
Chapter 75 Lin Xi's first year

Mengyang, 29th year of Shenluo, October 15th.

The ancestral temple underground palace of the palace is housed with the spiritual positions and ashes of the emperors of Mengyang. Since the founding emperor 300 years ago, the spiritual positions of nearly 20 emperors have been placed together. The spiritual position of red sandalwood is the names of iron and silver hooks, which are arranged from left to right.

The spiritual position on the far right is the handwriting 'Emperor Wanyan Liunian', which is the founding emperor of Mengyang. The next one is 'Jiuyang', 'Blue Sea' and 'Qingxue' until the penultimate spiritual position. It turned out to be the name 'Anyang Emperor • Wanyan Gengchen' written in cinnabar. Everyone in Mengyang's history knows what a failed emperor this emperor was. With the humiliation of the royal family, he achieved the prestige of the 'God of War' of Chinas King Zhuo Litu at that time. No one even wants to mention this emperor. Thinking of such a humiliating history a hundred years ago, people can't help sighing.

Emperor Anyang was killed into the erratic city by the Chinas people, and even killed His Royal Highness Xing Zhuan. He signed a treaty of submission and tribute to Chi Nasi with a knife around his neck - almost died. Guo. zhi. Jun. So his name was written on the spiritual throne with scarlet cinnabar by later generations. It is to make the emperors of future generations not forget the national shame.

In a row of spiritual positions, the latest spiritual position at the end is also named with purple gold. Those words are 'Shinra Emperor Wanyanwu', and the luxurious purple gold shines like a star in the bright candlelight of the underground palace. The imperial ancestral training stipulates that only after the death of the emperor who has made great contributions to the empire can he burn his name and title with this luxurious purple gold. In 300 years, only a few emperors such as the emperor and the blue sea emperor can have such an honor.

But after the death of Emperor Shinra, his successor, Emperor Lin Xi, also asked for such purple gold for his father. The ceremonial officer even couldn't kneel down to oppose the emperor's resolution, because Emperor Shinra did not do well enough in his later years. The invasion of Chi Nasi is an example. Although Emperor Shinra made great achievements in the war in his early years, he personally fought to fight back the invading Chinasi people and carried out changes one after another. Mengyang's sluggish economy due to Zhuo Ligetu Chinasi a hundred years ago finally returned to the level of a hundred years ago, which can be said to be a remarkable achievement. However, this invasion was also caused by the emperor's old age and inaction. The life was ruined, and the imperial capital was bleaked. Therefore, the minister Si Li said that he could not use the same spiritual position as the founding emperor.

Emperor Lin Xi looked at the table, and his face looked very ugly. In court, he ordered the warrior's staff to kill the minister of Sili. The nearly 50-year-old minister was killed alive under the Golden Throne of the Starfall Hall, and the ministers did not dare to say anything. Ling Fenglie's death has made them realize that the new emperor is not rebellious, and sometimes speaking less can save their lives. Therefore, when the emperor ordered the staff to kill the minister of Sili, no one begged for mercy. They all lowered their heads and listened to the sound of breaking the empty air when the military stick waved, as well as the screams of the minister of Sili... And the emperor, with a graceful and elegant smile, sipping the white moon drunk in the wine cup and watching the minister of Sili being killed by the cane and the court.

What he wants is such an absolute sense of control!

Now, the young emperor is kneeling on the futon in front of these ancestral thrones in the ancestral temple, with a faint sadness. He is also the emperor and proclaims himself the 'Lin Xi' emperor! He has never explained to others why he uses 'Lin Xi' as his year. But literally, these two words are really meaningless. But for this young emperor, the combination of these two words is 'dream', and 'dream' is broken, which is 'Lin Xi'.

What he sticks to is a broken dream.

Since the death of his mother, then Empress Wenhui, he has been very sensible. Never argue with brothers, including fatherly love. He just thought humbly that as long as his father existed, it was enough for the four brothers to unite beside him. The four brothers will be like bundles of arrows, and no one can destroy them. I love my brother, brother and father so humbly, but I just hope that they can also care about him so that this big palace is not so cold. But he was wrong. His father was the famous Emperor Shinra, but as his sons grew up, he also grew old. He gradually tilted his power to his eldest brother Wan Tong Changlong. After all, he is the crown prince. There is nothing to question. At that time, he just made a wish that if the eldest brother inherits the throne, he will continue to follow the eldest brother. As long as the eldest brother is satisfied with him, they will continue to recognize him as his younger brother. Well, that's Hou's own mistake. When it comes to such a major event as the inheritance of the throne, what is the brotherhood?

Prince Wan Yu Changlong and the second prince Wan Yu Hongyun have been weakening his rights and crowding out his position around Emperor Shinra for fear that he will become stronger. They are afraid of this younger brother, including his father, who no longer cares about him, the third prince who lost his mother. When his father is old, he does not have enough power to suppress the ambitions of his brothers and the imperial ministers. His naive wish can only be thought about it.

