glazed tile

Chapter 61 Reunion

Yuan and Mi Luo seemed to have found a sense of the same kind and suddenly "sympathetic", but compared Lan Su, who had the closest relationship with the two. On this side, God finally couldn't bear to continue to make matters worse. When the weather in Qiongjiang was cold day by day, he finally made Huo Qiyu and his heart think about it. The Yingluo is reunited.

Calculation, since Yiluo was sent away by Huo Qiyue, the two have not seen each other for more than three years. Although they have described the situation of the reunion a thousand times in their hearts, when they really met face to face, they felt that there was nothing to say, but they nodded to each other particularly politely, and their shy red cheeks were covered. Reflected under the veil, "Huo... Commander Huo hasn't seen you for many days, but is it okay?"

She was no longer wearing the veil, but knowing that Huo Qiyu would enter the palace today, she thought about it for a while and still put it on. Shen Xuanji, who quietly looked at her, saw her like this, and her nose couldn't help but say nothing. She has been there. How could her sister not understand when she saw her heart's love for gains and losses?

When Huo Qiyue saw Yingluo, his throat unconsciously choked. The woman he hung on the tip of his heart every night was now in front of him. He was usually eloquent, but now he couldn't say anything, and he hesitated, "All good, Ying... How is the second girl?

The two of them were wordy, but the emperor and queen onlookers couldn't stand it anymore. Shen Xuanji originally wanted to make fun of them, but on the one hand, she usually pretended to be dignified and virtuous, and on the other hand, she was afraid that her sister's face would not come down. She not only restrained her head, but also suppressed Xue Zhen, who was ready to move with her eyes.

Seeing his wife's big black eyes staring at him, Xue Zhen quickly held back his burst of laughter and cleared his throat. "Cough, since there are no outsiders, let's sit down and sit down!"

Because Huo Qiyue and Xue Zhen are in a different relationship, and Xue Zhen and his wife are single-minded to match this long-fatuous couple. Although there is a little difference in etiquette and rules, it is only this time, and no one will pass it outside, so the four set a small seat in the side hall behind the "Yuantai Hall". Except for Lan Qing and Shuangchi, who are close to serving, even Biluo, Yutao and others are not allowed to come in.

When he entered the table, he saw a table full of delicious food. Lan Qing held a crystal pot in his hand, but there was blood-red wine in it. Shen Xuanji glanced at Yingluo's face and saw that she was still wearing a veil and her head drooped slightly.

Shen Xuanji did not open his mouth, and Xue Zhen was even more inconvenient to open his mouth. Huo Qiyue's eyes flowed gently on Yingluo's face and said with a smile, "Don't the second girl like this grape wine?"

Yingluo raised her head puzzledly, "I tasted it once on the Queen's birthday last time, and the wine was extremely sweet and fragrant. I like it very much. Why did Commander Huo say this?"

Huo Qiyu didn't answer and looked at her with a smile, his eyes full of encouragement.

Beautiful face blushed, but her heart was slightly sweet, and she only felt that her glue column was bulging. She was not a sluggish nature, so she gently took off the veil. "What Commander Huo said was that the wine tasted good and could not be let down."

Xue Zhen saw that her relationship had appeared, and it was like an ice-breaking stream. Although the spring was cold, it could not be stopped. He looked at Shen Xuanji and saw that she looked thoughtfully at the girl with no one else in her eyes. For a moment, she couldn't see whether she was happy or sad.

Xue Zhen was a little unbearable. He stretched out his hand under the table and wrapped Shen Xuanji's hand in his palm. The hand was still as smooth and plump as when she first married. He struggled in his hand and did not move.

Huo Qiyue looked at the screen that took off the veil. The scar on her face had gradually faded. Although she knew that it would not completely disappear, it was much better than the bright red and ferocious appearance she had just saved her. He doesn't care. He just thinks that Xiluo comes from a negative appearance. Although she can't restore perfection now, she has made great progress. She is afraid that she will finally feel better, so she feels relieved. As long as she is doing well, he can rest assured.

It was Xue Zhen who broke the silence, "Lan Qing, come and scoop a bowl of soup for your mother. She has been staying in the small kitchen all afternoon. She must ask her to taste it first."

When he stopped like this, Shen Xuanji was embarrassed to wander around again and said anguishly with a smile, "Your Majesty, don't you believe in my concubine's craftsmanship?" She stood up and personally filled Xue Zhen with a bowl of soup, "I just want you to try it."

Then he also filled a bowl for Huo Qiyu. Huo Qiyu quickly stood up and said, "I dare not work as a mother."

Shen Xuanji paused, looked up and looked at him with a very sincere smile, "Why should Commander Huo be polite to me?" She didn't even use the title of "this palace". "When the emperor was still in the Nine Kings' Mansion, Commander Huo often came here. At that time, he was not so strange."

"This is the first," she put the bowl in front of Huo Qiyu. "Second, I remember the great kindness that Commander Huo saved my sister. My parents in the sky know it, and I must hope I can thank you for them."

Huo Qiyue was a little embarrassed. When Xue Zhen was still the ninth prince, he regarded the Jiuwang Mansion as his home. He had no brothers or sisters and regarded Shen Xuanji as his own sister-in-law. The two were originally very familiar with each other. Xue Zhen's house arrest on that day was also his letter, but now, Xue Zhen is already the supreme of the 95th, no matter how deep it is. He subconsciously respected Shen Xuanji and even Xue Zhen.

