Dragon God War Song

Chapter 32 S-level team task

"Big boss, there seems to be a new task over there." As Anton pointed to the direction of the taskbar, in the past few months, the S-level task on the taskbar has been completed by several people. Although it is an "S"-level task, the S-level task in wartime is much different from usual.

The tasks released by this wartime free demon hunter guild will be subsidized by the Holy Spirit Empire, so the reward is much higher than the reward of the corresponding level of tasks at ordinary times. In order not to confuse the demon hunters, all tasks released in wartime will be automatically upgraded.

Of course, this is also a good thing that can only happen in wartime. In ordinary times, it is not at all. The Free Demon Hunter Guild is not Guangjitang. It will definitely not do the business at a loss. Jing Chen and others are just an A-level demon hunting team, and now they can also receive S-level tasks.

"Hmm." Jing Chen nodded, glanced over there, and said to Fuding, "I'll hand over the task with Dongzi later. You go over there to see what the task is. If it suits us, let's go next."

Fuding nodded and walked in the direction of the bulletin board. This is the tacit understanding that several people have already cooperated. Ling Su is responsible for driving away those salted pigs who want to be unfavorable to Yue Yanran and Ling Xue, while Fuding is generally responsible for receiving tasks suitable for the team.

He came to the dispatching position again. At this moment, it was still the fair-skinned man on duty. The man looked up and saw that it was Jing Chen and Anton. He hurriedly changed into a kind look. Since the prospect Chen taught the wolf-headed captain in public for a year, there were rumors the next day that the three people in the wolf-headed team were all gods. Secretly missing.

Although the style of the three people has not been very good, and there are many enemies in the city, no one dares to deal with them because they have a close relationship with the "blood evil" of the largest demon hunting group in Cologne. But the three disappeared after the conflict with Jing Chen and others, which had to make people look suspiciously on Jing Chen and others, especially Jing Chen. Think about Jing Chen's fierce means in the Demon Hunter Guild that day, and then think about Jing Chen's strength, all of which may have been answered.

Of course, Jing Chen and others did not have any response to this matter, and the attitude of the Blood Devil Hunting Group was also very ambiguous, so this matter finally became an unsolved case. The man, who is a staff member of the Demon Hunter Association, obviously knows this matter. Since then, every time a man sees Jing Chen and others, he will show an almost flattering smile. Although that smile will make Jing Chen and others a little disgusting every time he sees it, as the saying goes, he does not reach out and not smile.

The man laughed and said, "Master Jing, are you here to hand in the task again today?"

"Hmm." Jing Chen answered without saying anything. This guy, who is not male or female, doesn't know where the demon hunter guild found it from. Every time he saw it, Jing Chen had a nausea.

"'2', please, the master is waiting inside." With that, the man got up and made a gesture of invitation.

Jing Chen ignored the man and took Anton to push the door and walked into Room 2.

"Master, I'll hand in the task." When he pushed the door and came in, Jing Chen's original cold face had already been put away. Most of Jing Chen's tasks were handed over in this room 2. Naturally, he had feelings for the old man, so every time he came here, even if he didn't hand in the task, he would come here to sit down.

The old man smiled and said, "Who am I? It turned out to be Xiaochen. What wind blew you here? Please sit down. Please sit down quickly." With that, he got up and poured a cup of tea for Jing Chen and Anton in person.

The word "tea" was only known by Jing Chen when he heard the old man. The old man was not from the Holy Spirit Empire, but from the West of the mainland. It's just that the old man did not say where it was, and the tea was made from the leaves of specially treated plants. I heard from the old man that the leaves of this fresh plant were picked. After coming down, you need to bake it in a special way to get the tea.

Drinking the faint fragrance of tea, Jing Chen said, "Master, this task is another S-level, Bull King." As soon as he pointed to the ground, a silver light flashed, and the body of a specific and strong Bull King appeared in the room.

The old man held his glasses and slowly walked to the barbarian bull king. He checked it carefully and couldn't help praising, "Xiaochen, your strength is getting stronger and stronger. Are you about to break through...?"

Jing Chen, who was originally tasting tea, suddenly changed his face. The old man also found his slip of the tongue and hurriedly said, "Xiao Chen, I don't mean anything else. Looking at this neat wound, it's much better than before, so that's why I ask. Don't mind."

Jing Chen's eyes condensed, and he smiled slightly and said, "Master is too worried. How can I mind? It's about to break through." Jing Chen seemed to say it casually. The old man didn't say anything more. Doing this industry is like a coroner. Experienced people can guess how the monster died as long as they look at the wound, but there is a rule in this industry, and it is most taboo to ask something that should not be known.

After all, everyone has their own moves to press the bottom of the box, and it is easy to kill themselves. Originally, the old man would not make such a mistake, but every time Jing Chen brought the warcraft, there would be some traces of being hit by blunt weapons on the body. This time, it was cut open at the neck. This kind of wound is not what ordinary people can do. In the team all over the scenery, only Jingchen can do this, so the old man is so surprised.

A twelve-year-old teenager who broke through and became a six-level strong man is already very rebellious. If this teenager only takes a year, he will break through to the sixth-level intermediate level. If such news is released, I'm afraid that some strong men on the mainland who have long been hidden will come out and walk around. For Jing Chen, this is definitely not a good thing, and the old man figured this out, so he kept silent.

The air in the room was a little dull. Anton, who had been drinking tea, raised his eyebrows and suddenly said, "Master, what's the task hanging in the taskbar outside? When we came, we saw a lot of people around there.

The old man was stunned, and then glanced at Anton gratefully and said with a smile, "That's the newly released S-level team task of the guild. The reward is very rich. Aren't you interested in participating in it?"

After listening to the old man's words, Jing Chen and Anton were stunned. Several people have been in the Cologne Fortress Demon Hunter Guild for so long, and it is the first time to hear that a team task has been released, although most of this kind of task has no property and other rewards. However, the points rewarded by the participants are very considerable, so many people will participate. At that time, they will get a large number of points by virtue of the contribution of the task, which is also the fastest way to improve the level of individuals and teams.

" boss, shall we also pick it up? It happens that Ling Su and I have enough points to apply for C-level demon hunters. At that time, we will become C-level demon hunters, and we can also enjoy the guild benefits like you. With that, Anton looked at Jing Chen with a eager expression.

Jing Chen's eyes condensed, and a trace of interest flashed in his eyes. He asked the old man, "Master, what is the task? Why do you want to organize a team task? Can't it be completed even if it is handed over to the demon hunting group? Jing Chen's mind is far from that of Anton. When the team task was in Yuelei City, he saw it once. The scale of hundreds of people is not easy to complete. Maybe the task is not completed and he will lose his life.

The old man meditated and said slowly, "The beast tide in the Warcraft Mountains has been committed for more than a year. The people of our guild have been looking for ways to make the beast tide retreat through various ways. After the observation of our guild in the past year, it is found that although there are few monsters in other places, their strength is higher, and our side is very large, but the strength is average. This alternative phenomenon is a little strange, so the guild has sent a lot of people to explore. Unexpectedly, this exploration really made them find something, and this time the task is to cooperate with the guild to do something. As for what, it is not clear.

"Oh?" Jing Chen was slightly stunned. Obviously, the content of this mission needs to be kept secret. That is to say, this is a highly confidential action. At this time, the first thing that comes to Jing Chen's mind is the beast court. These guys who have the method of controlling beasts and beasts are best at making articles with warcraft, and this time it coincides with the tide of beasts. If the beast court will not do anything. He doesn't believe it at all.