Dragon God War Song

Chapter 3 People from afar

The afternoon sun was slightly lazy, but time had slowly entered the rest. The scorching atmosphere swept through the whole province of Gama. A group of merchants came from the Warcraft Mountains. Their destination was the city of Gama and several larger cities in the province of Gama.

If a year ago, these businessmen told their friends that if they were going to do business in Gama Province, he would definitely be laughed at by others. It was a place that had just experienced war. In addition to selling funeral supplies, many people really couldn't imagine what else could be sold there.

However, nowadays, the businessmen who can go to Gama Province to do business are not only the elite businessmen of the major chambers of commerce on the mainland, but also some quite identifiable roles. The residents of Gama, even the most ordinary people, are not comparable to ordinary places.

The current Gama Province can be said to be the place with the lowest tax rate in the mainland. The ultra-low tax rate allows ordinary residents to have a lot of money to spend, and the huge consumption potential will attract a large number of businessmen to invest in Gama Province. However, according to the decree issued by Jingchen, not all industries accept investment. Not all businessmen can invest. In a word, if you want to invest in Jama Province, you need to have enough strength and superior employee benefits.

Of course, even so, these the best businessmen on the mainland are still willing to invest in Gama Province, because there are the most suitable preferential policies for development and a large consumer population. Now, in the business community of the mainland, businessmen who have never been to Gama to do business will even be regarded as unincompetent businessmen.

Although there are only more than a dozen businessmen in this slowly coming caravan, there are 20 or 30 guards walking around the team. Looking at their sharp eyes and the looming strong momentum emanating from their bodies, it is not difficult for others to see their strength, and they can hire so many strong guards. People are definitely not simple people.

"Brother Dokar, I'm going to Bama City. Are we on our way?" A middle-aged man in the team grinned his mouth full of big yellow teeth and asked a very silent young man beside him. Looking at the young man who frowned slightly, obviously, the smell in the middle-aged man's mouth is not much better, but the young man did not show any disgust. After all, looking at the position of the middle-aged man in the team, it is the core of the team, and the young man doesn't want to offend him.

"Brother Barrinkot, I'm going to visit Gama City to see if there is any chance there. This is my first time to come to Gama Province. I'm afraid it's just boring to go somewhere else." Young people had no choice but to spread out their hands. If it was a year ago, the whole province of Gama was full of business opportunities, but a year later, most of the business opportunities have been seized by local ruling families and military and political families, and a few have been carved up by the merchants who first arrived in Gama Province, leaving very limited opportunities for later generations. .

With a slight nod, the middle-aged man known as Bahrainkot patted Dokar on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Yes, except for Gama City, it is really difficult to get along without a little foundation. If I hadn't come to this territory first, I'm afraid I wouldn't have had a place in Bama City. " Despite that, there was still a trace of complacency on his face. He had his own property in the territory of Gama Province, and no matter how small it was, it was a profitable business.

At the beginning, the reason why Bahrainkot came to Gama Province was not because of his ability to grasp business opportunities, but that he was crooked by him. At that time, the reason why Bahrainkot came to Gama City was actually because he was angry in the Chamber of Commerce and had just lost. After a large amount of money, I came to Gama Province shortly after the war. Unexpectedly, it was the beginning of the implementation of the new policy.

I have to say that Barrincote is also a qualified businessman. He seized the business opportunity of Gama Province and invested all his assets in Gama Province, which made him have a large industry in Bama City. This industry has been operating for less than a year, which completely turned him down and became In the chamber of commerce, there was a businessman with a voice, and this time he led the team.

"Brother Barrinkot, I want to ask you something. I don't know if you've heard of it." Dokar asked with a little hesitation.

"Brother, I'm related to you. What's the matter? Just ask. I'm afraid no one in our Chamber of Commerce knows Garma better than me." Speaking of this, the pride on Barrincote's face is obvious. Because he has a first-to-step advantage, now he has almost become the link between the Chamber of Commerce and the Consul of Garma Province. For every business he is asked to negotiate, he will charge a certain amount of labor fees in accordance with the internal regulations of the Chamber of Commerce, just the number of labor fees. It's enough to wake him up from dreaming.

He glanced around and saw that other businessmen were some distance away from the two. Dokar came to Barinkot's ear and asked, "I heard that some time ago, the lord of Gama Province had a bad relationship with the elves. I don't know about this..."

Hearing Dokar's question, the face of the Bahraini Cot merchant became extremely solemn in an instant. He also looked at the guards and businessmen around him very carefully. After making sure that no one eavesdropped on the conversation between them, he said in Dokar's ear, "You asked me, it's the right person, but I told you. You must not tell others about these things, let alone let others know. These are what I said!"

Seeing Bahrainkot's solemn face, Dokar was stunned, and then slowly put away the smile on his face and nodded and answered.

Seeing Dokar nod, Bahrain Cote sighed and said, "This matter has been inquired by some of my relationships, and it is true, and this disturbance is far from the past, and it may be more serious in the future." Not waiting for Dokar to continue to ask questions, Bahrainkot waved his hand. Obviously, he was unwilling to say more about this matter, nor could he say more, or he did not know more information.

When Barrinkott sighed, what he didn't see was that a deep hidden cold light flashed in Dokar's eyes. He really didn't expect that the evil affair between the young strong man and the elves had spread. It seemed that his plan was going to be changed. Originally, he was going to arrive in Gama Province and wait for the opportunity to send the special invitation to invite Yueran, the head of the Yue clan to participate in the Moon God Festival. Now it seems that this matter is so noisy that Yueran will definitely not accept the invitation and attend with him, so...

Dokar's eyes turned, and there was also a problem in his heart. Since "please" is not enough, he had to cheat, or by some special means, to coerce Yueran to take Jing Chen and Yue Yanran to go forward. However, Dorkar also knew that it was too difficult to want a young strong man like Jing Chen. Things have to be discussed in the long-term.


"Xiaochen, take a look at these sites. These places are all good, both inside and outside the city. Where do you think is suitable?" With that, Yueran spread a new map of Gama City on the desktop in front of Jingchen, on which several areas have been drawn with red pen circles. These places are the most suitable places to build a college after being calculated by professionals.

Looking at the map, Jing Chen did not immediately make a decision. According to his original intention, he wanted to build Garma College outside the city like Zeus College, but it was not so realistic.

First of all, Zeus College has a huge team of teachers and countless young geniuses. With this power alone, no power is willing to offend them. Unlike Gama College, this is a national college. What they study in is not destined to be all geniuses. Jingchen does not require them to be geniuses, because Jingchen's eyes It is to give hope to young people. As the saying goes, only when there is hope can there be motivation.

Secondly, it is not convenient to manage when it is built outside the city. After all, Gama College is managed by itself, or the Gama official. If it is built outside the city, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome to manage.

Out of these two considerations, Jing Chen still decided to change his original intention and build Gama College in the city of Gama, which can also save a lot of trouble. However, Jing Chen also has another plan in mind. If the Gama College runs well, he can also build another higher one when his conditions permit. The college comes to recruit those talented children. Of course, this is all the afterth.

"Uncle Yue, let's go to the field first and then decide." Jing Chen suggested.

"Good!" Yue Ran also agreed with Jing Chen's caution, so she put away the map and accompanied Jing Chen to walk out of the study.