
Chapter 44 Tragic Beginning

Yemingshan squinted and watched the wolf-like Chinasi warriors roaring and kill without words. He turned around and personally picked up the drum hammer, shook his arms, and vigorously beat the bronze cowhide drums on the tower. The drums made a loud thunderous sound, and the drums of the 'dongdong' woke up the Mengyang warrior who were shocked by the Chinasties. The heavy war drums were like Huang Zhong Dalu, like coming through thousands of years of time. The violent voice shattered the fear in the hearts of the warriors and bombarded their reason into powder.

Ye Jiangqu raised the flag and shouted loudly: "Bow..." The warriors on the shield wall took out bows and arrows one after another. He roared again, "Yue Zhang..." The warriors took arrows and opened their bows, and the one-meter-long bows were pulled into the shape of a moon. Their eyes looked sharply at the enemy who rode and killed vigorously. The trembling of the hooves of tens of thousands of war horses hitting the ground made the whole shield wall shake slightly, but the warriors still aimed sharply, and the majestic sound of the drums made them forget that the other party was a terrible vigorous horse, an unparalleled heavy cavalry emperor...

After climbing over Yunlan Mountain, the natural barrier of the imperial capital, is the endless plain around the erratic city, and the whole earth is a stage for the war horses to run wildly! The feet of the god nestled in the rugged mountains of Yunlan Mountain for days seemed to be in love, as if to stretch the stiff muscles that were suppressed in the mountains these days and vent their strong desire to run... The noses of the war horse flared violently, spitting out a string of hot air in their mouths, and quickly turned into a string of water in the cold night of the erratic city. Steam, glowing red under the light of the torch - at this time, the war horse is like an ancient monster spitting fire...

The heroic warriors were covered with iron armor, and the iron-patterned masks on their helmets hid their masks in the dark. Only two openings in their eyes could see a pair of tyrannical eyes... The heroic riders in the front of them hung on the saddle, holding the hyperbolic rectal composite bow made by Yining City. They are all trophies from the last time they slaughtered the city in Yining City. The high-speed moving war horse is not very bumpy, which is also one of the precious places of the high-speed horse. The high-speed horse is long, and the legs are slightly shorter, but the explosive power of the hind legs is strong, and it is more than ten feet away in one step! The striker vigorously rode the samurai with his bow and arrow, and the arrow pointed diagonally to the Mengyang warrior on the shield wall. The rusty arrowhead flashed with cold light. The green copper rust is a powerful poison. Even if the enemy shot by this arrow does not die at present, he will die of septicemia caused by copper poison, and the death is even more miserable.

General Zhentian's drums beat louder and heavier, and the general's drums always have a feeling of making people's blood boil. It seems to wipe out all the fear, timidity and negativity in his heart, and only full of killing desire... With the approach of the vigorous riding, the bronze cowhide drums became more and more urgent. Finally, Vice General Yejiang Qu The last order roared out: "Shoot--"

The Mengyang warriors on the shield wall more than ten feet high let go of the tight bow strings one after another, and the arrows swept down obliquely. The dense arrows covered the sun. Even if there were no such a thick cloud tonight, the moon would not be seen! Yejiang Qulingqi waved again, and his sonorous sound of gold and stone fighting sounded again: "Bow up..., Yue Zhang..., shoot in unison..." There was no stopping order. Mengyang's light armored warriors all master the ability of continuous shooting. This rapid continuous shooting is a great test for the arm strength of the archer, and it is also extremely consuming arrows. Three rounds of arrows are shot in a few breath...

The vigorous riding warriors are not afraid of arrows. Their thick armor can basically resist arrows and chopping. Only the stab of the powerful crossbow and the long armor-piercing gun can penetrate this thick black fine iron armor. It is said that when Zhuo Ligetu built a magnificent horse, this armor alone exhausted all the savings of the poor nomads. The armor was more expensive than the lives of the warriors. The warrior who rode vigorously died. Even if the body was not brought back, this armor must be taken back, because it will be passed on to the next generation of young warriors and ride vigorously. The brilliant glory is carried on this armor from generation to generation! In the eyes of Chi Nasi, it is a supreme honor to become a vigorous riding warrior! Because it was Zhuo Lige, the follower of the first generation of Chinasi warriors, who fiercely crushed the high respect of Mengyang people, which is the strongest desire in the hearts of every Chinasi people who is called a barbarian!

