glazed tile

Chapter 67 Defection

Shortly after Yuan Li ascended the throne, Muto, a small country between Dayun and Beijin, also ushered in a new lord. Because the cause of the death of the former lord was strange, the prince and the queen at that time did not have the same thunderous means to block the news of Yuan Li. The new lord had not yet taken office, and his reputation was not good. And he is also a man who loves to catch fame. In this case, he will not pursue his half-brother Shen Lang viciously. When he recovers, Wei Xi has rushed back from Qiongjiang with a few murderous and plagiaris.

The new lord didn't expect that Xue Zhen could support an aunt like this. He thought about everything and thought about it, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Chen Lang and Wei Xi had a relatively peaceful day, but both of them are clear about it. This is just the tranquility before the storm. Chen Lang secretly sent away the magic doctor. In the eyes of the new lord, he returned the tiger to the mountain. The handle of his murdering his father was held in the hands of the magic doctor. If he was obtained by someone with intentions, it was estimated that the throne under his buttocks would not be unstable.

The Shen Lang couple's estimate is not wrong. Under such pressure, the new country owner will naturally not choose to stand on Da Yun's side. He and the current empress dowager frequently showed goodwill to Beijin as early as a year or two ago, but at that time, the lord of the country had not died and did not dare to do things too obviously, and now it is different. The new lord told the world that he wanted to break with Dayun and stand on the side of Beijin.

There is no need to pretend to be sick. Anyway, whether he is dying or strong, his brother will not let him go. In this case, there is no need to find these troubles for yourself. The new lord has regarded him as a powerful opponent for more than 20 years. He pretended to be ill to eliminate his doubts. Now it seems that although this practice has been a little effective, it has finally been a failure.

His experience with Xue Zhen on that day seemed to be the same, but in fact it was quite different. After all, Xue Zhen had the empress dowager as his backer that day, and he still had the arm of Huo Qiyu. Later, he married Shen Xuanji. Although it can't be said to be like a tiger with wings, it can also be said to be affectionate. Whether he is proud or frustrated, Shen Xuanji will accompany him.

In addition to a good wife from the Duke of An, there is no strong and shrewd elder like the Empress Dowager, and there is no friend like Huo Qiyue. The former lord had the intention to look up on him, but how could he be weak by nature and later lay sick all year round?

Under such bad conditions, Chen Lang can live so peacefully and become a marriage, which is originally God's pity. He is not brainless, otherwise he can't think of a plan to pretend to be sick and avoid disaster, and he will not immediately send away the magic doctor and leave an amulet for himself and Wei Xi on the side. At worst, he can fight with the people who want to kill them to death. But sometimes, whether you want to do something or not is really important in a person's life.

Before that, Chen Lang could be said to have nothing except a noble title and the favor of his father, who did not know whether it was a blessing or a curse. Now, he has Wei Xi, the help of the Duke of Anguo behind Wei Xi, and even the help of Emperor Xue Zhen.

If he used to be just a spectator at the gambling table, now he also has some chips. Although there are few chips, it is better than nothing.

It's a pity that some people can't see that he is even half proud. In fact, the style of the new lord is almost the same as his mother who is not in tune and always entangled in trivial matters. However, he wraps his Dirty thoughts under courtesy and shame, which does not seem to be as faceless as the Empress Dowager, but when it comes to be vicious, it is really It is carved from a mold.

Although Chen Lang and Wei Xi's bedroom has been strictly protected by the attendants sent by Xue Zhen, after all, Muto's imperial city, he doesn't have no chance to do anything. And the empress dowager and the crown princess, who did not become the queen of the country now, but only became the "virtuous concubine", were even more difficult to hide their excitement. They looked forward to the sudden funeral news one day. The Shenlang couple died so much that they didn't even see the bones and scum, which was their wish.

If Chen Lang and Wei Xi knew that they had suffered so much malice unconsciously, they would probably feel strange.

There is no reason for the malice in the imperial city. In the dead of night, the blood-like malice like blood and the fragrance of mandala flowers will emerge from the cracks in the layers of palace walls and quietly dissipate in the evening breeze and under the moonlight. Wherever they pass, warmth, kindness, blood, pity, friendship, love, and family affection will wither and decline, just like lost flowers, and like dead bones in mass graves, without a trace of life.

Wexi has had enough of such days like walking thin ice. Now Muto and Beijin come and go frequently. Although she doesn't go out of the hall, she doesn't know what the new country is thinking. She is shocked and angry, and there are some fears and coldness in the bottom of her heart that she doesn't want to admit.

