Dragon God War Song

Chapter 1 Niratop, the God of Enchantment

The scope of God's space is huge, but for Jingchen, who flies at full speed, it is not difficult to fly quickly to the core area of God's space. After all, Jingchen's own speed has reached a very terrible level. In addition, although this God's space is huge, it cannot be compared with the original continent. In addition, it only took more than half an hour for Jingchen to fly to the core area of the space of the god. According to the map of the creation god, this is the most dangerous place in the space of the whole god, because the strength of living in this area is comparable to the special life of the main god.

The message given by the Creator God to Jing Chen is just the situation in those years. After tens of thousands of years of precipitation, Jing Chen has every reason to believe that if these horrors are still alive, then their strength is definitely not what he can compete with at this moment, let alone what he can imagine. Jing Chen clearly remembers that the Creator God should At first, the Dragon God was compared as an example. Although he thought his strength was good, Jingchen was not arrogant enough to compare with the Dragon God.

"Hmm?" When you come to this core area, the scene in front of Jing Chen can be said to be clear.

This is a valley, a huge valley. The temple sits alone in the middle of the valley. The temple looks a little dilapidated, but it has an unspeakable majesty. This is a kind of psychological pressure. Even Jingchen has an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

The reason why Jing Chen is a little puzzled is that there is no temple on the map provided by the Creator. "Is it built after the existence of God's space?" Jing Chen thought about it in his heart.

Before coming to the temple, Jing Chen found that the door of the temple was open, but the open door did not seem to welcome his arrival, but as if it had been forcibly broken by someone. Jing Chen carefully walked into the temple along the door. The ground of the temple had long been covered with a thick layer of dust.

This is a passage that is not too long, but the end of the passage is divided into two roads, and it is also two roads in the opposite direction. Jing Chen stood at the end of the fork and looked at the two roads carefully. Jing Chen's eyesight could not see anything strange at all, and when Jing Chen looked at these two fork roads. Later, his perception was also released. After Jing Chen came here, except for the special feeling that made Jing Chen feel depressed, the voice seemed to have completely disappeared and never sounded again.


In the place where Jing Chen's eyes could not reach, he felt some strange traces, which were obviously bombarded by some kind of creature. There was a huge gap on the wall of the temple, and this gap was so huge that even the height of the three Jingchens could pass freely.

Of course, this is not what surprises Jing Chen. What surprises Jing Chen is that there is a black thing in this huge empty mouth, which looks like the tentacle of some kind of creature. I don't know how many years this tentacle has existed here. It has long been covered with thick dust like the corridor of the temple. However, the breath from the tentacles was that even Jing Chen felt palpitated. "What kind of breath is this? It's so cold and horrible?"

After all, perception is not an eye. It can only form a general picture in Jing Chen's mind, which does not make Jing Chen really understand what the source of this breath is. However, the horror of this breath is enough to make Jing Chen's heart tense just from perception.

He quickly came to the collapsed site. Jing Chen bent down and looked at the black object carefully. It was about one meter long. One end was sharp, and the other end was extremely flat, as if it had been cut off the body of some creature.

"The tentacles of the ancient gods?" Seeing this tentacle-like thing and the breath from it, the first thing that Jing Chen thought of was the ancient gods. Those supreme gods may indeed be immortal.

"No, the breath of the ancient gods will not be so weak even after tens of thousands of years. This is not the breath of the ancient gods. What is it?" Jing Chen did not touch this tentacle with his hand, but carefully observed it. At this moment, except for a small part of it, most of Jing Chen's perception is concentrated on this tentacle. Jing Chen's idea is also simple. Use his strong perception to see what this is.

The whole tentacle presents a somewhat strange dark black. Although it is covered with a thick layer of dust, there is no sign of withering or even decay at all. This can't be done even if it is an intermediate divine mansion. Without the supply of divine power, the divine body cannot remain eternal, and at this moment, Jingchen can't feel it from this tentacles. A trace of divine power, obviously, there is no divine power on it at all. The only thing left in front of him is this divine body. Let's call it a divine body.

Jing Chen controlled his perception and slowly penetrated into this tentacle. Even if there is no divine power supply, it is very difficult for Jing Chen to penetrate the perception into it. In addition, Jing Chen does not want to destroy this tentacle, so the progress is particularly slow.

"God...what is this!"

Jing Chen suddenly jumped back. Under the infiltration of his perception, this piece of tentacle actually moved a strange rhythm. This rhythm exudes an indescribable magic power of Jing Chen. It seems that a voice is bewitching Jing Chen, asking Jing Chen to grab it, or even swallow the tentacle. Although the sound is extremely weak, for At this moment, Jing Chen didn't have much influence at all, but he still scared Jing Chen into a cold sweat. He really couldn't imagine how a tentacle, and a tentacle without any magic power, made a sound to confuse himself.

"Is this really the tentacle of one of the six ancient gods? It's terrible!" Jing Chen sighed softly. Although there are memories of the ancient gods in the memories of Rahil and Tyreon, it is a little too difficult for Jing Chen to understand an breath that he has not felt. After all, some things are not enough to remember, and you need to experience it yourself.

