
Chapter 98 Tenfang Tianluo

Mengyang, the first year of Lin Xi, on the morning of October 24. Night King's Palace.

The eldest prince Ye Yuanhong yawned and sat up from ** and only felt that he had a long sleep. It seems that I not only slept all night, but also slept for a long time. He shook his head and felt a little headache. Maybe it was because he slept too long, and he didn't care too much. This kind of thing has happened. Sometimes after marching and fighting for several days, and then having a good rest and sleeping, you will feel this feeling of fatigue and headache.

He turned his head and looked out of the window at the hazy morning fog. The pale sunlight lit up the misty fog, as pure as milk. He smiled and was in a good mood, so he turned his head. Suddenly, he suddenly found a gap in the transparent crystal on the window, which seemed to have been shot through by something, but he could not tell whether it was from the outside to the inside or from the inside. He lifted the quilt covering his body, got out of bed wearing only his coat, and walked to the window with his boots under his feet hooked up.

There seems to be something wrong in the room, but I can't say that it has changed! He looked around at the layout and always felt that there was something different and awkward! He walked to the window and opened the window. The morning mist suddenly poured in, with the unique cool atmosphere of the morning, and his mind couldn't help but be refreshed. He looked at the old willow tree outside the window. The branches with fallen leaves hung softly and swayed in the early morning wind. The ancient willow tree actually felt a little elegant and light! If the willows germinate in spring and the whole are green and fluffy, it will be even better!

Ye Yuanhong took a deep breath against the incoming morning fog and felt that his heart was full of cool and natural breath. The smile on the lips is gentler! After seeing the frightened and contemptful eyes of the people in the palace, now he can feel the softness of the morning, which makes him feel much better!

He turned around and walked to the house, and the smile on his face suddenly stiffened. Finally, I knew that there was something wrong in the room - it was the smell, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air in the room. It should be that he slept all night in such a bloody room and was used to the smell in the room, so he didn't realize the smell of blood from unknown origin when he woke up just now. Now that I breathe the cleaning air outside, there is a comparison, and I immediately notice this difference.

He reached out and took the robe hanging on the wall and put it on himself. His eyes couldn't help but become sharp and slowly swept through every space in the room. Suddenly, I felt that the dark room was like a cemetery, full of unknown! There is a feeling of uneasiness in my heart!

He looked back at the round gap in the window again and felt more and more uneasy. Is it caused by the hidden weapon? Did someone launch a hidden weapon outside and kill someone? Suddenly, there was a great panic in his heart. Usually, there will always be at least two samurai who come out in person, even when they sleep, but when they wake up today, they don't see the two warriors, but the faint smell of blood in the air is particularly real. Is this bloody smell the two warriors? Someone killed the two warriors guarding by his side?

Ye Yuanhong can't hesitate any longer and must tell his father about this. Assassins may lurk in the palace and silently kill the samurai who came out of his father in person, which is definitely a terrible role.

What if the mysterious assassin assassinate others again? There was a chill in his heart and he rushed out of the house!

A man dressed in scarlet robe suddenly flashed in front of the quiet window. His fiery red hair fluttered in the air, like a beating flame. His white face was full of smile, but his scarlet eyes were full of stubborn meaning. His red lips moved and whispered, "Good boy, do what I ordered!" Ha ha, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Wow..." His dark red eyes narrowed into a slit, forcing a cold kill. He suddenly moved his eyes to the old willow tree and said coldly, "Get out, don't hide!"

His voice is more ethereal and cold than the morning fog, but with unquestionable power. It's hard to imagine that such a beautiful man can have such momentum. His dark red eyes stared at the old willow tree, as if he could penetrate the willow tree and see what was behind him.

"The great master is really powerful, and I didn't expect to be discovered by you!" A smooth and soft voice sounded, and then a figure flashed out from behind the willow tree. It turned out to be the brother of General Zhentian, Ye Qingshan. His face, which was very similar to the general, was full of smiles, but the smile looked like a mask stuck to his face. There was no smile in his dark eyes, and he stood not far away and looked at Shura. Then hold your fists and slowly bow down to salute.

He said very politely, "Please forgive me for taking the liberty! Distinguished Master, my scouts are monitoring Ye Yuanhong every day. At night, my scouts saw you kill two warriors by extraordinary means! They reported to me immediately, and by the time I arrived, you were gone. But I have been here, because I know you will appear again!"

Shura looked at him with an interesting look on his face and said, "General Ye Mingshan hates me very much. As his brother, you are so polite. I'm curious and curious... According to your human feelings, shouldn't my brother stand by his brother!"

Ye Qingshan was surprised for a moment and muttered 'You human beings...'. Isn't Shura, the great master, a human being? At Ye Yuanhong's banquet, he saw the great master take his majesty back dozens of meters in an instant to avoid the spell of white face. Are Shura and Baiyan the same kind of people? In so many years, he also knew something about Queen Baiyan.

The surprise on his face was only for a short moment, and he immediately turned into a sweet and greasy smile, saying, "Although I am the brother of Ye Mingshan, I am not on his side. After all, my brother is too weak to have the courage to do great things. What is there to care about a weak person? I have drawn a clear line with him in my heart! Just like Emperor Lin Xi, didn't he kill his two weak brothers before he became emperor? Compared with the hegemony of the dynasty, what is brotherhood?

Shura's dark red eyes were slightly happy and said lightly, "Interesting, interesting! You are a poisonous snake. It's so interesting!"

Ye Qingshan just smiled, and then there was a burning light in his eyes and said, "Dare to ask the great master, will your majesty destroy Ye Guo?" He looked at Shura's white and clean face, and the method was to engrave this face in his heart!

