark room, "You can see how I'm doing. As for the second prince, it's just to avoid being framed and has to make this bad."

She took a sip of tea, but said, "On the eve of leaving home that day, my cousin... Now she is the queen. She came to see me. I know she is uneasy and has always felt that I am far away because of her sharpness. I comforted her that after staying in this house for a long time, everyone became exactly the same. Perhaps, for a family woman like us, marrying from one house to another is a lifetime. And I don't want such a lifetime. There is an opportunity to stay away from home and see the outside world in front of me. I won't let it go, so please don't feel sorry for me.

"But now I'm really far away from the place where I grew up. Although I come here, although it's barren, although it's like living in a crack every day, I know that the words of persuading the Empress on that day have always been in my heart. I have been convinced by thinking like this every day."

"Although the road ahead of me and the second prince is uncertain, I have never regretted coming here. Although I am walking on the ice now, I know that one day, the road under my feet will be extremely solid."

"Insistence, patience and achievement, the eldest sister has done such a thing, and my cousin has done it, and I will also do it."

However, Huo Qiyue said that since he left Qijiang after saying goodbye to Xue Zhen, he rode his horse all the way to Yueyi. He thought about Yingluo. The journey that had been taken for more than three months was shortened by one third. Sure enough, he came to this small city on the first day of the Spring Festival.

On that day, he personally bought a small hospital for the magic doctor to make a medical center. Naturally, he came to the alleys that he had never set foot on, but had imagined countless times in his mind.

But when he came to the entrance of the alley, the scene in front of him was stunned. It is already the Spring Festival. Every family in Liyi is decorated with lanterns, and the fragrance of the good New Year's Eve dinner comes from the smoke of cooking. But this alley is like being in another space: the dark walls, the ruined roof, and the cold stone steps make him most f afraid of it is the end of the alley, which has turned into a broken wall. In the courtyard, the dilapidated signboard on the door was not taken away, and a lonely word "doctor" lay on the ground.

The faint sound of firecrackers and noise in the distance formed a sharp contrast with the silence in the alley. Huo Qiyue's ear was extremely noisy for a moment, but it was so quiet that even the sound of his heart beating could be heard clearly. His blood is boiling in his chest, and his cheeks are very hot and cold. He really wants to catch someone and ask him carefully. How about Yingluo? Where did Yingluo go?

Unfortunately, this alley has been hit by thunder and fire bombs by the North Jin people has seriously damaged their vitality. Although the bodies have been buried, the seriously disabled survivors still live in deep trouble every day. Even the happy New Year of the whole family can't anoy their interest.

"Are you looking for a magic doctor?" An old and hoarse voice suddenly sounded behind him. Huo Qiyu suddenly turned around, like a drowning man who suddenly caught a life-saving straw. He nodded eagerly, "Does uncle know the whereabouts of him and the girl?"

The old man who asked the question narrowed his turbid eyes and said, "It's all gone. Those who can leave are gone..."

"Go to the north and have a look. Maybe you can find them," the old man thought for a moment and said to Huo Qiyu. "I once saw the sergeants of the 'Wei Army' send the magic doctor back. Maybe they couldn't live here, so they went there."

Huo Qiyu was very anxious at this time. Hearing this, he was overjoyed. He thanked the old man, turned over his horse, and galloped out of the alleys and gates. He was unwilling to stop for a moment and went to the "Wei Army" camp.

The weather in the north is very cold. Although it is already the Spring Festival, the cold wind can still make people feel cold from the inside out. Huo Qiyu is a martial arts practitioner. Although he doesn't feel cold and unbearable, his heart is like sinking in the ancient well. Since his departure, there has been only a flowery smile in his mind. Although it is hidden under the silver veil, it is still beautiful. Her figure, her appearance, is like a small flame, beating brightly in his heart, giving him the strength to resist the cold wind and fatigue. But now, he can't find her.

At this time, an inexplicable loss surged in his heart. If it hadn't been for the fall of nature, it would have been almost impossible to bear this sudden blow. At this time, I suddenly heard a sharp wind behind me, and it seemed that some sharp weapon was flying towards my vest! Huo Qiyu subconsciously hung on the horse on one side and obliquely, avoiding the plot.

He was depressed and was furious. He turned the horse's head and looked at the sharp weapon like an falcon. Sure enough, he saw the dead branches of an old tree trembling slightly.

Huo Qiyu smiled coldly, took out a soft and long whip from nowhere, shook his wrist, and swept towards the treetops.

With a "pung", as expected, a human-like thing, beast-like thing fell from the tree. It seemed that it was hurt by his whip and was covering his face and screaming.

Huo Qiyu was surprised. He led the horse and slowly approached, stretching out his braids to stroke the man's hand, trying to see his appearance clearly.

He is a martial arts man, and his hands are not small. Although the man resisted in every way, he was still restrained by him with a leather whip and reluctantly lowered his hand to his side, revealing his face.

Huo Qiyue looked at the man's appearance and was also gloating. His face was red and white, and his facial features were no longer in the right place. He could only barely distinguish his eyes, nostrils and mouth. His ears shrank into a pair of small round holes, without hair, eyebrows and beards, and his whole body It's deformed and terrible. If you are bumped into someone in the middle of the night, you must scare people to death.

Huo Qiyu pulled his body again and only heard a few jingles, and many short arrows fell out. I think it was also the sharp weapon he used to attack him. He kicked the man with his toes, "Who are you? Why did you harm me?"

The man's throat sounded, but he couldn't speak. Only a pair of eyes burned with hatred, staring at Huo Qiyu. Huo Qiyue felt a little strange. There was really no such strange person in his memory, and the sphere of influence of "Jin Wuwei" was in Qiongjiang, the capital. He did not remember when he had offended the distant Liyi people.

But he intuitively felt that this man must have his meaning, so despite his struggle, he picked him up, took out the cow tendon he carried with him, and tied him firmly on his horse.

"Although I don't know who you are or why you hate me, you must have suffered a great misfortune from your appearance. I can't leave you here and let you continue to harm the people you come and go. So I'm wronged with you. Let me go to the 'Weijiajun' camp first before making plans. If I can find that person smoothly, I can also help you take a look." Huo Qiyu said, also turned over his horse and continued to gallop to the camp.