
Chapter 87 The General's Determination

The atmosphere in General Zhentian's palace is depressing and terrible, and it feels like brewing volcanic eruption-like power. If it really comes to the moment of eruption, everything around it will be destroyed.

"...I don't know what's going on. I feel that the surroundings suddenly turn scarlet. The sky is scarlet, mostly scarlet. I'm surrounded by incomplete corpses, full of broken armor... I seem to be dreaming, thinking of the stars as a scarlet demon... I thought as long as I could Killing this demon can end all this, but I didn't expect it to be the stars. I almost killed the stars! ...I almost killed him." Ye Yuanhong stood there, suppressed by two guards. Fine sweat oozed from his forehead, and he felt that his throat was very dry, his mouth was full of bitterness, and it was a little difficult to speak! But he had to say that because so many family executives around him were looking at him with alert eyes!

"Nonsense, a group of crazy words!" Ye Qingshan, who split his family, looked at him coldly and showed a shallow smile at the corners of his mouth! Forgive you, you can't escape the crime of murdering the son. What scarlet and demons are all absurd excuses for you to escape punishment. If the son of the world dies, who will benefit the most? Isn't it Ye Yuanhong? If the son of the stars dies, the position of your son will be restored. Isn't the position of the Lord of the Night Kingdom and the hereditary General of Zhentian all yours? Huh?"

Ye Yuanhong looked up angrily at Ye Qingshan. His uncle, who was second only to his father in the family, was always hostile to him, and it seemed that the hostility this time was getting deeper and deeper! Is it because he whipped his son Ye Xinghan more than a month ago? No, no, this uncle had a deep hostility to his father a long time ago! Did Ye Qingshan find an excuse this time and decide to push him into the abyss of eternal life?

He screamed fiercely, "I didn't want to kill Xingchen, I just... just suddenly got out of control! At that time, I didn't even know who I was. I just wanted to kill the scarlet demon, whose face, hair and eyes were scarlet devil!"

"Hmm! Ridiculous!" Ye Qingshan said meanly! Then he turned his head to the general sitting at the top and said, "Lord, I feel that the eldest prince has a ghost and deliberately murdered the prince. He should have stripped his military rank and imprisoned him, and then the minister of the department will hear it in detail! In my night calendar, it is a death penalty to murder the son!"

Other family ministers nodded one after another, quietly in line with Ye Qingshan's words! The atmosphere in the hall was extremely strange. Everyone seemed to stand on the side of Yeqing Mountain, and their eyes were full of expectations to see what the general did! I don't feel anxious at all, but it seems to be watching the fun! After all, they have been coveting the position of the general for a long time, but the status of the general is getting higher and higher. Since Ling Fenglie was killed, no one in the court can control him, and this time he has made contributions to resisting Chi Nasi, and the emperor even awarded the Jiuxi Award, which makes these important ministers of the night family unwilling!

This time Ye Yuanhong actually wanted to strangle Ye Xingchen. They were also happy to see the two young masters of the clan kill each other, especially the son of the kingdom... This is even more interesting. No matter how the general decides, it is inevitable to fall into the handle of asylum!

But they don't know how shocked the general is! The general sat on the high platform, and his dark eyes were full of unspeakable light. He looked at the stubborn look of his eldest son escorted by the guards and didn't know what to say!

The scarlet sky, scarlet hair, scarlet eyes, scarlet figure in Ye Yuanhong's mouth... How many times have these appeared in his dreams? In the battle of Piaowei City, the scarlet mysterious man broke through the defense of the three shield walls with tremetic spells! When he cast a spell, the world turned pale, and the grand scene of worship by the crowd is still clearly visible! I was even strangled by the scarlet man!

Is it Yuanhong who saved the mysterious man in red? Why on earth?

The general couldn't help reaching out and caressing his neck. That's it! His fingertips pressed against the Adam's apple and resisted the panic in his heart! The feeling of life being held in the hands of others is really uncomfortable. He can still recall the way his body was cut tens of thousands of knives and blood splashed several steps away! The man in a scarlet robe's face was full of blood... And blood splashed into his eyes. When he looked at the sky, the whole sky was also scarlet, right?

