
Chapter 51 Burning City

It exploded today, 5000-word long chapter, don't be stingy with the ticket in your hand, smash it, I don't mind how much there are... Whoo-woo

The earth is trembling, and you can clearly see the corpses and swords beating and trembling on the blood-stained land. The vigorous Chinasi horse rolled over again, and the big horseshoe of the bowl angrily thirred the earth, like boiling molten steel, and the armor was still unyielding. The warriors pushed quickly. They did not roar or roar. On the battlefield, there was only the sound of horses galloping and heavy broken city cones advancing forward.

The gloomy clouds completely covered the sky, and the darkness seemed to be heavy at this time.

General Zhentian turned his head and said to the deputy general, "Send a few warriors to release a ringing arrow in the four directions of the sky every 20 breaths. I need to keep abreast of the enemy's movements. Just now, the enemy unconsciously pushed the broken city cone to the front of the shield wall. Such a mistake is not allowed to happen again."

"Yes, General!" As soon as he waved his hand, a centurion next to him immediately ran over to take orders.

The general's face is still very calm. Whether the first shield wall was broken and thousands of warriors were killed tragically, or the powerful rider warriors were hanged once, or faced the aggressive enemy of Chinasi again, he was so calm. It seems that there is nothing in the world worth touching. He is the only master and supreme ruler between heaven and earth. Where his light shines, he submits to all lives. This is the place of the general Zhentian!

But the general was a little uneasy at this time. He knew what kind of person the enemy's king was. The old man with white hair and seemed to be an unquenchable fire in his chest could not give up so easily. He looked at the majestic military appearance of the black armored warriors in front of the city, and it seemed that the tragic deaths of more than 10,000 fierce riders had no impact on their morale. Instead, it aroused the murder in the bones of the Chisi warrior. The most primitive and fishy 'barbarism' from the far north... And the comfortable and weak Mengyang warrior in his hand was about to face To such a group of terrible enemies! Is it possible to rely on the opportunity to resist the enemy for the first time?

Also, before starting from the Night Kingdom to King Qin, the prophecy of the god-like woman... Someone will attack him, or the most terrible and mysterious magician... 'The magician wants to kill, and no one can survive! However, I will stop him. That's what the goddess said. Is it her promise to herself? She promised to save him in a dangerous situation... The general thought gloomyly, but it had nothing to do with love. She was just repaying the kindness she had helped her at the beginning... "It's still so love and hate..." Although the goddess is her wife, there has never been a so-called 'love' between them for so many years. He can clearly feel it. To God's defense and rejection of everyone around her, except her child, the weak night star. And he, as the father of Night Star, is also within the exclusion range... He can feel it!

" Such a woman should not appear in the secular world! Her face is enough to cause the emperors of the whole continent to launch a war for it! That level of war is not comparable to that now... After all, beauty is a disaster, and the whole world is a disaster!" The general thought silently. His armor is still strong and cold, but his whole posture is soft, and his eyebrows are full of tenderness. It was for this woman that he abolished the original queen, Ling Fenglie's most beloved daughter, the queen of Ling Yunyao, which attracted the relationship between Ling and Ye... Is it worth it?

The child who is destined to stand in the clouds and look down on the whole world, does the night stars still cry so much when he grows up? That child is the son of the night country and the future 'General Zhentian'. The power next to the emperor will be held in his hands, but can the child's thin shoulders bear it? The general didn't expect it to be so far away! If he can, he is willing to stop time like this - he will always be the general of Zhentian, and Ye Xingchen will always be the son of the night country, so small, sensible and cute, so that he can always guard the child...

He told the goddess this idea because he knew the mystery of the magician - the goddess had known her for more than 12 years, but her appearance had not changed at all in the past 12 years, and time was still on her. He became like her, so that he could always accompany the night stars... But as soon as he said the word 'forever', God interrupted him coldly: "'Forever'? Do you mortals know what eternity is? Don't use your momentary efforts** to make such a promise as 'forever'... Your souls can't afford it! ...How dark the mortal scam is..."

The general smiled bitterly. This is the woman. You can only look at it and look up. You can't reach out and touch it. If you want to get it, it's a mirror!

"Bang..." There were continuous explosions of arrows in the sky, and the dazzling white light when the five arrows exploded illuminated the whole battlefield. The thick night was torn apart, and even the towers of the towering city were illuminated. The general was awakened and bit the tip of his tongue. The sharp pain made the confused thoughts clear - it was not the time for the children to fall in love, and the enemy in front of him is the most important thing now! The general took a deep breath, and the ice air crawled down his throat into his chest, like a cold snake, and he trembled again.

The magnificent horse has charged before the shield wall. This time, they did not rush in rashly, but waited quietly with a knife. The Mengyang warrior on the shield wall took up his powerful bow and shot arrows repeatedly, which was the only thing they could do... The dense arrows flew across the sky like locusts and pricked at the fierce riders. But the arrows shot from the side were cut away by iron armor, and the arrows on the front were blocked by the fierce riders. They are waiting for their own heavy machine to break Mengyang's shield wall and enter the legendary golden city...

