Dragon God War Song

Chapter 38 Each has a ghost

"Adams, is this Chenjing a little evil? Have you ever seen him take action?" A short pointed-billed strong man standing next to Adams asked hesitantly.

"No, not only me, I'm afraid that everyone here has never seen him take action. However, one thing is certain. All the people who want to attack him have not appeared again. Even Pavakli, I have never seen him again." Adams' face was a little gloomy. Although he once spoke for Jing Chen outside this mysterious space, it was also because he was not accustomed to cultivation and did not have any friendship with Jing Chen.

"Pavakli? How is this possible? He is alone. Can he beat the whole team of Pavakli? This is really a little..." The short sharp-mouthed strong man stared with a pair of small eyes. If he said what others said, he didn't care much, but he was very familiar with Pavakli and the team he led, because When he first came in, he and his men had been with Pavakli and deeply understood the horror of the other party.

"Ya Ke, don't blame me for not reminding you. Although I can clearly see through the strength of Chenjing with my perception, he is definitely not as simple as it seems. When I am outside, the reason why I say that is that I want Yixiu to fight with him and let us see the strength clearly. Unfortunately, Yixiu's miscellaneous It's so rubbish that it's so cowardly. Adams cursed in a low voice. Obviously, Adams, who looked big and thick, was not a simple-minded person, or that no one could come here was a simple person.

"I understand." Yako nodded. He and Adams came from the same college, and the relationship between the two was not bad at the college. If they face enough interests, the two may have differences. However, when there are not enough interests, the relationship between the two is very friendly, even an alliance.

Looking at the other three people, Yako clearly saw that the other three people, like Jing Chen, also walked in one direction. Obviously, no one wanted to get together with others. After all, it was easy to make others suspicious, even unnecessary conflicts, and there were not enough interests there. Some people have conflicts with others, and the strength of several people is not much different.

"Let's separate from this. If there is a chance, we will cooperate." Adams said. Although the two are from the same college, everyone knows that although the reward of the God's Backbone Competition is nothing, there are some special things in this mysterious space. For example, one of their seniors has received some kind of secret inheritance here, and their strength has broken through level six in one fell swoop.

Of course, not only two people are in the college, but most of the students in other colleges who can get here have some gains. Otherwise, how can those top colleges be willing to send their elites to such a place? They fight each other only for the last entry. If it is not driven by enough interests, the senior management of those colleges It's not a fool.

"Good." Yake nodded and answered. As Adams thought, Yako also knew that he would not object, so as to make Adams more suspicious of his purpose, and there was no harm in saying anything to Yako himself. After all, his strength was weaker than Adams, and at most stronger than Yixiu.

Six people, divided into six directions, walked towards the depths of this huge building. No one knew what was waiting for them in the depths of this huge maze-like building. However, although many places of the building were damaged. But such a magnificent building, not to mention the other people, even Jingchen only saw it once in the divine kingdom connected by the flower burial, that is, the place where the emperor lived. Except for the huge temple, Jingchen really couldn't think of any building that could be compared with this building.

Thinking of the temple where the Holy Emperor lived, Jing Chen couldn't help but look around with some doubt and muttered, "Is this also a temple?" Although Jing Chen hasn't seen any gods or anything after walking for so long, there is really no better explanation for such a magnificent building if it is not a temple. After all, if this scale is built entirely by manpower, even if it is a master among human beings, it will have to build endless years. The energy consumption is so much manpower, or means, in addition to those mansions, which emperor can do it?

This is just like the Franco Empire and other empires that have been circulating on other continents for countless years. Although these empires have existed for a very long time, their imperial capitals are similar in size to those of the Holy Spirit Empire, which has just been established for hundreds of years. At most, in terms of layout, the imperial capitals of the French Empire may be more reasonable. It is more regular, but in a strict sense, there is not much difference between the two.

The main reason why the difference between the two is that the difference between the two is not as big as the time of existence is that the limit that human resources can reach. If it is further expanded or rebuilt, the project is really too huge. It not only wastes people and money, but may even cause people to make a living, and may even make the empire Destroyed.


"Py patriarch, you see, they are separated."

At this moment, the sand demon patriarch and a group of sand demon patriarchs, plus the desert people responsible for monitoring, are all standing in front of a huge magic screen. These desert people' eyes are closely staring at the six light spots on the magic screen. If you look carefully, the brightness of these light spots is also different, among which There is no such light spot. Although the brightness is not very bright, the color is red, giving people a dangerous feeling, and the other light is green.

"Well, elder, what do you think we should do?" The sand demon patriarch did not directly assign the task, but turned his eyes to the one standing behind him, a strong man who also reached level eight. The breath emanating from the sand demon clan with some wrinkled skin was actually much stronger than the sand demon patriarch.

"We old guys went to deal with the five little guys separately. As for the dangerous person, wait a minute. If the five little guys can't ask anything, I always have a feeling that the human being is very dangerous and very dangerous." After a slight meditation, the elder of the sand demon clan said slowly. His sharp eyes had been staring at the magic screen, and the slowly moving red dot was unwilling to withdraw his eyes for a long time.

Now the sand demon clan has long lost the same scenery as before. After being slaughtered by the human strong, there are only a few thousand people left in the sand demon clan. Compared with the millions of desert people in those years, it is really a drop in the bucket, and a large number of strong people suddenly fall, which also makes the inheritance system of the sand demon clan have a huge problem, although it is These strong people of the sand demon clan, including the current patriarch, are also working hard. Unfortunately, there are still few cultivation methods that can be passed down, and most of the secret methods were lost at that time.

However, the current elder is also one of the few strong people who survived that year. If he hadn't been practicing on another island far away from the island where the sand demons lived that year, he would not have escaped the catastrophe. Of course, although he had escaped the catastrophe, when At that time, he only had the peak strength of level 6, and he did not master too many secret methods, especially those secret methods of the sand demon clan, which were lost with the fall of the strong at that time.

"You guys don't want to go. If we old guys can't handle it, it's useless for you to go, and it's useless for many people to go to these things." The elder ordered.

In fact, the only people present who are really powerful are this elder and the current patriarch. The strongest of the other strong people only break through level 7, and most of them are still at the peak of level 6. This is also because there is no secret method suitable for practice. Without the secret method, the practice will become more and more difficult. Especially after breaking through the sixth level, it can be said to be difficult. It is obviously unrealistic to rely solely on personal understanding, but there is nothing these sand demons who don't want to do this. They have no secret to pass down.

"Pear patriarch, don't go either. I'll take the second, the third, the fifth and the sixth. If we all encounter misfortune, the inheritance of our family will have to be supported by you." The elder said solemnly.

Although it is not difficult for these desert people to catch the five human beings, this space is obviously not so friendly to the sand demons. There is no space for human beings. If their sand demons break in randomly, they will be easily swallowed up by those sudden space cracks, not to mention ordinary sand. The Mo people, even this elder of the Shamo clan, can't guarantee that they will be able to break free from those space cracks.

"Big Elder, you..." The Shamo patriarch seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by the big elder.

"Let's go." With that, he walked out first.