Dragon God War Song

Chapter 12 Chaotic Creatures

"If this alien beast is only more powerful, it will not gather you here today. The reason why this alien beast may endanger the survival of everyone here and even the whole continent is that the energy of this alien beast is not some kind of energy that most of us are familiar with, but a kind of Special energy, which is very powerful and contains all kinds of negative emotions. If I guess well, it may be evil. The more he said, the heavier Jing Chen's voice became.


"How can it be evil?"

"Isn't it only in existence and legend, and it also exists in reality?"

"Are those foreign beasts the servants of the ancient gods?"

On the original continent, whether it is the strong people of various races, the strong people of warcraft, or even the strong existence of consciousness and wisdom in plant life, the energy that can be cultivated is collectively referred to as elemental energy, or elemental divine power.

However, in ancient books, another kind of energy has appeared on the original continent, that is, evil energy. The so-called evil energy is the energy cultivated by the ancient gods in ancient times. This energy is extremely different from elemental energy. Elemental energy mainly relies on the use of heaven and earth such as light, darkness, wind, fire, space and other elements. Plain energy, and evil energy is to use the negative energy between heaven and earth, such as anger, hatred and other negative energy.

The evil energy may not be as useful as the elemental energy, but in terms of attack alone, the evil energy is much better than the elemental energy. Of course, these are recorded in ancient books and legends. What exactly it looks like has never been publicly explained. After all, even most of the ancient existences present In ancient times, it was a little far away from them. It was not realistic to know what happened at that time.


Just when everyone was so surprised that they couldn't speak, there was a buzz in the papal palace. A huge magic screen appeared in the hall. The light in the magic screen was dim, which was obviously a night somewhere. Although the magic screen had no sound, the energy exploded from time to time in the distance. The light still made the people present frown. From the strong light that lights up from time to time, these people can naturally see that this is a huge valley, and according to the purpose of this meeting, this is probably the valley where the legendary Tianzhen Hall is located.

"Guys, I must have guessed that this is the valley where the Tianzhen Hall is located, and this image is what I saw on that day. Now you can see it at a glance." Jing Chen's words fully verify the speculation of most people in the hall. The reason why he puts this image in his memory for these people is that Jing Chen hopes that some of these people here can help him solve his puzzles. After all, Jing Chen's experience is still shallow, and there are many secrets about the original continent that he can't know.

"Sure enough, it's there..." Many people made the same sound. At this moment, in the hall, everyone's eyes were staring at the magic screen. Although Jing Chen said was very scary, these were the top strong men on the original continent. It was impossible to make any major decision after listening to Jing Chen's words, no matter Anyway, Jingchen is not so prestigious.

The picture on the magic screen is pulling in rapidly. Obviously, Jing Chen is flying towards the place where he fights. Although the picture looks clear at this moment, there are those who have excellent eyesight among the strong people present, and they are already secretly surprised. They really can't believe that Jing Chen's The speed was so fast, especially those strong people who had been to Zhengu. They were familiar with the position of Jingchen just now, and what they didn't expect was that Jingchen arrived at the core area of Zhengu so quickly.

But the picture on the magic screen did not give them much time to be surprised by Jing Chen's speed. In just a few breaths, Jing Chen has come to the edge of the battlefield. At this moment, in the picture are many fleeing strong men, strong men from the church and the House of the Brave. They are running away, but those who follow closely The creatures behind them did not mean to let them escape at all. In the picture, it can be clearly seen that Jingchen took action more than once and solved more than a dozen creatures before he came to the real core area of the battle, that is, the area where the largest beast was located.

The giant beast more than 100 meters tall seems to have been waiting for Jing Chen to come. As soon as Jing Chen appeared, a terrible attack came, and the whole magic screen was filled with black and purple energy. Even the image of nothingness in the magic screen, these people here can feel a heinous evil. The breath, the strength of this breath, is not described by any words at all. At this moment, some god-level strong men who are slightly weaker in the field, even their bodies begin to tremble when they see this power.

"This strange beast... is really terrible."

"It's really terrible!"

"Just seeing its power makes me tremble all over. This is still seen in the magic screen. If you really face it in reality, then..."