He knows what it feels like! Know what kind of fear it is!

The general didn't say anything for a long time, just looked down at Ye Yuanhong! Suddenly, an extremely powerful sense of fatigue gushed out, feeling very tired and depressed! It's like being held in the hands of others and can't get rid of it! He himself, Xingchen, and now there is Ye Yuanhong! Both father and son have encountered the mysterious man in red! And that man is the controller of the layout of the whole continent. He is working for Emperor Lin Xi! It is difficult for the general not to doubt whether there is any conspiracy behind this!

As a general of Zhentian, who is second only to the emperor's power, he only feels that he is nothing at this moment! My small size is like a chess piece, a grain of sand...

I thought that if I stood at the highest point of the empire, I could understand everything and not be afraid of everything! But after opening this space, you can poke your head out, and there is a larger unknown space outside, a wider darkness. It contains the most terrible unknown, like a fierce beast with a huge mouth, just waiting to swallow them!

"Lord, please enforce the law impartially and severely punish the thugs who want to murder the son of the world! The son of Xingchen is the foundation of my night country and the next lord. If there is any accident, how can my night country inherit it? Ye Qingshan stood up and said with a solemn face. When he spoke, he was righteous and waved sharp knives between his hands. Other Ye ministers around him nodded and echoed. They stared at the lord and looked at what the lord said! After all, Ye Yuanhong and Ye Xingchen are the sons of the country's lord. No matter who is punished, they are happy to see it!

The general's eyes glowed coldly. How could he not feel that these people were forcing him to use the family law to deal with Ye Yuanhong! But at that point, it's a death penalty! After all, the charge of murdering the son is too big for anyone to afford it! He looked at Ye Yuanhong, who lowered his head and didn't say anything, with a complex divine light in his eyes! His eldest son was lost and recovered. Will he lose it again now?

The general believes his son's words, but those family ministers will never believe it. Even if they know that Ye Yuanhong is telling the truth, they will not stand up and speak for Yuanhong! Just because Ye Yuanhong is his son! These families will not let go of any opportunity to hit the clan, not to mention that Ye Yuanhong is a very good disciple of the clan! It will definitely be the pillar of the clan in the future!

A determination appeared in the general's heart and said fiercely, "The guard let go of the eldest prince and retreat!" He glanced at Ye Qingshan, and his brother's face was full of forbearance!

The general can see that these branches are led by Ye Qingshan. They jointly forced him to deal with Ye Yuanhong and deliberately embarrassed him! The fierceness in the general's heart suddenly burst out. How could he succumb to these people? The general said gloomily, "I can't bear to part with my two sons!" No matter which one is disposed of, it is the loss of my night family! I believe in Yuanhong! I believe that he doesn't really want to kill Xingchen and won't punish him!" His voice is calm and powerful with the unquestionable majesty of the general!

Ye Yuanhong, who had just been disheartened, suddenly raised his head and looked at his father's serious face, speechless! He is very smart. He can see that the current situation is that these people are forcing his father. How much pressure does his father have to say so in front of such a hot person?

I suddenly felt that my father cares not only about the night stars, but also about himself! As his father just said, he and Xingchen are his sons! He can't bear it! But can such a reply satisfy the people around you?

Sure enough, Ye Qingshan immediately said, "Does the lord want to shield the criminals? If the son of the stars is really killed by this murderer, will it be like this? Is it because Ye Yuanhong is the leader of the young generation of my Ye family, even if he murders the son, he doesn't have to accept punishment? This is covering up and condoning! How can this traitor dare to kill the son of the world and even the future lord? How can others pay attention to it? As we all know, this traitor committed murder on the street more than a month ago and whipped my son Xinghan's face, leaving a scar that will not fade in his life. How can we stay with such an arrogant man? How can you allow him to continue to be arrogant?"

