Dragon God War Song

Chapter 6 Enchantment Fair

The trading field of the headquarters of the enchantment hall is generally only allowed for enchanters to enter. Usually, the popularity here is generally not very popular, but every year when it catches up with this enchantment competition, enchanters from all over the continent gather in Flange City, which is also a big event. Of course, this trade fair is not ** at this moment. Until the end of the enchanter competition, that period is the most ** of this trade fair.

Originally, Jing Chen thought that the trade would be a space in the headquarters hall, but he didn't expect that the trade would be an area opened up next to the hall in the headquarters area of the enchantment hall. This area covers a wide area. Although there is no staff of the enchantment hall here to maintain order, the order here It's not bad. I think there must be people in the Enchant Hall patrol secretly, otherwise who dares to bring his treasure here to sell at ease.

At the scene of the trade fair, Jing Chen understood that this is not so much a trade fair as that the trading market is more appropriate. There are some facades neatly around this venue, and the middle area is a stall for individual customers. This area is a little different. Whether the seller or the buyer enters the door, they have to pay the entrance fee. It's not much. It's just a gold coin. For these rich enchanters, it's really nothing.

But this trade fair also has an advantage, that is, after paying the entrance fee, no matter whether you buy or sell things, there is no additional charge, which also saves a lot of trouble. Jing Chen handed in a gold coin and came to the trade fair. Although there are many people coming here now, the big trade fair is still a little empty. Jing Chen has a purpose to come here, and naturally he will not stay anywhere else.

According to the guidance of Rios, he soon came to a building that covered a large area. Jing Chen raised his head and looked at the big words of dragons and phoenix dancing on the plaque. He couldn't help but be shocked. There was no other reason. This place was actually called the enchanter trade fair. Looking at the plaque, Jing Chen suddenly had an impulse to laugh. The name was It's the same name as here.

At this moment, other shops are a little deserted. Only this one, the door with a width of four or five meters was full of people coming and going, which looked extremely red. Jing Chen inadvertently glanced at the two guards standing by the door, and couldn't help flashing a trace of solemnity in his heart. Although every shop here has guards, the strength of this guard is strong. The two people standing at the door are actually the five-level peak strong, and the one sitting next to the door is a six-level senior strong man.

The gatekeeper alone is a six-level beginner with two five-level peaks. Even the enchantment hall branches in some super cities can't be put out, but this one can. I have to say that the strength of this shop is really extraordinary.

"Xiaochen, that breath should be in this shop." Rios said in a low voice. At this moment, it is getting closer and closer to Rios. After all, he was a strong man in ancient times. Naturally, his heart is not comparable to ordinary people. If it was not involved in the resurrection, I'm afraid Rios would not have been so excited just now.

"Hmm." Jing Chen nodded and answered, and immediately walked slowly to the lobby of the shop.

When the two guards at the door saw the bright silver badge on Jing Chen's chest, their eyes were slightly stunned, and immediately both of them made way and saluted Jing Chen slightly. Although the strength of the five-level enchanter is generally level five, the identity of the enchanter makes it impossible for other combat professionals to compare with it. Even the status of those auxiliary professionals is generally not enough to compare with the enchanter.

Walking through the gate, Jing Chen couldn't help but be slightly stunned. Unlike what he imagined, there was a hole behind the gate. This is a huge hall, which is slightly different from the outside. It was simply a loud voice. As soon as Jing Chen came in, the noisy sound suddenly came to his face. Standing at the door, Jing Chen's eyes swept over the whole hall. It was just a hall of tens of thousands of square meters. There were a lot of stone platforms in the hall. The stone platforms were placed unusually neatly. At this moment, there were a lot of things on the stone platforms.

These things are also the same. Some are dazzling and some are ordinary, but the sellers of these stalls are all unpredictable. Many buyers come forward to inquire, and they also look unreasonable. Jingchen is very puzzled. Aren't these people here to sell things?

"Ha ha." Rioth's laughter sounded, and he said slowly, "Xiaochen, there is a saying that there are few sellers. You see, these sellers are all like this. In fact, he is looking at you and whether you really need it. This kind of place is different from those of the Enchantment Hall. There is no clearly marked price system. If you need it, he will be more expensive. If you don't need it, he will be cheaper, or he won't do your business at all.

After listening to Rios' words, Jing Chen suddenly realized, "So that's what I said." Immediately, his heart moved slightly, and his face was also expressionless, and he walked forward into the hall.

"You can teach me, haha..." Rios laughed at himself.

Jing Chen wanders in the hall like a leisurely walk. In fact, it is more convenient for Rios to feel the breath of that thing more easily. It is also quite time-consuming to wander around this sea of people in the hall. Jingchen just stopped occasionally to look around. It took nearly an hour to see more than a dozen stalls. And the most helpless thing for Jing Chen is that not only did Rios not feel the breath of what he needed, but he didn't see what he needed. It was simply a waste of time.

"Xiao Chen, that breath should come from upstairs, not here." Rios asserted.

Jing Chen nod his head slightly. He also turned around here for a long time. There was really nothing that moved him. Since what Rios was looking for was not here, he didn't have to waste time here. Thinking of this, Jing Chen looked up and searched the stairs leading upstairs in the hall.

After looking for a long time, Jing Chen was still confused. In this huge hall, there was no place that looked like a staircase. In doubt, Jing Chen couldn't help pulling a uniformed staff member next to the hall and asked, "Excuse me, where is the place to go upstairs here?"

Hearing Jing Chen's question, the man was stunned. When he saw the bright silver badge on Jing Chen's chest, he couldn't help but be shocked. He immediately had a much better attitude and said respectfully, "Please look..." The man pointed to the periphery of the hall. Jing Chen followed his finger and saw that there were some similar small rooms in those places. In the room, at the door of each room, there are two big men guarding them. Looking at the strength of those big men, I'm afraid they are also the top five.

Seeing Jing Chen's eyes looking there, the staff continued, "Your Excellency, these doors are the passage to the second floor. You can see it at a glance."

Jing Chen nodded incomprehensiblely and came to the nearest door. After a closer look, it turned out to be the kind of magic door in the magic space, not the stairs that Jing Chen thought.

Seeing Jing Chen coming over, the two guards bent down slightly and said in unison, "Your Excellency, please go upstairs."

Jing Chen no longer hesitated and walked slowly to the magic door. He only felt that the magic door was a little different from the door of the magic tent, and the door was slightly suction.

"This is not the door of the magic space, but the space door. The owner of this place has such a big handwriting. It's really rare to be willing to throw such a handwriting in this shop." Rios' tone was also a little surprised.

Jing Chen no longer hesitated and walked into it. He only felt a breeze flowing through him. The next moment, Jing Chen found that he had come to another hall. As soon as he entered the second floor, Jing Chen felt that his ears were suddenly much quieter. Although there were also people doing transactions here, there were much fewer people. Of course, the area of the second floor was also much smaller than that of the first floor. The milky white white jade spreads on the ground and looks extremely clean and tidy. In this hall, all the tables are carved from this white jade. Although the pattern on it is not complicated, it also has a graceful and magnificent beauty, which is far from the same level.

Of course, the people who can go up to the second floor are not ordinary people. On these people's chests, at least they wear the fourth-level enchanter bronze badge issued by the headquarters of the Enchantment Hall, and everyone is quietly looking at what they need.

"Xiao Chen, it's over there!" Just as Jing Chen was observing the environment, Rios' voice sounded again.