Now there are only three broken city cones. Su He looked at those broken city cone cone arrows with cold light, but he could feel more secure. They are no worse than Mengyang people, but their manufacturing technology is not as good as Mengyang people... If Mengyang didn't have those damn shield walls, they would not have suffered such a big loss. But there is no 'if' on the battlefield... There is no gap between life and death, and there is no room for luck.

He roared: "The broken city cone aimed at the gap in the first shield wall and directly bombarded the second shield wall. The two broken city cones bombarded at the same time, and the last city-breaking cone was left to bombard the third shield wall!"

The samurai got the order to trigger the starting device. The ejection device inside the machine creaks, and the springs inside are accumulating huge power. Su He only felt that the power was greater than when the Rana River flooded in his hometown. His blood boiled when he heard it.

The heroic warriors are waiting to break through Mengyang's shield wall, so that they can fight head-on with Mengyang's army. They watched enthusiastically as the thick cone arrow crossed the sky, and their heads also rotated with the trajectory of the cone arrow, and their eyes hidden under the armor flashed with crazy light. They held the * in their hands tighter and tighter - as long as the shield wall is broken, they will rush in without hesitation and cut off the head of every Mengyang warrior they can see...

The Mengyang warriors were still shooting arrows, and several thousand commanders roared loudly: "Don't be afraid, the shield wall will not break. Continue to suppress them with arrows..."

"Boom..." The heavy cone arrow hit the shield wall, and the shield wall hundreds of meters high and more than ten feet high trembled, and the warriors had to grab the fixed thing beside them to stabilize their bodies. I saw a foot thick cone arrow stuck against the shield wall and trembled horribly. Chi Naisi's warrior began to turn the winch on the broken city cone launcher to tighten the iron rope. More than a dozen warriors tried their best to pull down from the shield wall, but the barb at the tip of the cone arrow did not pop up to jam the shield wall. No, no, the cone arrow did not penetrate the shield wall at all, and Su He was frightened. This reality.

The second shield wall has not been broken. How can we break the third shield wall? After all, people's height is limited. From the perspective of standing on the ground, it is impossible to find that the second and third shield walls up to more than ten feet have been merged! The combination of the two shield walls can completely resist this terrible penetration. General Zhentian simply changed the position of the shield wall, which made the heavy siege machine provided by Shen Guo to Chi Naisi useless!

On the tower, General Zhentian still smiled indifferently and looked coldly at the enemies under the city and became panicked in an instant.

Su He. Saihan angrily pulled out a knife and cut it into the wooden structure of the cone of the city. The hard nanmu was actually cut into a foot deep. He roared angrily. He wanted to kill Mengyang people to wash away the shame of more than 10,000 people who had only died tragically, but now they can't even break the enemy's fortifications, as if they were full of strength but with a knife! His voice is like a lonely wolf in a snowy night, sad, angry and crazy!

The arrows in the sky exploded one after another, and the dazzling light brightened the night. Mengyang's warriors cheered excitedly when they saw that Chi Naisi's machine was no longer useful. Their high voice converged into thunder, and finally all the Mengyang warriors roared loudly: "Drink-Drink-Drink--" The voice was loud and high, and it was about to shake to the nine days!

The thunderous shouting sounded like mocking at them... Some people remembered that at the earliest time on the grassland, in order to tame the wolf as a helper of livestock, more than a dozen hunters like this surrounded a lone wolf and shouted loudly, scaring the wolf. Then take it back and slowly domesticate it, and finally the wolf becomes a hunting dog on the grassland... Now what a scene the shouting of Mengyang people is like that!

Finally, a samurai couldn't help it. He raised the * in his hand and roared loudly. The voices of the people on the grassland were hoarse and heavy, and such a low roar was like the fiercest beast... It seemed that the wolf on the grassland was clamped behind his legs by the hunter's trap, and then the red warriors roared like this, and those who followed The tens of thousands of ordinary warriors after the fierce riding did not have heavy armor to protect themselves, but they saw the snake-like blue veins pulled up on their thick necks, their faces turned red, and their faces became more and more fierce. For a moment, the voice of the Mengyang warrior was suppressed. They seemed to be suppressed by the murderousness in the roar. It didn't sound like a human voice, but like some kind of evil beast that devoured people.

Their mouths are weakly open and closed, but they can't make a sound. They can only let the roar of the Chi Na Si warriors pour in, scaring away their hard-won fighting spirit!

Suddenly, everything around calmed down and there was no sound. Hundreds of thousands of warriors on the battlefield seemed to feel that their ears were suddenly deaf and could not hear any sound. The companions around him roared with their mouths open, the horses stamped their hoofs uneasily, and the sound of arrows in the sky exploded with dazzling light - but there was no sound, as if the whole world was stripped away by the Creator in an instant.

The dead silence made people go crazy, and a palpitating fear rose from everyone's heart!