He said was so generous that he looked around and found that everyone around him nodded their heads in favor of him and became more and more arrogant! He looked up at the general sitting at the top, and the smile at the corners of his mouth became more and more obvious! He just wants to make Ye Mingshan not come down from the stage, but to revenge on him fiercely! Segregation, the clan is related to the inheritance of the head of the country and the position of General Zhentian. How can he easily count down such a great hatred?

But the general sat on the high platform, his eyes were full of cold light, and his dark eyes were like a tunnel, staring emotionlessly! The general is laughing, but he is actually sneering! What's ridiculous? But the coldness in the general's eyes made him feel timizable - Ye Mingshan has always pressed him with momentum, no matter when, it has been like this since he was a child! Now Ye Mingshan is the general of Zhentian, the lord of the night country, and the most powerful person in the whole Mengyang. This sense of humility is even stronger! How can he stand this?

But the general said fiercely, "Ye Qingshan, you are a traitor and a traitor. What does this mean? Ye Yuanhong is the noble son of my Ye family, not a traitor! You are a branch family. Generally speaking, the eldest son of the clan is higher than yours. What right do you have to say that he is a traitor?

Ye Qingshan's face suddenly turned red - no one had ever talked to him like this! Never! Still in front of so many people, it's worse than hitting him in the face! He looked at Ye Mingshan and saw his dark and cold eyes staring at him, mercilessly, as if staring at the death row prisoner!

"Ye Yuanhong is my son! I believe him! I believe that the war is too cruel, and my son is too young to bear those, so he lost his mind! Killing the son is by no means his intention! I believe in my son! That's enough! Today's thing passed like this. I don't want to hear anyone mention it again!" The general's voice was terriblely cold, like a fierce snowstorm blowing through the whole palace, taking away the body temperature of everyone, leaving only the cold heart.

"You all retreat. Three days later, the reception banquet for the eldest prince will still be held, informing the nobles of Mengyang, the famous ministers of the imperial capital! Invite me to come together!" The general said harshly, and the momentum of pointing out the rivers in a high position suddenly overwhelmed these night ministers! For the general, they still have a heartfelt fear, fear of his force and his momentum!

Seeing that the country took the initiative to be angry, they couldn't say anything! In fact, Ye Qingshan did make a fuss. This matter can be treated as a family matter, but his jealousy for the general made him insist on making things more difficult and embarrassing the general, but he couldn't let himself step down!

The ministers filed out, and Ye Qingshan stayed at the end. He forced himself not to give in and looked back at the lord coldly! The two people's eyes seemed to burst into sparks. Ye Qingshan said indifferently, "You are always so arbitrary and arrogant, just like you insisted on abolishing the throne of Queen Ling Yunyao 12 years ago and marrying the white face of unknown origin as queen!" After all these years, you are still so arbitrary! I still remember that when you insisted on marrying that white face, you were so angry with your mother. Ye Mingshan, you are still as domineering as ever!"

The general's look suddenly became ferocious, as if he wanted to kill Ye Qingshan with his eyes! He has never mentioned this history to anyone, and no one has said it! That's the thing he regrets the most, something he never wants to mention again!

I only heard a low voice in the general's throat: "Get out!" Fire is going to spit out in your eyes!

Ye Qingshan glanced at him and strode out, leaving Ye Yuanhong and Ye Mingshan in the hall!

The general seemed to get old all of a sudden, leaning on the throne on the high platform, without saying a word, quietly looking at the dome of the palace, his eyes were blurred and shining!

Ye Yuanhong wanted to say something, but the general reached out to stop him! The general's tired voice sounded, and the awe-in momentum just now seemed to have been emptied all of a sudden! You are my son, and you are as important as the stars in my heart! Especially in the days when you thought you died... Don't worry, your uncle Ye Qingshan is just deliberately embarrassing you, but no one can take away my son, even if he wants to offend the whole world!"

The general's decisive voice echoed in the hall, like a muffled thunder in the dark clouds in summer, and like a low sigh! It only makes people feel lonely!