The arrows rubbed the armor and burst into a string of bright sparks, shining brightly in the night. The fierce riders with bows in the front shot out the full bows in the rain of arrows, against Mengyang, shooting at Mengyang like poisonous snakes. Yejiang Qulingqi waved: "Regress--" The Mengyang warriors on the shield wall took a step back and dodged behind the shield wall to avoid the arrows of the vigorous riding. But there were still people who were hit by arrows, and the power of the hyperbolic reverse arch was vividly reflected. The Mengyang warrior who was hit by the arrow was almost led out by rapid arrows. A samurai could not retreat and was shot in his left arm. He gritted his teeth and endured the pain, reached out to hold the arrow pole, and tried to pull out one of them, but the stronger severe pain submerged his will in an instant - there was a circle of inverted thorns on the arrowhead, and the inverted thorn hooked a large piece of flesh and blood tore it off, leaving a blood hole in the warrior's arm. , revealing the white bones. The warrior fainted in an instant, and the arrow he held in his right hand was still decorated with the skin he had torn off. The scene was terrible.

A centur ran over, not to comfort the seriously injured and unconscious warrior - there are too many such things on the battlefield to be moved by an injured person. The centurion broke the warrior's hand and took down the arrow, and the flesh and flesh muscles on the arrowhead trembled dangerously. He was amazed by the terrible power of this arrow, so he should take a good look! Reach out to take off this piece of flesh and blood and carefully observe the arrow. This kind of arrow is not the usual wolf tooth arrow. The wolf tooth arrow is a straight diamond-shaped arrow cluster, but in addition to a straight arrow cluster nearly an inch longer than the wolf tooth arrow, there is also a circle of reverse barb. After shooting into the body, the inverted thorn will hook the muscles. If it is hard to pull it out. It will tear a large piece of meat together. But the centurion suddenly shivered, and he found that the arrow was made of fine iron and copper. The copper had rusted, revealing the green color. He lost his voice and shouted: "Copper poison--"

The scurvy caused by copper poison will make life worse than death. It is almost watching its body rot day by day. Although it will not die at the moment, the severe pain of life and death makes many people unbearable and angrily commit suicide to escape.

The centurion looked at the fainted warrior, and it was still a young face, full of vitality! But the centur looked sad and painful. He knew what kind of torture he would be waiting for a person if he didn't do so... He pulled out his straight dagger, suddenly waved it, and cut off the warrior's shot arm. Then the military doctor came to stop his bleeding and lifted him off the shield wall!

The centurion silently watched the unconscious warrior leave and was a little relieved - although he lost an arm, the young man could survive. On the battlefield, as long as he could save a life, he would be very lucky! Then he took a deep breath and shouted at his 100 team: "Continue, continue to shoot, and try to kill the enemy like him... Behind is the erratic city, the great emperor and your family. We have no room to retreat..."

His words seemed to be a little spark falling on the hay, and they had just rekindled their fighting spirit for the frightened 100-person team of the wounded warriors. They really had no room to retreat. What is a warrior? It's just some tools to die at any time. Now it's the most dangerous time for Mengyang. They have no reason to retreat... They don't want the tragedy of Chinas Slaughter a hundred years ago to be performed again. The warriors of the whole hundred-man team dodged out and tilted the arrows in his quiver and the anger in his chest...

The centurion stood silently behind his team, holding the sword at his waist - he is not afraid of war, but now is not the time for him to fight. Naturally, he has a stronger fighting power than ordinary soldiers. Their warriors above the centurion are the main force in the final close battle with Chi Nasi... And now, he can only Look at their backs, watch them roar, roar, ignite their last glory as warriors, and illuminate the dark Futu in troubled times!

The vast and vigorous ride in the rear.