"Calm down!"

Jing Chen kept telling himself in his heart that the place he was in at this moment was a completely unknown area, and this should be the most dangerous place in the space of God. Once he was not calm enough, it was easy to stay here forever. However, even though these Jingchen knew it, a It's hard to hide the excitement. For many years, even Jing Chen himself doesn't know that he hasn't encountered such a thrilling place for many years. This place has completely mobilized Jing Chen's desire to explore.

Raise his legs to avoid the tentacles. Jing Chen did not walk along the original passage, but entered the passage that was higher than his three. I don't know why the whole temple did not feel dark, as if there was something special to maintain here. Guangming, Jingchen also tried to find the source of the light, but unfortunately he didn't find it in the end, which made Jingchen a little curious. It's not that he had never encountered this situation before, such as his Immordinary Temple.

Although there is no lighting inside, people will not feel a trace of gray when walking here.

As Jing Chen deepened little by little, he saw more and more things, especially the dark debris, which became more and more. However, at this moment, Jingchen did not continue to explore the ownership of these debris. He just kept walking towards the depths of the temple.


With the passage of time, the dark debris seen by Jing Chen has gone through a process from less to more, and then from more to less. However, although the debris seen at this moment is much less, the volume of these debris is much larger than before, and Jingchen will stop without encountering a wreckage. Feel this Is there any divine power in the mutilation?

"Humans, you are really careful, but it doesn't make any sense, because even if I'm dead, those wreckage can only be the wreckage."

Just as Jing Chen was carefully moving towards the depths of the temple, a voice suddenly came from the deepest part of the channel. The sound was obviously the same as inviting Jing Chen to come here. Obviously, the owner of the sound invited Jing Chen to come here.

"Are these wrecks all yours?"

No matter whether the other party can hear himself or not, Jing Chen asked directly.

"Yes, these are all the remains of me. I think you should be able to guess who I am, right?" The voice admitted undisguised and asked directly.

"Are you the god of ancient times?"

Although Jing Chen did not believe that an ancient god would die in the space of God, he still asked how the six ancient gods died. Even if Jingchen can't figure it out now, in fact, not only Jingchen, but also other gods in the world may not know much about the ancient gods. The end, because these strong people in the world, even if they came from that era, their strength in that era was too low to reach that level at all. In addition, after that war, there were very few strong people who survived, and many secrets have become eternal mysteries, and no one can answer them anymore.

"Strictly speaking, I am not an ancient god." The voice pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"Wow..." Jing Chen sighed softly. As long as the other party is not the ancient god, he is relieved. If the ancient god dies in the space of the god, many things in his heart will become more complicated.

"However, I am the split of Niratop in the ancient god." After a pause, the sound sounded again, and what he said tightened Jing Chen's nerves again.

Niratop, the god of demagogy, absolutely did not expect that the owner of this voice was the split of Niratop, the god of demagogy in the ancient god. If this man did not lie to him, there would have an explanation for why the divine body was so powerful, but what Jingchen did not understand was that the special life here was gone, but A split of Niratop, the god of temptation, emerged, and it was also a split that had been killed to pieces.

"Come on, come to me, I will tell you all the truth you want to know, all! Everything!" Nairatop's split body stressed that there was a special magic in his voice. Although this magic did not want to confuse Jing Chen, Jing Chen's eyes also became cold.

You should know that this demagogic god is the best at killing invisible horror. In the memory of Lahir and Tyreon, it is better to be directly killed by Neratop, the god of demagogy. Most of them, who are enemies of Neratop, eventually become Neratop's servants and help Neratop to deal with themselves. The people and friends, that kind of pain... Jing Chen can't imagine.

However, Jingchen did not mean to retreat too much. There was a temple here, and the split of the god of temptation Niratop appeared in the depths of the temple, as well as the strangeness of the re-called re-suffocence of the God's space, and the words of the Creator God before Jing Chen's departure made Jing Chen unable to leave here, because he still had unfinished tasks. At this moment, when Kesu, the god of devouring, is about to come, Jing Chen absolutely can't allow something beyond his control to happen.

If the demagogic god Niratop has any plan for the space of God, he, or the God of Creation happens not to know, then the whole space of God is dangerous.

However, those who live in this space of gods, or are imprisoned, are the aborigines of the ancient continent. Most of them are the servants of the six ancient gods in those years. If they come to assist Kesu in the original continent, Jing Chen is not sure whether the strong men in the whole original continent can devour the space of gods. The superimposed power of the god Kesu competes with each other. After all, the current God of Creation can no longer really take action on the original continent.

"Come on, if you want to know the truth about everything, you must come to me. Otherwise, you can leave here. I can't give you any benefits except the truth." Nairatop's voice sounded again.

Hearing this, Jing Chen's heart is also horizontal. What is the truth of ancient times? He has always wanted to know, and this is also related to many things related to the future fight against Kesu, the god of devouring. When he thought of this, Jing Chen's body shook and moved to the position of Nairatop more than one layer faster than just now.