glazed tile

Chapter 36 Acacia

At the same time, in the "Wei Army" camp, the mood of the night that once hit Yuan Wei was not much better. It was the leisure time after dinner that the sky had gradually darkened, and he wandered aimlessly between the tents with a gray wind.

The soldiers lit a bonfire one after another, and the firelight reflected his silver armor and fox skin, making his face more delicate and eye-catching.

In the past, Wang Laopi, who had not dealt with him, but had received his life-saving grace in the battle against Yuan Li, had to come over and pat him on the shoulder, "What's wrong, brother? But the big girl ate your head again?"

Ye Lai shook his head. If Wei Jiaken had given him a head to eat, he would not be what he is now.

When Wang Laapi saw that this was not the reason, he was more curious. He wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Zheng Chu, who had been watching, "You man, why are you crooked? He likes to ask about other people's affairs. He is simply a mother-in-law!"

Wang Laopi was fury and turned around to argue with him loudly. Ye came to take advantage of the situation and led the gray wind that had been as obedient as a big dog in front of him.

Zheng Chu and Wang Lapi squeezed each other, and his eyes couldn't help looking at him, and he sighed secretly from the bottom of his heart.

He is a general of the Wei family, and his relationship with Wei Ye, Wei Jia and Ye Lai is closer than other soldiers. After Ye Lai was injured, he took care of him closely. Naturally, he clearly saw his tenderness towards Wei Jia.

The night life is miserable, and it is difficult for him not to abandon himself. Under the encouragement and upbringing of Wei Ye and Wei Jia, he can have today's achievements. In addition, he is a beautiful teenager. Although he is a little cold-hearted, his heart is good. If it is placed in Qiongjiang, he is naturally the dream lover of many women, but Wei Jia, no She is an ordinary girl.

Not to mention that she is more than ten years older than Yelai. Yelai is just a child in her heart, saying that her younger brother has made him bigger. She brought Ye in person when she was a teenager, and she was also a sister and mother. How could she accept Yelai's heart?

But looking at Ye Lai's confusion, Zheng Chu felt very unbearable and wanted to persuade Wei Jia, but he was afraid that she was a yellow girl with thin-skinned and finally annoyed but not beautiful, so he looked forward and almost worried.

At this time, Wei Jia, who was in the coach's camp, didn't know what they were thinking, but her heart was not as happy as the night. Originally, the two had nothing to say and had a good relationship. Since Yelai was injured and she was anxious to say a few words to him for a moment, the child has divided himself. Naturally, Wei Jia knew that he suffered a setback here because of a young man's budding original intention. He couldn't make face down, and he was indeed sad, so he went to rest for a while. But now that several months have passed, he saw that he was still embarrassed. In addition to practicing, he nestled in his own small tent. He did not come to the commander's tent to learn military affairs from her, and he had to urge him to step into the door. In less than half an hour, he looked like an arrow, which made Wei Jia It's not good to call him more.

She deliberately ignored the tenderness in her heart, but she couldn't deceive herself, especially when she dreamed back at midnight. She remembered that she was sitting in front of the bed at night and looked at his beautiful sleeping face. The feeling in her heart was not fake. She doesn't want to admit that she also has a good impression on this teenager who has always been regarded as a relative. She is afraid of breaking this balance and finally destroying the beauty she once had.

One of them sighed at the lamp in the tent, and the other sighed to the moon outside the camp. Their minds were all messy. It seemed that everything in the world was sticky. Not only did they feel uncomfortable, but even Zheng Chu, the only one who vaguely knew the details, was also uncomfortable, but there was nothing they could do.

I think that there is only one word of love in the world, which is completely written by two people together. One of them has a soft hand or a crooked pen, and he has no regrets, but there will be endless regrets in the future.

The night on the edge of the ground came very early, and the soldiers who had been practicing for a day had already fallen asleep. In addition to the patrolling soldiers walking around, there was only a high and low snoring sound, mixed with the crackling of flames, and the lights were still on in the middle of the night, but only the commander's tent.

Wei Jia finally drove away a mess of thoughts in her mind and forced herself to sit in front of the case to deal with the military affairs reported by her subordinates. Seeing that the Beijing gold thief was still not dead, she couldn't help but smile on her lips when she was still ready to move. Thinking of Yuan Li being hit head-on by the night, he still did not lose his fighting spirit. It was really a difficult bone to chew, and he frowned unconsciously.

She sat under the lamp and wrote something in the book, but she didn't know her smile, which had been all over by one person for a long time. Yelai stood at the door of the handsome tent and was stunned. Although he has never seen any woman, he will never admit that he thinks that Wei Jia is as beautiful as a fairy because of his lack of knowledge. In his heart, only the slightly older, dark-skinned and cowardly female general in front of him is a treasure.

He stood at the door in a daze, but the gray wind beside him was impatient and ignored him. He walked to Wei Jia and fell beside her. Wei Jia didn't find that the gray wind god was lying at her feet unconsciously until she felt the warm touch of the familiar fur, and a pair of green wolves looked at her wetly.

She stretched out her hand to smooth its fur, restrained her face with a flash of panic and shyness, and looked up at the night as if nothing had happened. "It's so late, why don't you go to rest?"

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and continued to write letters. Unexpectedly, she couldn't hear the reply of the night for a long time, so she raised her head strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

Ye Lai didn't answer, but staggered in. Wei Jia waited for him to get closer before he saw that his face was slightly red, his eyes were stunned, and he didn't know where he drank from.

She imaned to be angry, "You are becoming more and more unconformal. Have you forgotten the military rules of not to drink alcohol in the camp?"

Yelai was a drunken person. Seeing her seriously scolding herself, she was wronged and sad, and didn't say anything. She just sat on the chair next to Wei Jia, wrapped her legs around her chest and buried her head between her knees.

Wei Jia looked at his behavior, which was both angry and funny. It was the same when he met unhappy things when he was a child. Unexpectedly, he was already a majestic major general and had not lost this old habit.

After all, Wei Jia is a woman and a woman who has a good impression on Yelai. Seeing his drunken appearance, he didn't have much anger in his heart and disappeared. She stood up and stretched out her hand to help Ye. "You're drunk. Let's go back. Shall I make a bowl of strong tea for you?"

Unexpectedly, Yelai played a rogue. Ren Weijia said her mouth and still squatted motionless on the chair. Wei Jia was not a kind person. At this time, she lost her patience and couldn't help kicking it up, "Bad boy, you even set it up for me!"

The night came to hold back, still looking sad and miserable. When the gray wind on one side saw him like this, the master glanced blankly, as if he was not impressed by his failure.

At this time, Wei Jia also saw a clue. Seeing Ye pretend to be drunk, her eyes turned around and said, "In this case, I can't move you. I will ask Brother Zheng and others to come in and send you back, so that the brothers in the camp can see our little general Ye's naughty dog!" As she spoke, she pretended to call people. After all, Yelai was a teenager. She was afraid that she would be seen like this. She not only laughed at herself, but also talked about Wei Jia's length. She quickly pretended and jumped off the chair.

I didn't expect to raise my head but see Wei Jia's joking and unbearable smiling face. For a moment, I felt very sad. The young general who was bleeding, sweating and didn't shed tears turned his eyes and turned red and pointed to Wei Ji, "You love to bully me!"

"Oh, all right!" Wei Jia didn't think that his eyes were so shallow, so she quickly held him in his arms and patted him gently on the back as he did when he was a child. But now at night, she is a head taller than her. As soon as they hugged each other, their faces turned red, and they hurriedly jumped away, and both laughed again.