This time, the Chinasi marched into Mengyang, and the huge empire was pushed to the front of the imperial capital by the enemy. My father did not have the courage to fight when he was young. The country was too rich, like a struggling fat man. The brothers are as timid as rats and do nothing. Only he can protect his dream. The wish to follow his brothers was also dashed. It's like a dream broken, and the word 'dream' is opened, isn't it 'Lin Xi'? His dream is broken, and the reality can only be borne by himself. He must be strong, and no one can take Mengyang away. For Mengyang, he can destroy anyone.

'Lin Xi' is just a broken 'dream'!

The emperor knelt in front of those spiritual thrones, his face was sad and calm, without the cold indifference of the past and the grace and luxurious feeling of the royal family. The whole person seems to have suddenly become ethereal. But those who can see his eyes can feel the endless loneliness and loneliness from those dark eyes, as well as the determination of thousands of miles. It seems that there is nothing in this world worth caring about, nothing to care about, only his own aimless wandering, a single ghost.

In front of these spiritual positions in the ancestral temple underground palace, he really felt how much pressure was on his shoulders and knew that he had died. Guo. zhi. How unforgivable you are - 300 years of inheritance can never be cut off in his hands, which is the bottom line after he became emperor. Next, it is Mengyang's expansion to the outside world. He wants the whole continent to have no more Mengyang Fanyang China Thought, but the unification of the whole continent!

Shura has cured his sepsis, but he still feels pain. This sharp tingling made him extremely sober and in an unprecedented good state. In front of the spiritual position of his ancestors, he was only full of self-confidence! He is eager to redivide the territory of the mainland with armor and swords. This desire has never been so strong. It seems that since he fought with the strongest warrior of Chinasi, he has suddenly found himself - it turns out that he is also a figure at this level! You can also take charge of the lifeline of the world, laugh and watch the stars fall and the moon float, put the sun, moon and stars on your shoulders, raise your hands and throw your feet, and the world is moving.

With such a confident feeling, he only felt that he had lived in vain for the past 20 years, and now he is the real him!

The emperor's hidden grip on the sleeve of the robe turned me into a fist, and his nails were deeply embedded in the meat without any pain, and his heart was full of enthusiasm. The flame in his chest seemed to burn the whole world to ashes, but the whole world seemed to not tolerate his fanatical flame.

The spiritual position of red sandalwood, the burning candlelight, the silent but fanatical emperor... The whole underground palace is indescribable. The momentum on Emperor Lin Xi seems to be a bull. Ghost. Snake. God is unwilling to approach. As soon as he gets closer, the flame in his chest will ignite it, as hot and terrible as hell.

The quiet underground palace remembered the sound of a doorl friction. The old servant who had been cleaning the underground palace all year bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the great master is ready to ascend the throne, and the ministers and nobles are waiting for you."

Today is the day of his accession to the throne. The emperor raised his head slightly, "um", then stood up, tidyed up his robes, and strode away. When passing by the old servant, he looked at the old and wrinkled face and said, "Guard this place. I can't come often. It's up to you to clean the incense here... For so many years, you have been guarding here. What reward do you want? Just open your mouth and don't be formal!"

The old servant looked at the emperor with cloudy eyes, and his mouth looked like a goldfish, which was indescribably funny. But the old man's voice is like an axe: "The old slave doesn't want any reward. The old slave began to stay in the underground palace of Wanyi's house since the 'Emperor Anyang', until your majesty is the fifth emperor. It is the glory of old slaves to be with these great emperors of Mengyang. How dare they ask for rewards? If you really want any reward, as long as your majesty can give Mengyang peace, that's enough!"

The emperor's heart was stunned, and Emperor Anyang began. Hasn't it been a hundred years? How long has this old man lived? Why has he been in the palace for so long and has never heard of this old man? It was also the first time I saw this old man when I came to the underground palace to comfort my father in the spirit of heaven.

The emperor looked at his persistent expression and suddenly felt very uncomfortable and said, "Is it peaceful for a lifetime? I'm afraid I can't give it... What I want is the whole world, so there will be wars, dead people, and many people will die. I can't give peace for a lifetime..."

The old man didn't say anything. He staggered past the emperor, picked up the broom leaning against the corner of the wall, and slowly cleaned it away. He didn't look like he was cleaning, but as if he was holding a broom in his hands to prevent himself from falling - the old man seemed to die at any time. But his cloudy eyes shone under the dim candlelight of the underground palace, which was terrible. He said hoarsely, "The old slave has stayed in this underground palace all his life, accompanying the ancestors of the Wanyan family, and ignored the war and strife you said... As long as it is quiet and peaceful here!"