Su He lifted the armor on his face and roared ferociously: "The fierce horse in the front charge attracted Mengyang's arrows and bought time for the warriors behind who pushed through the city cone and rhinoceros!" He anxiously looked at the heavy machine brackets moving slowly in the rear. More than a dozen bulls dragged heavily. The bulls were thousands of pounds of war cattle. The horns twisted like a machete, and even the tip of the horns were tied with sharp daggers! This was originally used by the king to drag gold and grain, but now it is used to pull the machine. When the machine brackets reach the correct position, it is also very good to let them hit Mengyang's samurai battle array! In front of the bracket is more than a dozen bulls with ropes, and behind it are hundreds of naked and muscular warriors pushing hard... In this way, the speed is still very slow - the heavy bracket made by Shen Guo is really too heavy!

Su He is really anxious. The range of the cone is 100 steps! Only within 100 steps from Mengyang's shield wall can they exert the power of breaking the city cone, otherwise under the obstacles of the three shield walls, they will not have a chance to approach the wall of the erratic city! But now there are still hundreds of meters away from the first shield wall of Mengyang City Wall... I don't know how many people will die in these hundreds of meters?

He waved* and ordered, "Two hundred-person teams next to each machine, and use your bodies to cover the arrow rain for the warriors who pushed the machine...!" That's the only way. Those who push the machine are the strongest warriors. This kind of laborious thing can't wear heavy armor, and heavy armor will only become a hindrance! But if the shirtless warriors enter the range of Mengyang's arrows, they will undoubtedly become blood sieves...

Su He gritted his teeth fiercely and watched Mengyang's warrior stand on the shield wall and shoot condescendingly. His voice was like a low wolf: "Wait, Mengyang's coward, wait for our broken city cone to break your turtle shield, and you will not be killed. My naked warrior will die in vain..."

A black and white-hoofed Shenjun rushed to Su and Ma, with a falcon-shaped forehead, and his whole body was as thin as an eagle! It is the most mysterious and terrible horr horse leader Alatan warehouse. He looked directly at Su He and said, "The king asked me to remind you to guard against Mengyang's wooden building. The range of the heavy crossbow on the wooden building is twice that of ordinary bows and arrows..."

Su He looked at him in surprise and was speechless! He looked back at the towering wooden buildings between the shield walls around the erratic city, which were untouchable commanding heights and could control the whole battlefield condescendingly! If the range is really twice that of ordinary bows and arrows, then... they have entered the range of wooden buildings...

Upstairs, more than a dozen Mengyang warriors have installed thick bowls and more than one-long crossbows in the boge of the heavy crossbow. They have been ordered by the general to try their best to prevent Chi Naisi's machine from approaching the shield wall. As long as they shoot those bulls with motivation, most of them will be successful!

The five heavy crossbows placed side by side adjust the angle, and the black crossbows aim at those slowly moving brackets. This kind of heavy crossbow has high accuracy and will not be disturbed by wind. For slow moving targets, as long as you aim, you will never miss!

The leading Mengyang warrior looked at those huge machines and sneered, "Such an obvious target is too much to use as a target for my identity as a Mengyang warrior!" Then he ordered: "Shoot--" Several warriors pulled the mechanism of the heavy crossbow, and the crossbow arrows shot out quickly, like five dark lightning. The leader of Mengyang warriors smiled and said, "Just barbarians, raging dare?"

"Wo--" A fierce cry. Several bulls that pulled the broken city cone were pierced by the thick crossbow arrow at the mouth of the bowl, and the crossbow arrow almost nailed the bull in the soil... The scream of the bull shot caused other bulls to panic. They fled one after another, and for a moment, the cone of the city could no longer move at all... Several warriors who controlled the bulls hurried forward to comfort the panicked bulls. , more crossbows can fly in rows...

Su He looked at Alatancang and roared, "Think of a way..."

Alatan looked blankly at the wooden building more than 500 steps away, as high as 30 feet. His thin lips moved and said in a low voice, "General Su and General, just move forward. I will kill a bloody road for you with my falcon-" He waved his hand, and hundreds of black and white hoofed snow and high clouds were accompanied by destructive falcon warriors. He rushed forward like a raging wind.