Compared with the battle between Jingchen and the strange beast in the magic screen at this moment, the energy that just burst out of the strange beast really scared these strong people present. Many of them showed a meditative appearance. The strange beast that appeared in the valley this time was actually too powerful, but it made these people unable to understand. Yes, how did such a horrible beast suddenly appear? Where did these strange beasts come from? Is it a special life that suddenly occurred somewhere in the world?

Many people think of this, but they immediately deny their idea for a very simple reason. Generally speaking, a world that has evolved to a perfect level, unless there is a huge change, such as the collapse of the world, or a collision with other worlds, and a special vision occurs, it is impossible to produce a special life. Life, this is the unchanging rule of heaven and earth. It has not been broken for tens of thousands of years. Is this rule broken today?

This is obviously impossible. Since it is not a special life suddenly born in the world, these strange beasts have originally existed in a corner of the world, but they have never appeared. Now they have come out for some unknown reason. If this is true, then one thing is the top priority, that is, to find To the source of these strange beasts, otherwise if more strange beasts come, it will be a huge disaster for all races in the original continent and even the whole world.

But it is not easy to find the source of the emergence of this kind of strange beast. The problem now is that they don't have any clue about this kind of strange beast. They don't know what they are, when they appear, let alone the first time they appear. Everything is unknown, which makes everyone present at this moment at a loss. Now these strange beasts are a huge problem that suddenly comes down to the strongmen of the Holy See. Most people have no clue how to solve them.

"Does anyone know where this strange beast came from? In my memory, there has never been such a thing on the mainland.

"It looks like an Yalong, but even the pure-blooded dragon clan does not have such terrible strength. How can an Yalong have such a terrible strength? Moreover, what the dragon clan has mastered is all elemental energy, but there is no dragon clan that can master the evil energy, except for the nine-headed dragon clan that has already fled to the overseas dragon island.

For these ancient existence, the nine-headed dragon clan is not a secret, and the nine-headed dragon clan does have strong people who master the evil power, but not all nine-headed dragons can master the terrible energy of evil energy.

"No, the descendants of the nine-headed dragon clan may only be nine-headed dragons, and there can be no other creatures at all. They are not like our inland dragon clan..."

Although the leader of the dragon clan, the Green Dragon Queen Isera, is there now, these strong men in the Pope's Palace do not take into account the feelings of the queen. Although her strength is also divine, there are too many gods present to defeat her or even kill her. Naturally, there is no need to consider it. The feeling of the Green Dragon Queen Isera is that the reality is like this. If the Green Dragon Queen Isera's strength is strong enough that most beings have to look up, these people will naturally restrain. In the final analysis, everything is strength, and this is the world where strength is respected.

"What kind of monster is this? How can you have such a strong evil power?

There is a lot of discussion in the Pope's temple, and the faces of many strong people with power or national background are anxious. In the face of this sudden arrival of powerful creatures, everyone has no psychological preparation. Even the expressions of the Holy Light, the chief elder and Jing Chen have become extremely serious, and their hearts are clear. Chu, such a strong creature, if you can't deal with it as soon as possible, it's really...

However, what worries these people is whether the strength of this kind of foreign beast can continue to improve. Although there is no clear information at present that the strength of these foreign beasts can be improved, there is no information to explain that the strength of these foreign beasts is unchanged. Once the strength of these foreign beasts can be improved. In that case, the horror of these foreign beasts will rise in a straight line.

"These so-called foreign beasts are not used by evil energy."

Just as everyone was thinking about all kinds of questions about the alien beast, a voice suddenly sounded. The sounded like an indescrable smell. In addition, at this moment, the owner of the sound did not seem to be in a particularly good mood, so his voice fell into everyone's ears, which was a little scary.

"What is that?" Jing Chen looked directly at the speaker. Although Jing Chen did not know this person, he knew a lot of others, because this person has existed for too long, and he was one of the few horrible beings who survived in ancient times until now, and this person's current identity is the strongest person in the Jingge Alliance. Of course, he also has another One identity is the elder of the mechanic family.

There is only such an elder in the whole mechanic family. His existence has also established the status of the mechanic family in the Jingge Alliance and even the whole continent. No one dares to underestimate this ancient existence. Even when Jing Chen's eyes fell on this person, he felt it. A vague feeling, not only that. Although Jing Chen's eyes saw the man sitting there, Jing Chen's perception did not find any breath in that position at all. Obviously, the other party hid his breath in a special way. Although Jing Chen could not determine the strength of the other party for the time being, it was hidden alone. There are few people who can do it in the whole papal palace.

