glazed tile

Chapter 81 Decision

Mi Luo was pulled by Yuan's big palm as cold as ginger, and his heart suddenly felt crisp, and his dissatisfaction and sadness seemed to have disappeared. She looked at him with a smile, and inevitably secretly compared him with Huo Qiyu in her heart. She felt that although Huo Qiyu's temperament was more noble, Yuan was much more handsome. She wore the dark purple clothes of the state, and her hair was more like a star-length eyebrows and stars. Although the look in her eyes was much more complicated and gloomy than that of Huo Qiyu, She just likes him like this.

No matter how good Huo Qiyu is, Mi Luo can't feel that he needs himself and loves himself. Unlike Yuan Wei, although he is a seven-foot man and the most noble man in Beijing, he is afraid that she can see it. Although he didn't know what he was afraid of, sometimes Milo felt soft when he only saw him looking at his dependent eyes. From this perspective, she is really somewhat similar to her mother Lan Shu and enjoys the feeling that others need them.

Yuan didn't know that she had turned around so many ideas. He laughed rarely in the past few days. Qingying really lived up to his reputation. It seemed that he had gone right to win Miluo.

He was in a good mood and took a big step. Milo was petite and was pulled out of breath by him. "Brother, slow down, I'm almost can't keep up."

Yuan's face stiffened and felt a little bored, but now is not the time to offend her. He forced himself to smile without grudge, turned his face and said gently, "I'm afraid I'll be late. The real man thinks I'm neglecting."

Milo came over and climbed to his arm, "No, the master loves me the most. He may not have the patience to wait, but he will definitely not think I'm late."

Both of them are haunted, and the fire splashes between each other's words. How can Yuan Yi not understand Milo's meaning? Don't think about leaving me. Without me, even if you are the lord of your country, Qingying Zhenren will not give you a good face. Do you have any way to deal with him?

A trace of anger flashed in Yuan's eyes, and thanks to his amazing endurance, he actually suffoted this breath back. His face was still full of tenderness like water, and he touched Milo's hair. "In this case, there's no need to worry."

Milo was very satisfied with this effect. He took his hand and talked all the way, as if he couldn't see Yuan's eager eyes. She didn't know whether she was revenge or not, but Yuan Li was worried that this matter really made her very unhappy, so it should not be a big problem to find an opportunity to make him unhappy!

The nominal brother and sister finally arrived at the residence of Qingying. Seeing that the hall was quiet, Yuan Li was suspicious. Why didn't there be any movement in such a big happy event? He looked at Milo doubtfully and saw that Milo was almost brainless as himself.

She threw away Yuan's hand and walked in by herself, "Master? Master? Your Majesty has come to see you!"

No one responded. The more Miro went in, the more she could hear a slight brittle sound. Her heart was a little cold. After all, she had seen the means of Qingying real people. She turned her face to look at Yuan Wei, but saw that he did not mean to go in with her, and she felt sad for a moment. No woman in the world wants a man to stand in front of her in the face of unknown dangers. Unfortunately, Yuan Li disappointed her this time.

Miro had to take a breath and walk in by himself, turn the screen, and is about to come to the small hall of Qingying Zhenren's daily refining medicine, and the sound is getting louder and louder.

The door was slightly closed, and Milo wanted to push but did not dare to push. While hesitating, the door suddenly opened from inside.

She was shocked, cursed in a low voice, and stroked her chest and walked in. A puff of smoke in the room blurred her vision. She reached out and brushed the haze in front of her, but suddenly tripped over something she didn't know.

"Wo!" Milo was annoyed and shouted, "Master, Master! Where are you?"

An old but calm voice slowly sounded in the smoke, "Here, what are you shouting?" Is Your Majesty here?"

When Milo heard the voice of Qingying Zhenren, she felt that her heart had returned to its original place. She said anxedly, "The voice is so loud outside that you are so old and disrespectful that you are actually teasing them!"

She was going to say something, but she felt that the thing at her feet trembled slightly and was shocked again. When she wanted to find a candle to take a closer look, the Qingying real person finally came out of the smoke.

He held a candlestick in his hand, looked straight behind Milo, and nodded slightly, "Your Majesty, the old man is testing medicine. If there is any neglect, please forgive him."

As soon as Miluo turned around, he saw Yuan Li standing behind him leisurely. Unexpectedly, he didn't know when he came in. You must be willing to come in because you heard that you were not in any danger! Thinking about this, Milo felt a little boring and got out of the way.

But Qingying didn't ask her to stop for a while. He clapped his hands, and the lights in the room were bright. Only then did Miro see a living person who had just squirmed under his feet.

The man was dressed in the eunuch's clothes, but his whole body was no longer human, shrinking into something like a red meat ball, squirming silently on the ground.

The most terrible thing is that he is not the only one. Milo raised his eyes and looked. No wonder the whole palace was quiet just now. It turned out that all the eunuchs and palace people who served the real person of Qingying were brought to him to try medicine. The room was full of "people" of various colors and sizes, and the scene was shocking.

Miro was a little stunned, but she did not sympathize with these people. She just thought that several palace people have always been valued by their masters because of their beauty, and are often called to practice the skills of cultivation and harmony. Are they also among these people?

The hardness of a man's heart is really unexpected. Milo sighed in his heart, but saw that the joy in Yuan Li's eyes was almost flowing out. When he caught up with it in a few steps, he did not have a trace of disgust. Instead, he looked at Qingying Zhenren with great surprise.

Qingzhen felt that he was very good at it. He twisted his long beard and nodded, and personally pointed to the "person" who tripped over Milo. He said leisurely, "The old man has tried it. This kind of medicine has the best effect. If your majesty wants to deal with the 'Wei army', you only need to do it."

