Dragon God War Song

Chapter 35 Father and son turn against each other

Feeling the unstable energy fluctuation in the star cone, Ling Xiao's eyes flashed an imperceptible panic. Although he didn't know why the godchild, who had disappeared for a long time, became so powerful, obviously, his attitude towards himself was very unfriendly. This kind of unfriendlyness could easily evolve into what Ling Xiao's unwillingness. In his opinion, what he is facing is extremely dangerous at this moment.

"Well... child, it's not that I didn't help your family, but I didn't know what you had to do with the small family in the Kingdom of Gama, so I didn't send troops. Later, when you told me, didn't I immediately send someone to search secretly and your second brother..."

"Shut up!" Not waiting for Ling Xiao to continue to talk, Xing Cone shouted fiercely and immediately approached Ling Xiao with a murderous spirit and said, "Secret search? How dare you say it? Excuse me, Your Highness, my good father, what did you search for? My second brother?! Do you know how I felt when I ended my second brother's life with my own hands? It's better to die than to let him live and suffer in the world like that!"

Hearing this, the only anger on Ling Xiao's face also disappeared. The star cone was right. When the star family of the Kingdom of Gama had an accident, the star cone was not by Ling Xiao's side. When the star cone entrusted the news, the leader of the royal guard of the Prince of the Holy Spirit Empire did not pay much attention to it, but sent a few. Go down to the city of Gama and search. After all, at that time, Emperor Lingjia had just pacified the Kingdom of Gama, and his relationship with Jingchen was quite good. Ling Xiao did not want to fight and offend Jingchen at that time for a small family.

At that time, those who were sent by Ling Xiao obviously did not pay much attention to it. Xingjian, the second brother of the star cone, was the unlearned magician. He was already in poor health because of excessive shock, and lost half of his life in the next journey. When it came to the capital of the Holy Spirit, although Ling Xiao had sent the best doctor. Treatment, and even the life of the Druids sent to serve in the army, could only hang the life of Xingjian and prevent him from dying immediately.

However, after another half a year, when the star cone returned to the imperial capital after completing the task, everything was too unexpected. His parents, brothers and relatives were all this, and there was only a second brother who hung his life by life magic. For this useless second brother, the star cone also had a big opinion. Seeing that he looked like this at this moment, he was so angry that he killed his second brother with a sword.

Although the killing was killed, it was also at that time that Xing Cone also had a great resentment for his godfather Prince Ling Xiao. In his opinion, if his godfather had tried his best at the beginning, even if he could not protect all his family and relatives, he would never look like this. Over the years, the star cone has also tried to find some people from the family, but after all, he has been away from the family for too long. Although some people in the star family have hidden, those people are really too deep. If it is a star sword, it may be possible to find them, but the star cone has no such possibility at all.

"You...what are you going to do!" Seeing the star cone approaching step by step, the servants responsible for protecting Ling Xiao asked in trembling voices. Although they can't determine the strength of the young master at this moment, judging from the energy fluctuations on his body alone, it is definitely not what they can compete with.

Of course, there is another reason why these people dare not do it, that is, they have concerns in their hearts. They are Ling Xiao's old subordinates, but they have witnessed the good relationship between the two father and son. If they do it now, no one knows the prince Lingxiao behind them. What will be done.

"Son, what happened at the beginning was not what you thought. Listen to my explanation..." Seeing the star cone approaching, Ling Xiao had no choice.

Although he believes that his strength is good, Prince Lingxiao understands in his heart that the star cone in front of him is no longer the original star cone. Now the strength of this star cone, not to mention his own servants, even if he works together with these attendants, I'm afraid he will not be the opponent of the star cone. If not, he How could the prince of the Holy Spirit Empire, who exists above ten thousand people under one person, talk to the star cone in such a low voice?

"Huh! Explanation? Are you explaining to me? Why didn't you explain it to me when I left the imperial capital? Yes, I was just a pawn in your hand at the beginning. When you want to use it, you can use it. When you don't want to use it, you can throw it away. You are a noble prince, how can you explain it to me, a bereaved dog? Haha..." The star cone suddenly laughed wildly. With his laughter, the black energy from his body became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, many seats in the big tent have come into contact with the black energy. These are all made of good stone and wood. As soon as they come into contact with the energy emitted from the star cone, they disappeared quietly, as if they had dissolved.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao's face became more and more ugly. He really didn't expect that he hadn't seen him for a few years. This godchild, who was only at the peak of level 5 at the beginning, has grown so fast over the years and has such a terrible power.

"Haha... My respected father, didn't you expect it? I haven't seen you for a few years. Isn't it surprising that I have such a strong strength? Are you very envious? Do you want me to help you fight the world again?" Obviously, although the star cone was very crazy, he was not really crazy. Even Ling Xiao's face changed, he did not let go at all. Looking at the once high "Father"'s face at this moment, there was a trace of revenge in his heart.

"Papa! Pa! Bang!"

Just as the father and son were about to turn against each other in the tent, there was a sudden applause outside the tent. At the same time, the sound of messy footsteps sounded at the same time. The door cloth of the tent was lifted, and the generals who had just left retreated. Not only did they retreat, but a man at the door of the tent took the crowd behind him. People also came in together, and the originally spacious tent seemed a little crowded.

"It's a good scene of slaves to the master. Unfortunately, I'm pressed for time. Should I do it quickly or should I help you?" The leading man who entered the big tent was not someone else, but Jing Chen who chased here with a group of strong people.

Under the city of Gama, when Jing Chen learned from the captured population of the Holy Spirit Empire that these were not all of them, Jing Chen led people to cover up this side. On the way, he happened to meet those Holy Spirit soldiers who took his men and were ready to carry out Ling Xiao's orders. Of course, Jing Chen would not be soft and commanded his men to chase and kill all the way. Since then, I happened to see this good scene.

"It's you!" Ling Xiao was shocked.

"Jing Chen!" Seeing the person coming, the star cone was almost two words squeezed out of the teeth.

Speaking of hatred, the star cone is only anger towards Ling Xiao at most, and for Jing Chen, it can definitely be called a deep hatred. If it hadn't been unable to leave, Gama City would have been killed by the star cone. At this moment, when he sees the "culprit" in his heart, how can the star cone endure it? It's about to jump on it. Tear Jing Chensheng alive.