General Zhentian realized what it was. He pulled out the Zhanlu sword around his waist and said, "The magician..." But his mouth was just invisible and closed, and there was no sound!

I also felt such a scene in the goddess! This is called 'quiet cage', which is one of the most basic spells of the magician. The most ostensible function of this spell is to create a quiet environment. Only the voice of the person allowed by the caster and the caster can be heard to avoid the leakage of the conversation. To this extent, it only achieves 'quiet'; and the magician with powerful spell power is launched' When the cage is quiet, a moment of silence will suppress people like a bird imprisoned in a narrow cage, which will make people lose control of their emotions and become at a loss. To this extent, it is a 'cage'! If combined with 'no light' and 'absolute', these spells that instantly block all senses can directly drive people crazy...

It seems that what she said is true! Sure enough, there are magicians participating in the exhibition. Will they come to kill themselves? The general thought that he held his sword and put it in place, looking around in a circle, very nervously and nervously. But the goddess's voice echoed in her mind again: "I will protect you... I will protect you..." The general's heart calmed down a little.

The color of the sky changed, and the dark sky suddenly turned red, like a flame burning and beating. A thin figure like a sword appeared in front of Mengyang's shield wall. The figure was wearing a scarlet robe and a scarlet demon hair. The whole person was full of evil spirit. The face was so perfect, as if the god did his best to put the best facial features in the world on his face... If it weren't for the ** chest muscles The outline of the meat lines is clear, and it is almost impossible to see whether this mysterious man is a man or a woman...

The sky above the man's head was rolling, as if it had been boiled. The low clouds rolled out of the red light, like a burning and jumping flame, emitting blazing heat. It's a strange feeling. In front of Mengyang's ten-foot-high shield wall and in front of Chi Nasi's invincible riding, this man's body is so small that it can almost be regarded as a trivial point. But it is this point that seems to condense all the powers, all the sacredness and all the majesty in the universe. Or, this man is the universe, the most eternal and unique one since ancient times! No one knows what terrible power is gathered in that thin body, like a vast ocean roaring. Even if all the warriors on this station gather together, they can't escape the fate of destruction... Such a terrible and absurd feeling.

Finally, the war horse couldn't support it. Despite the orders of the master on his back, the arrogant god fell down and knelt down. The warrior on the horse's back also knelt down as if he had lost his soul and bowed to the straight figure, like worshipping the world's most noble god... Mengyang's warrior Throw away the bow and arrow in your hand and kneel down!

Ten thousand people worship!

Except for those generals, the rest of the battlefield knelt down to the mysterious man's figure!

The man didn't seem to see these people kneeling down devoutly. His eyes were drooping, his perfect face was quiet and indifferent, and his lips were muttering in a clear mouth. His voice was strange and wonderful, like the mysterious spell chanting when sacrificing to gods in ancient times... But at this time, he was the god who stood in the clouds and looked down on the world...

The man moved, his body suddenly bent back into a bow, and the lines of his body were tight, like a full bow, red. The naked chest stood up, and the whole body emitted a fiery red light. His body is so bent that almost his waist is about to be broken. His body is burning and emitting flames like an ancient totem. The land around him was burned black...

Then the man straightened up, his eyes opened, and his pupils were blood-red. He stretched out an arm and pointed to the high shield wall - the small he pointed to the shield wall more than ten feet high? It looks ridiculous, but no one can laugh.

The man's sharp lips gently opened and closed, as soft as kissing the most delicate flowers. But this time everyone on the battlefield heard what the man said, and the sound sounded like an explosion in everyone's ears...

"Burning City--

A red flame gushed out from the man's fingertips, and then the flame turned into a phoenix and rushed to the shield wall. * At the moment it hit the shield wall, it made a huge explosion sound. Everyone with the dazzling red light could not open their eyes, and the blazing airflow swept out by the explosion directly blew the nearby warriors. Powder, even iron armor and * burned without trace...

The rolling heat wave is roaring and surging, as if to burn a hole in the sky. The dead silence also disappeared, and the sound of the explosion made people's heads buzz.

I don't know how long it took, the airflow finally stabilized, and the sky and the earth returned to the night. The red light and the strange man disappeared, as if nothing had appeared just now, but the land that was burned black was so dazzling, and the temperature of the burning sky and boiling the sea in the air was still so hot...

The frightened warriors looked up and took a breath. The air that had not yet dissipated breathed into their throats and coughed, but the light in their eyes was so frightened - the whole tall and indestructible shield wall was burned out a gap of hundreds of meters, and even the ecstasy wall behind the shield wall was burned to crack. , thousands of Mengyang warriors on the shield wall have no ashes left...

I don't know who was the first to wake up, turn over and jump on the horse, raise the knife and roared, "Kill, kill..." The whole Chi Nasi warrior was ecstatic and rushed to the huge gap in the shield wall and killed the undecided Mengyang warrior.

In another night sky, a beautiful woman was faintly surprised and whispered, "Three hundred years have passed, have you become so powerful..."