The old man's words sounded a little contradictory to his own meaning. If it were usual, he would definitely order his execution. But the emperor couldn't bear to live with this old man. After all, this old man is too old. He is almost a relic of Mengyang's life for a hundred years. It's not easy for anyone to live, let alone a dying old man who stays in the dark palace all day?

That's all! The emperor sighed. He turned around and walked on the stone steps to the ground, but the old man suddenly stopped him and said, "I dare to ask your majesty, the fourth emperor of Mengyang, that is, the Bihai emperor who led 300,000 troops to the south bank of the Rilana River in the far north, compared with the emperor of Anyang, who let the Chinas people kill the palace of the erra city a hundred years ago. Emperor?"

Emperor Lin Xi's raised feet couldn't fall down, and he slowly stopped his feet. The sun outside shone through the passage of the stone steps of the underground palace, just outlining the straight outline of the emperor. The glazed dragon robe shines brightly in the golden sun. It seemed that the sun was specially shining for the emperor, and the emperor's face was still covered with dead gray, but the autumn sun shone on his face, shining like a diamond, as if it were the most beautiful thing in the world.

He whispered without looking back: "Emperor Bihai can only be regarded as a good emperor. He took 300,000 Mengyang warriors on the Northern Expedition, killing and wounding more than 200,000. In the end, less than 100,000 people came back alive. However, he only fought to the south bank of the River and scattered the grassland barbarians into six major tribes. Chi Nasi is the largest tribe among them. It took 50 years for the grassland barbarians to recover, which is a great achievement. But Mengyang also emptied the financial resources of the state treasury and did not recover for decades. In the end, the Bihai Emperor also suffered from the plague on the grassland and died miserably. So he is just an ordinary emperor.

His voice was determined and indignation, and he said coldly: "As for the Anyang emperor a hundred years ago, it was the shame of my Wan Yan family. He doesn't deserve the surname 'Wan Yan' at all, just don't mention it!" After saying that, he shook his sleeves and went up the stone steps against the light and left the underground palace. Outside the underground palace, a carriage has been prepared to pick up the emperor to attend the ceremony of ascending the throne.

The old man held the broom and froze, staring at the sunlight shining through the dome of the underground palace. After staying in the dark underground palace for a long time, he seemed to be afraid of light. Then the old man put down the broom, staggered to the spiritual positions, reached out and held one of them. He held the vermilion name on the spiritual throne with a wrinkled hand like orange peel, and couldn't help crying.


In history, this day was the day when Emperor Lin Xi officially ascended to the throne, but in fact, Emperor Lin Xi has taken over the empire for nearly a month. It's just that Chi Nasi's invasion made the young emperor hastily take over the emperor's robe, and the emperor wore the glazed dragon robe unexpectedly well. However, the achievements of repulsing the Chinas people and keeping the erratic city failed to hide the emperor's murderous side. In the next few years, he will kill the ministers of the generation of Emperor Shenluo in the imperial capital, replacing them with his own confidants. Thousands of ministers have been killed one after another, and the family will be killed.

Although the emperor never explained why he wanted to kill the relatives of ministers who had already expressed their submission, and also those ministers who had nothing to do with political officialdom. But historians boldly speculated that the emperor was afraid that those who survived would hate themselves and revenge themselves in the future. Therefore, simply cut the grass without leaving any roots. In fact, he is weak in his heart and afraid of these people who were killed by him. But the night of the wailing undead in the clouds above the city are the emperor's nightmares. How many times has the emperor woken up from nightmares!

However, Emperor Lin Xi is the most outstanding emperor in the history of Mengyang, which no one can deny. He used his sword to freely transfer Mengyang to the land, countless cattle and sheep on the grassland, precious wood in the south, and endless gold mines in the west... The life of Mengyang people became extremely rich... But the place pointed to by his sword was full of bones, the bodies of Mengyang warriors who followed him, and those Innocent poor people involved in the war.

Whenever people mention Emperor Lin Xi, they will whisper 'the owner' in a chill, and then keep silent and don't want to say half a word more. People have no love for this emperor who brings them endless wealth and glory, only full of fear!

Many years later, when Emperor Lin Xi was on the verge of death, he did not even have relatives and friends around the bed, only the submissive palace people and the sword that followed his life. He remembered again the day he ascended the throne. In the underground palace of the ancestral temple, the old man asked him, 'Which is the better emperor, Emperor Bihai or Emperor Anyang?' In fact, he has always been wrong. The useless Emperor Anyang, who was criticized by himself, was countless times better than himself in the hearts of the world, although Emperor Anyang almost died. Guo. zhi. Jun, and his own achievements in battle are outstanding, and his reputation is well-known in the four seas.

The twenty-ninth year of Shinra, October 15th, is the end of the Mengyang Shenluo calendar.

is also the beginning of Lin Xi's first year.

In the first year of Lin Xi, on October 15, Emperor Lin Xi officially ascended the throne and told the world that he would come from all directions.