Dragon God War Song

Chapter 9 The Name of the Murder

"Tact about the source of your message." Although what this alien strongman said has a very high degree of credibility, in the face of such an important problem, even Jing Chen has to deal with it carefully. If it is really as the foreign strong man in front of him said that the split of the empty lord also has a divine nature at that time, Jing Chen's original idea will fail.

The eyes of the huge plant strong man standing in front of Jing Chen swept over Jing Chen. At this moment, he seemed to hesitate. Obviously, the way to get the news was very special. Jing Chen did not say anything. Anyway, this foreign strongman would make Jing Chen believe that what he said was true. Otherwise, it's not a secret at all. Jing Chen can kill him and leave.

"Yes... Well, I'm a member of the giant dragonfly family. When I entered this world, I was with a strong man in the clan. The strong man was much stronger than me, so he reached the standard 30,000 years ago and left the world. But more than 10,000 years ago, I was looking for a prey. At that time, he found him and saved him from some aliens. At that time, his strength was very weak, and it was also from his mouth that I learned about this. With great determination, the strong man of the giant clan said the reason why he knew the inside story.

After saying all this, the strong man of the giant dragonfly stared at Jing Chen together. Although he was afraid that he was the only one in the whole world, it was a very secret thing, and it must be very useful for Jing Chen, a strong man who could not even defeat him, but he did not know in his heart whether Jing Chen would abide by himself. The promise.

After listening to the words of the giant dragonfly strongman, Jing Chen did not immediately make a statement, but meditated in front of him. For Jing Chen, although the words of the giant dragonfly strong man were not good news, it was not a bad thing to know at this moment, at least it gave him time to prepare. Otherwise, if he rushes boldly to the front of the master of the sky at that time, with Jing Chen's current strength, he may not be able to deal with the lord of the sky at that time. At that time, I'm afraid that he will be like the elder in the mouth of this giant dragonfly, and will have a fate that must be re-cultivated.

I don't know how long it took, the strong man of the giant dragonfly did not dare to move at all, because the two magic arrays did not show any sign of weakening because of the passage of time. Suddenly, Jing Chen's body moved, and the huge eyes of the giant dragonfly strong man condensed, but the attack he guessed did not come. Not only that, the two The extremely complicated magic array shining with turquoise light also slowly dissipated. Jing Chen, who was originally standing in front of him, had walked a hundred meters away.

"You... did you really let me go?" Although he knew that his information was very useful to the human in front of him, the strong man of the giant clan still didn't expect that the human being really let him go so casually.

Jing Chen did not answer the question of the strong man of the giant dragonfly clan. His body flashed a few times, and it was hundreds of meters away from the position where he was standing at the beginning, and he was about to disappear at the end of the sight of the strong man of the giant dragonfly clan.

"The predecessor of my clan also said that at that time, the Lord of the Sky had a weakness, that is, he could not borrow the power of the world. As long as you have enough means to drag him until his magic power is exhausted, it is still possible to defeat him!" It seems that in order to thank Jing Chen for not killing, the strong man of the giant dragonfly suddenly shouted.

Hearing this sentence, Jing Chen's body suddenly paused, and then nodded slightly. He stepped up again and disappeared at the end of the sight of the strong man of the giant dragonfly.

"Since I may never be able to leave here alive, it's good to help you." The giant dragonfly was not originally a belligerent race. It should be said that the intelligent life of all plants, whether it is the ancient trees living in the Yuege Linhai, or the life system warcraft that used to be said to be ubiquitous on the original continent, they do not like war and killing. However, the environment has changed these powerful creatures. No matter who it is, whether it is a flesh-and-blood intelligent life or a plant-based intelligent life, as long as you want to live here, you must learn to kill, learn to cheat, and learn to cheat. No one can escape.

"If what the strong man of the giant Li nationality says is true, just such a weakness may not be a weakness for others, but for me..." After the words of the strong man of the giant Li nationality, the depression in Jing Chen's heart has eased a lot. For Jing Chen, procrastination is not a very Difficult things, after all, he is also a person with the whole world as the backing.


With the passage of time, Jingchen walks in this strange world, and there are more and more strong people killing. During this period, Jingchen and Rios have studied more than once about how to leave this world in the dream world. Unfortunately, there is no result. For Jingchen, the biggest uncertainty at this moment is that The strength of the split of the Lord of Time and Space, and for the split of the Lord of Time, Rios also has no useful advice for Jing Chen.

Of course, with more and more strong people killing Jingchen, many strong people have begun to pay attention to Jingchen. They all know that a strong human being has come to this world, and this powerful existence has a very special place, that is, it can not only see through the hidden means of most strong people, but also He can also trap the strong who fight with him in a special way.

This is undoubtedly a very horrible thing. You can't fight, you can't fight, you can't escape, you can't escape. This kind of battle keeps challenging the nerves of the strong. Not only that, every once in a while, it comes out that a strong man is killed by that human being. Many of them are extremely powerful, and this human is not "picky about food" at all. No matter what race it is, no matter what kind of horrible talent, the strong man can't let him retreat. For a while, many strong people in this world began to endanger themselves.


"Human! I know you are strong. Can't I die if I give you these treasures? If I blow myself up, you won't get anything!" At this moment, a very burly alien strong man about five meters tall shouted hoarsely.

Jing Chen smiled calmly and said, "Whether you blow yourself up or not doesn't pose any threat to me. As for these treasures, they are no different from garbage for me. If you are willing to take them away, take them with you." Despite the saying, Jing Chen's eyes scanned a page of the treasure of this exotic strong man without a trace.

Although the appearance of this remnant volume is quite similar to those he found, Jing Chen will not show a very urgent appearance. Listening to what he said now, he exchanged his own treasures for a life, but Jing Chen has clearly sensed that all kinds of things in front of him are fake. In fact, It is a kind of illusion exerted by this alien.

Although Jing Chen doesn't know many aliens, after integrating most of the memories of Lahir and Tyreon, there are countless aliens that Jing Chen has never heard of. Many of these aliens are the subordinates of the six ancient gods, which can be said to be the aborigines. However, in the battle between the Creator and the Six Ancient Gods, these races were almost exterminated. After all, the remaining clans after the war were not enough to reproduce.

What's more, when the six ancient gods were at a disadvantage in the war, they even arranged all the people of all ethnic groups who could carry weapons to go to the battlefield. Whether it was the elderly or children, men and women, they were all caught up on the battlefield. After experiencing that war, the only children who were waiting to be fed could not survive.

Of course, there are also the means of the creator god. For the creator god, it is absolutely unacceptable to tolerate the existence of the evil people of the six ancient gods in the world, and this Miola clan is the subordinate of Niratop, the god of temptation at the beginning. Although it is not a very powerful subordinate, because of its ethnic scale is very huge, it is bewitched. There is also a large sphere of influence in the territory ruled by the god Niratop.

At this moment, what the strong man of the Mirage clan naturally brings out is something presented through fantasy. However, there is a requirement for the Mirage clan to present an illusion, that is, it must have seen this thing. Obviously, the strong man of the Mirage clan has seen the remnants, but I don't know if he is wearing it with him now.