She doesn't want to die inexplicably, but still thousands of miles away from home. Although the hand of the new lord can't reach into his palace for the time being, it is only a matter of sooner or later. The situation in the Muto court is very different from that of Dayun and Beijin. As a country that originally seeks to survive in the cracks, relying on or alienating whom is the main theme of the court discussion.

Although Shen Lang has been pretending to be ill for many years, he doesn't know anything about the court. At least he can come up with a detailed list to tell Wei Xi about the tendencies of most of the courtiers.

Although the new lord and the empress dowager are single-minded to be loyal to Beijin, not everyone thinks the same as them. This is something that the new lord should have a headache, and Wei Xi and Chen Lang can also insert needles.

"Yun Nuan," Wei Xi raised his voice, "Go to the study and invite the second prince. I have something to say to him..."

Besides, Huo Qiyu is on a business trip with his wife this time. He was in a good mood all the way. When he arrived at the "Wei Army" camp, he had to make fun of him at night when he saw a lawsuit. Yelai was not as interested as him, and he didn't take stubble. He just silently led him to see the bodies of the soldiers killed by snakes and the cut off Udan snakes.

Naturally, the news that Huo Qiyue and Yingluo had arrived in the "Wei Army" camp did not hide the clear Yuanzhen. After listening to the dark guard's report, he didn't say anything at the moment, but waved his hand to signal that the man could go down.

I'm afraid no one can understand how he feels now, because even he can't taste the bitterness and joy that represents joy or sadness.

He didn't know what drove him to make a ridiculous decision. He wanted to see Yingluo with his own eyes and see how she was doing after she refused her proposal.

For goodly, night fell quickly. I guess God knew that he was in a hurry and couldn't bear to wait for too long. When Yuan Li was still the prince, he was used to climbing the wall at night to disguise himself as listening to the corner of the wall. Even his night clothes hung well in his bedroom and sneaked out while the night was not difficult for him.

But he didn't expect Milo to come to look for him at this time. She held a small green jade urn in her hand and covered it with her hand, and happily pushed open the door of the Yuanzhen bedroom.

Yuan sent the palace people down early, so no one came to report to him. Milo stood at the door of the temple and looked at Yuan Li, who was about to go out in a black night coat. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

Yuan has a headache, and he also looks at Milo eagerly. It is very difficult to restore the atmosphere when the two were together before.

It was Milo who broke the deadlock first. She said dryly, "My master and I have been sleepless for three days and finally became 'ice silkworms'. I think you may be anxious to see and bring it over by yourself."

She looked up and down again, "You... Where are you going?"

Yuan Li faced Milo, but he was not so thick-skinned to say that he was going to visit another woman. Although Milo was young, his exclusive desire and jealousy were almost carved into the same model as her mother Lan Shu. Although Yuan Li is very angry now and feels that she doesn't know how to be praised, he doesn't want to add any extra trouble to her.

In his opinion, Yingluo is just a momentary fascination. In the end, he will return to his arms, and he will only marry Yingluo. Milo and Lan Shu are the same woman, and he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life with such a woman. In this case, it's better for Miro to fight head-on with Yingluo, a woman who is about to kill people.

But in the face of Milo's beautiful pink face, he couldn't make up any reasonable lies for a while. Yuan Li, who has always talked nonsense, stood quietly and extremely awkwardly in the bedroom, wearing a funny night clothes and speechless.

For good, Milo knew it, and she had a feeling for Yuan. Naturally, she didn't want to see him so difficult. Instead, she rarely said sensiblely, "Since you still have something to do, I'll come back tomorrow. When the master has finished refining the 'five poisons', remember to come and have a look!"

Yuan Yuru got an amnesty, and there was no one who didn't agree. He nodded repeatedly and watched Milo turn back step by step, and felt a little guilty. Sure enough, such a long-term feeling of being unreppreciated is not good. He has always wanted to get rid of this feeling, but he has been trapped in it and can't break free. First Lansu and then Milo. They seem to be constantly networking, tethering him in the middle of the net, constantly reminding him of his incompetence and powerlessness.

If it was a film, it would not give people such a feeling. Yuan Li also remembered her opponent, the elegant smell on her body, and the long soft hair she scratched her cheeks when she wiped the wound for herself. They were all such gentle and ironing. In the depths of his heart, the daughter did not change their good memories.