Sometimes when you think about it, there are so many helpless things that people can't count. Fortunately, he turned his face and looked at Yiluo. Now that he has returned to Beijing, at least this matter can be firmly in his hands. And this man has been away from himself for too long, and he will never let her go like that again.

Hearing her sister's vague intention to entrust herself to Huo Qiyu, she blushed with shame and looked at Shen Xuanji angrily, "Mother... Sister..."

Shen Xuanji saw her like this and smiled. Originally, he wanted to say, "Who doesn't have this day in the girl's family?" But he was afraid that his sister would be very ashamed, so he stopped talking and turned to ask Lan Qing not to mention the wine and vegetables.

Huo Qiyue was originally a delicate and transparent mind, and exchanged a few eyes with Xue Zhen. Both of them were wide-hearted. Yingluo's parents were not here, and her marriage could be said to be all decided by this queen sister. Previously, Shen Xuanji's attitude was vague. Xue Zhen said several words aside but got nothing. Instead, he asked her to recognize and follow her. After a few days of weather, I didn't dare to ask.

Now that she seems to be inspecting her brother-in-law, Huo Qiyu did not dare to take it lightly and began to deal with Shen Xuanji. Yingluo's face was still full of shame, but Xue Zhen was looking at it leisurely. A pair of phoenix eyes were six or seven points similar to the full fox. Unexpectedly, this lawless stinky boy would have such an anxious day, Mrs. Xuanji, did a good job!

This meal was eaten directly in the middle of the moon. Shen Xuanji was still energetic and drove Xue Zhen and Yingluo out, saying that he wanted to talk to Huo Qiyu in detail. Xue Zhen pretended for a long time and wanted to delay. Unexpectedly, Shen Xuanji was very shrewd and looked at him with a pair of big round eyes, reminding him of the owl on the wild tree at night, which was so bright.

He shrugged and was pushed out by Shen Xuanji. Huo Qiyu stood with his back to him, with a posture of "I don't know anything", but his trembling shoulders showed that he was obviously laughing!

A boy with no conscience deserves to be tortured to death by the queen! Xue Zhen thought fiercely.

Xue Zhen left, and the room calmed down. Yingluo had already taken refuge in the side hall where she lived. Only then did Shen Xuanji announce the deepest question in his heart, "My sister's face... Commander Huo, we are already familiar with it. Mingren don't say secret words. Yingluo is my closest person. I not only want to ensure her happiness at this time, but also take care of her for the rest of her life. I won't give anyone any chance to make her sad.

Huo Qiyue has a headache. He has always known that Shen Xuanji is resolute, but he doesn't know that she is so persistent and stubborn. He doesn't care about the little injury on Yingluo's face. He has hinted to her for so long, why can't he react?

"Queen," he said patiently, "I don't swear that since the Empress said that she would take care of Yingluo for the rest of her life, why don't you look around coldly?" Seeing people's hearts for a long time, he may not be able to hear what Shen Xuanji says now. It's not that he doesn't know how to speak lotus flowers, but he really doesn't want to. Anyway, his heart for Yingluo is comparable to a rock, and no one will let him retreat at all.

Shen Xuanji was stunned and didn't say anything more, just nodded.

Huo Qiyu knew that she was the first consent, and he was a little happy. After saluted and withdrew, he saw Shuangchi waiting outside and probed his head. As soon as he came out, he quickly greeted him happily, "Your Majesty asked me to wait for Commander Huo here. Let's go!"...

I didn't mention how Xue Zhen and Huo Qiyu drank happily, but said that Shen Xuanji came to the side hall where his sister lived in a complicated mood. Because of the great embarrassment today, Yingluo has lied down early and pretended to be asleep. In fact, how can she close her eyes? It's just lying quietly and thinking about things. I don't know what my sister and Huo Qiyu said?

Seeing Shen Xuanji coming, Biluo quickly lit the light, but was stopped by her, "Go out first. I'll sit down and come out."

Although Biluo didn't know what the Empress had to sit in the dark bedroom, she was still ordered to retreat and stood outside with Lan Qing, watching Shen Xuanji open the door and walk in by herself.

"I know you can't sleep." Yingluo was broken by her sister and sat up from ** with some embarrassment, "Why don't you rest?"

Shen Xuanji didn't answer, but reached out and touched her hair in the dark. "In the blink of an eye, you are about to have someone."

Bingluo's face suddenly burned, and it took a long time to whisper, "He will treat me well."

Shen Xuanji nodded and saw no one in the dark. She only heard her seem to say to herself, "I know."

She doesn't know how she is feeling now. She just feels happy, sad and empty. Yingluo seemed to feel her emotions, gently pressed over and leaned her head on her shoulder. She is less than 26 years old this year, but it has been ten years since she left her hometown Wanping. In the past ten years, she has had joy and sadness, gained something, and lost a lot of precious people, things and time. Fortunately, now it has been rainy and sunny, and everything she cherishes is by her side. So she looked back and said gently to the 15-year-old girl who was dressed in filial piety and brought her siblings to Qiongjiang to join her ancestral home, "You did it."