
Chapter 82 Autumn Moon City Break

The earth under the autumn moon palace is shaking.

The faces of the Mid-Autumn Festival on the altar and the ministers watching the ceremony below have changed. This terrible sound was like a giant stamping his feet and pressing step by step. This terrible roar shook people's souls, and no one knew what else would happen. This is not an earthquake, and there is a great danger hidden in the shock. People have never heard this sound, like the sound of iron hooves galloping by, but it is far heavier than the sound of horses.

The ministers below could not see what was going on outside the city, but Feng Zhongqiu, who stood on the high altar, could see it very clearly. They saw thousands of moon-white armored warriors holding a one-meter thick and two-foot-long wooden bombarding the city gate. And the adobe wall with the gate collapsed under such a powerful force, and terrible cracks appeared on the wall that was not strong. Maybe the surrounding wall was blown open before the gate was broken.

The vibration became more and more violent, and a cloud of dust rushed up in the cracks of the stone slabs in the square, covering the sky, looking like a ghost crawling out of the cracks in the ground. Everyone turned their eyes to the direction of the gate, where the dust covered the sky and the sun blurred their vision on the smoke.

A palace man on the altar with Feng Zhongqiu looked at the angry night country light armor warriors in the distance, and his eyes were round, as if he saw the most terrible demons. He suddenly hugged his head and roared, "Yes... Yes... General Zhentian's light armor, I saw the blue feng feng zi flag of the night country..." The tragic voice was like an impala held in his mouth by a lion. His throat knot trembled violently, and everyone saw great fear in his eyes. The fear was planted in a person's soul. In the depths, jumping out can tear people's hearts to pieces.

The palace man waved his arms and jumped up and down like a wild dog. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't find a way. The altar was suspended for several feet, and he dared not jump down. His last voice almost cried, and then his whole body trembled and knelt down, as if he had seen the end of the world. What's ridiculous is that he has just been named 'Ye Mingshan' by Feng Zhongqiu. In Mengyang, even a sensible child knows what kind of power the word 'Ye Mingshan' represents. This is Mengyang's man with the most powerful force, and even a figure in the whole continent.

But now the real Yeming Mountain is coming, which even scares these ministers even more than the emperor. Ye Mingshan, this is the emperor of the army, the emperor in the army. The place where he came is the tragic scene of floating corpses for thousands of miles and bleeding. With the end of the war with Chinas, the news of the war in the imperial capital also spread to these remote vassal states. People have heard that General Zhentian hanged tens of thousands of powerful horses and resisted the attack of the iron cavalry with the weak division of the brigade. Moreover, General Zhentian was also given the emperor's 'nine tin', and only those who have made outstanding achievements are eligible for this award. Known as Mengyang's first general in 50 years, how can his arrival not make this group of rebellious ministers fear?

These ministers knew that their self-promotion as emperor would definitely anger the royal family this time, but they also knew that the empire had just fought with Chi Naisi and lost its national strength, so there could be no big move. After Mengyang recovers, their Qiuyue Dynasty will flourish and will no longer be afraid of the royal family. But they never thought that General Zhentian would come so soon and didn't give them any chance to enjoy...

The sad voice of the screaming palace man finally dissipated, like a vicious poison collapsed among the ministers, and the insects rushed into the bodies of the ministers. The ministers panicked and shouted sadly and fled for their lives. They know General Zhentian's wrist, and it would be good if he could die in the chaos. But if the general captures them alive and gives them to the royal family, it is a tragedy that life is worse than death. They are clear about the cruelty of Emperor Lin Xi...

The vibration of the earth is becoming more and more obvious, and the terrible bombardment seems to be directly in people's hearts, blowing the fragile defense line into powder.

The ministers rushed with their heads and bumped into each other. The small square of the palace was full of gold and silver jewelry, which became an obstacle at this time. Some ministers were reluctant to take these treasures into their arms, stuffed them into their belts, and even dug out those gems that were more precious than gold and threw them into an empty gold base. Chaos, chaos! Under the pressure of General Zhentian, these rural local tycoons exposed the most real side. No matter how Feng Mid-Autumn Festival shouts on the altar, they can't stabilize the chaotic ministers.

