glazed tile

Chapter 39 Angry

Besides, Huo Qiyu, since he met a strange man outside Liyi City and took him with him all the way, he soon arrived in the "Weijia Army" camp. When he saw the door from afar, he was faintly excited. He was not sure that Yingluo must be here, but when he found Wei Jia, it was not difficult to find Yingluo again.

The more he thought about it, the happier he became. He also forgot to disar and rushed in. The strange man was carried on horseback by him, with his limbs hanging in the air. Seeing him so reckless, his mouth babbling.

When the soldiers guarding the camp heard a strange noise, they looked at Huo Qiyu, dressed in a black suit and tied to a monster on the back of a horse that could not see what it was. He immediately seemed to be facing a big enemy. Two guns crossed, stopped him and shouted loudly, "Who is coming? Is it that you are not going to break through the barracks?

Huo Qisheng stopped the horse and patted his head embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I'm wrong."

He turned over and got off the horse and still let the strange man stay on the horse. He led the horse in one hand and took out a token of the leader of "Jin Wuwei" from his arms. Now, although he can't order anyone, he can prove his identity. When he left Qiongjiang, Xue Zhen did not ask him to return it. I'm afraid he is still looking forward to it. He can go back.

"Please give this to Miss Wei." The soldier who received the token looked at him suspiciously and turned to report the news. The remaining one still pointed his gun at him with a wary look on his face.

Huo Qiyu didn't care about it. Instead, she felt that Wei Jia was good at governing the army. It was not easy for a woman, and she respected her more in her heart.

Wei Jia got Xin'er and soon greeted her in person. She and Huo Qiyu were not familiar with each other, but they were also young. When Wei Ye was still in Beijing, he had a good relationship with the old master of the Huo family. He was also a martial arts student, but he was much closer than the relationship between An Guogong Wei Han and the Huo family. When she was a child, she loved riding and shooting arrows with boys, but she was more familiar with Huo Qiyu than other Wei family members.

Huo Qiyu saw Wei Jia coming out in a high spirits, wearing a navy blue suit, but embroidered a few sparse plum blossoms in the corner of the robe with silver silk. He was still pedalling small boots on his feet, and the long cone at his waist had never left him. His long hair was tied up and tied with a high bun, which was no different from the men in the army. Except for a cloud-blue forehead inlaid with a blue seal, it shows her identity as a famous girl.

And behind her, the teenager with a charming face and a reluctance to look at him with hostility, did not know him...

"Lead Huo is busy with your personnel. What brings you to me?" When Wei Jia saw the old man in a good mood, she looked at him with a smile. She saw that he was dressed in a simple mysterious suit, a sword hanging around his waist, a dusty face, and a pale cyan stubble appeared on his chin. Although he looked a little tired, he was not embarrassed at all, and he was still elegant.

Huo Qiyu stretched out his index finger and pointed to the sky, "South wind."

Wei Jia laughed and patted him on the shoulder, "Bad joke, poor boy!"

Huo Qiyu also looked at her with a smile, "I haven't seen her for several years. My sister is as beautiful as before, and she is as straightforward as before."

Wei Jia took him to the camp with a smile. Yelai stood beside her without saying a word, and the color in her eyes was getting darker and darker, sister? Sister, your sister! The alert state of the beautiful teenager reached the first level, and he squinted at Huo Qiyu slightly. Humph, the old man is not as good-looking as me. You won't win!

Huo Qiyu only felt a cool breeze blowing behind him. He couldn't help touching his neck and looked back doubtfully. Ye Lai was afraid that he would see the flaw, so he hurriedly looked up at the sky. Ah! The moon is so beautiful this afternoon!

Wei Jia and Huo Qiyu knew nothing about his entangled psychological state. Huo Qiyu was about to leave when they suddenly remembered something and patted their foreheads, "Really, people forget things before they are old!"

He turned back to his horse and untied the strange man. Wei Jia was curious and came up to look. When he saw the man's face, his heart was also a little creepy.