"Old machinery, don't hang our appetite. You should be the oldest of these people present. If you know about this strange beast, just say it quickly so that we can study how to deal with this strange beast together." Some strong-capited people said that at this moment, I'm afraid it's these equally old strong-named people who can talk to the oldest mechanic in the field.

It seemed to feel that everyone's eyes fell on him. The old machine did not get up, but coughed and said, "This energy is not evil energy at all, not only evil energy, but also an energy that is completely opposite to evil energy. In ancient times, we generally called it evil energy, but, Strictly speaking, this kind of energy is not to manipulate anything between heaven and earth, but to manipulate themselves.

"Manipulate yourself?"

"How is this possible?"

Most of the god-level strong people present have understood the true meaning of God. They have understood that the mansion can perfectly use the surrounding energy to evolve the divine power, and then use these divine power to attack. This is the true meaning of God. Except for those who have just become gods, they have not yet understood the true meaning of God, otherwise it can be said that there is no Some gods will only use their own divine power to fight against people, which is a very low-level mistake. Will these foreign beasts make such a low-level mistake? Few people present believe it.

"Be quiet and listen to the old machine."

What opens the mouth is the holy light. Although the holy light does not leave the trial space all year round, there are few gods on these continents, especially those ancient beings in the god level, who do not know the holy light, although they all know in their hearts that once they leave the trial space, the holy light has no trace for them. Threat, but the church is under the actual control of the Holy Light, which is not a secret, so no one will take the initiative to take the face of the Holy Light.

"In fact, what I want to say is also very simple. These so-called 'different beasts' are the ancient special creatures sealed by the ancient gods, that is, those chaotic creatures. Of course, that is an era earlier than the ancient gods. In that era, the world was much more chaotic than we are now. There is no elemental energy between the earth at all, and all the energy is mixed together. The energy formed at that time is called chaotic energy. Under that energy, chaotic creatures are born.

"The energy of chaotic creatures depends mainly on themselves, which is related to the environment in which they were born, because they absorb too much chaotic energy. After such violent energy is absorbed by chaotic creatures, if they can survive, it means that these chaotic energy is already formed in their bodies. It has become a special way of circulation. This way of circulation of energy is very similar to the way of circulation of energy in the perfect world, so even if these chaotic creatures do not absorb external energy, they can rely on the huge energy generated by themselves to attack.

"Of course, in our era, chaotic creatures can't absorb the energy of the outside world at all. After all, a single energy absorption is likely to break the energy balance in their bodies, and once the energy balance in their bodies is broken, the death of these chaotic creatures will also That's it." The old machine said slowly that his voice had always been told without a trace of emotion.

"Then why did the ancient gods seal them instead of killing them?" Jing Chen asked.

Listening to what the old machine said, the energy cycle in the body of chaotic creatures is not powerful. As long as they are destroyed, they can be killed. Don't the ancient gods as the supreme gods have any special method? Jingchen doesn't believe this.

"Kill? Even the ancient gods whose strength has reached the supreme god level can't do it. The old machine said the result directly.

"Can't do it? How is this possible?" What the old machine said this time is not Jing Chen, but an equally ancient existence. However, there is no power behind this existence. He is alone. Many strong people on the mainland call him a lone walker. Since his existence, he has been alone. No one has seen who he has acted with.

"Lao Du, some things are not as simple as you think. The reason why the ancient gods can't kill these chaotic creatures is that the energy in the ancient gods originally represents negative energy. Although the energy level of these chaotic creatures is not as good as the ancient gods, they have the immunity of negative energy. Ability, I don't need to say this ability, you know what it means, so the ancient gods can't deal with them. The old machine saw that he was talking to his old friend, but he did not choose to ignore it. Otherwise, if he spoke to an ordinary strong man, he would not answer so patiently.

Hearing this, everyone was silent. These chaotic creatures have a certain ability to exempt. Although the ancient gods are powerful, it is obviously difficult to deal with chaotic creatures with this ability, but this is not a problem for these people present, because almost all of these people present practice the elemental energy, old The machine does not say that these chaotic creatures have the ability to exempt elemental energy, so the only thing they need to care about is how they can use their advantages to get rid of these chaotic creatures.