
Chapter 77 Chess Game

The capital of the night country.

A corpse in black knelt on one knee, held his fists and said respectfully, "General, I still haven't found the body of the young general... The whole scout army and the 5,000-step warriors sent by the general have been looking for nearly 20 days, and nothing has been found!"

It's rare to see the general take off his armor and change into a moon-white robe. His dark waterfall-like hair is tied behind his head in a daze with blue hair. The hero between his eyebrows is quite less murderous and looks like a polite bachelor. The general paced back and forth with an indescribably gloomy look on his face. He stared at the scouts kneeling on the ground and said, "Can't you even find such a battlefield with 5,000 people and more than 1,000 scouts?"

The scout heard the dissatisfaction in the general's tone, quickly lowered his head and responded in a trembling voice: "General, my subordinates have dug the battlefield of Yining City three feet... There is indeed no body of the major general! However, it may be..." The scout's tone was a little hesitant and did not dare to say any more.

"Go on!" The general narrowed his eyes slightly and waved his hand to him not to worry about it.

"It is also possible that the body of the general has been corrupt. Even if the subordinates find it, they can't distinguish it... It's been 20 days now, and it's been raining for several days in Yining City, and the bodies on the battlefield who didn't have time to scatter white ashes are worms..." The scout said, carefully looking up at the general! In Mengyang, all the warriors are more afraid of the royal family of the city than the general of Zhentian.

The general looked gloomy. He couldn't find it for so many days. It should have been rotten... But there was still a trace of luck in the general's heart - what if Yuanhong hadn't died? But the king has told himself that Ye Yuanhong was beheaded and will definitely die! Even the life-saving lock on Yuanhong's chest fell into the hands of Prince Chi Naisi...

As a father, it is such a cruel thing to remember that his son's body slowly decayed on the battlefield full of crows and corpses! Although there are many warriors who end up like that, the general can't get through that hurdle in his heart. He loves this son very much in his heart! For a long time, he has wanted to do something to compensate this eldest son - when he was ignorant and deposed his son, he may not feel anything. But this child has grown up and knows more things. Knowing that he has deposed his own son means losing the whole night country and losing the status of a hereditary general!

I thought that the relationship between their father and son, as well as the relationship between Yuanhong and the Xingchen brothers, would be tense, but the eldest son was unexpectedly sensible and never argued with his brother. He did not cry or make trouble, as if he had accepted his fate. But the more Ye Yuanhong is like this, the more uncomfortable he is as a father, and the more he wants to compensate for his child! But now there is no more chance!

The general suddenly felt very tired, even more tired than after the war with the 100,000 Chinas warriors, and he couldn't even clenched his fists! A sense of loss. Even if he is a powerful general and moved by the mountains and rivers, even if he can be inseparable from the king of Chi Nasi, and even if his meritorious deeds have been famous for the emperor's 'Jiuxi', does it still make sense that his son is dead now?

He said weakly, "Look for it again..." The tiredness in his voice made the scout's heart sour. In the sonorous warriors, there will be times when they are soft-hearted. The harder it is, the more tender it is.

The scout stood up and bowed and retreated. In the empty hall, there are only the general's armor and sword. The light flowing from the autumn sun in October is like melted gold, but the general does not feel any warmth, as if his body is full of cold snow... After the war, he is physically and mentally exhausted, and his heart is full of cold...

The general slowly walked back and forth in the empty hall, like a prisoner trapped in this world, and walked without the unrestrained feeling of tigers and dragons as before, as if he was much older. For the first time, he felt this powerless feeling.

Since the invasion of Chinasi, the third prince Wan Yanjun was born, killed the prince and the second prince, and forced the death of Emperor Luo to take the throne. Yuanhong fell. In the first war between Yining City and Chi Nasi, Qiuyue tried to assassinate him and King Chi Nasi, and then the lord of Nanliang was assassinated, and then Shen destroyed Nanliang, and Shen Alliance with Chi Nasi, and then come down to attack the imperial capital with Shen and Chi Nasi, big and small battles, and the mysterious man in red who cut tens of thousands of wounds on his body by the neck. Up to now, Ling Feng has been killed and Ling Guo has been destroyed...

These things suddenly poured out, as if they were being pushed by an invisible hand, but they never knew who they were. He dared not imagine that someone was really using the whole territory of Mengyang as a chessboard to put a shocking picture. In this chessboard, those princes and emperors are all chess pieces, and even their own generals are chess pieces. It seems that the trajectory of life is controlled by others, and there is no way to disobey it.

Through these things, he can faintly see some outlines - someone wants to destroy all the vassal states and let Mengyang return to the rule of the royal family! After all, the lords of the vassal states jumped over the emperor's hearts, and in the eyes of the emperor, they were betrayed! Is it true that Emperor Lin Xi is in control of everything? How could the general imagine that this young man, who was only 20 years old and was an unpopular third prince a month ago, has such a mental strength? Even the general thinks that the emperor is a pawn... Does anyone want to use the emperor to control Mengyang first and then expand on Mengyang?

The location of Mengyang is actually very special. To the north is the barren and mountains, over the barren and mountains, it is the endless grassland in the far north, and the Hunjirina River, which is regarded as the river by the barbarians. In the south is an endless forest. However, few people know what a terrible existence is in the forest. Three hundred years ago, the founding emperor of Mengyang took 100,000 warriors into the forest called 'Dew'. In the end, less than 1,000 people escorted the Liunian Emperor back, and the Liunian Emperor died depressed a month after he came back... Mengyang is the sea, according to It is said that there are many magical races in the sea, and some islands even have countless wealth, and the other side of the sea is still a continent, even a prosperous place comparable to this continent. As for the east side of Mengyang, it is Fanyang. The Fanyang Dynasty is as powerful as Mengyang's dynasty.

