
Chapter 30 The Power of Blood

I felt that my head was about to explode, and Ye Xingchen stared at the man who was like a god and demon, with his exquisite face, a shallow smile, a straight body like a sword, a scarlet robe like a cloud, and a ** chest... If this was a dream, it would be too real! The child has always wanted to deny this person's existence in his heart. That day, it was just that he and Uncle Yongkui accidentally walked to the suburbs of the city that never sleep. Uncle Yongkui was almost suffocated and died. In addition, the demonic man in a scarlet robe was just his illusion... But now, the deterrifying figure is standing on himself. In front of him, he looked down at himself, and he only felt that he had entered an absurd dream again.

When the eunuch saw the demon man kneeling down quickly, he kowtowed and said, "Try to the great master that the son of the night country has brought it!" With that, he pulled Ye Xingchen's sleeve and wanted Ye Xingchen to kneel down. The eunuch looked very flustered. If it is said that Mengyang's most powerful controller now, it is undoubtedly Emperor Lin Xi and the great master of the Protectorate. The palace is a kind of heartfelt awe of Emperor Lin Xi and a respect for the royal family. But this Lord Shura, people always feel afraid, just like facing the fierce demon from the abyss of hell. Although this great master of the country always smiles, after looking at it for a long time, he feels like a cup of steaming syrup with evil poison...

The child's weak body couldn't help pulling the eunuch and was about to kneel down. Shura's narrow eyes showed a little anger, and his slender arm waved gently. A soft wind haunted the child and lifted his body up. Then he waved his arm again, but waved sharply like a sword. The invisible wind fainted like a ripple and swept away through the air. The eunuch only had time to make a sad cry, and his neck was cut off by the invisible blade. The scarlet blood poured out like a spring, and a blood mist rose. Shura smiled lowly and said, "How can my noble magicians reach out and touch my humble people like you!"

With that, he turned his head and looked at the night star. The child's clear coral red eyes looked at his dark red and congested pupils. The night star shouted in panic and staggered far away from the eunuch's bleeding body. His bright eyes gathered a layer of fog, and the eunuch's white and fat head rolled frightily - just now he said that if he was disrespectful to the great master, he would cut off his head, and he was indeed cut off. The child only felt the buzz in his mind, and the gorgeous palace suddenly became gloomy.

Shura smiled softly and came slowly, still barefoot, stepping on the void, like a magical god. He approached the child, reached for the child's chin, and said gently, "I said we would meet again!" Please forgive me for such a reckless invitation! Please come to my palace for a chat!" With that, he bent down slightly and bowed. His tone also added an aristocratic atmosphere, elegant and luxurious, which made people hear like a spring breeze, but the remnants of the child's eyes caught a glimpse of the eunuch's bloody white fat head, and a chill rose in his heart. He even wanted to turn around and run away, but he couldn't move.

Sura took the child's hand and took him to the hall. He is thin and tall, and the child is only tall to his waist, looking like a father and son. However, to be honest, if Ye Xingchen also has scarlet hair, the faces of the two people really have great similarities, the same thin and a fascinating temperament. In fact, no magician is like this, mysterious, noble, and as perfect as a god in the eyes of secular people!

Entering the hall, Shura personally helped Xingchen to the armchair of red sandalwood and poured a cup of flower tea for it. He looked at Ye Xingchen and said, "Young magicians are not allowed to drink, because alcohol will greatly delay the speed of blood power awakening!" He sent the steaming silver cup to the child and said with a smile, "But few people know these ancient rules. The sorcerer's lineage has basically died and died in 300 years..."

Night stars look wooden. He can't help looking back at the eunuch's broken body, but his stomach is churning! Holding the steaming silver cup in his hands, his cold hands felt a sense of warmth. The child couldn't speak, and he tried to shrink himself like a point, so that no one could find him and he didn't have to be afraid.

Shura himself sat down and was facing the night stars. He looks at the child as if his father is looking at his son, like his brother looking at his brother, and as if he is looking at his lover... His rosy lips opened gently and said, "Night Star... I came here specially for you. Do you know why?"

The child shook his head honestly.

"Hehe, don't be afraid! I won't kill you with such a noble bloodline, but your father's bloodline is a stain on this noble bloodline... He is just an ordinary mortal!" He muttered, looking at the stars as if he were looking at a beautiful statue!

I don't know whether it is the effect of this cup of hot tea or whether the child has been used to the faint smell of blood. He doesn't seem to be so flustered, but his eyes are still so weak, as if he has a broken beauty, which makes people can't help feeling sorry. Shura suddenly regretted killing the eunuch suddenly. After all, he was just a child. When I was a teenager, when I saw Wan Yanliunian and Huangfu Jinglan with tens of thousands of warriors stepping into the forest to kill the clan, I was not so frightened to hide in the forest and watch the clan die one by one.

He suddenly became very sincere and said, "My name is Shura! The last time I saw you, I didn't have time to tell you my name! Do you think the name is very..." He reached out and stroked his chin, as if thinking about what word to describe it.

