Dragon God War Song

Chapter 33 Reshaping the Body

The bright red blood began to flow out of Jing Chen's body. Although the blood flowed from Jing Chen's body was not fast, and it seemed to be sweating. However, Dante could clearly distinguish that it was not sweat, but blood, bright red blood, but what made Dante very confused was that Jingchen's body Why is there bleeding inside, or is it such water? Did Jingchen fail?

As soon as this idea rose from Dante's mind, it was denied by Dante. It was not that Dante did not want Jingchen to die, but that Dante knew that this idea was unrealistic at all, because the magic array left by Jing Chen in his body showed no sign of weakening at all. If Jingchen really merged at this moment If the divine blood fails, then this magic array will gradually dissipate even if it does not disappear immediately, but now it seems that there is no sign of that at all.

"Huh... Even if you can survive the level of divine blood, I'm afraid your strength will be greatly damaged. At that time..." There was a cold sharp light in Dante's eyes. Even if Jing Chen directly saved Dante and was kind to him, but in Dante's opinion, Jing Chen's saving him was just a fancy to this drop of divine blood, otherwise he would not have been soware of himself everywhere. In the whole space, there are only him and Jingchen. At this moment, Jingchen's green protector is obviously Dante's.

However, Dante naturally has his own plans. In ancient times, he could become the first apostle under Kesu, the god of devouring, and had almost the strength of the Dragon God. How could he be a fuel-efficient lamp? Even if Dante is just a split body at this moment, his memory has not changed at all.


There is a huge shadow in a dark and huge temple. If you look carefully, you will find that there is not only one figure in this hall, but the other figure is too ordinary, not much different from ordinary people. In front of that huge shadow, it is like the other party's servant, silk It is inconspicuous.

"D Dante, that's your split body. Is it just watching the boy kill it?" There is not only surprise in the voice of the Mother of God, but also a taste of gloating. As an apostle under the command of the devouring god Kesu, the Mother can't know much about Dante's means. Naturally, she knew that Dante's strength was because he devoured countless groups of people, and even if he was strong to a certain extent, he had to enhance his strength through division and devouring at regular intervals, otherwise Dante's strength would even regress.

In fact, as one of the former ranking competitors, several apostles know each other's methods very well. Other apostles have never thought about challenging or even sneaking on Dante when Dante splits, but Dante is not stupid. Whenever it comes to his split, Dante will choose an extremely hidden place. Don't It is said that the strong man of the creation god can't be found, even other apostles don't know.

Of course, there is an exception to everything. Once when the process of Dante's division and devouring was about to end, the Dragon God arrived with a large number of strong dragons. Although Dante finally escaped, he also lost a lot of split bodies. Although the strength of these split bodies had nothing to do with Dante, it still made his flesh. It hurt for a while. You know, these splinters are part of Dante's strength. It is for this reason that for a long time after that, Dante has been looking for these lost splinters.

What makes Dante angry is that these split bodies also have their own consciousness, and most of them are unwilling to be discovered by the ontology, so they use a variety of methods to avoid Dante's tracking, which makes it extremely difficult for Dante to trace the whereabouts of these splits. Even so, in Dan With Ding's unremitting efforts, there were still very few splits that could not be recovered in the end, but this matter was made clear to all the apostles.

In those days, these apostles were even ready to take advantage of Dante's weakness to seize the position of the first apostle. Unfortunately, even if Dante's strength regressed a little, no apostle could defeat Dante alone. Even the second apostle could not, and then it naturally calmed down. As one of the apostles under the devouring god, he naturally knows it clearly.

"Well, with that boy, didn't you see that he has been tossed all over with blood by that drop of divine blood? I'm afraid it's extremely difficult for him to fuse the divine blood, let alone deal with my split body. Moreover, do you think these split bodies can even avoid my pursuit, and there is no way? You underestimate them too much. Dante still wrapped himself in the black robe, and the huge hood covered his face, making Dante's expression at this moment unclear.

"Real? Are you sure, don't you feel a little familiar with what you look like now? The mother said disapprovingly.