"That's right! Come on, it's only a few days!" Shura said that his smile was getting stronger and stronger, because he already knew why this person came. He likes such a person the most!

"Dare to ask the great master, if General Zhentian dies and the night country is destroyed, who can rule these 100,000 light armored brigades? You should know that most of the strongest warriors on this 100,000 mainland are from the night country! In their hearts, they are only loyal to the night family and only to the general Zhentian. I dare to assert that if General Zhentian dies, no one can control them! If they knew that it was the general killed by the royal family and destroyed the night country, it was difficult to say whether they would be loyal to Mengyang or even counterattack the royal family! May I ask, can Mengyang, who has not yet recovered, bear the power of the light armored brigade and Chi Nasi's vigorous riding? Ye Qingshan said that he spoke slowly and loudly, like a horn in the fog. This is to leave enough time for the great master to think, but he found that the great master was still looking at him with a smile, as if he already knew what he was going to say! The dark red eyes were extremely bright and dazzling, and the light inside seemed to burn him.

He couldn't help bowing his head to avoid the eyes of the great master, and then said, "The great master and His Majesty are both great revengers. Even if you kill these 100,000 warriors directly, it's not a big deal. But please think about it, instead of killing these 100,000 people to weaken yourself, why not take these people into the royal family? My brother doesn't want to hand over these 100,000 warriors to the royal family, and even wants the night country to be detached and ignore Mengyang! Although such a heart is not a betrayal, it is offending the majesty of the royal family! Therefore, instead of killing my brother, it's better to let another person replace him, let another person who listens wholeheartedly to the royal family replace him, dominate these 100,000 soldiers, and put him under the royal family!"

"Then will you say that this person who can replace General Zhentian and is loyal to the royal family will stand in front of me?" Shura said with a faint smile!

The pupils of Ye Qingshan quickly shrank, like a beast. His voice suddenly became less smooth and soft, but extremely low, saying, "Yes, I want to replace Yeming Mountain. I want to stand high, and I also have a heart that is unwilling to be under others. I don't have to be bad at night, just because he is a clan and I am separated, just for this stupid reason. I want to stand at the top. Stand side by side with you and the great majesty. With that, he actually knelt down with a flutter, kowtowed heavily, and said, "Please be a great master!"

Sura stood there unmovedly and smiled and said, "Interesting, really interesting!" With that, he strode over, looked down at the kneeling Ye Qingshan and said, "Lift up and look at me!"

Facing Shura's red eyes that were about to bleed, he slowly raised his head and looked at Shura expectantly.

Sura stared into his eyes and said, "Do you want to stand at the highest place and stand side by side with us and whip the world?" But I can't see sincerity in your eyes. I only see full of greed, desire, cunning and a stubbornness... The right is not to kneel here and beg others to give alms to you! If you want, first prove your ability, prove that your heart is higher than others, prove that you are qualified to stand side by side with us, and prove that you are different from them!"

Ye Qingshan's dark eyes looked at him stunned, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Don't look at me like that. Stand with us and take charge of the lifeblood of the world, which proves your heart and your ability, let me see!" Shura said. His hand hidden in his sleeve twisted out a fingerprint, and then the whole person turned into a red light and suddenly disappeared. Only Ye Qingshan was left kneeling there alone.

Ye Qingshan put his hands on the ground and clenched his nails on the ground. The nails scratched white marks on the bluestone ground, and the powerful nails cracked and oozed dark red blood!

Ye Yuanhong walked quickly through the palaces. He had to find his father and tell him about it. When passing by Queen Baiyan's palace, he couldn't help slowing down, and he didn't know why he stopped. He looked at the palace, and his eyes suddenly became dull and looked like a stone statue. Suddenly, it hurt as if something was rolling in his head, and his mind was buzzing. He looked at the palace, and his eyes suddenly turned blood red, with a ferocious and tyrannical light like a beast.

The skin on his face suddenly bulged one by one, as if something was going to break out of the skin on his face. Not only the bulging on the face, but also the skin hidden in the clothes bulges one by one. The skin on those bulges is getting thinner and thinner, and the skin at the top of the bulge is even weak and transparent. Then a terrible scene happened, and the bulges suddenly burst out, and insects struggled to crawl out one by one. The dark red bug crawled out of Ye Yuanhong's body like sucking blood. Ye Yuanhong's body seemed to be full of worms, as if cutting off the skin, which was full of worms.

After these drums were broken, the bugs creaked out, and then the broken skin returned to smoothness. It's just that these insects are connected to a thin silver thread at the end, which seems to be drawn from his skin, which is tremly and terrible.

These bugs climbed down from Ye Yuanhong, with a thin silver thread on each buttocks. The bugs quickly climbed to Queen Baiyan's palace and lay down along the wall with bricks and tiles. The bugs crawled, and the silver threads on their bodies were densely intertwined, wrapping the palace of Queen Baiyan like a net. The insects kept crawling, and the silver thread became denser and denser. On the eaves and palaces, the walls were full of fine silver threads. Queen Baiyan's palace is like being wrapped in silver silk cocoon!

Then the bugs used up the silver thread, climbed down from the palace, and crawled back close to the ground like Ye Yuanhong. The bugs crawled along his feet all over his face, bit his skin and got in, and then the skin healed as before. The last bug was a half scarlet centipede, which penetrated from Ye Yuanhong's forehead like abrupt into her head...

After the centipede's last abdomen and foot got in, Ye Yuanhong's dull eyes suddenly recovered. He scratched his head. What's wrong with him? Why did you stand here for so long? As if he couldn't remember anything, he turned around and continued to walk to the general's palace...