
Chapter 3 The Demon Man

The capital of Mengyang Night, the city that does not sleep.

"Master Xingchen, let's go. It's time to go back!" Yongkui took Ye Xingchen's hand and walked in the direction of Ye's mansion. Night Star Cold has also been taken away by his guards. This matter is estimated to be noisy for a while, Yongkui secretly thought about it. However, he is just a retired warrior, and it is not his turn to worry about the affairs of his master's family, but Xingchen's weak character will suffer sooner or later. Yongkui's wife died early and had no children. He regarded this little master more as his own child. Of course, it's just his secret thoughts. How can he be qualified to say love to this child? He is destined to become the lord of the night kingdom like his father, the general of Zhentian in Mengyang. He likes this child's cleverness and sensibleness more. Although he comes from a noble background, he does not have the arrogance of other noble children. Yongkui, who fought on the battlefield, can always get some comfort and warm care from this child.

"Master Xingchen, you don't have to care about the words of the children just now. They say you are rubbish, just jealous of you, just like a bunch of barking dogs. You don't have to care!" Yongkui's deep voice was as kind as his father's class, comforting.

"What do I have for them to be jealous of?" The night star said in frustration. Brother Yuanhong can open 40 catties of bow when I'm so old that I can't even wave *. Are they jealous of this?

"Uh--" Yongkui didn't know what to say for a moment. He didn't know why the lord of the country respected the night stars so much. Every time he saw the lord mention the youngest son, he felt that there was a faint pride in the tone of the lord of the country. The lord of the country is a very calm person, but he always feels that the lord is expecting something, and he really can't figure out what the lord is looking forward to.

"Look, Uncle Yongkui, you can't say it. I know that they look down on me, and they want me to give up my status as the son of the Night Kingdom. Everyone thinks that Brother Yuanhong is more qualified than me, and sometimes I feel that the position of this son is taken from my brother. I feel sorry for him." Ye Xingchen lowered his head and said, allowing Yongkui to lead him back.

Yongkui really doesn't know what to say now. This child is so sensible that sometimes makes him feel sad. He quickly said, "Young master, don't think so. You are the man of the Ye family, and the son of the Ye Kingdom is your innate identity. You don't have to apologize to anyone. Not everyone can take away the glory given to you by God.

The child did not answer immediately, but just walked with his head down. He didn't know how long he had walked like this.

"Mom always says that I will be the most powerful person in the world. I don't want to believe it myself. Including you, you are comforting me." The child's slightly bereant voice was full of frustration. Brother Yuanhong followed his father to the school, and no one would talk to me now! My brother said he would protect me forever. When can I protect others?

Surely, Yongkui found that he could not speak, and his throat was like being strangled by his hand, full of suffocation and dizziness. He shook off Ye Xingchen's hand, held his neck with both hands, and his face turned blue and purple. He tried to inhale, but he could not breathe coherently. He fell to the ground feebly and gasped in pain. Xingchen knelt beside Yongkui in horror and was at a loss. He looked around and shouted, "Help, come on."

No one came to help him, and the bustling city passed by them, but no one paid attention to them, and no one even noticed a samurai falling. Xingchen suddenly found that the silence around him was terrible, and there was no sound except Yongkui's breathing and his call. Those passers-by were obviously talking, but there was no sound coming. The hawkers on the street waved their goods and straightened their voices, but they couldn't hear what they were selling. How could this happen?" He stretched out his hand to pull a passer-by next to him for help, but his hand passed through the man's body like a fog, and passers-by did not notice it at all. What the hell is going on?" The stars shouted in fear. His voice echoed for a moment and dissipated, only Yongkui's hoarse gasp. Yongkui's eyes have burst slightly, and his purple face is strange and terrible.

Xing Chen raised his head and looked at a man. He breathed a sigh of relief and finally someone could see them. He looked at the man and shouted, "Please help us--"

The man was thin and tall, wearing a fishy red robe, which wrapped his body tightly and outlined a straight outline like a sword. His face was white, his eyes were thin and long, and the slightly raised corners of his eyes made him look smiling, but the smile from the thin corners of his mouth was clearly sarcastic. Without boots, he walked to them step by step barefoot. No, it's not. Xingchen suddenly found that the man's feet were several inches away from the ground. He stepped on the void step by step, and the same scarlet long hair floated behind his head. There was no wind, but the hair danced wildly.

"You have such blood! His voice seemed to come through a starry sky, ethereal and ethereal. The man walked to Xingchen and looked at him condescendingly, with his narrow eyes flowing with a warm luster.

Xingchen looked at him. If it hadn't been for his flat chest and clear muscle outline, he couldn't even tell whether it was a man or a woman. But now he can't control so much, just said, "Please save him--"

"Can't you save yourself?" He still smiled strangely and looked at the stars fixedly.