" put down your gold, put it down, and dare to touch your hand!" Feng Zhongqiu stood on the high platform and pointed to a minister who wanted to take away the 'golden boy holding koi' and roared. The ministers below looked up at him, and then they looked at each other and exchanged eyes. Then several people ignored the angry Mid-Autumn Festival and jointly picked up the heavy 'golden boy holding koi' golden eagle and fled.

Feng Zhongqiu roared angrily, like a short-ness of breath bull. Do they fly separately in the face of disaster? Is there less salary for these ministers on weekdays? Didn't anyone come out to help him at this time? What about Lu Miaobai? Where is he?

The panicked Feng Zhongqiu pulled a palace man's collar, pulled his fearful face in front of him, and roared at him: "Where are the guards guarding the city? What about my father's light armor gun? What about people? First, kill all these thieves..." He angrily shook his robe and pointed to the Qiuyue nobles who coaxed gold and silver jewelry under the altar.

The palace man was pinched in his hand like a kitten by the lord and replied submissively, "Your Majesty, you ordered the guards and light armored guns to take a three-day rest to celebrate the accession to the throne of the Lord of the country. Shinong, industry and industry are all like this..."

Feng Zhongqiu's face is as ugly as swallowing a fly. He threw the palace man aside and put his hands in his hair and howled angrily! Is it true that no one will help him anymore? These ministers now only care about themselves and don't care about him as the lord of the country at all, and Lu Miaobai and Lu Miaobai may have left early. This counselor has always been clever. It is estimated that he has calculated that the royal family will send troops. Has he escaped?

He stood up and looked around, but it was desolate. Messy people, panicked screams, miserable roars... Doomsday? The grand undertaking that originally ascended the throne broke like a soap bubble under the power of General Zhentian.

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the gate finally collapsed under the strong impact of the warriors, and the rising dust looked up to the sky like a khaki dragon. The huge gap on the wall was like a dam bursting dyke, and warriors with moon-white armor poured in like a flood. Thousands of blue feng feng zi flags connect these bloody warriors with the blue sky. If they are seen by the grassland barbarians, they will say that the Tengri gods are protecting these fearless warriors. As long as the sky does not collapse, these warriors will not fail.

Rushing to the front are hundreds of cavalry. The largest military flag among these cavalry is extremely conspicuous. In that flag, not only a blue fengxin is embroidered, but also the word 'night' with an iron- painted silver hook. Everyone knows who the warrior under this flag is. That is the whole Mengyang capital. The unbearable general Zhentian is the emperor of the army.

Feng Zhongqiu stared at the silver flood pouring into the streets and alleys of Qiuyue. Some slightly resisted Qiuyue warriors were twisted into debris without waiting to pull their voices. The vast light armored warrior held a broken armor gun, and a high bronze giant shield came like the autumn moon palace.

Even if the warrior of Qiuyue is still on duty, I'm afraid he can't stop such a warrior. These warriors who survived the most terrible heroic horseback with Chi Naisi have a strong evil spirit, like steel beaten by the most fierce refining fire, with a cold light and evil spirit.

Feng Mid-Autumn Festival felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole world was not real, and the huge killing sound made him dizzy. Today is the day to ascend the throne. Why is it like this? Didn't Emperor Lin Xi really give him any chance?

He looked at the blue sky above the autumn moon, and there were only a few clouds in the clear sky. Standing in the clouds, are there only people like Emperor Mengyang, Emperor Fanyang, King Chinasi, and Emperor Ye Mingshan? Can he only stand below and look up? Now they also have the opportunity to walk in the clouds and put the sun, moon and stars on their shoulders. Are these people so anxious to kick him down?

A crazy anger rose, and Feng Mid-Autumn Festival only felt that he was about to burn! He can kill Shen Gulan, a lion, and take the territory of the three vassal states under his command. The most important thing is that he has a unwilling heart. It has reached the stage of the sacrificial ceremony. How could he give up?