"Hmm?" Dante was slightly stunned. Although most of what the godmother asked for him during this period was very dissatisfied, but one thing that has to be mentioned is that the godmother's eyesight can definitely rank in the top three among all the masters and apprentices under Kesu. Even Dante is sometimes not necessarily better than this godmother. She has good eyesight. Since she said so, she can't help but look at Jing Chen at this moment.

"This is..."

Looking at Jingchen at this moment, the original blood has turned into real blood, and the blood flows out of Jingchen's body. At this moment, Jingchen looks so scary, as if he is a blood man, but if you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that the current Jingchen is not close to the edge of collapse, but is in something special. A state, an unspeakable special state, a special state that even Jingchen doesn't know what to say.

"Haven't you found it yet?" The divine mother asked softly, "Although you can't feel the improvement of his momentum from the magic screen alone, haven't you noticed the change in the expression on your split face? Although I don't know what means you have to deal with this little guy, it's obviously not that easy, is it?"

Under the huge hood, Dante's eyebrows are locked at this moment. If anyone can see the reaction on Dante's face at this moment, they will find that the muscles on Dante's face are constantly trembling. Obviously, it is abnormally angry. It is nothing else that can make Dante so angry. It is his split expression at this moment. , and the changes of Jing Chen can naturally be seen by Dante's eyesight. At this moment, Jing Chen is indeed as the mother of God said. Not only does his strength not have a tendency to weaken, but he is constantly increasing, and the speed of this enhancement is extremely horrible.

Although endless years have passed, these split bodies have split from his body after all. Their thoughts are no different, which is the reason. Butting is very clear about the situation of the split body standing in front of Jing Chen at this moment. I'm afraid no one in the world knows these points better than him. Every expression, every action, and even every look represents the meaning of the split body, because they are a whole.


At this moment, Jing Chen sitting there has forgotten the time. He only knows that his body is constantly experiencing the process of collapse and aggregation. This process has brought extremely great pain to Jing Chen. However, Jing Chen has no intention of preventing this from happening at all, because every time he experiences collapse and aggregation, Jing Chen can feel the improvement of his physical strength. This kind of improvement is so wonderful that even Jing Chen can't help moaning.

From hell to heaven, and then from heaven to the region, this process has been continued, without a trace of pause. This is the best interpretation of Jingchen's state at this moment. This kind of pain is not ordinary people at all, and even most divine mansions can stand it.

In fact, when this drop of divine blood was integrated into Jing Chen's body, Jing Chen embarked on a special road. A road that many people have thought of, but did not have a chance, or did not have the ability to try. This road is very familiar with the original Dragon God, that is, the powerful god body. Few people know that it is relying on At the moment when you cultivate yourself into a god, the greater the strength of your body, the more power you can accept the rules. Just like the split of the tree of the world at the beginning, when it becomes a god, it directly becomes an intermediate mansion.

Of course, a large part of the reason why the tree of the world can directly become an intermediate mansion is that it has the divine nature and memory, which is more easily accepted by the power of rules, but this acceptance is only that the tree of the world can become a god, but it does not mean that it can reach the intermediate mansion at once. After so many years, Jing Chen's speculation and research can conclude that the reason why the Tree of the World, Tyrion, directly became an intermediate divine residence, was because of the huge and horrible body of the Tree of the World.

Although even if it is the current Tyrrern god body alone, it still can't be compared with Lahir in those years, except for the ancient horror guy who has existed in those years, it is really not as big as the strong god body as the world tree Tyrion. If the original Jingchen did not let Tyrone take root in himself. World, if Tyraine is not supported by the whole world, if... Tyrean will never have the strength of an intermediate mansion.

It was this speculation that made Jing Chen have a special idea when he saw this divine blood, that is, to forcibly improve the strength of his body through this divine blood. Although Jing Chen's body cannot be as huge and horrible as Tyreon, Jing Chen can make the strength of his body reach a terrific. The point of thinking. Of course, under normal circumstances, there is little possibility of this kind of thing, but at this moment, Jingchen has the blood of the Dragon God. Although the Dragon God is not as good as Tyreen in the great extent of the divine body, but in terms of the strength of the divine body, it can drop the current world tree Tyreon a few streets.

Therefore, Jing Chen's persistence, even stubborn persistence, is also an important reason why Jing Chen has been able to grow rapidly.

