Dragon God War Song

Chapter 7 Warcraft Mountains

Near noon, the sun is scorched on the earth. Although it is only early summer, the temperature will still remind people of the heat of summer. There are about 3,000 or 4,000 people in the crowd. There are freely dressed free demon hunters in the crowd, groups of demon hunting teams, and uniformly dressed students. This team is the joint team of the Free Demon Hunter Association and Zeus College.

The Warcraft Mountains, span the huge mountains across the whole continent and run through the north and south, separating the San Bruno Empire and the Crystal Song Alliance from the Holy Spirit Empire and the Lion Heart Empire on both sides of the mountains. Perhaps it is also because of the existence of the Warcraft Mountains that several countries have been at peace for more than 700 years, although there is much less economic intersection. However, the people's life is still stable, but they have to deal with the tide of beasts every few years, which is hard to say.

Stepping into it, my eyes are full of people who don't know whether they have grown for hundreds of years or thousands of years of ancient trees, covering the sky and the earth, and all kinds of weeds and thorns everywhere. In some places, the withered fallen leaves are piled up with a thick layer, and the sound of feet on the ground will naturally sound, and some places will even trap people into it, and the dense old vine weeds also block the view, so that these people can't see the way forward clearly.

Only one of the tutors shouted, "Students, please note that you have now stepped into the range of the Warcraft Mountains. Keep the formation and don't fall behind."

For most of the students who come here for the first time, when they first see this legendary dangerous place as the Dragon Mountains, they are more curious and awe. As the saying goes, there are no empty people under the reputation. Even if this is only the outermost part of the Warcraft Mountains now, they can more or less experience some Warcrafts. The danger in the mountains is the world of Warcraft, which is no longer dominated by humans or other races.

The moment I walked into here, it seemed that I suddenly walked into another world. It was difficult for the sunlight to penetrate through the lush ancient trees. Only the mottled sunlight shone on the ground, which looked a little dark. At this time, I saw the difference between the demon hunters and the students. The moment I entered here, almost Some demon hunters have made a posture of vigilance. They, who have been drinking blood on the tip of the knife for many years, understand that any small carefulness may make them stay here forever. On the contrary, although those students, whether they are mentors or heard before coming, they know that it is dangerous here, and there is also some vigilance, but more is still better. Qi, don't you see that those students are not looking around at this moment, and they are not too defensive.

At this time, it shows the role of those tutors. Seeing that they have entered the Warcraft Mountains, they all gather their own professional students. The senior students who have come are arranged on the periphery of the team, while the young students who have not come are arranged in the middle of the team, which is also convenient for them to deal with emergencies as much as possible. Stick to the tutor to help.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jing Chen was also flinched and said secretly, "This kind of deep mountain forest that has existed for a long time, and the weeds and vines are also very dense. It is estimated that even if there is a warcraft hidden ten meters away, the eyes must not be seen." Thinking of this, Jing Chen gently tightened his fist, and his calm and vigilant eyes slowly swept around.

The film and song tutor also began to arrange the positions of each student, "Druid professional students, pay attention to maintaining the formation, the shadow class is on the periphery, and the nature class and the life class are in the middle of the team." Then he ordered a few more students, including Jing Chen, and continued, "You people are responsible for assisting the tutor to respond. Jing Chen, come to me and assist me..." Arrange the positions of these strong students who point out their names one by one, and the team rearrange the formation and continue to move forward.

It took about an hour. The sun had risen to the middle of the sky. At noon, the leader of the college discussed with a vice president of the leader of the Demon Hunter Guild, and decided to rest and eat something on the spot, and continued to travel after an hour.

Jing Chen and others came to an ancient tree that was not particularly huge. The shadow song signaled them to take a break here. Jing Chen habitually cast a perception skill and made sure that there was nothing special around him before he calmed down. After all, although there is no particularly troublesome magic in this most peripheral place in theory. Beast, but who knows if there is any accident? Any accident may pay the price of life.

"Don't be too confident. Powerful monsters can sneak into the ground, and even some super monsters can disguise themselves." Just as Jing Chen was relieved and sat down, the voice of the shadow song tutor sounded. Jing Chen turned his head to see that it was the shadow song teacher, and he was about to get up. As soon as the shadow song tutor waved his hand, he sat next to Jing Chen and continued, "Although perception can make you feel a lot of things, including monsters and abnormal energy fluctuations, it is only an entry level. Skill, and it is rated as entry-level, not only because of its low requirements, but also because its ability to detect is also very limited.

After listening to the words of the film and song tutor, Jing Chen also nodded secretly. When Leos taught him this skill, he also told him some drawbacks about perception, but he has not found any disadvantages in his use all the time, so he didn't care much. At this moment, when he heard the film and song tutor say this, Jing Chen's He was also secretly vigilant in his heart. It seemed that this Warcraft mountain range was not as simple as he thought, and this journey would not be too easy.

"We can even sneak and disguise, not to mention Warcraft? The wisdom of those super monsters is almost the same as that of ordinary people, and this is their territory. You should always be careful. The film and song tutor told Jing Chen a few more words before he got up and left, and went somewhere else to tell the students who came here for the first time. As one of the tutors who have led the team here all year round, he made it very clear that these newcomers understand how dangerous and important it is. He has seen countless self-righteous newcomers with his own eyes. He stayed in this mountain range forever, and he couldn't even find the bones.

Although this happens rarely, there will always be some every year. Even so, Zeus College still wants all intermediate students to come here to practice once a year. After all, only on the battlefield can they hone real warriors.