Generally speaking, the Mengyang Dynasty, the Fanyang Dynasty, and the Chinas tribe represent the whole continent. And Mengyang is in such a position bordering all directions. If you get Mengyang, you can use it as a pedal to expand in all directions!

But the question is, who is planning all this? The general really can't figure out who is secretly promoting such a terrible thing. It seems that no one can stop all this. So many ministers and princes have died. Seeing that Mengyang's princes are only the night kingdom and Qiuyue, anyone who dares to disobey the scenes will be killed. This was really terrible. The general suddenly felt that he was extremely small... It was like a grain of dust and a grain of sand.

Shen Gulan, Ling Fenglie, Liang Anzhi, and the retreating Chi Nasi... Are these heroes in troubled times just chess pieces? Is this game as big as the night sky? They are the stars. When the stars rise, they will fall... And their dead son is not even a chess piece, just like an ignorant teenager rushing to join the adult regiment with a weapon. As a result, he was inadvertently hit by flying arrows and ended his life bleakly... It is meaningless.

The general wanted to shout out, but his throat seemed to be fiercely held by a claw and could not make a sound. There is an incomparable world-weary feeling rising from his heart. He doesn't want to think about anything, go to see, listen to... He just wants to lie alone in the field and sleep quietly facing the sky, and the weeds around him grow, sprout, bloom, then fall, then turn yellow, and finally cover with a layer of ice and snow... Over and over again... And he fell asleep like this. When he woke up, the world had been in a hurry for a hundred years, and the vicissitudes of life had changed. These things turned into loess and bones, and only he was the same as before... But this can only be imagined... It can only be imagined.

It seemed that there was light shining on him. The general turned around and saw a small figure standing at the door of the hall against the light. The soft autumn sun cast a golden halo around this thin figure, like the long hair of a waterfall fluttering with the soft wind, and the sun reflected colorful colors on the green hair. The figure stood there, holding the red gate of the palace, and stood quietly looking at the general, like an extremely beautiful god. That noble temperament is even more noble than the royal family.

I only heard a small voice softly: "Dad..."

In an instant, the general felt that the cold snow around him suddenly melted, and the surroundings were as warm as spring. Like the warm ring of fire, the extremely negative world-weariness just now has also disappeared, only full of tranquility and tranquility.

The general's gloomy face showed a gentle smile, a smile from the bottom of his heart. His face was like a flower blooming... He bent down, stretched out his hand, and smiled, "Stars, come..."

The child walked in, and his exquisite face suddenly reminded the general of the goddess - the two looked too similar, and even the general felt that when the stars grew up, he would definitely have the same face as his mother... But there was a palpitation in the general's heart. In front of him, the demonic man in a scarlet robe appeared, with the same delicate face, sharp laughter, dark red pupils... And he was so powerless on the battlefield of the south gate of the city, he was pinched in his hand by the man in red and cut countless wounds...

The stars are also very similar to the man in red... Especially the noble temperament... The emperors in the secular world can't match the sense of nobility...

The child came step by step, and the general suddenly felt that the goddess, the man in red, and the stars... All three of them are the same. They are both mysterious and powerful magicians and gods walking on the clouds. How can he, a mortal, want to be favored by God?

But the child still came step by step, stretched out his slender arm, and shouted softly: "Dad..." The general only felt a burst of comfort in his heart. He could no longer control so much. This is his son, flowing the blood of his night family! No one can take this child away.

The general smiled, reached out to hold the child's armpit, and raised him high above his head and rotated it. The child's happy laughter is as pleasant as a wind chime... The general smiled contentedly. How long has it been since he felt this long-lost joy of human family? Holding a sword and armor all day, even his heart became cold and hard. This warm feeling made him feel that this is the realm of Xianfu!

He slowly put the child down, and the child's excited face turned red and his hair became messy. Holding his waist and giggling, this 12-year-old son is so simple. He will laugh happily when someone accompanies him. When no one is around, he plays quietly and never cries. The general was a little sad. When he was busy, it was Ye Yuanhong who accompanied the child. Now Yuanhong is no longer, and Xingchen is also very uncomfortable... Seeing the child's excited smiling face now, the general suddenly felt distressed!

This child will stand high in the future and be a god admired by tens of thousands of people! The general can only hope that this child can grow up quickly...

The white skin of the night stars is like a piece of mutton fat jade, and the smile on the face is as touching as ripples. This is the best thing in the world!

The general held Xingchen's head in his hand and was about to say something, but there was a standing shadow standing outside the door of the hall. Those cold eyes looked directly at the general, and his flawless face was like the snowy mountains that never melted all year round in the far north. The child turned his head and shouted at the figure, "Mom..."

The child's face is extremely excited, because the three of them rarely stay together, especially when there are only three of them. Now that my parents are around, this is the best thing.

But Queen Baiyan waved to Xingchen, showing a dusty smile and said, "Xingchen, come here and go out for a while..." Her voice is rare to be so soft. Only when she speaks to Xingchen will she speak so softly.

The child's happy look was obviously gloomy, and there was a dying 'oh' sound. He slid out in his father's arms, waved to his father, and ran away.

The general looked at the figure of the night stars melting into the golden sun outside the hall, and then looked at the cold white face and couldn't say anything. It seemed that the appearance of Baiyan suddenly pulled him back from the happiness just now, and the heavy, tired and world-weary feeling surrounded him again.

The white and indifferent voice remembered and said, "There are some things that need to be made clear to you. Maybe you can understand who laid the situation and how insignificant you are... You can't stop it. I just want you and the stars to live, and I don't ask about the life and death of the rest!"

Her voice was like a sharp ice, straight into the general's ear. Faintly, a sense of fear touched the general's heart. He only felt that his heart hit his chest and jumped so powerfully!