
Chapter 49 Red Flag

The west gate of the city.

In front of the gate made of cooked steel, stood dozens of Mengyang warriors holding swords and spears. They stood straight, with gloomy faces, and their leopard-like eyes stared at the wind and grass around them, strictly guarding the entrance of the west gate. In the dark street, it looks like a group of demons from alien space. They are the most elite warriors, each of whom can fight against ten. And their task is to defend Ximen and not let anyone in or anyone out.

The heavy gate is driven by the chain driven by the mechanism and winch. Even if it depends on the strongest warrior, it takes several people to work together to pull the bracket. The switch of the control machine bracket is an iron wrench. The end of the wrench is connected with a set of sophisticated linkage devices. As long as the wrench is wrenched, it can control the opening and closing of the city gate. Similarly, if the wrench is cut off, there is no way to open the city gate. Only by forcing the craftsmen to destroy the machine and remake a set of linkage devices can it be reactivated.

At this time, the outside of the city is very calm and disturbing.

There is another purpose for these warriors to stay here. If the warriors in the shield wall outside the city can't resist the enemy's attack and want to return to the guards in the city, they will never open the door for them. Although the warriors were puzzled, the order could not be disobeyed, because it was the emperor with the highest power of the empire who issued such an order. Before the war, the emperor personally summoned their centurions and issued such orders, which required them to be carried out.

This is the way out to destroy your comrades-in-arms.

But they can't think about the emperor's thoughts. All they can do is to obey the orders! Now is the time of the crisis of the empire's survival, and orders should be strictly followed. This is the most basic creed as a samurai.

It's very quiet around. The dark streets have a desolate smell without the hustle and bustle of the lanterns of the past. The doors are tightly closed, and they dare not light the lights. They know that the wolves outside the city are trying to open the gate of the loom city. If the wolves break through the gate of the loom city, only the harshest death awaits them! All they can do is curl up in a safe corner and pray that the warriors can withstand the crazy and terrible Chi Naisi people... Even if they can't stand it, even if the demons take away all the money, as long as they don't hurt their lives, the terrible legends of the elders about the heroic riding the city and killing people continue to follow their hearts. The bottom gushed out... They felt that they were about to be driven crazy in such a city!

The strict and powerful warriors are also nervous and almost crazy! From time to time, they saw a sounding arrow blowing in the sky of the south gate, and the explosion of the arrow could spread more than half of the city, and several violent collisions, which seemed to be the sound of heavy aircraft bombarding the shield wall... Thinking of this, the hearts of the warriors surged up and were deeply uneasy. If the enemy bombarded the west gate with heavy aircraft, Relying on the weak defense of thousands of people outside the city, they can't wait to stop the rolling iron flow of Chi Nasi.

If they are lost, even if they don't kill them, they can't escape the emperor's anger! They heard that the emperor dared to kill his own brother and even his father to death...

Suddenly, hundreds of people flashed out of the street, and they seemed to suddenly emerge from the void. These people wear the same standard armor and look like their own! This group of Mengyang warriors who suddenly appeared came neatly! The leading man rubbed his hands and breathed a sigh of relief and said familiarly to these warriors who guarded the city, "Brothers have worked hard. It's really not easy for brothers to defend the city here on such a cold day!"

The warrior who guarded the city was even more puzzled and said, "We all came to the west gate to guard the city after receiving the imperial edict, and your majesty's special care that we should be strictly guarded. Brother, you should also have your majesty's order!"

The smiling face of the samurai leader suddenly became as cold as death. He completely unfolded the silk book, revealing the innermost wrapped dagger, reached out and held it, and stabbed it fiercely at the neck of the warrior leader. The sharp dagger successfully cut the samurai's throat and neck artery, and blood suddenly gushed out! The samurai leader took the opportunity to hook the neck of the samurai leader and returned to smile. He whispered in his ear, "You asked too much..." The two looked as close as friends, but the trachea of the samurai leader was cut off and could not make a sound, and his body was restrained by the murderous warrior leader. If you move, you can only bleed to death!

The warriors behind saw their leader chatting enthusiastically with the leader of the team who changed their defenses. The two looked very speculative with their arms hooked around their necks, and there was no doubt about it. I just felt much relieved when I heard that I could change my guard and go back to rest. I thought that these brothers were really interesting!

