glazed tile

Chapter 65 Gan Ge

Winter came again as promised. At this time, the sky was freezing and the vegetation was yellow. It was not a good time for the two armies to start a war, but Yuan Wei could not take care of so much. As his deceased father did, he chose Wanping City, which had suffered many years of war, as the primary target of the attack. This is Yingluo's hometown, and he has also inquired about it in detail.

Ordered thousands of troops to break through such a city, as if she had conquered her, although she had never given him any chance. Thinking about it this way, I don't know whether to be excited or sad.

After Wanping's self-serving general Shen Mingyuan was martyred, the court naturally sent a general who could fight well to guard the peace on one side. When Wei Li and his wife were here, almost every family in the city had people learning martial arts protection. Even the women's family had achieved a "women's army" under the leadership of Mrs. Shen. Unfortunately, the times had changed. The two of them were dragged down by villains. Wanping City was broken, and their families had bones. Such a tradition naturally dispersed with the wind. Although today's defenders are capable, in the face of such a lifeless raid by the Northern Jin army, they still have to ask the nearby "guard army" to come for support.

In fact, the war between Beijin and Dayun has never stopped, but I don't know why Wei Jia has a very ominous feeling this time. Wudan snake is the prologue, and the five poisons killing is the foreshadowing, and now, it seems that it is about to usher in a high tide of drama.

She decided to lead the army in person to deter the Northern Gold Army, which was naturally opposed by many people.

First of all, Zheng Chu, "Big girl, it's just support. If you are willing to lead the army, the big girl should still guard the camp."

Wei Jia was holding a piece of ochre cotton cloth and wiping her weapon's exquisite cone, making his words deaf. Zheng Chu saw her like this, angry and anxious, and looked at the night on one side repeatedly.

Yelai shrugged his shoulders and said, "Brother Zheng, it's enough for you to guard the camp. I will go with the eldest girl for a few days and come back soon."

Zheng Chu was so angry with him, but he saw Wei Jia looking at him with a smile, "Who said I would take you there?"

Yelai's face suddenly collapsed, and he reacted quickly, but for a moment of discouragement, he turned his dark eyes and pretended to be pitiful, looking at Wei Jia eagerly, "Big girl..."

Wei Jia raised her palm and made a "free" gesture, which obviously did not like him.

Yinglai was as angry and anxious as Zheng Chu. He patted the case angrily, "No, I won't agree!"

Wei Jia narrowed her eyes and said, "I don't know that our Major General Ye has grown a lot now?"

Yelai "hummed" from his nose, "You just laugh at me as much as you can, but I won't agree to what you say. Even if you say you go, I will follow you!"

Wei Jia's face also became cold. "In this camp, I have the final say. Don't forget."

At night, he stood up and said, "You have the final say, and I won't follow this matter!" You and I know what Yuan Li thought in Beijin. Those snakes and poisonous things have nothing to do with him. This time is very different from the past. I will never let you go alone in danger!"

Wei Jia had to laugh and said, "Why do you say that I'm alone in danger? Aren't there so many brothers together?"

The night is sluggish, and he still stubbornly said, "No, I can't be by your side!"

When Zheng Chu heard that he was anxious, he was afraid that what he would say would offend Wei Jia. Instead, he threw away his original intention to help him and turned his head to persuade the two people with black-eyed chickens.

"Big girl, the night brother also cares about you... Brother Yelai, the eldest girl has fought countless battles, and she will naturally protect herself. You don't have to worry, you don't have to... Worried..." In the end, he retreated under the gaze of Yelai's big black and white eyes like crystal pills. The teenager's mind was too persistent. Although he was clear, he vaguely felt that it was inappropriate, but he could not say anything against it and couldn't bear to say it.

What's wrong with one person liking another person?

Wei Jia kept silent and only looked at the night standing in front of her. In the past few days, they were busy detecting the source of the poison, and the rest time was limited. Others could say that only Ye came to accompany her and refused to leave. Now the bright eyes have turned cyan, and Duan Xiu's jaw also appeared. A faint stubble.

He is already a man. Wei Jia secretly said in his heart that he was the only one who regarded him as a child who grew up. But did she really treat him as a child?

She shook her head, expelled these anachronistic ideas from her mind, and waved her hand firmly. "Don't say more, I've made up my mind. I'll take the troops to help Wanping and stay in the camp with Brother Zheng at night."

At night, she was blocked by her and couldn't speak. She shook her sleeves and strode out of the tent, leaving only Zheng Chu and Wei Jia looking at each other.

"This child... My temper is getting bigger and bigger..." Zheng Chu smiled and looked for him, but Wei Jia looked at his departing figure thoughtfully, "It's okay for him to grow up."...

Not to mention how defeated Wei Jia's decision failed to change at night, he said that one person knew that the "Wei Army" was going to fight with the Northern Jin army, and he was extremely excited. Revenge is the only belief that supports Silo's life. Now God is finally kind to him and gives him such an opportunity, how can he be willing to watch it flow away? He also had some time to learn martial arts with Yelai, and it was logical to follow Wei Jia to the battlefield. What's more, although Yelai was more wary of him these days, Wei Jia felt that he worked hard and was a talent.