However, what Jing Chen can't see at this moment is that the blood in his body is oozing out faster and faster, and it can even be said to be gushing. In just a moment, the life soul stone defense surrounding Jing Chen is full of blood gushing out of Jing Chen's body. The blood stained the ground under Jing Chen, Dante's nose Zi moved slightly, and a pungent smell of blood rushed into Dante's nose, making Dante frown slightly.

"Failed?" Looking at Jing Chen's split body, Dante suddenly became happy. If Jing Chen failed at this moment, it was really the best ending for Dante. Although he thought that Jing Chen had failed, an inexplicable special feeling suddenly flashed in his heart, he was still willing to believe that Jing Chen had failed at this moment, completely It failed. Only in this way can he believe that he is safe.

For Dante, although the magic array that Jing Chen left in his body is troublesome, it is not enough to make Dante afraid, because Dante understands that no magic circle can exist for a long time. Unless it is the kind of contract witnessed by the power of rules, only this kind of thing restricted by the power of rules will remain forever. Although Dan Ting can't crack the magic array left by Jing Chen for a while, if he is cruel, it is not impossible to get rid of it.

"No! It's not a failure, this kind of breath will not be a failure!"

Not long after, Dante denied his guess just now, because he has felt the enhancement of Jingchen's breath. For a long time, Jingchen's breath has been changing back and forth between strong and weak, but this time, Jingchen's breath has been increasing. There is no sign of weakening at all. It has been strengthening, no Although the blood is still gushing out of Jing Chen's body, Jing Chen's strength shows no sign of weakening, but only strengthening.

"Idelusion! This must be an illusion. How can his breath be increasing all the time? Is blood no longer the carrier of his energy? This is impossible!" Dante didn't know what was going on in front of him at this moment.

According to common sense, blood is the carrier of the energy of all the strong, including the mansion. If a large amount of blood is lost, even the mansion will lose a lot of strength. If it is a mortal, when the amount of blood loss reaches a certain extent, it will even die. This is already a recognized truth among the strong, but At this moment, although the blood in Jingchen's body is constantly gushing out, there is no sign of weakening his strength.

"What's wrong with him?" Dante's eyes also showed a look of surprise.

Suddenly, all the skin of Jingchen's body surface cracked, completely cracked, and the blood splashed in an instant. Jingchen's whole body seemed to completely collapse at this moment, and it collapsed.

"Is it over?" Seeing the scene of Jing Chen's physical collapse, the expression on Dante's face was very complicated. According to reason, Jing Chen's body collapsed, Dante should be happy, but at this moment, Dante felt that he could not be happy at all. He couldn't explain the reason, that he didn't feel happy at all. At this moment, Dante's heart not only did not feel happy. There is even an indescribable thing in Dante's mind. This kind of thing is inexplicable, like uneasiness, or something else.

Not to mention Dante, who is uncertain at this moment, just talking about Jing Chen, the last feeling in Jing Chen's mind is that his body has completely collapsed under the great pressure of divine blood, as if it has become fragments. However, what puzzles Jing Chen is that these fragments do not have the tendency to completely break, and It is putting together in a way that Jing Chen can't understand, as if he is forming a new body for Jing Chen.

What makes Jing Chen more unable to understand is that he can clearly feel the broken body, but his consciousness is not blurred at all. According to normal circumstances, the body is broken, and the whole person is infinitely close to death. A person who is about to die can't be awake at all. Consciousness, this is like a dying person. Although there will be a momentary return of light, the time in this state is very short.

Blood red spreads, but everywhere the light is full of infinite blood. This blood-red light is mixed with extremely strong blood. Although this smell is not unpleasant, at least it is not a good smell, and what Dante can't understand is that in Jingchen's small body Where did you get so much blood? It's just like some huge monsters.


There was a sudden buzzing sound in the whole space. Although the sound was not loud, it resounded through the whole space. Dante suddenly felt that this space, which had been silent for many years, surged. This discovery made Dante extremely afraid.


"Good little guy, he really succeeded..."

In a corner of this space, there is no corpse of a strong dragon-blooded ethnic group. At this moment, a skeleton in a black robe stands there. If it weren't for the strong fluctuations that made the space tremble constantly, I'm afraid many people would think that this black-robed man is just an undead creature.