The samurai leader still held the body of the warrior guarding the city, smiling, and secretly winked at the warrior he brought. Those warriors came forward to take over the work of guarding the city. The warriors guarding the city relaxed and watched the warriors approach with a smile, defenseless.

The moon is full of hooks in the sky, and the clouds of Qingdai are light.

"ceng--" With a dull sound of knives into the flesh, dozens of warriors instantly turned into headless corpses, lying on the ground horizontally and vertically, and the blood spewed out into a dirty depression! The warrior leader threw down the body of the warrior in his hand, still smiling with white teeth and bright red gums, and said, "A bunch of idiots, let you go back to bed and go back to sleep. That's all the nonsense!"

The rest of the warriors stood silently, like a stone man, with a machete in one hand and the head of a samurai in the other. It's particularly horrible in the night.

The samurai leader rolled up his sleeves, took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood stains on his hands, and said, "Clean up this place!" The moment he rolled up his sleeves, a tattoo on the inside of his forearm was exposed. Under the jumping torch, the tattoo was clearly a vigorous word 'Shen'!

The west gate of the erratic city suddenly opened, and the boring warriors on the shield wall outside the city looked back at the caved gate one after another. A team of warriors rushed out in a hurry. A bloody warrior in the front roared heartbreakingly: "The south gate can't stand it. The enemy is about to break through the gate. General Zhentian ordered to go quickly. South Gate Support!" After saying that, the group of bloody warriors collapsed to the ground unconscious.

When the warrior on the shield wall heard the news, his eyes suddenly widened. No wonder Ximen could not wait for the enemy. It turned out that the enemy concentrated all his strength to attack the south gate. Now that the south gate is not supported, they must not sit idly by. What's more, the general has ordered them to support the south gate.

The warriors came down from the shield wall one after another and ran towards the south gate with weapons. The erra is too big, and I'm afraid they still think that the two legs can't run fast. But they can't wait or hesitate. If the city is captured, it means that Mengyang is over, and they are all subjugated slaves! Their relatives in the city will suffer misery...

Soon there was no one on the previously heavily guarded West Gate Shield wall, and the group of warriors who reported the news got up from the ground again, just like those who were fine. They quickly ran under the shield wall, and hundreds of people worked together to pull the shield wall to open a gap - the shield wall is usually driven by thousands of warriors, and more than 100 of them can only open a small piece. However, a small gap is enough, as the so-called 'thousand-mile embankment is destroyed in the ant nest'.

Then a warrior who smiled and showed two rows of white teeth and bright red gums pulled out an arrow from his waist and fired it into the sky. This kind of arrow is much weaker than the sound and light of the arrow used at the South Gate, and it does not attract much attention.

The arrow burst and emitted a red flash. The branches and leaves in the dark forest outside the west gate rose, and flocks of sparrows in the woods were awakened and flew to the sky in panic. The woods trembled uneasily, as if something terrible was going to break through the ground.

The trembling sound of horses' hoofs pounding the ground... A majestic horse rushed out of the dark forest, with their noses and wings closed, and excitedly digging the land with their hoofs. There were samurai with a strict face sitting on the horse's back, and each warrior was wearing fiery red bronze armor, like a burning flame.

In the front, a middle-aged warrior with white hair but meticulously combed is majestic like a lion. The corners of his eyes have created fine wrinkles, but his eyes seem to be a burning red charcoal, emitting the blazing smell of the sky and the sea. He reached out and held the knife around his waist and slowly pulled it out. The blade rubbed against the scabbard. As the majestic warrior drew his knife, the momentum of the surrounding cavalry became higher and higher, and he wanted to illuminate the whole sky with their red armor.

The middle-aged samurai's knife was finally pulled out. He looked at his knife and said, "Unfold my flag, there is no need to dodge now!"

The warrior holding the flag next to him shook his arms, and the rolled flag on the long pole in his hand unfolded. On the flag, the fiery red flame seems to be jumping and burning, hunting in the night wind.

The Chiyan flag of the State of Shen was launched for the first time in the imperial capital of Mengyang. It will burn everything, so that the historians of Mengyang dare not write down such a history!

But history is so staged naked, and no one can escape!