He no longer paid attention to the ministers who robbed the wealth under the altar, turned around and said to the ceremonial officer, "Continue to ascend the throne!" The voice suddenly became calm and powerful, with a sense of sadness in the tone, and a strong and a kind of irreverent persistence. In an instant, the ceremonial officer felt that the image of the national lord suddenly became taller.

The ceremonial officer nodded, cleared his throat, and said loudly, "Three sacrifices to the people, the well-being of the people can be learned from heaven!" This time, there was no sound of low cowhide drums, only the fighting sound of the approaching night warriors. And the Mid-Autumn Festival stood up straight in such a sound, like the savior of the doomsday, and like a reef standing on the shore for thousands of years, quietly bearing the erosion of the rage of the sea, which is eternal.

The Mid-Autumn Festival solemnly poured the wine glass in his hand, and the mellow wine dripped into a thin line along the edge of the wine cup. The three sacrifices of ascending the throne were finally completed.

The ceremonial official raised his head, took a deep breath, and shouted in the loudest voice: "After the sacrificial ceremony, the birth of the new emperor, the autumn moon, my emperor, my emperor, will not be replaced. The sun and moon are shining, the stars are shining, the waves of the sea, the sky is dark, the success of the new emperor, all the people come to worship..."

However, there is no scene of worship by thousands of people, only screaming ministers, no loud drums, only the fighting of warriors. But the face of the Mid-Autumn Festival is rarely resolute and vigorous, like a hard work with a tight string. What he wants is the phrase 'the birth of the new emperor'. Since then, he has also been a royal family, and he is also a high-ranking royal family like the 'Wan family'. From then on, his descendants of the surname 'Feng' are also the princes and nobles, and they are no longer pitiful and despised crops... No one can look down on him anymore, and no one dares to call him the peasantry style and call him a local tycoon in the countryside...

Feng Mid-Autumn Festival stood on the stage, opened his arms, and his golden robe danced in the wind, like a phoenix about to fly. His eyes were closed, as if smelling the rice fragrance in the wind, solemn and elegant. It was the first time I saw such an aristocratic temperament in him.

But the ceremonial officer only smelled a strong smell of dust and a trace of blood.

Suddenly, the Qiuyue ministers who had just robbed their treasures and wanted to leave were escorted back by several night warriors. The warriors kicked their legs and forced them to kneel down and hung their obscene heads. The ministers raised their heads carefully and looked at the lord standing on the high platform. The elegant feeling was something they had never seen before - the lord seemed to have changed!

The ministers wanted to ask the lord for help. Although they were timid to rob the wealth in an attempt to save their lives, their names were important... But before they could speak, their necks were locked with two knives crossed. As long as they moved a little, their heads would be cut off. The knife stuck to their necks, and there was a layer of goose bumps on their skin, and the sound could only choke in their throats!

More and more warriors with silver and white armor surround this small square like a cage. The sharp weapons pointed directly to the Feng Mid-Autumn Festival on the altar, dozens of steps apart, and the murderous face was painful. Feng Zhongqiu only felt the blood rushing to his face, and his feet were floating and almost fell down. He suddenly remembered that Shen Gulan was pointed at by tens of thousands of warriors with bows and long guns in the school martial arts field in the capital of Shen, and he was still heroic, and even stood still standing by dozens of arrows. It's really not as good as Shen Gulan! He smiled secretly.

The light armored warrior in silver and white armor shouted in unison, and the loud sound shocked the Mid-Autumn Festival with a burst of blood and impetuousness, and almost fell down. Then the warriors surrounding the altar separated and saw several blue fengxin flags lined up. The warriors holding the flag rode on the horse's mane that had never been built, and the pure black horse mane also fluttered in the wind. Such a war horse could be called the nobleman in the horse.

And the warrior in the front, who straddled on the horse, wore the moon-white armor, and the white bell on the helmet on his head chased the wind, and the moon-white brocade behind him floated like clouds. The dark pupils under the helmet are like two deep black holes, spraying thirty-nine days of cold from them!

Feng Zhongqiu looked at those eyes and only felt that his soul was forced out of his body in an instant. His lips tremled and muttered, "Night...Night Mountain..."