"I don't know what's wrong. I don't know what to do. It seems that no one can see and hear us. No one can help me--

The man didn't laugh, and his handsome face suddenly became extremely cold. His narrow eyes wide open, and his violent breath swept over: "Is the spell so faint? There is such pure blood flowing in your body, but you can't even solve such a low-level illusion? The long scarlet hair danced more violently, and his eyes were crazy. Didn't you find yourself in the illusion from the beginning? Didn't you find such an obvious illusion?" He bent his right index finger, formed a fingerprint, and waved his hand gently. The surrounding scene was transformed. The flow of people coming and going, the vendors, and the shops on both sides of the street disappeared, replaced by a slightly red maple forest, and the nightless city was far behind. Ye Xingchen recognized it. This is the black maple forest in the northern suburbs of the city that can't sleep.

The man waved his hand again and lifted the ban on Yongkui. Yongkui crawled on the ground and could finally breathe smoothly. Then his eyes turned over and he fainted.

"This illusion has been on you since your brother left. You think you are walking in the streets of the city, but in fact you have been led out of the city by the illusion. I deliberately left a flaw, time. Haven't you noticed that the time home is longer than usual? Can't you see such an obvious flaw? That warrior was supported by me in the void confinement, which is a low-level spell. Are you helpless? The demonic man lowered his eyes and looked at the night stars with tears on his face, full of contempt. His voice is no longer so ethereal, but as low and hoarse as a wild wolf: "I have been looking for my kind, and I have been looking for it. Finally, I found that your breath can't be wrong. The bloodline of the magician in your body is stronger than mine. But why can't you even solve such a low-level illusion? Just like you, you still want to protect others, crying weak children, you can't even save your warrior just now. Who else can you save?

That's right. Ye Xingchen thought sadly that Yongkui was dying just now, but I couldn't do anything but shouting. He raised his hand and wiped his tears. He raised his head and looked directly at the crazy eyes of the demon man. Tears blurred his eyes. The demonic man in front of him was as majestic as an ancient totem. He can only look at this person infatuatedly, as if only this person is the best thing in the world. He was so confused that he thought of Brother Ye Yuanhong, his father, and mother, everyone around him, and his experiences from childhood to adulthood. Those people suddenly jumped out of the depths of his mind, and some of them even he had forgotten for a long time, but they jumped into his eyes as if he didn't think. He only felt that the people he knew before and the things he had experienced were meaningless. Only this strange man he saw today was the only one worth remembering.

It was not until his mother's shadow gradually became clear in his mind that the confused and thoughtless feeling disappeared. The demon man shouted, and his voice was as sad as a broken-winged eagle. His voice echoed in the bleak maple forest, like an insoluble requiem, but anyone can hear the pain.

It took a long time for the man to calm down. He looked at the thin child again, his eyes became slender and bright again, and carefully looked at the child's delicate face like a broken thin green glaze porcelain. It's so similar!" His voice said softly, "You really look like your mother!" Just now, he used the dementor to read the memory directly from the child's mind. Unexpectedly, I found the woman who had been looking for many spring and autumns. How could she marry a mortal? Is there really such a great attraction in the world? Wan Liunian and Huangfu Jinglan can conquer the whole world for her, then I will take back the world and welcome your return!" The man secretly thought that his slender and white hand clenched into a fist, and the joints sounded like thunder.

The man squatted down, held the child's chin in his hand, and said with a smile, "It turns out that your bloodline has not awakened yet! It doesn't matter. Before your sorcerer's bloodline awakens, you have to live well. Also, before you wake up, don't let people know your bloodline, otherwise it's a disaster of killing, understand?"

"Hmm." The night star nodded in fear.

The man stood up, and the tall man looked at the thin boy, like a god and mortal. His scarlet pupils looked at the child's dark starry eyes, like watching quietly through distant time and space. He didn't know that when he looked at the goddess's child again a few years later, the child was already the emperor of the whole world, but he prayed for the child's forgiveness like a prisoner. However, the trajectory of fate has already been written by the God of heaven, and everyone can only follow the established trajectory and cannot turn back.

The man smiled again, smiling honestly and brightly. He lowered his voice and said softly, "Meng Fan." Then it turned into a red light and flew to the distant sky.

Night Star watched the man fly away in a daze, "Is this God?" He even suspected that he was in a dream. The next time he met the man in a scarlet robe, he thought that what he had seen and heard on this day was in a dream. After Ye Yuanhong pulled Ye Xinghan's whip, he was dreaming of a man in a scarlet robe who said strange things to him in the maple forest. Because Yongkui, who had been with him, didn't remember how they walked from the Nightless City to the Wuqi Fenglin in the northern suburbs, and he didn't remember that he couldn't breathe and almost died. Xingchen didn't say anything about it, so he slowly forgot it. Until he saw the enchanting man again and recalled their first meeting, he only felt that it was like a guide of fate and a prophecy.