Half an hour later, the brigade started and continued to march deep into the Warcraft Mountains. This march lasted for two hours until the sun was a little westward. Everyone began to make some tents and prepare to spend the night here.

Generally, there is no starry night in the Warcraft Mountains. After all, people's perception ability will decline at night, and most of Warcraft's perception ability will not have any impact. Moreover, there are some Warcrafts that are good at nocturnal activities, and their perception ability will be enhanced, so whether from In any way, it is not suitable to travel in such a place where warcrafts are rampant at night.

Because of the space ring, Jing Chen quickly took out his tent, a very convenient folding tent, which he bought casually when he first came to Yuelei City. Although this kind of tent is not as disassembled as ordinary tents, its advantage is that it is convenient and can be built in a short time. It's done.

About half an hour later, the film and song tutor gathered all the Druid professional students together and said, "Your experience project today is very simple, that is, to find your own dinner and breakfast. No matter what kind of Warcraft, you can eat and what you want to eat, you can bring it back. As long as it is a Warcraft, I will I will give you a qualified score on today's trial project. If the Warcraft level is high enough or has other value, there will be another scoring reward according to the usual practice.

During the experience of Zeus College, there will be corresponding tasks every day. As long as the students complete these tasks, they will be recorded as "qualified". At the end of the experience, the number of qualifications and the number of additional rewards are the final results of the student's experience.

A group of Druid professional students are very happy to hear the arrangement of the film and song tutor. Generally, there are three tasks in the experience. The basic tasks are exploration, search and collection. The special tasks are generally decided temporarily according to the situation. The special tasks are the unified tasks of all students. After completion, there will be corresponding scores, including There are five scores: perfect, excellent, good, passing and failure. Among the three basic tasks, searching is the most difficult to complete. For the students who are at the highest level of the third level, searching takes a lot of time and energy to complete, and the collection is the simplest.

Most of the items collected are to collect some food, such as the meat of Warcraft. Most of the meat of Warcraft is very good and tastes delicious. Although a few Warcraft meat will also contain toxins, that kind of Warcraft is at least at the level of King of Beasts, which is not something that these students can get.

Hearing that today's trial task was to collect, a group of old students smiled. The new students who had heard the introduction of the old students were also relieved a lot. After all, they came here for the first time, and they are still unfamiliar with this kind of place. If they are asked to complete the search task, it is probably almost like killing them.

Jingchen also walked out of the camp with a group of Druid professional students. It is not necessary to leave too far to search for a warcraft that can eat two meals. Even some small first-class warcrafts are enough for two or three people to eat two meals, so many people go hunting together. When Jing Chen and others walked to the gate of the camp, Two magician professional students also came out and muttered, "What a broken task? Let's look for the traces left by the last group of people on the first day. Do you think we are cooli?" The magician major is the largest major in Zeus College. There are many classes practicing magic in various departments. Based on this situation, some tasks that are more tedious and require a lot of manpower are generally assigned to the magician major.

He walked out of the camp alone. Although there were several Druid professional girls to invite Jing Chen to join them, Jing Chen still shook his head when he saw the beautiful women's army. One thing has to be mentioned is that the Druid professional is a serious yin and yang decline, which is counted as the scene. Chen, there are less than five Druid male students who came to participate in the trial this time, and the remaining dozens of them are all girls. There is nothing we can do. Who let the elf clan or people with elf bloodline, the proportion of male birth has always been very low, so the current patriarchs of the three major families of the elf clan are women.

Putting down the messy thoughts in his head, Jing Chen slowly strolled among the towering ancient trees. Suddenly, Jing Chen stopped, his eyes were slightly closed, and a circle of faint green ripples floated with his body as the center. After a while, Jing Chen's eyes suddenly opened and looked at his left front, in his perception In the middle, there is a third-level warcraft "sting pig", which is the only third-level warcraft summoned by the mirror image of the battle against him in the freshman ranking battle. In the outermost part of the Warcraft Mountains, the third-level warcraft is no longer very common. Jing Chen smiled and said to himself, "Just try your strength." With a mind, Jing Chen quietly touched the thorny pig.

The pork is delicious and very suitable for filling the hunger, but the level of the third level is enough to deter most students.

When he was about ten meters away from the thorn pig, Jing Chen hid in the weeds and could see the thorn pig not far away through the weeds. If you take a closer look, this thorn pig is a little different from what he encountered in the freshman ranking battle. The figure of the thorn pig is not as strong as this one. I think about the mirror strength. Good, it is not enough to summon this thorn pig that has obviously reached more than three intermediate levels, and may even reach a higher level.


Jing Chen's whole body suddenly jumped out of the weeds like a dragon out of the hole. When the thorn pig turned his head alertly, Jing Chen fell from the sky and came to the front of the thorn pig with a strong wind. The thorn pig immediately roared, and his hair stood up like a spike in an instant.

Jing Chen clenched his fist with his right hand, and a faint green light shone on his fist. Before the thorn pig could react, he hit the piercing pig's eye socket fiercely, and the blood splashed out in an instant, and a big eyeball had been blown up.


A muffled sound came from the head of the thorned pig, and the hard skull of the thorned pig also burst open. The thorned pig, which had not yet resisted, turned into a headless pig corpse.

Jing Chen wiped the blood stains on his hands and said to himself, "It seems that this secret method is really powerful." After simply packing up, he put the thorn pig into the space ring and turned away.

Shortly after Jing Chen left, in the place where he fought with the thorn pig just now, a vague shadow slowly rose from the ground, "What kind of skill is this? What a powerful punch." A somewhat doubtful voice sounded, and then the shadow gradually fell into the earth and disappeared, as if nothing had happened.