"...very ridiculous!" The child suddenly said in a low voice. Then he regretted and hurriedly looked up at Shura for fear that he would be angry! The word 'che' was taught to him by Yongkui. Yongkui always says that whoever is very talkative, but the talk is very incomprehative and not recognized by others.

"Oh? Bullshit? Haha, the little guy is so interesting!" Shura smiled and said that his delicate face was as touching as a layer of sunshine. Then he looked awe-in and said, "I need to verify one thing, a...big thing!"

Night Star didn't dare to say anything more, just nodded. Now he is not so resistant to this strange man. Instead, he feels very kind, an indescible sense of familiarity, like an old friend who hasn't seen him for a long time.

Shura stretched out his hand, and his slender fingers were as cold as water. His index finger pointed to Ye Xingchen's forehead, and Xingchen only felt a sharp tingling along his forehead into his body! He clenched his fist and tried to resist the sting. His little face wrinkled together, his eyes were tightly closed, and his teeth bit his lips, as if the tingling was alive, swimming in his body, like a sharp knife, arbitrarily dividing and swimming in his body, stripping away the skin and bones. Although the blood did not come out, it really hurt.

Shura's horror at this time could not be described in words. He only felt that the child's body was like a dragon. Although he was still sleeping, the power still melted and swallowed his power. This violent spell power is even stronger than his goddess, the god of the magician in those years! His eyes were full of horror, as if he had seen a demon, and muttered to himself, "This is simply a violation of the world view... Generally speaking, after the magician and the foreigner get married, the power of his descendants will be diluted by at least half, but now..." He really doesn't know how to describe it. He is clearly the second dream god, very To surpass the power of that god.

He withdrew his hand and knew that things were much more complicated than expected. Originally, he just wanted to test whether the goddess's child inherited some power from his mother, but it frightened him... The child's lack of awakening power was just the tip of the iceberg, which was so powerful that he was moved. He looked at the child whose eyes were still closed and said, "What kind of monster are you?"

"That's right! How can God marry mortals? It seems that your paternal family is not ordinary. Otherwise, how can you fully preserve the power of the magician in the next generation, and even strengthen it...! Ye surname, this surname is not common, but what kind of family is it? I'm so curious...!" Shura has silently written down this surname in his heart, and he must figure out the reason for it. One reason why the number of magicians is so small is that their life expectancy is long; another reason is that magicians can only marry within the clan, but not everyone in their family is a powerful magician, with strong blood and weak. In order to avoid the dilution of the power of the spell, ordinary magicians will not get married, which made it possible that more than 300 years ago, Wan Yan Liunian and Huangfu Jinglan used 100,000 troops to slaughter almost all the more than 100 people of the spell master!

Shura suddenly shivered, and it was unreasonable for a god to appear in the world. Does the goddess want to have another powerful terror like her in the world? Terrible ambition, he knows how strong the power of Mengfan God is. How can he not have a strong power to be respected as a 'god'? Shura suddenly felt that the situation in the world was not as simple as he thought. Very good, Ye surname... I have always wanted to restore the lineage of the magician, and I am worried that the power of the spell will be diluted in the next generation. Now there is the surname Ye, which is really a help to me, the magician..."

The child finally woke up. At this time, the tingling pain had disappeared, and he suddenly felt comfortable. He raised his head and just bumped into Shura's eyes. Those dark red eyes are an unfathomable look, with a sense of examination and a faint awe. He opened his mouth and said, "What's the problem?"

Shura stared at him for a long time, as if to see through him. He looked at him awe-inspiringly, with hidden alertness and awe in his eyes. Xingchen only felt that the knife-like eyes were going to pierce his body. As long as a reincarnation, Shura smiled faintly and said in a soft voice again, "Nothing, you, me, and your mother, we are all gods walking in the clouds. If we want the star to fall, it will fall. If we want the sea to dry up, the ocean will dry up. As long as we dare to think about it, it will come true. Do you understand? We are supreme and above mortals. If we stamp our feet, the whole earth will tremble, you know? With that, Shura became excited, and every magician wanted to reproduce it in the world.

Ye Xingchen tilted his head and looked at him. These words were recorded in the World Anecdotes. He thought they were casually fabricated by the author, but he couldn't help but be shocked to hear these shocking words from a person's mouth.

When Shura saw the child's appearance, he sighed: "It's still a little early to tell you this, but this is your fate, and you have to face it sooner or later. But don't think this is a good thing. If the too powerful force does not have the willpower to match it, it is still nothing!"

He was stunned to see the child tilting his head and looking at him like an artist who wanted to play tricks. He knew that the child didn't understand, so he couldn't help saying, "--Pull..."

But Ye Xingchen's eyes suddenly became bright, like a flame burning. He said excitedly, "You just said that as long as the sorcerer dares to think, it will come true, right? Can you bring the dead back to life? Just like the white-faced eunuch just now, can you resurrect the person whose head was cut off?

Shura's look suddenly became grim. His narrow eyes were completely open, and his dark red pupils were congested. He looked at the child's expectant eyes and didn't know how to face them. It seems that if you refuse this child, it is a great sin! He nodded slowly and said, "It's okay, but..."