The man had been neglected by Huo Qiyu for so long, and he was already a little impatient. He looked up at Wei Jia and Yelai and saw the surprise flashing on their faces. He couldn't help sneering at the bottom of his heart, and there was also a trace of disdain on his face.

Seeing his change of expression, Wei Jia regretted that she did not know how to restrain herself and was afraid that she had hurt the poor man's self-esteem. Together with pity, she quickly ordered the soldiers to help him and invite him to enter her commander's camp.

Unexpectedly, the strange man shook the soldier's hand fiercely and whined a few words, vaguely saying something like "he can go by himself". Wei Jia smiled and no longer cares about him. The group walked to the coach's tent.

Huo Qiyu had something in his heart and didn't care about being polite with Wei Jia. He wanted to talk about his intention, but he was afraid of tiring the name of his yellow flower daughter. However, he didn't know the whereabouts of her and the magic doctor, so he went around and wanted to talk about it, and finally spit out his intention. Thanks to Wei Jia's cleverness, she can grasp the key points at once. She couldn't help laughing secretly. Such a simple word, Huo Qiyu, who is so good at talking, has a lot of scruples because it involves her best. It can be seen that a word of love can make people incompetent!

Huo Qiyu looked at her joking eyes and couldn't help blushing. Wei Jia was even more happy to see that he was ashamed. Fortunately, she was not a vicious demon king, so she did not continue to make fun of him. Instead, she told Huo how she and the magic doctor returned to Liyi to find that the medical hall was bombed, even a street had been burned, her neighbors died, had no way to return to the camp, and how she set out from her to Muto. Qi Yu.

The two of them spoke without pay attention to the strange man curled up in the corner of the camp. Hearing Wei Jia's words, they trembled all over. When he heard that Wei Jia deliberately lowered her voice and told Huo Qiyu that the arsoner suspected that it was Yuan Xun, the prince of Beijin, a pair of eyes were red as if they were about to burn. His parents, siblings, and even himself turned out to have suffered from the fish in the pool!

He wants to cry and shout, and wants to ask God what this is for and what his family has done wrong? The most irony is that Yuan Li, who originally planned to deal with, is now fine. He continues to practice medicine in Muto without missing a hair, and he has become so human or ghost. He really doesn't know what's wrong with it. Perhaps the biggest mistake is that he likes her!

If he didn't like her, he wouldn't have quarreled with his mother, wouldn't have run out of the house, and wouldn't have been with his family when the disaster happened. Although he survived, he thought about his dead relatives and looked at his appearance, and felt that it was better to die!

But he can't die. Cerro said to himself that if he dies, his parents, Ami and Adou will die in vain. No one will avenge them. Even if they die, they can't close their eyes! He wants revenge. He wants to kill Yuan Wei with his own hands. He won't let his relatives die in vain! But Yingluo... He looked up at Huo Qiyue, and his heart seemed to be immersed in snow water. He was too familiar with the look on Huo Qiyue's face, because that was also the expression he would have when he mentioned Yingluo.

He must like her very much, and the person in her heart is also him. Cylo had long known that there was a person in his heart, perhaps because of his sixth sense. He was very sure that Huo Qiyue was that person. His pupils shrank slightly, and he wanted to cry and laugh in his heart. What a coincidence, he thought.

Huo Qiyu listened to Wei Jia's words and couldn't wait to immediately put on his wings and fly to Muto. Wei Jia couldn't laugh or cry, "I have to have a meal and clean up, otherwise my cousin is shy and delicate, and she will faint when she sees your dignity?"

Huo Qiyu laughed shyly. When Ye came to hear that he had a master, he took a big breath and became overly enthusiastic about him. "Master Huo, come here, please go to your brother's place to rest first. Let's have a good drink!"

Huo Qiyu took a funny look at him and then narrowly at Wei Jia. Seeing that the female general's pretty face was crimson, he laughed and went with the night. Spring is really a pink season!