Dragon God War Song

Chapter 38 Disappearing Warcraft

Warcraft Mountains.

" boss, we have been here for several days. Why haven't we seen a Warcraft? Normally, there should be more Warcraft here than in the Nawoff Plain. Why is there no Warcraft after coming here? Anton was puzzled. This is the fifth day since they entered the Warcraft Mountains. Since they entered the Warcraft Mountains five days ago, no one has found any traces of Warcraft. Originally, no one thought it was strange, but five days later, there was still no sign of a warcraft, and many people had begun to talk about it.

Jing Chen nodded slightly, and he also felt a little confused about this matter. Although this is only the periphery of the Warcraft Mountains, it should not be so clean. This feeling is like Jing Chen walking in a dead forest. Another thing that puzzled Jing Chen was that since he entered the Warcraft Mountains, he could no longer see any scouts sent by the guild, as if this road did not need to be investigated at all.

"Be careful. This time, it's a little unusual no matter how you look at it." Jing Chen said in a low voice. However, contrary to Jing Chen's seriousness, many low-level demon hunters who participated in this kind of team task for the first time are very happy about this situation. In their opinion, it is better not to encounter Warcraft along the way, so that they can walk around safely like a vacation and then go back to Cologne to receive rewards. Some of them even fantasized that they had risen to level C in an instant and began to enjoy the benefits of the guild. That feeling was really wonderful.

Jing Chen's eyes calmly glanced at the faces of these low-level demon hunters who had beautiful dreams. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel sad about the childishness of these people. This is a real society, and no one can get it without work. In his opinion, the expression of this mission looked calm, but the undercurrent was definitely surging secretly, because not only he, but also all the senior demon hunters or teams who came to participate in the operation looked nervous.

Even on a sunny day, it is difficult to see sunlight in the forests of the Warcraft Mountains. The thick and tall ancient trees cover all the sunlight that is trying to penetrate with their dense branches and leaves. At this moment, Jing Chen couldn't help sighing in his heart. He thought that he also came here when he only entered school two years ago. At that time, he was only a third-level junior strength. It was at that time that he began his own growth path.

Thinking of this, Jing Chen couldn't help sighing.

"Chen, what's wrong with you?" Yue Yanran, who was walking beside Jing Chen, turned her head and looked at Jing Chen.

Jing Chen smiled and said, "It's nothing. Time has changed. It's just a little emotional." With that, Jing Chen looked around casually, and suddenly his eyes condensed. It was just that even Yue Yanran, who was beside him, did not find the change at this moment.

"Teacher, do you feel it?" Jing Chen called Rios softly.

"Well, I feel it. It's really their breath. I didn't expect to meet them in two years. It seems that this trip to the Warcraft Mountains is not simple." Rios said in a low voice.

"Bear by the way, teacher, do you think the reason why the Warcraft disappeared has something to do with them?" Jing Chen asked hesitantly.

"I think it may not matter. The headquarters of this soul-loving shadow has always been fascinated. Maybe it is in the Warcraft Mountains, or an important base of them is here." Rios speculated.

When Jing Chen glanced around casually, he inadvertently saw a black shadow flashing. This dark shadow was a little different from ordinary people. It was the strange body method of the soul-loving shadow, and this body method also impressed Jing Chen extremely, so he asked at this moment. However, Rios agrees with him.

"Oh? It can't be like this." Jing Chen nodded without any doubt. Although he doesn't know why Rios has such a speculation, he rarely makes such a prediction based on the experience of this ancient strong man. Although he is a little unhappy with the shadow of the soul, they really don't have much to do with themselves.

"Chen, are you still thinking about what happened at the beginning?" Yue Yanran asked in a low voice. At the beginning, she and Jing Chen's experience in the ancient country of the giant beast, whether she or Jing Chen, did not tell anyone that this was a secret between the two.

"Hmm?" Jing Chen looked at Yue Yanran doubtfully, and immediately was stunned and said with a smile, "No, I was just thinking about something just now. I was a little stunned."