The barracks are different from other places. Whether you are a son of a family or a flat-headed people, as long as you enter the army, you can only rely on your own courage to make a living. There is no room for regret on the battlefield. Victory or failure is often a moment. In addition to good luck, a good brain is also essential. As for heroism, who dares to go to the battlefield, who has never had the word "brave" on his chest?

On the day Wei Jia went on the expedition, it snowed heavily. It was cold in the north, and it was common to snow, but at night, for some reason, she felt uneasy. He didn't dare to say or even think about it, but silently sent Wei Jia out of the door. He did not fight and did not ride a horse, while Wei Jia rode a snow-white jade night lion, and the saddle riddle was made of rotten silver, which was really difficult to distinguish in the vast snow.

Wei Jia is wearing her silver armor, with a pink suit inside, a big red feather cloak outside, a snow fox fur on the collar, a silver helmet on her head, a snow fox forehead tied on her forehead, a fiery red tourmaline in the middle, light sheepskin boots on her feet, and an exquisite cone at her waist even on a snowy day. It is also shining.

She is already beautiful. In recent years, in order to show her majesty after Wei Ye's death, she didn't wear such a bright color. Today's dress shows a little youthful charm that she doesn't usually have. But the more I looked at it at night, the more frightened I became.

His heart beat bluntly, and it was clear and audible. Hearing it in his ears, he felt that the meat under the corners of his eyes was also beating. Wei Jia was telling Zheng Chu something and didn't pay attention to his strangeness. Suddenly, she felt that her arm was tight. She saw Ye Lai looking at her with an open look. She seemed to choke in her throat. After a long time, she spit out a sentence, "Don't go..."

Wei Jia's heart was also shocked, and she felt some warmth flowing slowly in the bottom of her heart. Although she frowned, she did not blame Ye Lai, but sighed, "Why did the child lose his temper again?"

Without saying anything at night, there were tears in his big eyes, and he looked at Wei Jia very stubbornly.

Wei Jia is actually looking at him condescendingly, but at night, Yulai's hand holds his arm, although thin but very powerful. Wei Jia's face turned slightly red, and she only felt that her ears were getting hot. "Stop it, go back quickly."

Ying didn't let go, Wei Jia's face was cold, "Okay, go back quickly, I will definitely come back."

Ye came to suck his nose, "Aren't you lying to me?"

Wei Jia smiled, "How could I lie to you?"

Seeing this, he could no longer stop Wei Jia. If he was single-willed, he would make her very angry. He lowered his hand and said in a low voice, " Take care."

Although Wei Jia thought he was a little strange, now she had to shoot arrows on the string. As the leader of the army, she could not leave some abnormal emotions for her teenager. What's more, Wanping was already in a hurry at this time. Even if it was nothing worse than when her aunt Shen asked for help, the channel was blocked that day. His father could not catch up, which almost became a lifelong regret. Even if he died, he had not been relieved at all. Today, he clearly knew that Wanping was besieged. If he delayed the war, not to mention that Shen Xuanji was difficult to do in front of Xue Zhen, even he would be ashamed to treat his father and aunt, aunt and others in the sky.

It's time to go! Wei Jia finally glanced at Yelai, stretched out her hand and touched his cheek, just like when he was a child. "Don't run around with the gray wind in the camp. I'll be back soon."

Wei Jia has been drawing bows and riding horses all year round, and her hands are not as beautiful as Qiongjiang women. There are small and thin cocoons on her ten fingers, touching her face at night, slightly tingling, but very warm.

The little colonel beside her handed a pair of white suede gloves to Wei Jia. She reached out to take it, never looked at the night again, and waved her arms and shouted, "Let's go!"

The mood behind him was stirred, and they also raised their arms one after another, "Let's go!"

For a moment, the carriages and cannons moved one after another. Yelai stood in the door with Zheng Chu and looked at Wei Jia, who was the first. The figure gradually disappeared in the dust of the people behind him. I don't know when I couldn't see it...

Cero also rode a horse, following Wei Jia less than a foot away. He has always been popular in the camp, and because he sacrificed his life as a savior, he was regarded as a credible person by Zheng Chu and Wei Jia. Originally, he could not go to the battlefield so quickly with his qualifications, but now it is an exception.

He thought he knew no less about Beijin than others. As early as when he saw the poisonous snake known as Udan, he paid attention to such a snake. He once saw a person treated like a pet, that was in the forest where he lived soon after he escaped from the oak city. A girl who gave him a "proud grass" once played with several Udan snakes as if nothing had happened.

He didn't know before that the snake was poison and sealed his throat with blood. He didn't expect that the "satisfied grass" would make him achieve his wish so soon. So, who was that strange girl? She and Beijin must be implicated. What kind of implication is that? Can you take advantage of this kind of involvement?

No one knows his mind. If even a smart person is around him, it will be funny. Miro is such a cruel woman who does not leave a way out. Her relationship with her ordinary life should go to God to tell Buddha if she can retreat all over her body. It is really like a fool's dream to use her revenge.