Yuan also nodded, "The real man's means are smart, and I'm really eye-opening!"......

Miro listened to him and flattered each other late, just like what she said was not killing. She didn't know what it was like. For the first time in her life, she felt that the master's residence was so smoky that she was about to suffocate.

She also didn't say a word to the two of them, and she retreated silently. Yuan Li and Qingying Zhenren were talking about entering Hong Kong and didn't pay attention to her.

Miro didn't exhale a deep breath of turbid air until he came out of the hall. Although it was cold outside, it was much fresher.

She suddenly wanted to see Huo Qiyu. The man always smelled good, even when he was very embarrassed, with a faint fragrance of pine and cypress, as clear and elegant as his people.

Besides, Wei Jia, who sacrificed her life to save Silo, although the magic doctor arrived in time, the poison was domineering. Now her life is in no risk, but she can only lie in bed quietly. Fortunately, she survived, which was a godsend for the night. Cyro has run away, and Yelai has not completely forgiven Yingluo so far. The magic doctor is in it and can't change his stubbornness.

However, Yingluo thought, "Major General Ye is very attentive to his eldest cousin. I have dragged down my eldest cousin in the first place. He dislikes me, which is also a human being."

She didn't say that she was willing to replace each other. She was afraid that Yelai would feel more hypocritical, but she took very careful care of Wei Jia every day. Although Yelai also waited beside Wei Jia, some things were not so convenient to do. Even if she hated Yingluo, she had to get out of the way and let her turn over and scrub for Wei Jia.

During this period, Beijin has not changed, but according to his understanding of Yuan Li at night, he will never give up. Yuan Li must report. Now there must be a bigger storm brewing. He must get what he wants.

He stood outside the tent and looked gloomyly at the guise that was wiping Wei Jia's face. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Yuan did as he expected, especially after witnessing the great power of the new poison refined by Qingying, he was actually happy to have excessive insomnia. Insomnia is common for him, but it is mostly because of fear and anxiety. Such pure joy has not been experienced for many years.

As for the eunuchs and palace people who died inexplicably in order to test the medicine, he did not care about it at all. Anyway, they have already entered the palace, and every piece of paper is used as a public example. In this way, their lives belong to this imperial city and belong to him.

Some people are born cold-blooded, just like snakes. Even if they are coiled on the stove, they can't warm their lungs, let alone this magnificent Beijin Imperial City, which looks rich and prosperous. In the dark, it is like a basin of ice water, and what they reach out and touch are all cold carved into the bone marrow.

He once got a little warmth on Yingluo, but the warmth was very short, and it was because of the shortness that it was more haunting. He also thought about whether he wanted to give up, but he really couldn't bear the feeling of soft and slender hands brushing his cheeks. If the cause of this affair is only his own insignificant thoughts, he will never give up after rejecting marriage, witnessing Xiluo and Huo Qiyu's marriage, and her cold rejection of him in front of this series of events.

Huo Qiyu? He suddenly remembered this person and thought that Yingluo said that he was her "husband" as if he had been stinged by a poisonous scorpion. During his return, he was overwhelmed by fear and unfavorable anger, but forgot him.

"Go and invite the princess to come." He ordered the eunuch beside him to come out to find a small palace man and pass on Yuan's words.

The small palace man entered the palace for the first time. It had not been three months. He was originally assigned to Yuan Li. He thought it was a fat man, but in a few days, he was almost scared to death by his master's moody temperament. He had to minimize his sense of existence every day for fear of being caught to do business. Unfortunately, he still did not escape. This eunuch's eyes.

She cried all the way and didn't know where to find Milo. Anyway, she would hardly return to her bedroom except for a night break. This moment was dead, and her legs trembled. Naturally, she thought that a few days ago, a palace man was beaten with an 80-court staff because the water making tea was nine points hot instead of the eight points heat that His Majesty was accustomed to drinking. Before the execution, he spit out a mouthful of blood and died on the spot.

If you can't do this job well... The more she thought about it, the more desperate she became. She didn't dare to cry in the imperial city. She held back her tears and came to the imperial garden. She planned to give herself a pleasure first. It's better to drown herself first, but the "cloud carp pool" was covered with thick ice...

She was feeling so miserable that she couldn't even die. Suddenly, she heard a small sound from the cave.

It's not a ghost, is it? There are not a few people who succumb to death in this imperial city! She stood up with cold hair all over her body, and she didn't dare to move or run away. She stood still on the ground and watched Princess Milo get out of the cave.

Miro didn't expect that someone would be so infatuated with himself and specially came to greet him. The two looked at each other and were a little stunned. Milo said first, "What are you doing? Do you want to scare me to death?"

Seeing her eyes lit up, the man of the small palace quickly knelt on the ground, "Princess, yes, your majesty called the maidservant and maidservant to invite the princess over."

As soon as Miluo heard that her best man wanted to see herself, his face softened a little. In addition, her meeting with Huo Qiyu just now was also a happy atmosphere. Now Huo Qiyu does not seem to reject her thousands of miles away from her at the beginning, and he will smile at her. Especially today, Huo Qiyu was still a little embarrassed to say that she was sorry for her care for herself. Although it was very unnatural to imprison him, she did not abuse him and felt that she was still a good person.

This sentence made her giggle. At this time, when she heard that Yuan Li wanted to see herself, she only felt that today was her own peach blossom day. The two men finally began to treat her well. The girl's budding spring was full of spring, and even these bad men did not want to pursue anything.

She followed the small palace man to the Yuanxuan bedroom. Her smiling face collapsed when she heard his first question. Sure enough, he looked for himself for Huo Qiyue, no, for the Yingluo behind him! Milo's eyes are as cold as snow outside. Why can't he forget her? Where on earth did he put himself?