"Oh, this scares me." With that, he stretched out his hand and pulled Jing Chen's arm and gently leaned his head against Jing Chen's shoulder. The team was not fast, and the two walked so comfortably. Many low-level demon hunters even drooled. How they hoped that the person held by the beautiful woman was themselves.

A cold look swept over. Ren Jian looked at Jing Chen and Yue Yanran not far away, and couldn't help but be cruel. After five days, the boss and the man had no intention of taking action.

The night is getting deeper, and the Warcraft Mountains, which are out of reach, look a little scary. If it is normal, even if the night here is so dark, it will never be so quiet. Whether it is high-level warcrafts or those low-level warcrafts, it's time to come out for food.

Suddenly, a dark shadow floated out of the camp of the Demon Hunter Guild. The dark shadow floated like a willow catkins and disappeared into the dense forest in a short time.

"Teacher, which direction do you think we should look for?" Jing Chen, who hurried through the forest, asked. A white light flashed, and Rios had appeared beside Jing Chen. Rios floated and quickly. Even when he met trees, he did not dodge and passed through it directly.

"West, I sensed some energy fluctuations in that direction." Rios said in a low voice.

"West?" Jing Chen recalled a little and remembered the array of ancient trees and the huge and strange sea of beasts. Unexpectedly, the energy breath that Rios sensed was there.

Without saying a word all the way, Jing Chen quickly passed through the array of ancient trees covered with thick fog. Just as Jing Chen was about to leave the array of ancient trees, Rios' voice suddenly sounded, "Xiao Chen, the shadow escapes over, and I feel that there is a lot of breath outside."

Jing Chen was slightly stunned, and immediately the two talent skills shadow escape and camouflage were launched together. At this moment, the two skills were launched together, and even an ordinary six-level strong man could find his trace. Jing Chen's body flashed, and the thick fog dissipated in an instant. Even if Jing Chen had been prepared, the scene that appeared in front of him at this moment really scared him.

The original endless tide of beasts is empty at this moment, and there are still a lot of warcraft corpses and white bones scattered on the ground. Obviously, the warcraft here is also expected to be unexpected.

"How could this happen?" Jing Chen looked doubtfully at Rios, who was still floating beside him. At this moment, Rios was also in a very special state. Only Jing Chen could see him.

"I'm afraid someone is going to use the corpses of these warcrafts to make some kind of evil array." Rios said in a low voice.

"Evil Array?" Jing Chen frowned and repeated Rios' words. Suddenly, he remembered the white-bone formation he saw in the canyon.

"Is it... the blood array of ten thousand beasts?" Jing Chen looked at Rios in surprise. Although he did not know how to arrange the blood array of ten thousand beasts, he heard what Rios said at the beginning that this blood array was extremely difficult to arrange. Is this kind of fierce array that is going to appear again? Thinking of this, Jing Chen couldn't help but feel chilling. When he was in the fantasy, he witnessed the arrangement of part of the blood array with his own eyes.

"The blood array of all beasts is definitely impossible. That thing can't be clothed by anyone who wants to, but it requires a lot of human and material resources. In those years, the giant beast empire could be clothed, but even the current Holy Spirit Empire, if you want to lay out that thing, I'm afraid you have to use the strength of the whole country. But..." Rios's words turned around, "If it's just some small ferocity, there are still many people who can do it, such as... the beast court."

"Small fierce array? What is that?" It's another thing that Jingchen has never heard of.

"To put it bluntly, the small fierce array is a reduced version of the large array, which can greatly save the consumption of the array. Generally, a small fierce array needs less than one-tenth of the original array, but the effect is probably about 5% of the original array. Rios explained slowly.

His eyes were slightly closed, and Rios seemed to be sensing something. Suddenly, his two eyes suddenly opened, looking at the direction he came in shock, and said in a low voice, "It seems that it's not far from our camp... Xiaochen, let's go back quickly!"

Listening to Rios's voice, Jing Chen was suddenly shocked, and his body flashed and shot in the direction of his arrival.